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Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) kembali terpangkas 1,93 persen atau 132,96 poin ke level 6.742 pada penutupan perdagangan Jumat (7/2/2025).

Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 17,21 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp12,93 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 1,31 juta kali.


00:00In the 2nd session of Jalan Libur, the weakness of the joint stock price is more to the limit, which is 1.93%.
00:18This is also a weakening position, or cutting a weakening position that is quite deep throughout today's trading, up to 6,656.
00:27The closing position at 6,742 is getting stronger at 6,700.
00:32Then the highest intraday today at 6,875.
00:35Opened flat at 6,875, only the rear position is different.
00:41Flat at 6,875, 5,36, while the highest level at 6,875, 5,92.
00:48Let's go straight to the first chart.
00:50We will try to see the updates of the closing of several other indexes in the middle of the weakness of the joint stock price throughout today's trading.
00:58MNC36 strengthens at 1.28%, Jakarta Islamic Index weakens at 1.94%, LQ45 strengthens at 0.93% as the weakness of the joint stock price weakens.
01:11Next is the rotation of the sectoral movement.
01:14Finance leads the strengthening at 0.72% as the direction of Samsung reverses the big cap today.
01:20Then property strengthens at 0.64%.
01:23Energy is quite deep at 6.29%.
01:26Stock price weakens at 4.05%, where the biggest contribution is the weakness of these two sectors from Samsung, Ryoko Group, Bangestu.
01:36Next is the top gainers.
01:38BBCA strengthens at 9,350.
01:41The transaction is very large.
01:44You can see the graphics on your television screen.
01:46ICE at 4,650 strengthens.
01:49BRICE also strengthens.
01:50After the release of Kinerja, however, in the previous trading days, it also experienced pressure as the weakness of the big cap stock price.
01:57And WIFI strengthens at 1,680.
02:00The last graphic, the stocks that today became heavyweights.
02:04PTRO is pressured to level 2,880.
02:09TPIA also weakens at 6,525.
02:12Raja and Ratu today also became heavyweights.
02:15Raja is pressured to 3,450, while Ratu weakens to 7,650 rupiah per share.
02:22Updates on the trade closure in the second session today and hopefully it can be a reference for you, especially in dealing with trade next week.