FTS 12:30 28-11: Qatar hopes to reach a sustainable truce between Israel and Hamas

  • last year
FTS 12.30
*Panama: Top Court Rules Mining Law 406 unconstitutional
*All 41 Indian laborers rescued from collapsed tunnel
00:00 FACE's spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Mahed Al Ansari,
00:16 said their goal is to continue negotiations in hope of reaching a sustainable truce between
00:20 Irrawad and Hamas.
00:24 In Panama, the top court has ruled mining law 406 as unconstitutional, as was demanded
00:30 by people demonstrating on the streets for the 36th consecutive day.
00:34 And in India, all 41 workers have been rescued after a grueling 17-day strap in a collapsed
00:42 tunnel in the Himalayan mountains.
00:45 Hello, welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Adelazo Studios in Havana,
00:52 Cuba.
00:53 Let's begin with the news.
01:11 Israel and Hamas agreed on a two-day extension of a truce that has posed a devastating Israeli
01:15 bombing of Gaza.
01:16 A new group of Israeli hostages were to be freed Tuesday in exchange for Palestinian
01:20 prisoners.
01:21 Mahed Al Ansari, official spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, addressed
01:25 the future of the Irrawad-Palestine extended truce.
01:28 Our focus right now is, and our hope, is to reach a sustainable truce that would lead
01:36 to further negotiations and eventually to an end to this situation of violence, to this
01:42 war.
01:43 And we have always said that we need the push of the whole international community to make
01:48 sure that that happens.
01:49 However, we are working with what we have.
01:51 And what we have right now is a provision to the agreement that allows us to extend
01:55 days as long as Hamas is able to guarantee the release of at least 10 hostages from their
02:04 side.
02:05 And therefore, this is what we have at the moment.
02:07 The director of UNRWA in Gaza stressed the importance of getting aid to all those in
02:10 need and of getting fuel to the water wells in northern Gaza.
02:14 So we've come up through the Israeli occupied zone north of Wadi Gaza and through Gaza City
02:22 to reach Jabalia.
02:23 We've got six trucks of aid for the people in Jabalia.
02:27 We're also going to go and look at some of the water wells and get fuel to water wells
02:32 and also get some medical supplies to the Jabalia health clinic.
02:36 We have got some very brave UNRWA staff members here who've stayed in Jabalia, working for
02:42 their community, keeping their health clinic open and servicing shelters.
02:46 So it's been really important that we get this support and this aid to our staff here
02:53 so they can serve the people here in Jabalia.
02:57 The Iranian foreign ministry called for a permanent ceasefire between the Hamas movement
03:01 and the Israeli state.
03:02 At the same time, he stressed that the Persian nation remains willing to favor dialogue between
03:07 the parties.
03:08 We hope that this war will come to an end.
03:14 We are continuing talks and consultations with all parties involved.
03:18 Our president and our foreign minister have engaged in high-level dialogues and consultations
03:24 with officials from various countries and the United Nations, which will continue.
03:29 At the same time, the foreign ministry pointed to the United States as responsible for exacerbating
03:34 the conflict and instability in the region.
03:38 The U.S. government has been exacerbating instability and insecurity in the region.
03:43 As for the presence of the U.S. naval fleet in the Middle East, we see it as part of its
03:47 policies to continue to support Israel.
03:52 The Israeli occupation forces have dropped more than 40,000 tons of explosives from the
03:56 Gaza Strip, leaving residential areas badly affected and experts fearing that they will
04:01 be completed uninhabitable.
04:03 According to local media, Israel's military offensive has turned much of northern Gaza
04:07 into an uninhabitable moonscape, wiping out entire neighborhoods, homes, schools, and
04:13 hospitals.
04:14 Among the buildings that suffered serious damage was the school run by the United Nations
04:20 Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.
04:23 Almost all the buildings in Beit Hanoun have been destroyed, but Palestinian citizens have
04:28 repeatedly expressed their desire to remain in their homes with what little is left standing.
04:33 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @terrestrialenglish,
04:42 where you will find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
04:49 Other stories coming up, stay with us.
