• 2 years ago
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00:05:27 Baba naber?
00:05:28 Hiç, nasıl?
00:05:32 [Silence]
00:05:36 Moralin bozuk gibi biraz.
00:05:38 Bir şey mi oldu?
00:05:40 Ne bu?
00:05:44 Mahkeme cermi.
00:05:47 Yapma be.
00:06:01 Üzüldüm mü diyeceğim de.
00:06:02 Madem bu kadar üzülüyorsun, niye boşanıyorsun baba?
00:06:05 İnsan büyüyünce, her şey biraz daha karmaşık bir hale geliyor.
00:06:15 Eğer bir gün birini seversen oğlum, ki umarım çok seversin, ne demek istediğimi çok daha iyi anlarsın.
00:06:27 Sevmek, sevilmekten çok daha güzel bir duygu.
00:06:31 Ben buna katılmıyorum.
00:06:33 Sevilmek daha iyi bence.
00:06:35 Yani, insan sevince aşık olunca çabuk dağılıyor.
00:06:40 Ben öyle düşünmüyorum.
00:06:42 Düşünsene, biri seni çok seviyor.
00:06:46 Ama sen hiçbir şey hissetmiyorsun.
00:06:48 Varlığınla yokluğun bir.
00:06:50 Böyle ilişkin mi olur?
00:06:52 Ama birini çok sevdiğinde.
00:06:56 Her şey sana çok farklı geliyor.
00:06:58 Attığın her adımı düşünüyorsun sırf o üzülmesin diye.
00:07:02 O yüzden, sevmek sevilmekten bence çok daha güzel bir duygu.
00:07:09 Şimdi böyle söyleyince, güzel konuştun ha tebrik ederim.
00:07:15 Ve geriye dönüp baktığında da, eğer ki ayrıldıysan, yollarınız ayrıldıysa,
00:07:22 o üzülmesin diye elimden geleni yaptım diyorsun.
00:07:25 Güzel, hoş konuşuyorsun ama bir tık abarttın şimdi.
00:07:29 Niye böyle, ölecek gibi konuşuyorsun sen?
00:07:33 Saçmalama oğlum ya, ne ölmesi?
00:07:36 Ben sana hayatla ilgili tavsiyelerimi veriyorum sadece.
00:07:40 Bildiğim şeyleri anlatıyorum.
00:07:41 Onu anladık, anladık da, daha önümüzde çok zaman var yani, sen de onu anla.
00:07:46 Tamam var, yok demiyorum.
00:07:50 Ama madem böyle bir duygusal konuşmaya girdim, devam edeyim.
00:07:54 Annene de iyi bak.
00:07:58 Hayda, nereden çıktı ya bu şimdi?
00:08:01 Sen niye böyle konuşuyorsun baba ya?
00:08:04 Tamam, bir şey oldu yok yani, ben son kez söylüyorum bunları.
00:08:07 Her ne olursa olsun, Metan, anneni hiç kimseye muhtaç etme.
00:08:14 Kol kanat yer ona, her zaman yanında ol.
00:08:18 Kimsenin de onu üzmesine izin verme olur mu?
00:08:20 Çünkü annelerimiz çok kıymetli.
00:08:23 Çok özel ve yerleri asla doldurulamaz.
00:08:28 Asla.
00:08:31 O zaman ben de sana vasiyetimi vereyim.
00:08:36 Sakın ha.
00:08:37 E sen yapınca oluyor, ben yapınca mı kötü oluyor?
00:08:39 Konu kapandı, tamam ben söyleyeceğim, söylesin.
00:08:42 Sana sıra gelmez burada.
00:08:44 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
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00:10:02 [MESAJ SESİ]
00:10:06 Aa, ne oldu Kıvılcım?
00:10:17 Asıl sana ne oldu?
00:10:18 Bir şey olmadı, ne olacak?
00:10:20 Sen gittikçe anneme benziyorsun, farkında mısın?
00:10:24 [MÜZİK BİTER]
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00:10:39 Kurdele kesildikten sonra, Rüzgar sana dışarı çıkmayı teklif etti.
00:10:43 E sen kabul etmedin.
00:10:45 Ya bütün gün ayaktaydık, yani canım çıktı benim.
00:10:49 Emin misin?
00:10:52 Ne olabilir Allah aşkına başka?
00:10:54 Sen ve eğlenceyi kabul etmemek.
00:10:56 Ben bunları pek bağdaştıramadım da.
00:10:58 Artık evli barklı kadın oluyorum.
00:11:01 Biraz durulayım dedim ben de yani.
00:11:04 Peki madem, öyle olsun.
00:11:06 Sen de durgundun baya, sana ne oldu?
00:11:10 Boşanma davam var yarın.
00:11:13 Ayy, yuh!
00:11:17 O kadar çabuk mu, yarın mı o?
00:11:20 Ya, ben de bir şey bitsin istiyorum Alev.
00:11:21 Avukata verdim, açtı davayı.
00:11:23 E yine de çok hızlı değil mi böyle yangından mal kaçırır gibi?
00:11:27 Bana başkasına aşık oldun dedi.
00:11:29 Nöbetçi mahkemeye başvurmadığıma dua etsin.
00:11:32 Gerçi neyine dua edecek ya?
00:11:34 Kendisi istedi, o da ayrı.
00:11:36 Sana bazen hayret ediyorum biliyor musun?
00:11:41 Niyeymiş o?
00:11:43 Millet aldatılıyor.
00:11:46 Bin tane şey yaşıyor.
00:11:49 Yine de sevdiğinden boşanmıyorsan,
00:11:51 tek bir sözle boşanıyorsun.
00:11:54 Ömer'e olan aşkımı sorguluyorsan,
00:11:56 Ömer'e hâlâ çok aşığım.
00:11:58 Ama çok canımı yaktı Alev.
00:12:01 Benim için her şey bitti o an orada.
00:12:04 Bir daha onunla bir araya gelebilmem mümkün değil.
00:12:07 Aşkımı kalbime gömerim diyorsun yani?
00:12:11 Aynen öyle.
00:12:13 Birisini seviyorsan, o da seni sevmek zorunda değil.
00:12:18 Evet ama insan,
00:12:19 sevdiği kişi tarafından sevilmek istiyor.
00:12:22 Her zaman öyle olmuyormuş.
00:12:25 Keşke bunu böyle anlamasaydım tabii de.
00:12:28 Peki diyelim ki karşı taraf da seni seviyor ama,
00:12:31 adım atmaya korkuyor.
00:12:33 O zaman ne olacak?
00:12:35 Niye korkuyor?
00:12:37 Korkak.
00:12:39 Yani mesela.
00:12:41 Aşkına sahip çıkamayacak kadar korkak biri zaten seni yeteri kadar sevmiyordur.
00:12:46 [Nefes sesi]
00:12:47 Sonuç olarak erkekler kapatılsın diyebilir miyiz yani?
00:12:52 Yani, diyelim bakalım da.
00:12:54 Sen daha yarım saat önce taktın yüzüğü. İnsaf yani.
00:12:57 Aman, benimki dediğim yap, yapsam yapma kafası işte.
00:13:01 Bana bak,
00:13:04 sen o kanalda eğitim programı yapacağına,
00:13:06 aşk doktorluğu yapmak, vallahi reyting rekorları kırarsın.
00:13:09 Aman Alev, aşk doktoru olmak kim ben kim.
00:13:13 Kendime merhem olamıyorum. Başkalarına dertleriyle mi uğraşacağım?
00:13:16 Buyurun bakalım.
00:13:25 Sağ ol Sevilaycığım.
00:13:27 Fırından yeni çıktı, sıcacık.
00:13:29 Ellerine sağlık.
00:13:31 Ben granoladan devam.
00:13:33 Ay bu arada,
00:13:36 bizim olaydan asıl bomba arada kaynadı.
00:13:39 Ne bombası?
00:13:42 Apo, Nursema'yı işten attırmış.
00:13:44 Ne? Neden?
00:13:46 Kendi kızını mı kovdurmuş?
00:13:48 Hiç şaşırmadım.
00:13:50 Ne bakıyorsunuz öyle?
00:13:54 Abdullah Bey kızını çalıştırır mı?
00:13:58 Nursema da bir alem.
00:14:00 Macera yaşamak istedi herhalde.
00:14:02 Zavallı Nursema.
00:14:04 Sürekli kız ilerlemek istiyor, ama ailesi destekleyip köstek oluyor.
00:14:10 Hiç boşuna heves etmesin.
00:14:12 Yazık gerçekten.
00:14:14 Ama siz de Nursema'yı iyice ezik sandınız.
00:14:17 Nursema bunu öğrenince, sen git Apo'nun ofisine.
00:14:23 Bağır, çağır, Umut'u da al, çık.
00:14:25 Eyvah.
00:14:29 Eyvah ki neyme. Kız bizi göre göre değişti.
