Mafia, Razzante: "Infiltrazione nel web nuovo modello di controllo del territorio"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Per le mafie l’infiltrazione nel web è il nuovo modello di controllo del territorio” per questo motivo “stanno conquistando il digitale. Il mafioso medio vuole stare su internet perché su internet c’è un nuovo mercato legale ma soprattutto illegale”. Lo ha detto all'Adnkronos Ranieri Razzante, componente del Comitato per la strategia sull'IA della Presidenza del Consiglio, a margine del convegno su 'Le mafie nell'era digitale' organizzato a Palermo dalla Fondazione Magna Grecia.


00:00 After winning the physical, they win the digital.
00:03 This is the first egocentric projection of the average mafioso.
00:08 The mafioso wants to stay on the internet because there is a new market on the internet.
00:13 There is the legal market and above all there is the illegal market.
00:17 So it is clear that the turning point of the digital mafias is to talk about the digital mafia.
00:26 For them it is advertising. It is like the hacker. The hacker who attacks and does not ask for ransom.
00:32 Many ask me, "Why don't they ask for ransom? What did it do to them?"
00:36 To resell the image. And how to stay in the traps.
00:40 The infiltration of the traps was needed to control and serves to control the territory.
00:44 The infiltration on the web is the new model of territory control.
