Lanao del Sur Rep. Zia Alonto Adiong | The Source

  • last year
A powerful blast kills at least four people attending a mass in Marawi City. The government vows to go after the perpetrators to bring justice to the victims.

Lanao del Sur Representative Zia Alonto Adiong joins us in the program.

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00:00 Welcome to The Source where we combine the headlines with in-depth conversations with
00:06 the newsmakers themselves. I'm Pinky Webb. Today on the program, a powerful blast kills
00:12 at least four people attending a mass in Marawi City. The government vows to go after the
00:17 perpetrators to bring justice to the victims. Lano Del Su representative Zia Alonto-Adion
00:24 joins us in the program. And later, over 135 Chinese militia ships spotted swarming the
00:31 Julian Felipe Reef. Philippine Coast Guard spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea Commodore
00:35 J. Tariella tells us more later in the program. At least four people were killed and dozens
00:50 were hurt after an explosion ripped through a Sunday mass at a gym in state-run Mindanao
00:55 State University in Marawi City. President Bombo Marcos condemned the attack, which he
00:59 said was carried out by foreign terrorists. He also vowed justice for the victims and
01:04 urged the public to remain calm. The police is increasing its patrols and intelligence
01:09 gathering in Mindanao and even in Metro Manila as a precautionary measure. Let's go straight
01:14 to the source of the story. We have Congressman Zia Adion. Congressman, welcome to The Source.
01:19 Thank you so much for your time. Thank you, Pinky. Good morning. Thank you for having
01:24 me. Tragic congressman, what happened there? They were just attending a mass and something
01:31 like this happens. Last we heard, four dead and over 50 injured in that bombing. Is this
01:36 still the number that you have, sir? Yes, that's according to the number that we got
01:44 from the APMC. This is the hospital where the victims were transported and rushed to.
01:49 39 of them have already been discharged. Only a few minor injuries while the rest, I think
01:58 seven of them or five of them undergone medical procedures. So yes, four of those who attended
02:05 the Sunday service unfortunately perished in the bombing. Have you spoken to the family
02:13 of the victims? Well, I'm in Manila right now because I have to attend a session. We
02:21 are to, I think, to ratify the result of the bicameral conference on the 2024 budget. But
02:29 my staff are there. They were there yesterday. I asked them to go to the hospital to gather
02:36 information from the victims. And even the governor also, the governor of Lana, Trasil,
02:42 was there supervising and personally monitoring at the hospital the condition of the victims.
02:49 But I happened to speak to one of them and he happens to be a student. And basically
02:57 he thanked us for the immediate response that we did yesterday to the victims.
03:03 I know that you were interviewed also yesterday and you said that you are in close coordination
03:08 with the AFP and the PNP. What have they told you so far?
03:12 Well, apart from the initial investigation that they conducted, there were forensic examinations
03:19 they deployed SOCO, I guess, as you can see on the screen. And I happened to talk with
03:26 General Browner regarding this. In fact, he informed me that today they will be having
03:32 the common conference in Marawi City precisely to discuss about this matter, about this recent
03:38 bombing attacks. And apart from the information they have released to the public, there's
03:46 no other information that they have shared to me, except that they haven't been able
03:55 to pinpoint exactly who are the responsible individuals or group behind this attack.
04:03 Any information if it was an IED or a grenade?
04:07 That's the initial report that we received. It was an IED, according to the... But then
04:13 I watched the briefing.
04:15 Yesterday?
04:16 Yesterday. Yes, Secretary Chidoro with the PNP and the AFP. The report actually is inconclusive
04:27 to say exactly whether the bomb was used as an IED or not. If I heard it correctly, it's
04:34 a 666 mortar. I'm not familiar with the terminology, Pinky, but I think they have to come up with
04:41 the official statement whether it was an IED or something else.
04:46 Yesterday also you said, let's not mince words, you said this is a terrorist attack.
04:51 Yes.
04:52 Yeah.
