Security minister defends Sunak and Cameron taking private jet to Cop28

  • last year
UK security minister defends Sunak and Cameron taking private jet to Cop28Credit: Good Morning Britain, ITV
00:00 COP28 gets underway in Dubai today.
00:03 The Prime Minister has been accused of rowing back
00:07 on green pledges and is travelling by private jet
00:12 to COP28.
00:14 The King also on a separate private jet,
00:17 and Lord Cameron, Foreign Secretary,
00:19 on a separate private jet.
00:21 What is your view on this?
00:24 Look, I think it's really important
00:26 that we work together with international partners
00:28 to deliver some really important commitments.
00:31 And the UK is already leading in the decarbonisation
00:35 of our economy.
00:36 We've gone further and faster than almost every--
00:38 I think within every comparable economy
00:41 and faster than almost every economy.
00:43 And that's a really important success.
00:45 And it's not just about making sure
00:47 we're fighting climate change, which is hugely important,
00:49 but it's also about making sure that our economy is
00:52 more resilient.
00:52 Look, my job as the Security Minister
00:54 is to keep the British people safe.
00:56 And as Security Minister, would you
00:59 argue that they're on separate private jets for security
01:02 reasons?
01:03 Or do you understand-- because you haven't actually
01:06 answered that question--
01:07 do you understand that it looks very bad?
01:10 Look, there are many reasons why travel might be separate.
01:13 And it would be unusual, to put it politely,
01:16 for very senior members of government
01:17 to travel on the same aircraft for exactly the reason
01:19 that you suggest.
01:20 But they could go on commercial flights, though, couldn't they?
01:22 Look, I'm not going to get into the travel arrangements
01:25 of the Prime Minister and His Majesty the King,
01:27 because that will be decided by Buckingham Palace and Number
01:31 10.
01:31 But there are very often reasons why
01:33 they can't travel on commercial.
01:35 And I'm sure that the costs and the implications
01:40 will have been considered very carefully.
