• 2 years ago
PT Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia memprediksi IHSG, akan berada di level psikologis 8.100 pada semester II-2024, pasca pelonggaran kebijakan moneter, dan kejelasan hasil pemilu putaran kedua. Di tengah kondisi ekonomi global yang melambat, masih ada peluang ekonomi Indonesia untuk tumbuh lebih tinggi di tahun depan, dibandingkan dengan tahun ini.


00:00 The Indonesian Securities Assets Commission predicts that the IHSG will be at the psychological level 8100 in the second semester.
00:07 Next year, there will be a loss of monetary policy and the explanation of the results of the second round of elections.
00:12 In the midst of a slow global economic condition, there is still a chance for Indonesia's economy to grow higher next year than this year.
00:25 The Indonesian Securities Assets Commission predicts that the IHSG will be at the psychological level 8100 in the second semester
00:32 next year, as a loss of monetary policy and the explanation of the results of the second round of elections.
00:36 Head of Research Team Mirai Asset Robertus Hardy said that the potential of the main domestic stock index strength is supported by several factors.
00:44 Namely, the potential of a loss of the Central Global Monetary Policy, so as to trigger a positive investment climate, both for the stock market and the bond market.
00:53 The condition is an opportunity to choose a more aggressive investment strategy.
00:58 According to Robertus, there are several sectors that support the rise of the IHSG next year,
01:02 namely banking, telecommunications, automotives, and other sectors related to consumer goods.
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