In order to win in business, you"need to be prepared to lose," McLaren CEO says

  • last year
McLaren Racing boss Zak Brown describes how in order to win in business, you "need to be prepared to lose."
00:00 I think in order to win, you need to be prepared to lose
00:03 and be good at losing.
00:05 And what do I mean by that?
00:07 Because no one likes to lose is understanding learning.
00:10 So as I say in the back of the factory,
00:13 mistakes are okay, don't make the same one twice.
00:16 And I think often you learn as much from not succeeding
00:19 as you do succeeding.
00:20 So everything's a learning experience,
00:23 but you need to be learning.
00:24 So I think in order to win,
00:27 you need to have pretty thick skin.
00:29 You need to be able to get right back on that horse
00:31 as the saying goes, 'cause you, in our business,
00:34 there's only one winner at a weekend.
00:36 So you unfortunately are losing more than you're winning.
00:39 And therefore you need that to also be something
00:41 that drives you forward.
00:43 You need to know how to give good feedback.
00:46 You need to learn how to receive feedback,
00:50 whether that's good feedback or constructive criticism,
00:53 and put all that to work to just go out
00:55 and try and make incremental improvements
00:57 Every time you wake up every day, how can I move forward?