00:14:32 Çok iyi oldu bence.
00:14:34 Evet, aynen öyle.
00:14:36 Bu ne böyle töre dizisi gibi?
00:14:39 Alevciğim, sen o kızı hiç yalnız bırakma, destekle.
00:14:42 O kızın babasıyla mücadele etmesi hiç kolay bir şey değil.
00:14:45 Tabii canım.
00:14:47 E, Umut da işten ayrıldı o zaman.
00:14:49 Oh, çok güzel. İki çıplak bir hamama yakışır.
00:14:53 Onlar hallederler anne. Sonuçta ikisi de çalışmaktan guculmayan yetişkin insanlar.
00:14:58 Umut da senin yanına döndü tabii.
00:15:02 Aynen.
00:15:04 Nursema ne yapacak peki?
00:15:07 Bakacak herhalde. Yani, babasından para almaz artık bu saatten sonra.
00:15:11 Nursema ailesiyle kocası arasında kalıyor mu?
00:15:16 O işten hayır gelmez.
00:15:18 Ay yok ya.
00:15:20 Artık ben hiçbir şey demiyorum. Ağzımın payını aldım nasıl olsa.
00:15:24 Bugün ben de geleyim seninle.
00:15:28 Ah, dava bugündü değil mi?
00:15:31 Ah, annem ya.
00:15:34 Ben yalnız gideceğim. Yani gideyim, sessiz sakin halledeyim, bitsin gitsin.
00:15:38 Kaçtaydı? Öğlen değil mi?
00:15:41 Evet.
00:15:43 Alev bak, sakın saçma sapan bir şey yapayım deme.
00:15:46 Ay bu evin Nilay'ı da benim herhalde. Tamam, yapmayacağım dedim.
00:15:50 Ben uyarımı yapayım da.
00:15:52 O zaman ben gideyim, ressamla bir randevum var.
00:15:56 Ressam kim?
00:15:58 Aa, Ertuğrul abiyle değil mi?
00:16:00 Evet.
00:16:03 Ne oluyor ya? Neden benim hiçbir şeyden haberim yok?
00:16:06 Aman bak, bir şey de geç öğrendi ya, hemen morali bozuldu.
00:16:09 Anneciğim, Mihri'nin babası benim çok sevdiğim bir ressamı tanıyormuş.
00:16:13 Onunla program için konuşacağız.
00:16:15 Hadi hayırlısı.
00:16:17 Hadi size afiyet olsun.
00:16:19 Görüşürüz. Bye bye.
00:16:21 Nasıl geçti abi, isteme işi?
00:16:24 Gittik geldik işte.
00:16:26 Ne oldu, bir tatsızlık mı oldu?
00:16:28 Yoo, olmadı şükür de.
00:16:31 Bizim ne işimiz vardı, onu pek anlayamadım.
00:16:33 Neyse, erken bitti zaten.
00:16:35 İyi, hayırlı olsun.
00:16:37 Senin boşanma bugün mü?
00:16:39 Bugün.
00:16:41 Ömer, bu işe canım çok sıkılıyor oğlum.
00:16:43 Seninle de konuşamadık. Nedir bu Gonca'nın meselesi?
00:16:47 Abi, biz Gonca'yla, Leman'la boşanma sürecinde tanışmıştık.
00:16:52 Tabii boşanma işi uzayınca, öyle yarım kaldı.
00:16:56 Ta ki bu Almanya seyahatinde tekrar karşılaşana kadar.
00:17:00 Tekrar karşılaşınca, aşkımız canlandı.
00:17:04 Aşkın canlandı, Kıvılcım Hanım'ın oğlan aşkın da bitti böyle hemen.
00:17:08 Abi, Kıvılcım'la zaten sorunlarımız vardı.
00:17:11 Hiç sorun varmış gibi görünmüyordu Ömer.
00:17:14 Abi, sen bunları niye soruyorsun sürekli, anlamadım ki.
00:17:17 Yani, boşanacağımı duyunca böyle yapmıyordun.
00:17:19 Biri yüzünden boşandığını söylemedin ki.
00:17:22 Anlaşamayıp ayrılmak başka bir şey, bir kadın yüzünden evliliğini bitirmek başka bir şey.
00:17:29 - Olum olarak öyle demeyelim de. - Nasıl diyelim?
00:17:31 Kadını koluna takıp yemeğe geldin, şaşırdım kaldım.
00:17:35 Şaşkınlığınızı anlıyorum abi, anlıyorum da işte.
00:17:39 Ben anlamıyorum Ömer, vallahi anlamıyorum.
00:17:42 Hiç senlik hareketler yapmıyorsun oğlum.
00:17:45 Bana bir anlat bakayım, bir derdin falan mı var yoksa?
00:17:49 Abi yok, ne derdim olacak? Bir derdim falan yok.
00:17:52 Yani Kıvılcım'la olmayacağını anlayınca,
00:17:57 Gonca'yla tekrar bir araya geldik, etkilendik, yakınlaştık.
00:18:01 Olan bu yani, başka bir şey yok.
00:18:03 İyi madem, öyle diyorsan hayırlısı, ne diyeyim.
00:18:09 - Teşekkürler. - Teşekkürler.
00:18:20 New York'taki sergimde tanışmıştık Ertuğrul'la.
00:18:25 Yılların sanat camiasında yeniyim.
00:18:27 Çok desteğini gördüm.
00:18:29 Estağfurullah.
00:18:32 Benim de eski bir öğrencim vardı resimde, çok yetenekliydi gerçekten.
00:18:38 Sizin tablonuzun aynısını yaptı benim için.
00:18:41 Benim tablomun aynısı?
00:18:45 Evet.
00:18:48 Replikasını mı yaptı yani?
00:18:52 Ne kadar güzel bir şey değil mi bu? Gençler senin yolundan ilerliyorlar.
00:18:55 Sanatları pek issin diye eserlerin üzerinde çalışma yapmışlar.
00:18:58 Bu iyi bir şey aslında, öyle değil mi?
00:19:01 Yok, yani aslında öyle sahte bir durum yok.
00:19:04 Resim benim evimde asılı. Ben sadece hiçbir zaman alamayacağım resmi iç geçirerek bakıyorum.
00:19:10 İyi yapmışsın. Alamazsın tabii.
00:19:13 Mehmet Asım aynı zamanda çok nüktedandır Kıvılcım Hanım.
00:19:20 Ertuğrul da böyle nuh nevi'den kalma kelimeleri kullanmaya bayılır.
00:19:24 O da anlayan birine denk gelirse.
00:19:27 Niye anlamasın canım? Anlar tabii. Kıvılcım Hanım eğitimci. Niye anlamasın?
00:19:31 Yahu siz niye böyle birbirinizde hanımla beyli konuşuyorsunuz?
00:19:35 Kendisi çok kibardır. Ama ben öyle değilim.
00:19:41 Anladım.
00:19:43 Çok komiksiniz. Sen de mi kibarcıksın?
00:19:48 Kıvılcım Hanım, pardon. Kıvılcım çok hanım, nazenim.
00:19:54 Yahu şimdi açık bir cam bulsam vallahi atacağım kendimi.
00:19:58 Bu ne? Başlayacağım senin edebiyatına.
00:20:00 Ee, resmi el kırıldı biraz. O da bir şey.
00:20:04 Mehmet Asım, bizim işin özünde buraya niye geldiğimizi sen biliyor musun?
00:20:07 Aslında hayırlı bir iş.
00:20:12 Pekâlâ. Neymiş o? Anlatın bakalım.
00:20:16 Ben bir program yapıyorum. Eğitim programı. Daha çok yeniyim ama fena gitmiyor.
00:20:20 O da senin güzel olduğun için olmasın?
00:20:23 Hayır, ne münasebet. Çok başarılı, yetenekli. Gözünü seveyim biraz dinle ne olur.
00:20:31 Evet.
00:20:34 Ben ilk defa bir konuk alacağım. Eğer misafirimiz olursanız çok memnun olurum.
00:20:38 Gelmem.
00:20:42 Yahu neden? Senin çalışma azmini, sanat hayatındaki inişlerini, çıkışlarını gençler öğrenmesin mi?
00:20:48 Öğrenmesin bana ne?
00:20:50 Ama Mehmet Asım Bey, size örnek alan çok genç var.
00:20:54 Yani gelseniz bir bildiklerinizi anlatsanız ne güzel olur.
00:20:57 Üstelik eğitimin bu kadar önemli olduğu bir dönemde,
00:21:00 "Mehmet Asım, gözünü seveyim bu kadar ulaşılmaz." Olma. Bırak gençler senden feyz alsınlar.
00:21:05 Evet, Mehmet Asım Bey. Gençler, çocuklar sizden faydalanmasınlar mı?
00:21:11 Peki, kabul.
00:21:13 Çok teşekkürler.
