Can Houston Secure a Road Victory Against NY Jets?

  • last year
00:00 [upbeat music]
00:03 - That's a big number for Houston possibly
00:04 on the road with a six spot.
00:07 - No, it's not because they have a quarterback,
00:09 a legitimate quarterback.
00:10 And you're talking about, you know,
00:11 they go round and round and love will find a way.
00:16 Just give it time.
00:17 Wasn't that that song back in the day?
00:19 - Yes, Rats.
00:20 - Mafia and Pharrell probably remember.
00:22 Yeah, there you go.
00:23 Yeah, there you go, right?
00:24 Well, all I can tell you is this,
00:26 you know what's funny is that,
00:28 and I like it because, you know, we bash the Jets
00:30 any opportunity we get.
00:32 The reason why Zach Wilson was in New York
00:35 because Joe Douglas watched one game
00:39 during his college career.
00:41 And he faced off against gutless Dana Holgerson and Houston
00:45 and he beat them on a Thursday night.
00:47 And that was the end all be all for great Joe Douglas
00:51 in terms of the evaluator of the quarterback position.
00:54 So you know what?
00:55 Stick it to him, you know?
00:57 Cut everybody.
00:58 There's no way the Jets are gonna win this game
01:00 after they lost 13 to eight to Des Ritter.
01:04 The CJ Stroup could throw for about 300 on that defense.
01:07 And that defense for Houston could definitely turn over
01:11 anybody they play, including Brett Rippon.
01:13 They're not winning this ball game in any capacity.
01:15 Let's go over though.
01:17 Let's go over Houston and take the Texans lay in the six.
01:22 - It's actually down to five and a half right now, Joe.
01:24 And the total's 33.
01:27 - 33 flat.
01:29 - Harvey, you're telling me that Houston can't score 21?
01:33 (upbeat music)
01:36 (bells chiming)