04:53 This is indeed a terrorist attack. Well, if you look at the degree of damage, I mean,
05:03 the Maporo gym can actually accommodate, I guess, over 2,000, more than 2,000 persons,
05:09 individuals. And you can see there the damage. And apart from that, there were several, many
05:16 of them, actually four of them died instantly. And more than 40 of the individuals who attended
05:25 the service have caused injuries, you know, have attained injuries. So you can see the
05:31 damage and the intent of the attack, which is basically to cause harm to a specific group
05:38 of people. And to my, and that definition alone, as we can, as we saw yesterday, that
05:45 definition alone falls fitly to a terrorist act, a terroristic attack.
05:51 Yeah. Who are the likely suspects here? Because it's a little, I guess I would say confusing.
05:59 I hope you don't mind, because during the command conference, during the press conference
06:05 yesterday, wherein Secretary Gibote, your daughter was there, AFP General Bronner was
06:10 there, et cetera. And the president also coming out and saying that foreign terrorists were
06:15 behind this attack. But I didn't seem to get that kind of words or description from Secretary
06:26 Gibote nor General Bronner. Or could I have been mistaken, sir? Is it a foreign terrorist?
06:32 Is it not?
06:33 Well, I, when the president has access to classified information, which are basically
06:42 not readily available to the public. And so perhaps the president was just talking on
06:48 the position that what happened in 2017 in Marawi, and to, you know, to base the attack
07:00 on the previous incidents that we had involving foreign entities, it may be that reason that
07:08 the president came out with that statement. But then again, I was watching the interview
07:14 of Secretary Gibote yesterday, and there was an insinuation there that foreign entities
07:21 may be involved. Being curious, let's remember during the Marawi siege in 2017, there were
07:28 quite a number of foreign terrorists involved in the attack, in the siege. And in fact,
07:34 General Bronner, after the Marawi siege happened, when the liberation was declared, immediately
07:40 he was assigned as a brigade commander of the 103rd Brigade stationed in Lanao del Sur.
07:45 And he was responsible for running after the remnants of the terrorist organization. And
07:50 there were quite a few terrorist foreign entities that were involved in the sporadic attacks
07:55 that they conducted to cause terror, not only in Lanao del Sur, but even the neighboring
08:02 provinces of Lanao del Norte, even Baguio-Danube. Prior to this attack, we received information
08:08 that there was an operation conducted by the EFP in Baguio-Danube. And so everything is
08:13 connected here, Pinky, we're talking about the presence of global international terror
08:18 networks. So I guess the president was talking on that position. And yeah, again, I said,
08:25 the president has access to classified information that nobody really has a hand on over it.
08:30 So well, we cannot discount the fact that this might be connected with the 2017 Marawi
08:36 siege, where foreign terrorists were involved.
08:38 So 2017 Marawi siege, I want to actually go back to that. That happened, horrible incident
08:46 in 2017. In 2023, this happens again in Marawi. And in the middle of a service, in the middle
08:57 of a mass, what is that trying to prove or even tell us?
09:04 Well, basically, the intention really of this radical organization, extremism is to stall
09:12 division and this unity among peoples, especially in Marawi City, where there is a thriving
09:20 and healthy relationship between Muslims and Christians. And so it has been their objective
09:29 and their mission, I guess. It's not only in the Philippines, but all over the world
09:34 to make it appear that this is a religious war, which is basically not. It's far from
09:40 it. It is purely a criminal and terroristic act. We believe in our religion that to kill
09:47 an innocent human life, a person, is tantamount to killing humanity in its entirety. So I
09:56 guess we should not be fall prey to that kind of narrative that they're trying to espouse.
10:03 This is something that I think, this is something that they also wanted to pursue in terms of
10:11 dictating what would be the relationship between the minority Muslims in the Philippines and
10:15 the majority Christians, trying to capitalize on the minority sense of being Muslims, being
10:24 a part of this country. So I guess it was deliberate in a sense because they know that
10:32 we are currently, this week, observing the Mindanao Week of Peace. They might want to
10:39 send a message across that they want to feel their presence, that despite the operations
10:46 from our troops, they want to send their pressures that they are, though small of them, are still
10:52 operating or still there, they still want to send a message that they are still capable,
10:58 though minimal in numbers.
11:00 You know, yesterday also, the officials were asked about any possible similarities with
11:06 what happened in Mindanao State University, the bombing there, and the Holo-Sulu bombing
11:12 in 2019.
11:13 Exactly.