00:21:15 Yo, bana teşekkür etme.
00:21:17 Ertuğrul'un yeri bende çok farklıdır. Onun hatırı için kabul ettim. Bana teşekkür et.
00:21:24 Bu resminizi en son serginizde görmüştüm ben.
00:21:35 Şuraya geri döndüğüm için o kadar mutluyum ki.
00:21:38 Yani içeriye girerken, yemin ediyorum yerleri öpecektim neredeyse.
00:21:44 Ne yapıyorlardı oğlum orada sana?
00:21:46 Herkes bir kasıntı ya.
00:21:49 Yani takım elbise zorunlu, sadece erkekler çalışıyor.
00:21:53 Böyle gereksiz bir resmiyet. Zaten bu resminin bir kısmı var.
00:21:57 Yani, bu resminin bir kısmı var.
00:22:00 Herkes bir takım elbise zorunlu, sadece erkekler çalışıyor. Böyle gereksiz bir resmiyet.
00:22:05 Zaten ben orada saksı gibiydim. Yani Mete Han benden daha çok çalışıyordu, düşün yani.
00:22:10 Ben odamda tecditteydim.
00:22:13 Evet ama orada da dolgun maaş alıyordun, öyle düşün.
00:22:17 Bir şey almadım ben.
00:22:19 Ne? Nasıl yani?
00:22:22 Oğlum, o kadar çalıştın, emeğinin karşılığını niye almıyorsun?
00:22:28 Çalıştırmadılar diyorum. Ben yapmadığım işin niye parasını alayım ezik gibi?
00:22:32 Zaten Nursema'yı da çok çaktırmamaya çalıştım ama,
00:22:38 Apo'nun niyeti gelsin, otursun, parasını alsın kafasıydı.
00:22:42 Sen de o yüzden almadın.
00:22:45 Vay benim fakir ama gururlu arkadaşım.
00:22:49 Aynen öyle. Neyse zaten bir ay bile dolmamıştı. Hiç önemli değil.
00:22:55 Ben az kazanayım ama mutlu olayım, gerçekten.
00:22:58 Tamam tamam, dert etme. Ben sana önden bir avans çıkarım. Takma kafana.
00:23:02 Vallahi çok iyi olur ya, sağ ol.
00:23:05 Yani tabii onlar kadar paraya boğamam seni ama bir destek atarım.
00:23:10 Aman olmaz olsun onların paraları ya. Maymun ettiler beni.
00:23:14 Ay ben geç kalıyorum.
00:23:17 Nereye? İş varsa ben de geleyim.
00:23:19 Yani iş var da, benim işim var.
00:23:23 Bu pek hayra alamet gelmedi ama neyse.
00:23:26 Aynen öyle. Hadi bye bye.
00:23:29 Hoş geldin Umut.
00:23:34 Ertuğrul, gerçekten geldiğin için çok teşekkür ederim. İşlerini bırakıp buraya kadar geldin.
00:23:42 Rica ederim. Ne demek, benim için zevkti.
00:23:44 Bu arada sana sen diyorum. Mehmet Asım'dan azar işitince.
00:23:50 Mehmet Asım değişik biridir. Aslında işin özünde iyi bir insan.
00:23:53 Ama böyle aklına ilk geleni söyler. Fakat duygusaldır da.
00:23:57 Yok yani sorun yok benim için. Sonuçta sanatçı, üretken biri, yaratıcı. Böyle olması normal. Ben hiç yadırgamadım.
00:24:04 Aslında ben biraz tedirgin oldum. Malum bazı cümlelerin filtresi yok.
00:24:08 Yok yok, gerçekten sorun yok. Ben çok sevdim.
00:24:11 Ayrıca içinde sinsilik barındıran ne filtridiler gördüm ben.
00:24:14 Varsın böyle olsun. Benim için sorun yok.
00:24:18 Tabii tabii. Ben de müdahalası olmayan insanları çok seviyorum. Mehmet Asım da onlardan biri.
00:24:23 Evet. Bu arada bundan sonraki programa seni davet etmek istiyorum. Konuştuk ama havada kaldı. Gelirsen çok memnun olurum.
00:24:30 Ben her zaman buradayım Kıvılcım. Sen merak etme. Sen önce Mehmet Asım'ı bir ağırla. Gerisi kolay.
00:24:35 Çok teşekkür ederim.
00:24:37 Rica ederim. Ben seni bırakayım diyecektim ama arabayla gelmişsin herhalde.
00:24:40 Evet, buradan adliyeye gideceğim.
00:24:42 Adliye?
00:24:44 Boşanma davam var bugün.
00:24:47 Gerçekten ne diyeceğimi bilemiyorum.
00:24:49 Yok, söyleyecek bir şey yok.
00:24:51 Umarım sizin için en hayırlısına esir olsun.
00:24:54 Umarım.
00:24:56 Sen peki nasılsın, iyi misin?
00:25:00 İyiyim. Kabullendim. Önüme bakıyorum.
00:25:04 Peki. O zaman görüşmek üzere.
00:25:06 Tekrar teşekkürler.
00:25:08 Rica ederim.
00:25:11 Valla sade bir akşamdı. Hani bunlar kutlama meraklısı ama pek de abartmamışlar. Hayret ettim.
00:25:20 Sağ ol abla.
00:25:39 Sağ ol canım.
00:25:40 Ben seninle dün akşam konuşmaya gelmedim anne.
00:25:45 Hayırdır Nursema? Yine ne oldu?
00:25:51 Babam beni işimden etti, haberin var mı?
00:25:53 Ne işi?
00:25:55 Nasıl ne işi?
00:25:57 Emlakçıda çalışıyordum ya ben.
00:26:00 Aman Allah aşkına Nursema, saçmalama.
00:26:05 Genel müdürdün sanki. Kızım senin ne işin var oralarda?
00:26:09 Size ne anne?
00:26:12 Ne demek size ne?
00:26:14 Sen Umut'un karısı olmaya alıştın, kimin kızı olduğunu unuttun.
00:26:20 Kimin kızıyım anne ben? O ne demek?
00:26:23 Sen o Kıvılcım hanım gibi, o zilli Alev gibi değilsin. Olma da zaten.
00:26:31 Bir şey görmediğin için, bir yere kadar onlara özenmeni anlarız.
00:26:37 Ama nereden geldiğini unutursan...
00:26:40 Ne olur?
00:26:42 İşte böyle olur Nursema, baban müdahale eder.
00:26:45 Çok da iyi yapmış gerçi.
00:26:48 Yahu adam o çocuğa iş verdi, korudu kolladı.
00:26:52 Nereden çıkıyor çalışmak?
00:26:54 Anne ne diyorsun sen ya?
00:26:56 Zorla çalışmak, zorla çalışmak.
00:27:00 Zorbalık resmen bu.
00:27:02 Zorbalıkmış.
00:27:04 Kimin cümleleri bunlar?
00:27:07 Sen o kadınlara özenme kızım, onların tozu kuru.
00:27:12 Bak Kıvılcım hanıma ikinci kocayı boşuyor. Allah yazdıysa bozsun.
00:27:17 Ya anne benim kimseye özendiğim yok ya.
00:27:20 Biraz aç şu gözlerini de etrafa bak.
00:27:24 Ben mi dedim sana git bu çulsuz adamla evlen diye?
00:27:28 Üstelik içkici pervasız bir şey.
00:27:31 Baban sen rahat ol, mutlu ol diye, adam kendini paraladı.
00:27:37 Biz kan kustuk da kızım kızılcık şerbeti içtik dedik.
00:27:41 Ne olduysa her şeyi yuttuk.
00:27:44 Sen azıcık aç gözünü de bak bir etrafına bakalım.
00:27:47 Umut artık orada çalışmıyor.
00:27:49 Ben kocamı ezdirmem anne.
00:27:54 Kimseye ezdirmem. Değil babam kimseye ezdirmem.
00:27:58 Ya sen ne biçim konuşuyorsun ya?
00:28:01 Evliliğini sürdürebilmek için onca şey yaşamışken sen bana neler söylüyorsun?
00:28:09 Ben ailemle kocam arasında kalacağım hiçbir şey yapmadım.
00:28:14 Ailemin yapısına ters düşecek şekilde davranmadım ben.
00:28:19 Tamam sen söyle anne o zaman bana.
00:28:22 Benim kocam mutsuz.
00:28:24 Ve ben kocamı mutlu etmek istiyorum.
00:28:28 Bizim evde huzurumuz kalmadı anne.
00:28:31 Kalmaz tabi kalmaz.
00:28:33 Çünkü sen yanlış bir evlilik yaptın.
00:28:37 Nursema sen ona ayak uydurmayacaksın kızım.
00:28:43 O sana uyacak.
00:28:45 Zenginiz diye değil mi anne?
