Tagliavanti (Camera di Commercio di Roma): “Mediterraneo opportunità economica, geopolitica e tecnologica per Roma”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo voluto affrontare le opportunità di Roma vista dal mare, un punto di vista poco considerato solitamente. Quali sono le responsabilità e opportunità per Roma nel mediterraneo. Il Mediterraneo è un opportunità economica, geopolitica e tecnologica per Roma, una sfida che la città deve saper cogliere. Siamo al centro del Mediterraneo e tutti i paesi della zona si aspettano qualcosa da noi, per l’interesse di tutti”. Così Lorenzo Tagliavanti, Presidente Camera di Commercio di Roma a margine dell’evento ‘Festival del Mare’ organizzato dalla Camera di Commercio della Capitale.


00:00 What are the future prospects for Rome?
00:04 There are many points of view that we can reflect on Rome and its future.
00:11 The economy, the social dimension, tourism.
00:17 But today we wanted to address the opportunities that Rome has from the sea,
00:25 from a point of view that we hardly use.
00:30 That is to say, what are the responsibilities that a city like Rome has towards the Mediterranean
00:36 and the opportunities that can come from this sea.
00:41 In recent days we have seen that the Mediterranean is a great economic opportunity,
00:46 also from a geopolitical point of view and in some ways also technological,
00:51 that Rome must be able to take, being half a country, Italy,
00:57 which is exactly half of the Mediterranean.
01:00 Today the representatives of other countries tell us that there are expectations from all European countries
01:07 so that Rome and Italy can have a policy, a greater presence in the Mediterranean.
01:15 This is in the interest of all countries,
01:18 from the point of view of economic development, tourism, knowledge between peoples,
01:22 but above all from the point of view of geopolitics.
01:25 Italy is a country that knows the Mediterranean and therefore can be useful
01:31 to be one of those forces that tend to bring peace,
01:35 especially in this area, which is a fundamental area for the whole world.
