Michelle Dee back home after Miss Universe stint | New Day

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Miss Universe Philippines 2023 Michelle Dee is back home after making Filipinos proud at the global pageant where she clinched a spot at the coveted top 10.

The universe has granted us the presence of none other than the queen herself, Michelle Dee.

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00:00 And just like that Miss Universe Philippines 2023 Michelle D is back home after making Filipinos proud at the global pageant
00:08 where she clinched a spot at the coveted top 10.
00:13 Well today, D Universe, you like that?
00:16 D Universe has granted us the presence of none other than the Queen herself, Madam.
00:23 A Naksanwan royalty, because herself, cue fireworks and funfair, congratulations and welcome home!
00:31 Hi everyone, thank you so much for having me, it's always a pleasure.
00:34 Wow, you have done us proud.
00:36 Thank you.
00:37 You know I must say, even if you did not bring home that much coveted crowd, you have definitely captured and won the hearts of so many people.
00:47 And your fanbase probably increased by a hundred thousand. How does that make you feel?
00:53 It is such a blessing. Of course my goal was really just to make sure that I did my best and I brought all of the Philippines along with the ride
01:00 because it's not just my journey, it's a journey of a whole country.
01:03 And the fact that they all saw the hard work and dedication not just from me but the whole team behind me, it's overwhelming.
01:11 I mean just the way they received me in the airport, I didn't expect it but I mean I'm really crying.
01:16 The Filipino crowds are a bit judgey with the candidates. I have to say but with you, there's no judge.
01:24 Thank you.
01:25 They are your army, they're going to fight for you so no matter what you do, you're going to fight.
01:29 It's so exciting, I feel so touched all the time because at the end of the day, I always try to spread love, kindness, that's an example that I try to set forth
01:42 but if they see somebody kind of like disrespecting me, they're on their own.
01:46 More than the crown, more than anything like that, it's the way that you have been such a great ambassador for the country and the way you've conducted yourself, it's really so admirable.
01:56 I mean I am so hands-on, I was so hands-on with my whole journey since winning.
02:00 Every micro detail, I really focused on it, I gave everything just the same amount of importance and I think that resonated with everyone, they all saw it.
02:10 I really wanted a deeper meaning in everything that I do even down to my wardrobe.
02:15 Let's talk about that.
02:17 That gown is now iconic, that Wang Od inspired gown.
02:23 Can you take us through the process of how it was conceptualized, how they made it, how it all came together?
02:27 And how did you put it on?
02:28 Well, it was no question that I was going to work with Mark Baumgarner again.
02:34 We had such an amazing partnership for Miss Universe Philippines, they really know my personality, what works for me, what doesn't.
02:40 When we started planning Miss Universe, we actually had about, they presented like maybe 7-8 sketches, none of which had the Wang Od in the green gown yet.
02:50 Then, I don't know, around September, that's when they showed me these sketches and they said, "We have something else to present you, can you come to the atelier?"
02:58 And that's when they took me through this step-by-step picture presentation about Wang Od.
03:04 And then, it was right then and there, that's the concept, that's the gown.
03:08 I traveled with no backup gowns, I just traveled with two perfect gowns because we really believe in quality over quantity.
03:16 And they just poured all of their efforts, all of their creativity into those two gowns.
03:21 It paid off.
03:22 And, I mean, essentially what we wanted is for them to take inspiration from two iconic Filipinos, one of which was my mom, the next was Apu Wang Od, who's an amazing symbol of cultural preservation.
03:33 And I'm just glad I was able to make the top 10 to actually walk on stage with the gown.
03:40 Before they even called the Philippines for top 10, in my head, I was like, "How do I release this gown?"
03:46 We don't know.
03:48 Those were two very phenomenal gowns.
03:50 Thank you.
03:51 And since we're talking about wardrobe, let's go deeper into that because you won national costumes.
03:57 Yes, quite recently.
03:59 You won a national costume competition and bagged a lot of awards.
04:01 Can you tell us about the process of that?
04:03 Why did you decide to become a plane?
04:06 It looked pretty heavy.
04:07 How heavy was it as well?
04:08 Well, the wing backpack was actually 40 pounds, which I had to somehow semi-assemble when I got to El Salvador because you're not allowed to check in batteries.
04:18 And it was battery-operated.
04:20 It was?
04:21 Because there are lights and the love, the Philippine slogan was also backlit.
04:26 It wasn't obvious on stage because the lights were so strong.
04:29 But, yes, I did have to become a mechanic and try and figure it out.
04:34 I was low-key panicking because the first battery wasn't working, so the backup battery worked.
04:40 But Michael Barassi was there every step of the way just trying to guide me through everything.
04:45 But the concept was actually from me.
04:49 And then I was running it through my Pasarelo coach, Ian Mendejar.
04:53 And we were like, "You know, this hasn't been done before."
04:55 I love the concept of promoting tourism.
04:59 I love the new attack, a very modern attack because we're used to seeing promotion of folklore or things that we've seen in the past.
05:07 And I really always -- my goal is really just to show something different, a new perspective on the Philippines and what more than the tourism.
05:15 We're talking about that, Michelle.
05:17 No, tourism.
05:18 Congratulations, by the way.
05:20 No, no, unang-unang-na-kita, I'm actually looking at pictures, going back to it.
05:23 And, of course, there are a lot of reactions on social media.
05:26 But to be honest, my unbiased -- sabi ko, astig, ah?