00:28:49 Ben seni el alemin adamına hizmet edesin diye doğurmadım.
00:28:53 Kaldı ki senin kocan ailenin yapısını bozacak hareketlerde bulunuyor.
00:28:58 Babanın ellerine sağlık. Oh çok iyi yapmış.
00:29:02 O Umut efendi kimden kız aldığını bilecek.
00:29:06 Ona göre davranacak.
00:29:08 O zaman ben sana şöyle söyleyeyim anne.
00:29:14 Sen hep dersin ya bir kadının görevi kocasını mutlu etmek diye.
00:29:20 Benim kocam mutsuz anne.
00:29:23 Anladın mı sürekli bize karıştığınız için benim kocam mutsuz.
00:29:27 Söyle ben şimdi ne yapacağım?
00:29:29 Vah vah vah.
00:29:32 Vah ki ne vah.
00:29:34 Ben seni tanıyamıyorum artık kızım.
00:29:39 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:29:48 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:30:17 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:30:45 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:31:13 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:31:40 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:32:07 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:32:36 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:33:05 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:33:22 [HORN SOUND]
00:33:38 Evet.
00:33:40 Kızlar ne oluyor ya delirdiniz mi?
00:33:43 A a.
00:33:44 Delirmedik kendimize geldik.
00:33:46 Hep evlenmeler mi kutlanacak canım biz de boşanmayı kutluyoruz artık özgürsün beybi.
00:33:51 Yapmayın ne olursunuz Allah aşkına ya.
00:33:53 Ay gidenlere güle güle hadi.
00:33:55 Hıh oynayın.
00:33:57 Ya lütfen bitti şov kapat şu müziği sen de Cemre ile buraya kadar gelmişsin.
00:34:04 Ne yapıyorsunuz kızlar?
00:34:06 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:34:20 Gel gel.
00:34:21 Hadi hayırlı uğurlu olsun.
00:34:23 Daha nice boşanmalara.
00:34:26 Ne demişler evlenmenin en güzel kısmı boşanmasıymış.
00:34:30 Kim demiş onu?
00:34:31 Ay ben diyorum canım.
00:34:32 Şu an çok sinirlendim kızlar.
00:34:36 Bence kızlar biz şöyle bir sarılalım yoksa beni yiyecek.
00:34:40 Evet evet aynen öyle.
00:34:44 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:34:55 Neyse anne.
00:34:58 Senin beni ne anlamaya,
00:35:02 ne de dinlemeye gönlün var.
00:35:05 Ben bir Cemre'ye bakıp sonra çıkacağım.
00:35:10 Ha bekle bekle görürsün Cemre'yi sen.
00:35:12 Onun anası da böyle senin gibi başı bozuk işte.
00:35:15 Aldı el kadar bebeği sokaklarda sürtüyor.
00:35:18 Annesi anne o onun. İstediği yere götürür.
00:35:21 Aynen öyle Nursema Hanım.
00:35:25 Ben de senin annenim.
00:35:27 Anne sen neden anlamak istemiyorsun?
00:35:30 Ben bebek değilim.
00:35:32 Kızım, yavrum benim.
00:35:38 Senin kaşın çatılsa,
00:35:40 benim kalbime hançer saplanır.
00:35:43 Ben seni üzülmeni ister miymiş Nursema?
00:35:48 O zaman bana destek ol anne olur mu?
00:35:54 Lütfen bana destek ol.
00:35:57 Oluyorum sana destek daha ne yapayım?
00:35:59 Vallahi ben bin parçaya bölündüm.
00:36:03 Bin parçaya bölündüm ben ailemi,
00:36:07 ayakta tutacağım diye.
00:36:09 Biriniz de bana destek olun.
00:36:12 Ben ne yaptıysam çocuklarım için yaptım.
00:36:20 Ama gene de yaranamadım ben size.
00:36:23 Biriniz de çıkıp,
00:36:26 anne Allah senden razı olsun demediniz.
00:36:29 Bunca yıl o babanı idare etmek ne kadar zor sen biliyor musun?
00:36:36 Allah razı olsun anne senden.
00:36:38 Bu zamana kadar,
00:36:41 bizi büyüttün, bu yaşa getirdin.
00:36:44 Ama ne olur artık bizim bir birey olduğumuzu anla.
00:36:49 Bırak,
00:36:51 biz artık kendi hayatımızı yaşayalım.
00:36:54 Kendi kaderimizi yaşayalım anne.
00:36:57 Nursema, ne olur kurbanın olayım.
00:37:04 Babanla ters düşme ne olur.
00:37:06 Gel konuş.
00:37:08 Ben zaten hastalık sahibi bir kadınım.
00:37:12 Ne olur böyle yapmayın.
00:37:14 Vallahi yaşamam ben.
00:37:16 Öyle arkamdan baka kalırsınız sonra.
00:37:19 Tamam anne sen merak etme ben babamla konuşurum.
00:37:23 Annem,
00:37:25 kusura bakma ya müsaitsin sandım.
00:37:28 Gel çocuğum gel, gel.
00:37:30 Ben kalkıyordum zaten Zülker, gel.
00:37:33 Gel.
00:37:34 Hayırlı günler anne.
00:37:37 Güle güle kızım.
00:37:40 Doğan'ın konuştuğu şu avukat kadın, araştırabildin mi?
00:37:47 Fatih, bu kadın çok dişli biri.
00:37:51 Eski davalarına falan baktım.
00:37:53 Bir çoğunu bilaha bedel kabul etmiş.
00:37:55 Yani anlayacağın kadın işinde bir numara.
00:37:59 Ben bir konuşsam?
00:38:02 Randovu alırız.
00:38:03 Başka türlü görüşmüyor.
00:38:05 Ama çok da umutlanma derim ben.
00:38:07 Bir de sonra ters seperse.
00:38:09 Görüşüp durumu anlatsam diyorum.
00:38:12 Belki bize yardımcı olur.
00:38:14 Bir de tabii neye ihtiyacı varsa veririz.
00:38:19 Bu kadını satın alamazsın Fatih.
00:38:22 Hadi gidip şansımı deneyeyim dedin.
00:38:25 Ve kadın reddetti.
00:38:27 İnan bana anında gidip Doğan'a her şeyi tek tek anlatır.
00:38:31 Evet, evet doğru diyorsun ağabey.
00:38:33 Doğan'a bir şey belli etmemem lazım.
00:38:36 O zaman sen kadını takip al.
00:38:41 Bir bakalım.
00:38:43 Dikkatli çekmezsin sen.
00:38:45 Peşine ben onu takarım. Sorun değil.
00:38:47 Tamam.
00:38:49 Ama Doğan'la konuştuğu gibi, görüştüğü gibi haberim olması lazım.
00:38:54 Tamamdır.
00:38:56 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:39:06 Hayat abla terliklerimi getirir misin?
00:39:09 Hayırdır ne oldu Nilay Hanım?
00:39:15 Bilmiyorum ama kendimi hiç iyi hissetmiyorum.
00:39:18 Salona bir su getirir misin?
00:39:20 Tamam getireyim.
00:39:23 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:39:35 Hoş geldiniz Doğan.
00:39:37 Hoş buldum. Cemre'yi alır mısın Hayat abla?
00:39:39 Uy canım uyudu mu?
00:39:41 Arabada daldı.
00:39:43 Herkes nerede?
00:39:52 Cemre ağabeyin dışarı çıktı.
00:39:53 Nilay da az önce geldi.
00:39:55 Ama inip inip inmiyor.
00:39:57 Niye ki?
00:39:59 Bilmiyorum.
00:40:01 İçeyim ben bir.
00:40:03 Nilay.
00:40:10 Ne oldu iyi misin?
00:40:14 Bilmiyorum. İçimden bir şey çekiliyor sanki.
00:40:17 Tansiyonum oynuyor galiba.
00:40:19 Tamam hadi kalk doktora gidelim.
00:40:21 Yok daha dün gittim doktora bir şeyim yok geçer birazdan.
00:40:24 Ama olmaz böyle çok tehlikeli bir dönemdesin. Her an doğum başlayabilir hadi kalk.
00:40:28 Ya doğuracak olsam anlamaz mıyım ben? İyiyim dedim.
00:40:31 Ya Nilay saçmalama hadi lütfen kalk hadi.
00:40:34 Korkuyor galiba.
00:40:36 Ya neyden korkacağım canım?
00:40:38 Ya korksan da zaten bir şeye faydası yok.
00:40:40 Doğum başladıysa hiçbir şey yapamayız yani geri dönüşü yok bunun hadi.
00:40:43 Ay o ne demek öyle ya? Ölüme gider gibi tövbe estağfurullah.
00:40:46 Nilay'cığım hadi inat etme kalk hadi.
00:40:50 Dikkat et tamam gel.
00:40:51 Ay çok fenayım.
00:40:53 Tamam.
00:40:55 Yavaş yavaş.
