Sinergie 2023: Cresce il numero di agenti immobiliari (+2,6%), al ribasso le stime sulle compravendite (-12,8%), giù il franchising (-13%)

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Modelli di servizio, intelligenza artificiale, big data e formazione manageriale per restare al passo con un mercato immobiliare che richiede una maggiore capacità di adattamento da parte degli operatori della filiera. Sono questi gli aspetti che hanno guidato la 6a edizione di Sinergie alla quale hanno partecipato oltre 300 professionisti del settore. Sono inoltre 23 le società partner del progetto Sinergie 2023. Tra i dati principali emersi durante la giornata di incontri, si segnala la crescita del numero di agenti immobiliari (+2,6%), mentre sono al ribasso le stime sulle compravendite (-12,8%), cala inoltre anche il franchising (-13%).


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00:19 which led the sixth edition of Synergie, to which more than 300 professionals from the sector participated.
00:26 The partners of the Synergie 2023 project are also 23.
00:31 Among the main data released during the meeting day, the growth of the number of real estate agents is indicated, plus 2.6%,
00:39 while the estimates on the purchase and sale are at a low level, minus 12.8%.
00:45 The franchising is also falling, minus 13%.
00:49 Among the many speakers, the former minister Corrado Passera, founder of Illimiti,
00:54 who has highlighted the importance of introducing new and diversified skills into the sector.
00:59 Illimiti is a bank that was born new, about five years ago.
01:06 It was born with the idea of ​​not being a generalist bank, but being a bank focused on one thing,
01:13 and this is credit in the world of small and medium-sized enterprises.
01:17 Development credit, restructuring credit, even difficult credit in such cases,
01:23 to go and fix together with companies.
01:28 We put a lot of technology in it, because it was the opportunity to build a bank from scratch
01:35 that had a digital information system, in the cloud, and therefore much more flexible,
01:41 much more capable of adapting to the needs of both the bank and the client companies.
01:48 We have grown a lot, we are one of the banks that grows the most, especially in credit,
01:53 a bank that has good results, but above all it has 900 people of extraordinary competence,
02:01 ability and diversity of skills.
02:05 Putting together 900 people who come from more than 20 different sectors,
02:08 who largely had never worked in a bank before, but have participated in the creation of a bank,
02:15 a specialized neo-bank, is perhaps the most exciting aspect of the Illimiti project.
02:21 Francesca Zinestein, General Director of Real Estate Scenarios,
02:25 instead gave a presentation of the real estate sector in 2023.
02:29 2023 will not be remembered as the most dynamic year for the real estate market
02:37 in the area of residency and the sales.
02:40 The end of the year is expected with a reduction in terms of volume,
02:44 exchanged at about 13-15%, so between 640 and 660,000 exchanges.
02:51 For 2024 the first months will still be complicated, but we think that with the turn of the year,
02:57 the surrounding conditions will be a little more positive,
03:01 and therefore towards the end of 2024 we will see the first inversion of trend.
03:06 Great satisfaction for the success of the event by the organizer Gerardo Paterna.
03:12 The main topics of this sixth edition of Synergie
03:16 are the sense of community that real estate agents must involve
03:21 to increase their reputation.
03:25 We have talked about digital trends, market scenarios,
03:30 and the importance of moving from a professional mentality to an entrepreneurial one.
03:37 There have been many ideas, with the sole aim of increasing the reputation
03:43 of the real estate agents, therefore of the whole mediation sector,
03:47 towards the market.