04:51 Welcome back to From the South.
05:14 On Tuesday, the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama decreed as unconstitutional Law 406,
05:18 which establishes the illegality of the mining operations contract between the state and
05:22 a Canadian transnational company.
05:24 The decision was unanimous, and the information was made public by the President of the Court,
05:29 María Eugenia López, after five days of permanent sessions.
05:33 The ruling was received with jubilation by the people and organizations that for weeks
05:37 have been keeping a vigil at the highest court awaiting the decision.
05:41 Since October 20, thousands of citizens organized protests in rejection of the contract with
05:45 the Canadian subsidiary, First Quantum.
05:52 As part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Panama's independence, the President of
05:56 the Supreme Court of Panama, María Eugenia López, made the decision official.
06:04 As President of the Supreme Court of Justice, I communicate to the nation that the magistrates
06:09 that make up the plenary have unanimously decided to declare unconstitutionally all
06:16 Law 406 of October 20, 2023.
06:22 This means that such a law is expelled from the normative system that governs the country.
06:30 Meanwhile, on Tuesday in Panama, teachers mobilized at the facilities of the Ministry
06:37 of Education in the province of Beraguas to demand the payment of the second half of November.
06:42 Authorities of the Panamanian Ministry of Education confirmed on Tuesday that the institution
06:45 began to withhold the payment of the second half of November to teachers who have not
06:50 shown up to teach their classes, after the institution made the call to return to the
06:54 classrooms last November 21, due to the national striking rejection of Law 406.
07:00 According to the National Directorate of Human Resources, the withholding of the salary was
07:06 applied in the second half of November to 17,495 teachers throughout the country.
07:11 In the sense, Edipinto, leader of the National Union of Educators of Panama, affronted the
07:15 teachers' unions who demanded the minister, the vice minister and the directors involved
07:20 in the measure.
07:26 In Peru, the Attorney General of the nation, Patricia Benavides, filed a complaint against
07:30 Tina Boluarte for those killed by police repression during the protests against her mandates.
07:36 The statements were made after the raid of her offices for allegedly being the head of
07:40 a criminal organization and committing the alleged crime of influence peddling, to the
07:45 detriment of the state.
07:46 Subsequently, two Supreme Prosecutors demanded the resignation of the prosecutor for the
07:51 same crimes for which she is accused.
07:53 In this sense, Patricia Benavides reaffirmed that death cannot go unpunished, and neither
07:58 should the continuous abuse of power be allowed.
08:07 I have filed a constitutional complaint before the Congress of the Republic against the citizens
08:13 of the Nueva Zealand, President of the Republic, Luis Alberto Otarola Peñaranda, Cesar Augusto
08:23 Cervantes Cárdenas, Victor Eduardo Rojas Herrera and Vicente Romero Fernández for
08:29 the alleged commission of the crime of aggravated homicide against Victor Raúl Santisteban
08:37 and others, of serious injuries in aggravation of Renato Sebastián Urillo and others, as
08:46 well as the preparatory investigations has been formalized against the direct perpetrators
08:51 of said aggravations.
08:53 Finally, the deaths of any Peruvian should not be allowed, as well as the abuse of power.
09:02 It cannot be allowed to try to damage the image of honest prosecutors.
09:08 The people are aware of this.
09:10 That's why we have always proceeded according to the Constitution and the law.
09:19 On Monday morning, the National Police, in coordination with the Special Team Against
09:22 Power Corruption, raided at least six properties belonging to the Public Prosecutor's Office
09:26 in the districts of Cercado de Lima, La Molina, El Agustino and Jesús María.
09:32 According to the investigations, Benavides would be guilty of leading an alleged criminal
09:36 gang and influence peddling.
09:38 In this regard, reports indicate that the National Prosecutor had illicitly intervened
09:42 in the removal of the National Justice Board, in the appointment of the citizens' ombudsman
09:47 and in the approval of the political disqualifications.
09:54 In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro pointed out that the Monroe Doctrine, attributed to
09:58 the U.S. President James Monroe in 1823, is the instrument that has historically endorsed
10:03 the plundering of sovereign nations.