00:40:58 Kocam ara.
00:41:00 Onsuz yapamam.
00:41:02 Onsuz yapamam.
00:41:04 Tamam tamam ama önce bir hastaneye gidelim boş yere telaşlanmasın.
00:41:07 Yapsın telaş yapsın kocam o benim. Ara hemen.
00:41:11 Nilay var ya sende kocam da kocam ya kocam da kocam.
00:41:15 Başlayacağım ya kocana arayacağım tamam hadi.
00:41:18 Tamam hadi.
00:41:20 [Müzik]
00:41:23 [Müzik]
00:41:26 [Müzik]
00:41:29 [Müzik]
00:41:31 [Müzik]
00:41:34 [Müzik]
00:41:37 [Müzik]
00:41:40 [Müzik]
00:41:43 [Müzik]
00:41:46 [Müzik]
00:41:49 [Müzik]
00:41:52 [Müzik]
00:41:56 [Müzik]
00:41:58 [Müzik]
00:42:01 [Müzik]
00:42:04 Kolay gelsin.
00:42:06 Sağ olun.
00:42:08 Su soğuk değil mi?
00:42:09 Soğuk baya.
00:42:10 Hayır yanlış anlama yani Kasım ayındayız da mevsimi değil o yüzden söyledim.
00:42:15 Bu bir seminerin son adımı aslında.
00:42:17 O yüzden buradayız.
00:42:19 Seminer derken?
00:42:20 Bir nevi negatiflerden arınma ritüeli diyebiliriz aslında.
00:42:24 Malum tuzlu ve soğuk su her derde deva.
00:42:27 Arınmak için namaz da kılabilirsiniz biliyorsunuz değil mi?
00:42:31 Onu da yaparız bunu da.
00:42:33 Bizim öyle duvarlarımız yok.
00:42:34 Önemli olan rahatlamak.
00:42:36 Kişinin kendini yenilenmiş hissetmesin.
00:42:38 O da doğru tabi.
00:42:42 Sizde bize katılabilirsiniz.
00:42:44 Biraz kaybolmuş gözüküyorsunuz.
00:42:46 Öyle mi?
00:42:53 Nasıl olacak böyle kıyafetlerle?
00:42:55 Yarın sabah erkenden buradayız.
00:42:57 İsterseniz gelin.
00:43:00 Sabah çok soğuk olmaz mı?
00:43:02 Oluyor.
00:43:04 Tabi ama olsun.
00:43:06 Korkularınızla yüzleşin.
00:43:07 Yarın sabah diyorsunuz yani?
00:43:10 Evet.
00:43:12 Peki sabah burada olacağım.
00:43:14 Kolay gelsin.
00:43:17 Görüşürüz.
00:43:18 Görüşmek üzere.
00:43:20 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:43:31 Muayene yapan doktor arkadaşım bana bütün detayları iletti.
00:43:34 Panik olacak hiçbir şey yok.
00:43:36 Sadece bebek ters dönmüş.
00:43:37 Niye ya? Dün dönmemişti.
00:43:39 Bakın bu çok olağan bir şey.
00:43:41 Bebek sadece ters dönmüş ama daha fazla bekleyemeyiz.
00:43:43 Hemen almamız lazım.
00:43:44 Ne yapacağım ben?
00:43:47 Anneciğim sakin ol tamam mı? Korkulacak hiçbir şey yok.
00:43:49 Nasıl yok? İçimden mizah çıkacak.
00:43:51 Ben daha hazır değilim.
00:43:53 Bakın Nile Hanım gerçekten korkulacak bir şey yok.
00:43:55 Ben hemen hemşehrinizi yönlendiriyorum.
00:43:57 Kısa zaman içerisinde görüşmek üzere olur mu?
00:43:59 Ay ben görüşmek falan istemiyorum yok.
00:44:01 Doğa ben hazır değilim.
00:44:05 Ben doğuramam.
00:44:07 Nile saçmalama bak bebeğe bir şey olur sonra.
00:44:09 Ya niye olsun? Ben evladım bilmez miyim?
00:44:11 Of moralim çok bozuldu ya.
00:44:13 Nile bak sinirleniyorum ama.
00:44:16 Kötü bir refakatçisin Doğa.
00:44:17 Moral ver bari elimi tut.
00:44:19 Hadi.
00:44:22 Tutsana.
00:44:24 Hadi.
00:44:26 Oldu mu?
00:44:28 Oldu. Oldu.
00:44:30 Of Allah'ım ya doğuma giderken elimi tutacak kişi kocam olmalıydı Doğa değil.
00:44:35 Kocama haber verdin mi?
00:44:39 Verdim verdim merak etme.
00:44:42 Bak bana bir şey olursa abla Junior'ı sana emanet tamam mı?
00:44:46 Sen de evladından ayrı kaldın. Beni en iyi sen anlarsın.
00:44:50 Nilay niye böyle konuşuyorsun? Hiçbir şey olmayacak.
00:44:53 Ay celladım geliyor.
00:44:57 Bak bak nasıl bakıyor kötü kötü gözüme bakıyor. Oku oku moral oku.
00:45:00 Tamam okurum okurum merak etme.
00:45:03 Hazır mıyız?
00:45:06 Hiç hazır değiliz.
00:45:09 Kötü güzel kötü.
00:45:10 Efendim Abdullah Bey.
00:45:23 Pembe Hanım neredesin?
00:45:25 Eve dönüyorum şimdi. Hayırdır ne oldu?
00:45:28 Ya Nilay doğuma girmiş. Mustafa aradı şimdi ona da Doğa söylemiş.
00:45:34 Ay bismillah.
00:45:37 Annem ne oldu?
00:45:38 Bizim hastanede de sen oraya geç ben de yoldayım geliyorum.
00:45:41 Tamam tamam geliyorum geliyorum.
00:45:44 Ay Nilay doğuma girmiş.
00:45:47 Allah'ım sen yardım et yarabbim. Bir avaz da gelsin torunumuz.
00:45:53 İnşallah annem gözünüz aydın.
00:45:55 Abim sen direkt hastaneye kır. Gelin doğuruyor ya.
00:46:00 Hay Allah'ım çok şükür.
00:46:03 Sen acele etme yavaş yavaş işini yap yavaş yavaş.
00:46:06 Tamam her şey yolunda hazırız. Ben hemen arkadaşımı çağırayım size yardımcı olsun.
00:46:17 E sancım yok.
00:46:25 Sürpriz mi?
00:46:27 Sürpriz.
00:46:30 Sancım yok. Suyum da gelmedi. Bunlar benim canımı acıtacak.
00:46:35 Evet evet iyi. Ya merak etme tabi heyecanlı biraz.
00:46:50 Ama ben yanındayım tamam mı? Şimdi alacaklar onu da zaten.
00:46:56 Tamam sen sakin ol. Bir an önce gel tamam.
00:46:59 Tamam tamam. Hadi ben şimdi yanına geçiyorum.
00:47:15 Sen de bir an önce gel tamam. Hadi bay bay.
00:47:18 Nilay.
00:47:21 Nilay.
00:47:22 Nilay.
00:47:31 E çantası burada.
00:47:38 Hastamız nerede?
00:47:43 Kaçmış. -Ne?
00:47:45 Merak etmeyin o halde fazla uzaklaşamaz. Ben onu bulurum.
00:47:49 Nilay ya. Seni aramam eksikti.
00:47:51 Olmazsa..
00:47:53 Ah Nilay ya.
00:48:08 Ah Nilay ya.
00:48:09 Ya.
00:48:10 [Müzik çalıyor]
00:48:12 [Müzik çalıyor]
00:48:14 [Müzik çalıyor]
00:48:43 Nilay aç kapıyı.
00:48:44 Dolu.
00:48:54 Nilay aç şu kapıyı hadi.
00:48:58 Ay sen de peşimi bir türlü bırakmadın ya.
00:49:00 Acı çekşam diye mutlusun değil mi?
00:49:03 Zebaniye bir dikildin başıma.
00:49:05 Bak ben seni düşünmüyorum. Ben bebeği düşünüyorum.
00:49:08 Hadi aç şu kapıyı yoksa gideceğim birini bulacağım bu kapıyı açtıracağım.
00:49:13 Nilay hadi.
00:49:15 Nilay aç şu kapıyı diyorum hadi.
00:49:20 Nereye kadar kaçacaksın böyle aç şu kapıyı.
00:49:23 Çok korkuyorum.
00:49:31 Biliyorum.
00:49:34 Biliyorum o kadar haklısın ki.
00:49:36 Ama bugün senin hayatının en güzel günü olacak.
00:49:41 Öyle mi diyorsun?
00:49:42 Öyle tabii.
00:49:43 Bebeğinle birlikte bugün senin de doğum günün olacak.
00:49:46 Yeniden doğmuş gibi olacaksın.
