Sonny regrets marrying Nina - He wants a divorce ABC General Hospital Spoilers

  • last year
Sonny regrets marrying Nina - He wants a divorce ABC General Hospital Spoilers
00:00 [Gunshots]
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00:08 ABC General Hospital spoilers revealed that no truth can be hidden forever on the show.
00:13 No matter how hard Nina tried, she couldn't make Sunny less disappointed in her.
00:17 Sunny heard from Anna about how Nina and Valentin knew Charlotte broke into Anna's room at MetroCorp but didn't tell anyone.
00:24 When Anna's room was broken into, Valentin asked Nina to let him see the surveillance camera footage in the hallway.
00:30 Nina is the owner of MetroCorp so she has access to the surveillance system.
00:34 The two of them saw Charlotte enter Anna's room at that time but decided to keep quiet.
00:39 Anna is Sunny's close friend so he himself feels dissatisfied on Anna's behalf.
00:43 And Sunny is really disappointed in Nina. He's going to confront Nina about this.
00:47 Why would Nina do that? Valentin hid it because Charlotte is his daughter.
00:51 But why didn't Nina speak out to denounce that wrong action?
00:54 Nina looked apologetic. She didn't expect things to go this far.
00:57 At that time, Valentin asked Nina to keep the secret for him.
01:01 Nina is also very awkward because if Sunny finds out she cheated on him, it will be very troublesome.
01:07 But because Valentin insisted and Charlotte was too young, Nina ignored this.
01:11 She simply thought that Charlotte was being foolish for a moment.
01:14 This thing definitely wouldn't happen again.
01:16 Unexpectedly, Charlotte broke into Anna's new house and was shot by Anna.
01:20 Then things became more complicated.
01:22 Everyone knows that Valentin and Nina covered for Charlotte.
01:25 Even though Nina showed remorse, Sunny still did not accept it.
01:28 Sunny did not like Nina's lack of honesty.
01:31 Sunny has always hated lies but Nina has her own views.
01:34 Sometimes there are some problems that Sunny never shares with Nina and Nina never blames him.
01:39 This caused the two to quarrel.
01:41 Nina can't stand Sunny's domineering while Sunny hides a lot of things from her.
01:45 In her relationship with Sunny, he always thinks he's right and Nina is always wrong no matter what she does.
01:50 The personality of a tycoon turned Sunny into a rigid man.
01:53 Nina gradually felt tired and pressured to be with Sunny even though she had always wished to marry him.
01:58 In the end, Nina decided to separate from Sunny for a while.
02:02 She wanted to rethink whether to marry Sunny permanently or not.
02:05 When two people love each other, they should not keep any secrets from each other.
02:09 But because Sunny works in the underground world and Nina doesn't understand much, Sunny won't share with her.
02:14 At first, Nina felt this was not important but gradually Nina knew that it was the thing that gradually separated her and Sunny.
02:20 Maybe Sunny and Nina should give each other time to decide whether to continue this relationship or not.
02:26 [Music]