10:05 During an event commemorating the 103rd anniversary of the foundation of the Bolivarian military
10:10 aviation, the President explained that, based on the Monroe Doctrine, the Washington Treaty
10:15 was signed in 1897 to constitute the arbitration tribunal that would decide the border controversy
10:22 between Venezuela and the Kingdom of Great Britain.
10:25 In addition to sponsoring the overthrow of Cipriano Castro and the imposition of the
10:29 dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez, who implemented a policy of surrender to the benefit of the
10:34 United States, the Venezuelan head of state asserted that the time has come for justice.
10:45 We are going to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, to denounce it with
10:55 a voice of rebellion and to confront it in all the fields where we have to confront the
11:00 Monroe Doctrine, because we are not and never will be slaves of anyone, slaves of the gringos,
11:09 a colony of no one, independence or nothing.
11:13 We say from Venezuela, independence or nothing.
11:24 On Tuesday, the Cuban government, through the social media "X" of the Ministry of
11:29 Foreign Affairs, highlights that a group of 77 and China, under the leadership of the
11:33 Cuban presidency, began coordination meetings prior to COP28, which begins on November 30
11:38 in the United Arab Emirates.
11:40 As part of the preparation for the 20th Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention,
11:45 the Group of 77 and China will hold a two-day working meeting.
11:50 In a sense, the Cuban presidency reiterated the importance of maintaining the unity of
11:54 the group beyond its heterogeneity.
11:56 The statement also refers to the fact that developing nations are historically the least
12:02 responsible for the current climate crisis, but suffer disproportionately from its effects,
12:06 and highlights that the G77+ China is a key player in the intergovernmental negotiations
12:12 on climate change.
12:19 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp
12:22 community for our English-speaking audience, you can scan the QR code on screen to join
12:26 directly and share the link to reach more people.
12:30 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the rest of the
12:33 world.
12:34 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
12:36 Found your break?
12:42 Don't go away.
13:00 Welcome back from the South.
13:01 In India, after 17 days of intense work, rescue teams saved the 41 men trapped in a collapsed
13:06 road tunnel in Uttarakhand state.
13:09 The workers began to be pulled out through an escape pipe on Tuesday night after the
13:13 last few meters of rubble were drilled by hand.
13:16 The first man was brought out at around 8 p.m. local time.
13:19 Ambulances and helicopters were on standby at the tunnel entrance to take the men to
13:23 a hospital nearby.
13:25 Prime Minister Narendra Modi called the operation "an amazing example of humanity and teamwork".
13:30 The workers became trapped after a landslide in the early hours of November 12 caused part
13:34 of the tunnel roof to collapse and became blocked by more than 60 meters of dense concrete,
13:40 rubble, rock and twisted metal.
13:43 In Indonesia, on Tuesday began the campaign for the parliamentary elections to be held
13:50 in February 2024.
13:52 The three candidates for the presidency promised a peaceful campaign despite concerns that
13:56 the rivalry could exacerbate religious and ethnic divisions in the country.
14:01 The electoral campaign will last for 75 days until February 10, four days before the scheduled
14:06 election, when some 205 million of the country's 270 million people are expected to go to the
14:12 polls.
14:13 Two of the three candidates, Central Habak Governor Ganjar Pranowo of the ruling Indonesia
14:18 Democratic Struggle Party and former Jakarta Mayor Enies Baswedan, began campaigning on
14:23 Tuesday, while Prabowo Subianto, a former military officer accused of human rights violations
14:28 when he was head of the Kupasu's, is keeping his candidacy on hold.
14:38 Electric car maker Tesla filed a lawsuit on Monday against the Swedish state over a postal
14:42 worker strike that is blocking the delivery of license plates for its new cars.
14:46 Tesla Company is currently facing multiple strikes in Sweden over its refusal to sign
14:50 a collective bargaining agreement for its mechanics.
14:53 On November 20, postal workers joined the strike and began disrupting deliveries to
14:57 Tesla offices and repair shops.