00:49:49 Hayatın o kadar güzel değişecek ki.
00:49:52 Mustafa'm da geldi.
00:49:54 Az kaldı ağlama.
00:49:56 Geliyor.
00:49:58 Doğa.
00:49:59 Beni yalnız bırakma olur mu?
00:50:01 Buradayım.
00:50:03 Merak etme.
00:50:04 Biliyorum.
00:50:05 Beni pek sevmiyorsun ama.
00:50:10 Ben yanındayım senin.
00:50:11 Hiçbir yere gitmiyorum.
00:50:12 Korkma tamam mı?
00:50:20 Korkma.
00:50:23 Hadi gel.
00:50:27 Bebeğimize kavuşalım.
00:50:30 Kavuşalım.
00:50:31 Mehmet Asım mı?
00:50:47 İnanılmaz değil mi?
00:50:48 İnanılmaz o adam çok değiyor diye duydum ben. Nasıl kabul ettin?
00:50:51 Onu çok tanıyan birisi referans oldu bana.
00:50:53 Okey çok iyi.
00:50:55 O zaman hemen yarınki programın konu olsun.
00:50:57 Çünkü bu herifler deliler.
00:50:58 Biliyorsun yani bu tayfa hep öyle.
00:51:00 Bir anda vazgeçebilir.
00:51:01 Hemen apar topar mı?
00:51:02 Başka türlü olmaz öyle söyleyeyim.
00:51:04 Yani tamam peki ben bir arayayım.
00:51:06 Doğru söylüyorsun.
00:51:07 Bir ay sonra gelmeyeceğim de diyebilir adam.
00:51:09 Her şey diyebilir.
00:51:10 O zaman sen Mehmet Asım'ı arıyorsun.
00:51:11 Ben de Aslı'ya start veriyorum yarınki program için.
00:51:13 Tamam.
00:51:14 Anlaştık.
00:51:15 Selam ne haber?
00:51:21 İyi Elin'cim sen nasılsın?
00:51:23 Pek de iyi değilim Kıvılcım.
00:51:26 Ne oldu?
00:51:27 Sevgilin benden ayrıldı.
00:51:29 İnanmıyorum.
00:51:30 Çok üzüldüm.
00:51:31 Ama gel yok ki.
00:51:33 Evleneceği gelin adayı sana çok yakın biri.
00:51:36 Bana mı?
00:51:37 Evet.
00:51:38 Alev.
00:51:39 Senin kardeşinmiş.
00:51:41 Sen Rüzgar'la mı sevgiliydin?
00:51:44 Maalesef.
00:51:45 Bilmiyordum.
00:51:48 Kıvılcım biz iki senedir birlikteydik.
00:51:50 İnanılmaz mutluyduk.
00:51:52 Bir sürü hayallerimiz vardı.
00:51:53 Kardeşin gelinceye kadar.
00:51:55 Elin'cim anladığım kadarıyla Rüzgar'la ilişkiniz bitmiş.
00:51:59 Evet öyle.
00:52:01 Yani tamamen ayrılmışsınız.
00:52:03 Alev'le de evlenmek istiyorsa biz neyi konuşuyoruz ki?
00:52:05 Kaldı ki Alev'in bu durumdan haberi yok.
00:52:07 Ben senin üzüntünü anlıyorum.
00:52:09 Ama Alev sizi ayıran bir pozisyonda değil.
00:52:12 Bir ilişki biter.
00:52:13 Yerine yenisi başlar.
00:52:15 Bak ben bugün boşandım.
00:52:16 Ama hayat devam ediyor.
00:52:17 İşimin başına geldim.
00:52:19 Sana da öyle yapmanı tavsiye ederim.
00:52:21 Peki o zaman yani.
00:52:24 Ben sadece bir istedim.
00:52:26 Kardeşin de üzülmesin diye.
00:52:27 Üzülecekse de üzülecek.
00:52:29 Yapacak bir şey yok.
00:52:31 Tamam o zaman.
00:52:32 Sana kolay gelsin.
00:52:34 Sana da.
00:52:36 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:52:54 Doğa.
00:52:56 Gözümüz aydın.
00:53:00 Ay.
00:53:01 Abdullah doğdu.
00:53:03 Şükür.
00:53:05 Nilay da bebek de gayet iyi.
00:53:07 Şimdi odaya alıyorlar.
00:53:09 Ay çok şükür.
00:53:11 Çok şükür.
00:53:13 Çok şükür.
00:53:15 Doğa.
00:53:17 Teşekkür ederim.
00:53:19 Babacım.
00:53:23 Ömürlü olsun oğlum. Hayırlı olsun.
00:53:25 Hadi gözümüz aydın.
00:53:27 Allah'ım sana çok şükür ya Rabbim.
00:53:29 Doğa çok teşekkür ederim.
00:53:31 Sağ olasın.
00:53:32 Ne demek.
00:53:33 Gözümüz aydın Abdullah.
00:53:35 Allah'ım seni alır mısın?
00:53:37 Gözümüz aydın.
00:53:39 Doğa sönmez anne merak ediyordu.
00:53:41 Sen haber verir misin?
00:53:43 Tamam ben ararım şimdi merak etme.
00:53:45 Oğlum sen de odaya git de.
00:53:47 Karşıla karını.
00:53:49 Tamam anne.
00:53:50 Ben de Zülker'i arayayım da şu odanın süslemelerini halledeyim bari.
00:53:53 Ne süslemesi? Çocuk daha şimdi doğdu.
00:53:55 Olsun ben hazırlatacağım.
00:53:57 Sağ ol.
00:53:59 Abi iyi misin sen?
00:54:17 Yok yani bilmiyorum galiba.
00:54:21 Neden?
00:54:23 Bugün senin en mutlu günün.
00:54:25 İlk defa baba oluyorsun.
00:54:27 Bugün bunu ilk defa tadıyorsun.
00:54:29 Bak Nilay sağlıklı.
00:54:31 Oğlun sağlıklı maşallah bir sorun da yok.
00:54:33 Ya yapamazsam?
00:54:35 Neyi yapamazsan?
00:54:39 Ben biraz şeyim ya.
00:54:43 O ne demek abi?
00:54:47 Ya karıma çocuğuma iyi bir baba olamazsam?
00:54:53 Hayır.
00:54:55 Abi sen çok iyi bir baba olacaksın.
00:54:57 Evet ilk zamanlar olur.
00:55:01 İnsan ne yapacağını bilemiyor.
00:55:03 Zudan çıkmış balığa dönüyorsun.
00:55:05 Ben de öyleydim.
00:55:07 Ama var ya şöyle bir kere bir.
00:55:09 Kollarını al bir hisset.
00:55:11 Yemin ediyorum bırakamayacaksın biliyor musun?
00:55:13 Ya karıma çocuğuma yetersiz olursam olabilir yani?
00:55:17 Olamaz.
00:55:19 İnan bana olmayacak abi.
00:55:21 İnşallah.
00:55:23 Sen de dua et olur mu?
00:55:25 Abi ben dua ederim de.
00:55:27 Senin duaya ihtiyacın yok.
00:55:29 Sen her zaman.
00:55:31 Çok iyi bir abi oldun.
00:55:33 Şimdi de çok iyi bir baba olacaksın.
00:55:35 Unutmasak.
00:55:37 Öyle demiyordun ama.
00:55:41 Tamam.
00:55:43 Geçmişte bir şeyler söylendi ama.
00:55:45 Çok üzgünüm zaten.
00:55:47 Çok da pişmanım.
00:55:49 Hatalarımın farkındayım abi ben.
00:55:51 Her zaman yanındayım.
00:55:53 Merak etme.
00:55:55 Duaya bakıp geleyim ben.
00:55:59 Fatih.
00:56:01 Dilek'e bir şey söyleme olur mu?
00:56:07 Biliyorum bazen insanı kızdıracak şeyler söylüyor ama.
00:56:13 Kötülüğünden değil saflığından söylüyor.
00:56:17 Bu gece söylediğin gibi.
00:56:19 Şeytan değil benim karım.
00:56:21 Merak etme abi.
00:56:25 Sadece yengemi değil.
00:56:27 Ben.
00:56:29 Bundan sonra kimseyi kırmamaya.
00:56:31 Özen göstereceğim.
00:56:33 Gülay doğa gibi değil.
00:56:35 Doğan'ın başı sıkıştığında gidecek annesi babası var.
00:56:39 Ama Nile'in kimsesi yok.
00:56:41 Bak buraya.
00:56:43 Bu kadar.
00:56:45 Bak buraya.
00:56:47 Nile'in akrabalarından kim var?
00:56:49 Kimse yok.
00:56:51 Abisi bile yanında değil.
00:56:53 Kötü biri değil benim karım.
00:56:55 Sadece yalnız.
00:56:57 Sevilmek istiyor benim karım.