05:30 Sabi ko for you to have that guts and courage to -- how hands-on were you on that?
05:36 And what was the thinking process behind the concept of it?
05:41 Well, again, I did have the concept, but I needed to find the right team to execute it.
05:47 Correct.
05:48 So the design, the silhouette, that all came from Michael Barassi.
05:51 All I said was, "I want to be a plane.
05:53 The wings is the airplane wings."
05:55 That's as far as my instructions went.
05:57 And then I did mention that a solihiya pattern would be very appreciated.
06:02 And I just finished my Air Force Reservist Training as well.
06:05 Wow.
06:06 So the design transitioned from a somewhat flight attendant to a captain instead.
06:12 So everything had intention.
06:13 It wasn't just, "You make me a costume."
06:15 No, no.
06:16 It had to have a deeper story.
06:18 More than a costume, it was a message, really.
06:21 So, listen, from something as, I don't know, bright and festive and theatrical as that costume,
06:30 let's talk a little bit more about some of your serious advocacies.
06:35 You're a longtime advocate of autism awareness, and now you're on this fantastic platform
06:42 where you can really get this message across.
06:44 What's the next step as far as this advocacy of yours?
06:48 Well, you know, if Miss Universe didn't make that recent shift into focusing and giving highlights to advocacies,
06:54 I don't think I would personally have the energy to go through another competition
06:59 and to humble myself down into another candidate.
07:02 Of course, this is a lifelong mission for me, a lifelong advocacy because of my two siblings on the autism spectrum.
07:08 When I found out about the Voice for Change Challenge, which was new this year,
07:13 I put in so much effort from the script writing to ensuring that we had the best chance to have that recognition on the global stage,
07:21 to be able to win that, to be able to donate all of the proceeds to my advocacy.
07:26 It's an amazing thing because the campaign that I presented is very sustainable.
07:31 It affects hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals on the spectrum, and that was really my main goal.
07:36 So to win that, I mean, me along with two other amazing candidates, it's, it's, I'm a lot, I'm a lot lost for words.
07:45 I mean, you know, because of all the love that you have dished out there, the love keeps coming back, pouring back to you, so much so,
07:51 I mean, you know, okay, let's go back to your fan base that's getting bigger and bigger, right?
07:57 So you, you seem to have established a wonderful connection and friendship with Miss Thailand.
08:03 Oh yes, yes.
08:04 Oh yeah, she's looking at Thailand, smiling.
08:07 How was that like? I mean, who approached who? I mean, because I know, like, even like with Jamie, being in pageants like that,
08:13 it's not easy, huh? Maybe not everybody's as friendly as maybe...
08:18 I mean, to be fair, everybody at Miss Universe is very nice.
08:21 Okay.
08:22 Of course, you don't really have the chance to talk to every single one of them, because we were, I believe, 85 at the moment.
08:27 There were a few candidates that didn't make it, but...
08:31 What made her stand out that made you guys click?
08:33 Well, actually, because it's no secret that Thailand and the Philippines are both pageant powerhouse countries,
08:39 and our supporters are actually one of the most vocal around the world.
08:43 So when they started noticing that we weren't communicating or talking in a social setting,
08:50 they started pinning us against each other, so the fans started fighting.
08:54 Okay.
08:55 And that's why we took our first photo together during rehearsals.
08:59 We wanted to showcase that, you know, we're okay, the Philippines-Thailands, we're in good terms,
09:03 nothing to worry about, let's spread love, kindness.
09:06 I mean, we didn't expect us to be linked together. I mean, the intention was not there.
09:12 But, you know, Antonia and I have been able to create such a wonderful relationship.
09:17 We were each other's support system, she has an amazing personality, and I mean, I just, I really can't wait to see her again.
09:24 Fantastic.
09:25 And a future collabs also with her.
09:26 Yes! I'm not at liberty to say.
09:29 No, not yet!
09:30 Very exciting.
09:31 We're getting way ahead of ourselves here.
09:33 But there are things that we are going to do.
09:36 Very cool. And do announce it here on New Day.
09:39 You have to come back.
09:41 You have to finish the question here.
09:43 All right, Michelle, this is definitely not the end.
09:47 You know, as we like to say, the pun is, "What is the next step?"
09:52 There's so many "the" puns out there.
09:54 I know.
09:55 Where do we go?
09:56 "The" pun.
09:57 This is only the beginning.
09:58 Where do we go?
09:59 I am very excited because even if I didn't come home with a crown, I feel like I came back with so much opportunity,
10:06 with so much love for me to be able to maximize.
10:09 Before joining the pageant, I have established a lot of facets about myself.
10:13 I'm very passionate, very multifaceted.
10:16 So, from my entrepreneurial ventures, that's all going to be pushed.
10:19 My advocacy efforts.
10:21 I am starting a new show with my home network also.
10:24 So, we're all just very excited to just bring everybody along with my journey.
10:29 Of course, I was one of the most bashed Miss Universe Philippines after winning.
10:34 And to be able to convert everyone through hard work, blood, sweat, and tears, that's an amazing victory for me.
10:41 To be able to win all of your hearts through representing all of you with the best of my abilities,
10:45 I really can't say thank you enough.
10:47 And thank you so much for dropping by today.
10:49 And Michelle, props to you also. Kudos to you.
10:52 The way you handled everything that you had to go through to where you are right now.
10:57 Thank you.
10:58 I mean, thank you. Everything happens for a reason.
11:01 It's either a lesson or a blessing.
11:03 I have to give credit to my parents for raising me the way that they did.
11:06 So, thank you very much.
11:08 Again, thank you very much. Congratulations.
11:10 Congratulations.
11:11 One and only, Miss Michelle Marquez, the new date.