15:00 Because new car registrations are only delivered by mail in Sweden, the blockade could prevent
15:04 newest cars from hitting the streets.
15:06 It should be noted that Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk has long rejected calls to allow
15:11 the company's 127,000 employees worldwide to unionize.
15:16 On Monday, the transport agency said it received a provisional court ruling requiring it to
15:21 agree within seven days to let Tesla pick up its license plates directly from the license
15:26 plate manufacturer.
15:32 European Union Home Affairs Commissioner Ilva Johansson on Tuesday expressed concern about
15:36 Niger's military rulers appealing a law against migrant smuggling.
15:40 Johansson pointed out that there is a huge risk that this could lead to further deaths
15:44 in the desert and she also added it would mean that more people will also try to cross
15:48 the Mediterranean to reach destinations within Europe.
15:51 "I'm very concerned about the situation now.
15:55 And there is a huge risk that this will cause new deaths in the desert.
16:01 That's the most concerning thing, but that will also probably mean more people coming
16:06 to Libya, for example, and then maybe also trying to cross the Mediterranean to the EU,
16:12 but the saving of life."
16:15 On Tuesday, British airline Virgin Atlantic made the first transatlantic flight powered
16:19 entirely by sustainable aviation fuel, but environmental groups criticized the event
16:24 as greenwashing.
16:25 The flight departed from London's Heathrow Airport at 11.30am local time for New York's
16:30 JFK.
16:31 According to the airline, it was the first time that sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)
16:35 was used on both engines by a commercial airline for a long-haul flight.
16:39 However, the Boeing 787, which is powered by Rolls-Royce engines, did not carry paying
16:44 passengers or cargo.
16:46 SAFs are made from renewable biomass and waste resources and can be used in jet fuel up to
16:51 a maximum of 50%.
16:53 They are seen as the main tool for decarbonizing the aviation sector in the coming decades,
16:57 but the technology is in its infancy and production remains very expensive.
17:01 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday defended his government's record on spending
17:20 and military and financial aid to Ukraine before the Federal Parliament after a court
17:24 ruling on crucial debt rules triggered a budget crisis.
17:28 Scholz argued that Berlin's position as one of Kiev's biggest supporters, along
17:31 with the United States, is of existential importance for Ukraine.
17:35 On the other hand, he added that it would not be responsible to cut off support and
17:39 warned that doing so would jeopardize the future of his country.
17:43 In that sense, he also declared that his government would continue to support Kiev as long as
17:46 necessary.
17:47 Scholz's comments come against the backdrop of the German Supreme Court's ruling that
17:51 the government violated a constitutional rule on public spending plans.
17:59 In China, military drills are being held along the border with Myanmar.
18:03 The spokesman for the Army's Southern Theater Command, Tian Junlin, stressed that the Chinese
18:06 Army is always ready to defend state sovereignty, border stability and people's safety and
18:11 property.
18:12 The purpose of the drill is to test the military unit's border control and firepower after
18:16 clashes intensified in large areas of Shan state, forcing more than 80,000 people to
18:21 flee their homes.
18:28 The government of Beijing on Tuesday expressed its concern over the ongoing conflict in Northern
18:32 Myanmar and called for a ceasefire.
18:34 Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenmin called for adherence to peaceful resolution
18:38 of differences through dialogue and consultation.
18:41 "We are very concerned about the conflict in Northern Myanmar and urge the relevant
18:47 parties in Myanmar to cease fire and fighting as soon as possible, adhere to the peaceful
18:52 resolution of differences through dialogue and consultation, avoid escalation of the
18:57 situation and take practical and effective measures to ensure the security and stability
19:02 of China border, Myanmar."
19:06 We have come to the end of this news brief.
19:07 But before saying goodbye, we want to thank our Caribbean audience, especially the audience
19:11 of Trinidad and Tobago, who are pleased to share our newscasts and contribute to provide
19:14 an alternative news source of the latest world events.
19:17 You can find these and many other stories on our website at telestuoreenglish.net.
19:21 You can also join us on our social media on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
19:27 For TELESTURE ENGLISH, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
19:29 Thank you for watching.
19:31 (Music)