00:56:59 Ve ben karımı çok seviyorum Fatih.
00:57:03 O yüzden.
00:57:11 Ona artık daha fazla bir şey söyleme olur mu?
00:57:13 Hayır.
00:57:15 Bebek bebek odasına geldi.
00:57:29 Geç.
00:57:31 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:57:33 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
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00:58:47 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:58:49 [MÜZİK ÇALIYOR]
00:58:51 Ah, kids.
00:58:53 You will see Mustafa's condition when you hear the news.
00:58:57 Of course, the first child must be excited.
00:58:59 But good. Pinko also gives a little prayer.
00:59:02 He will take care of this grandson.
00:59:04 Did they really name the child Abdullah?
00:59:06 Hmm.
00:59:07 Oh, poor thing. It's a big fiasco not to be able to choose your family.
00:59:11 I hope he grows up well.
00:59:14 Mommy, we have to go to Tebrik.
00:59:17 Of course.
00:59:18 Let's get our gold tomorrow.
00:59:20 Let's go, baby.
00:59:22 What if I don't come?
00:59:23 Oh, what if I don't come?
00:59:25 For example, if it's gold, you take it.
00:59:27 You say Alev put it on.
00:59:28 Hmm.
00:59:29 They were waiting for the gold to come from you, Alev.
00:59:33 Okay, don't come if you don't want to.
00:59:35 I'll talk to Doğa tomorrow.
00:59:36 We'll get in touch with him when they leave the hospital.
00:59:39 Okay, honey.
00:59:40 By the way, I'm still angry with you.
00:59:46 What did he do?
00:59:48 Oh, it doesn't do you any good.
00:59:50 Have you ever looked around?
00:59:52 Was there anyone else who divorced like you?
00:59:54 Yes, because there was no one as unconscious as you around.
00:59:57 Will anyone tell me what happened?
00:59:59 We celebrated the divorce, grandma.
01:00:01 What?
01:00:02 Hmm.
01:00:03 Oh, we were disgraced.
01:00:05 Omer saw it too.
01:00:06 Oh, who knows what he thought, what he thought.
01:00:10 Oh, whatever he said.
01:00:12 What were we going to do?
01:00:13 We were going to hold a pillow behind him.
01:00:15 Come on.
01:00:16 That's right.
01:00:17 I swear, Omer brother, I'm sorry.
01:00:19 I actually understood that something was going to happen.
01:00:22 Don't throw it, you didn't understand anything.
01:00:24 You were just suspicious because you knew me.
01:00:27 Oh my God, you're a mind figure for them, my God.
01:00:30 Yes.
01:00:31 Mustafa.
01:00:40 Look at this, little man.
01:00:43 Should I give it to your arm?
01:00:44 No, I have a pain.
01:00:46 Let me tell you something that will cut the pain.
01:00:49 Mustafa, don't leave me.
01:00:51 You are the best medicine for me.
01:00:53 Was this what was in my stomach a few hours ago?
01:01:02 My God, you are an unbelievable stone.
01:01:05 What kind of thing is this?
01:01:07 This is the miracle of God, Nilay.
01:01:09 Look, he has hands, he has feet.
01:01:12 He even grew some nails.
01:01:14 I'm officially a human being.
01:01:17 But I don't feel anything, Mustafa.
01:01:19 Is this normal?
01:01:21 I don't know, Nilay.
01:01:22 Let's ask nature.
01:01:24 My baby, are you okay?
01:01:32 She's feeling, mom.
01:01:33 What does that mean?
01:01:35 Mom, it's like my feelings have been taken.
01:01:38 Forget about your feelings now.
01:01:40 We need to breastfeed the child.
01:01:42 If I don't breastfeed, my daughter, it's not possible.
01:01:46 I tried an hour ago, nothing came.
01:01:50 My dear was hurt, it's not a big deal.
01:01:52 If they give him food.
01:01:53 My baby, milk is important to the mother.
01:01:55 It's not possible.
01:01:56 It hurts a little at first, then it passes.
01:01:59 Then I'll give it to you when it's over.
01:02:01 I'm not good right now.
01:02:02 Let's try again.
01:02:03 We need to milk anyway.
01:02:05 You'll get fired later.
01:02:07 Mom, am I a cow?
01:02:09 My son, tell everyone outside.
01:02:12 Everyone go home, they're tired.
01:02:14 I'll stay here.
01:02:15 Okay, mom.
01:02:17 Come on, we'll try again.
01:02:20 You're right.
01:02:21 Mom, I can't do it right now.
01:02:23 It hurts so much.
01:02:24 My daughter needs to breastfeed.
01:02:26 Come on, I'm bringing it.
01:02:31 How's Nilay?
01:02:33 He's fine.
01:02:35 His psychosis is not good.
01:02:36 Very normal.
01:02:37 I was very surprised.
01:02:39 My mom said not to wait, I'll stay.
01:02:43 Okay, do you need anything?
01:02:46 No, thank you.
01:02:47 If you really need anything, we're here.
01:02:49 Thank you.
01:02:50 I can stay too.
01:02:52 No, no, no need.
01:02:53 Thank you.
01:02:54 Let's not be crowded then.
01:02:56 Good evening.
01:02:57 Good evening.
01:02:58 I'll go in.
01:02:59 Okay.
01:03:01 My brother is so excited.
01:03:04 It's not easy.
01:03:06 Good evening, everyone.
01:03:11 Good evening.
01:03:13 You guys wait.
01:03:17 Don't wait, you have a baby at home.
01:03:23 Okay, good evening.
01:03:26 Good evening.
01:03:29 Good evening.
01:03:30 Dad.
01:03:36 I spoke to you a little badly yesterday.
01:03:39 Let us talk.
01:03:54 Do you remember I had a conversation with you at the office before Nursema came to ask?
01:03:59 If you want to marry my daughter, I'll speak frankly.
01:04:04 I raised my children so well that they never looked at the label when they bought something.
01:04:13 They got whatever they wanted.
01:04:15 Will you be able to give Nursema this comfort she saw in her father's house?
01:04:21 You are blinded by love right now.
01:04:24 You love each other very much and you don't see anything else.
01:04:27 But what will you do when the curtains rise and the truth of life comes out the next day?
01:04:33 Do you ever think about this?
01:04:35 If you believe that you will make my daughter really happy, you will not regret it, come tonight if you want.
01:04:43 I remember, yes.
01:04:47 If you remember, tell me then.
01:04:49 You came to me and said you would make Nursema happy.
01:04:53 Everything was going to be fine.
01:04:55 Now what happened?
01:04:57 Nothing happened.
01:04:59 Nursema is very happy.
01:05:01 For now.
01:05:03 I accept.
01:05:05 But look, family disputes have begun.
01:05:08 I raised my children with a lantern.
01:05:10 I accept.
01:05:12 Now Nursema got out of that lantern and her eyes are open.
01:05:16 But these are temporary.
01:05:17 As she sees the difficulties of life, she will understand how many blades of the world there are.
01:05:21 Did you fire your daughter to understand the difficulties of life?
01:05:29 Nursema was very pleased to be there, to be working.
01:05:35 Do you know what the problem is?
01:05:38 I'm not happy that you're there, Nursema.
01:05:42 Why shouldn't I be?
01:05:45 This is the second and biggest problem, Umut.
01:05:48 Think about it.
01:05:50 Obviously you don't know some things, you'll learn over time.
01:05:54 But I hope I'm next to you.
01:05:56 Dad.
01:06:01 I wanted Umut to leave the job.
01:06:04 So I'm against him.
01:06:06 No, we're talking.
01:06:08 Mr. Abdullah.
01:06:12 We're really happy when we're not involved.
01:06:15 I mean, let us be.
01:06:19 Yes, dad.
01:06:21 Please.
01:06:23 Okay, if that's what you want, do as you know.
01:06:28 I won't break your order.
01:06:30 Have a good evening.
01:06:32 You too.
01:06:34 [Music]
01:06:58 My beautiful girl.
01:07:00 Fatih, go to bed.
01:07:03 No, I'm fine.
01:07:04 By the way, thank you for today, Do.
01:07:13 Why?
01:07:15 We all know Nile.
01:07:17 She's a cunning type who doesn't know what to say.
01:07:20 I know she's jealous of you.
01:07:22 I wouldn't help someone who's giving birth because she's jealous of me.
01:07:26 You know, my favorite in you, Huybo.
01:07:32 You don't have a feeling like a sting.
01:07:34 I know what I'm going to sting.
01:07:36 When people eat big goose, they don't get stuck in such small, simple jealousy.
01:07:41 Why are you still angry, Do?
01:07:53 I forgave you.
01:07:55 Fatih, I'm gonna ask you something.
01:07:58 Ask.
01:08:00 You never open the subject.
01:08:01 What subject?
01:08:03 I told you I was with someone.