11:14 Yeah. What can you tell us about that? Just looking back, back then, I believe about 20
11:21 people were killed. Was there any similarities that you're seeing?
11:27 Well, if we compare the attack between the Sulu attack and the bombing here in Mindanao
11:36 State University, it's safe to assume that the target has, the target, both the Sulu
11:43 and the, yesterday in MSU, have similarities, both conducted in a mass, targeted against
11:52 a particular group of people. So I say this is something that the terrorist organization
11:58 want to capitalize on, you know, trying to divide between the Muslims and the Christians,
12:09 which basically should be the thing that we need to oppose. And the way to oppose that
12:13 really is not to fall prey to this kind of narrative, fall victim to this kind of narrative,
12:21 that we may not be able to really foster a more solid understanding between and amongst
12:28 ourselves. So I guess the thing that we need to do is to come out from this stronger and
12:35 more united in our call for, you know, call for unity and understanding and tolerance
12:42 between and amongst ourselves. Yes. And peace. So I see there's a similarity. I can see the
12:47 similarity because it targets a specific group of people connected with a specific group,
12:54 specific religious belief. And also it was discussed yesterday, I think it was General
13:00 Bronner who actually said that what happened in Mindanao State University was a possible
13:07 retaliation. I know you mentioned this a while ago, on the series of military operations
13:13 that were conducted where 11 members of the Dawla Islamiyah were killed in Maguindanao
13:21 and Abu Sayyaf leader Mundi Sawadjaan also killed in Basilan. And he, I think he's the
13:27 one I believe to be behind the brains, to be the brains behind the Holo Cathedral bombing.
13:33 So the AFP is saying this could have been a retaliation. Well, Pinky, I think the AFP
13:42 is trying to, trying to keep everything possible in terms of, you know, in terms of the investigation
13:51 and so far as getting through the real culprits behind this attack. They are, I think the
13:59 part of that investigation really is to appreciate the past incidents that happened. And there
14:06 could be a strong link between this attack in MSU that we saw yesterday and the operations
14:12 that happened in the previous weeks. We know how the terrorist organization operates. Even
14:20 if they dwindle in numbers, they would really send a message across, a strong message across
14:26 in the sense yesterday, as we saw, that they may be, the numbers may be dwindling, but
14:32 they are still capable and they are still a threat to our security.
14:38 Was there a failure on intelligence here?
14:44 That I couldn't say per se, but definitely there is a failure of somewhat of the security,
14:53 you know, because this would not have happened if the security measures have been in place.
15:00 But again, the Sunday mass, it's been going on for several years without any incident.
15:09 In fact, the Dimant Borodin Nation has been hosting Sunday services for quite some time.
15:17 And the reason why we are all surprised, the MSU community was surprised, it's because
15:23 after all those years that the Mindanao State University, the Christian students and employees
15:30 in the community in Mindanao State University have been very accommodating to other beliefs
15:38 in the exercise of their beliefs. This is the first time that we saw such an attack
15:43 happen. So, but going back to your question, definitely, Pinky, I would agree that there's
15:52 a sort of security gaps that we need to look into because this would not have happened,
16:00 as I've said, if security measures have been in place tightly within and around the Dimant
16:07 Borodin Nation.
16:08 Congressman...
16:09 And it can happen. Nobody can really expect this thing to happen.
16:13 Sabi nga nila, pwede ka talagang lusutan.
16:18 Pwede, pwede. That's why we have to keep our guards up all the time. Kasi itong kalaban
16:25 natin are mga may extremist kasi ito, and they have, they are capable, they share intelligence,
16:32 they share technologies, they share every know-how with other foreign entities. This
16:41 is not just a problem confined within the Philippines. This is, in fact, an international
16:45 global menace, international global terrorist organization.
16:51 Congressman Zia Adiong, thank you so much for your time.
16:55 Thank you very much, Pinky. Thank you for having me. Good morning.
16:58 And up ahead, we speak to Philippine Coast Guard spokesperson for the West Philippines
17:03 Sea Commodore Jay Tariella on the reported swarming of over 135 Chinese maritime militia
17:09 vessels near the Julian Felipe Reef as authorities raise concerns over Beijing's illegal presence
17:16 in the area. This is The Source on CNN Philippines. Please stay tuned.
17:23 (explosion)