01:08:06 It's very interesting that you accept it so quickly.
01:08:11 Who said I accepted?
01:08:13 Maybe I'm throwing you in to save my family and get you back.
01:08:18 Can't it?
01:08:20 It can't.
01:08:22 I know you very well.
01:08:24 I know you very well.
01:08:25 Look, you're doing it without judgment.
01:08:33 I love you so much that I accept everything you do with every mistake you make.
01:08:39 But you don't understand that.
01:08:42 Because you can't do the same.
01:08:45 Try it.
01:08:48 Listen to what I say.
01:08:53 Is it so hard to believe that I've changed?
01:08:56 Look, I'm just extending my hand to you.
01:09:00 The only thing you have to do is hold everything.
01:09:03 If I accept you with everything, you would accept me.
01:09:13 So my hatred is bigger.
01:09:18 No, Do.
01:09:21 Your love is bigger.
01:09:23 I think you should think about it again.
01:09:27 Good night.
01:09:50 We're not going to talk about yesterday again, are we?
01:09:51 Because you know Yeto.
01:09:53 Good morning.
01:09:55 Without coffee, good morning, but what?
01:09:57 Alev, come to the baby ceremony.
01:10:05 Why?
01:10:09 Why am I coming because Nilay is pregnant?
01:10:12 His name is Abdullah.
01:10:14 It's ridiculous.
01:10:16 Why don't you want to come?
01:10:19 We started again.
01:10:20 Why do you think it could be? What could it be?
01:10:22 Alev, I didn't want to say it to my mother.
01:10:24 These people cut your word.
01:10:26 It wouldn't have been if they hadn't.
01:10:29 Is there a logical explanation for not congratulating?
01:10:32 You're looking for a reason.
01:10:34 That's right.
01:10:36 You're taking too long. Okay.
01:10:40 We're going to congratulate Nilay.
01:10:42 Baby Ruhi.
01:10:44 I'm not very curious about these people either.
01:10:47 But these people were with us when you said it.
01:10:49 Okay, we'll be with them.
01:10:51 Okay.
01:10:53 Make us a coffee.
01:10:56 Oh, yes.
01:10:58 My love, good luck.
01:11:05 You spilled it again.
01:11:07 My mother is not at home today.
01:11:10 I'm going to take these.
01:11:12 And the baby will come.
01:11:15 And to show that there is no anger between us.
01:11:18 What anger, honey? No anger.
01:11:20 I don't know, when I saw you and my father like that yesterday.
01:11:24 So there will be disagreements.
01:11:26 It will be.
01:11:28 We knew that.
01:11:30 That's why I'm not very angry.
01:11:33 Your support is very important to me, you know, right?
01:11:37 You too.
01:11:44 We will overcome everything.
01:11:47 The baby is coming.
01:11:51 I don't know, everyone is coming like a soft.
01:11:53 I hope.
01:11:55 Don't be sad, okay?
01:11:58 You didn't lose your face because of these events.
01:12:00 I'm glad you're here.
01:12:05 You too.
01:12:07 I'm going.
01:12:09 Oh, wait.
01:12:12 Something like my first day of work.
01:12:14 Well, my dear.
01:12:18 I'm going to the market after my parents leave today.
01:12:22 There are a few missing from the house.
01:12:24 I have little money.
01:12:26 Would you give me if you had?
01:12:28 Of course, honey.
01:12:30 Cards are broken, you know.
01:12:35 We can handle this, right?
01:12:40 Of course.
01:12:41 Come on, I love you.
01:12:44 We'll talk.
01:12:46 Okay, honey.
01:12:48 I'm hanging up.
01:12:50 I can't buy anything from the market with this.
01:13:02 Let me go to the market.
01:13:05 I wonder where the market is.
01:13:09 I wonder where the market is.
01:13:10 Yes.
01:13:22 Let's put our olives.
01:13:24 Cemre, if my parents were here, they wouldn't let us do anything.
01:13:32 You know, he used to prepare breakfast himself.
01:13:34 But today we have to do it.
01:13:36 I'm so happy.
01:13:37 My daughter's friend is coming to me.
01:13:41 Your friend is coming here?
01:13:44 Yes.
01:13:46 Yes, my dear.
01:13:48 Good morning.
01:13:50 Good morning.
01:13:52 Good luck.
01:13:54 Thanks.
01:13:56 Do you work for my daughter?
01:13:58 It's like this for today.
01:14:00 If your mother saw it, she would cry of happiness.
01:14:02 But her mother is my daughter, princess.
01:14:05 She can't do housework like that.
01:14:06 What will she do in her husband's house after her father's house?
01:14:10 Don't call me a husband.
01:14:12 I'm getting goose bumps.
01:14:14 My daughter will stay with me and her father.
01:14:16 My mother always said that.
01:14:18 No, I can't take pity on my daughter.
01:14:21 It's always like that.
01:14:23 Those who can't take pity on their daughter can take pity on someone else's daughter very easily.
01:14:28 Don't do it, please.
01:14:31 I'm sorry.
01:14:32 What are you going to do today?
01:14:38 I'm going to visit my mother.
01:14:40 She's divorced.
01:14:42 Okay, honey.
01:14:44 Whatever you want.
01:14:46 I'll go get the leftovers.
01:14:48 Let me help you.
01:14:50 What?
01:14:57 What is this?
01:15:00 I don't know.
01:15:01 But this is not possible.
01:15:03 Is this done to me when I'm always making money?
01:15:07 How can these feelings fall?
01:15:11 We're alone again when we're making money.
01:15:18 I talked to Mete.
01:15:23 Nilay gave birth.
01:15:26 What are you talking about?
01:15:29 What about Nilay?
01:15:30 Are you okay?
01:15:32 I hope not.
01:15:34 I'll make you some tea.
01:15:36 What are you trying to solve with tea?
01:15:40 What tea?
01:15:42 I'll go wash my face.
01:15:44 What happened to you?
01:15:46 I hope you're not having fun.
01:15:48 Forget it.
01:15:50 Okay, good luck.
01:15:52 I'll tell Nilay to get the prescription.
01:15:55 You take care of it.
01:15:58 And prescription.
01:15:59 A quarter is not enough for them.
01:16:02 How can that be?
01:16:04 When I gave birth to Mete, they drowned me in gold.
01:16:07 Gold ring, earrings, needle.
01:16:09 It's a tradition.
01:16:11 This gold ring is not a legend.
01:16:14 Is there really such a thing?
01:16:16 Of course there is.
01:16:18 Let's get two prescriptions.
01:16:21 I have a lot of work to do.
01:16:24 I have a lot of problems.
01:16:27 You go first.
01:16:28 I'll come later.
01:16:30 Okay, I'll take care of it.
01:16:32 I have a lot of traumas.
01:16:34 Bring me a glass of water.
01:16:36 Okay, I'll bring you water.
01:16:38 Come on.
01:16:55 I'm sorry.
01:16:56 My father hasn't come yet.
01:16:58 I was wondering.
01:17:00 I was wondering, too.
01:17:02 Dad.
01:17:07 Good morning.
01:17:09 Good morning, son.
01:17:11 Where have you been? I was wondering.
01:17:13 I prayed.
01:17:15 God bless you, dad.
01:17:17 Amen.
01:17:19 I prayed when Cemre was born.
01:17:21 Look, Cemre is preparing breakfast with her mother.
01:17:24 Yes.
01:17:25 God bless.
01:17:27 Good morning.
01:17:29 Good morning, daughter.
01:17:31 Enjoy your meal.
01:17:34 Dad.
01:17:40 I know my sister is angry.
01:17:42 If you want, I'll talk.
01:17:45 Don't talk, we know what you're talking about.
01:17:48 Okay, dad.
01:17:53 But don't worry.
01:17:54 I don't want him to be upset because of you.
01:17:57 Oh, his mother's kiss.
01:18:02 He's looking for it.
01:18:04 What does that mean, mom?
01:18:06 He wants to suck, baby.
01:18:08 Again?
01:18:10 My daughter, the child is hungry.
01:18:12 He's been hungry for half an hour.
01:18:14 What is this?
01:18:16 Not like that.
01:18:18 Not all children are the same.
01:18:20 My three children were different.
01:18:22 I'm really tired of talking about raising three children.
01:18:27 I have a pain.
01:18:32 Welcome.
01:18:40 I hope it's a good day.
01:18:43 Thank you, mom.
01:18:45 Good luck.
01:18:47 Goodbye.
01:18:51 Thank you.
01:18:52 Welcome.
01:18:54 God bless.
01:18:56 Can you look at me?
01:18:58 Little.
01:19:00 Be a good son to your family, your country, your people.
01:19:04 Why did you bother?
01:19:06 What do you mean?
01:19:08 How are you, dear?
01:19:10 What should I know?
01:19:12 Well, the newborn gave birth.
01:19:16 Surgery or something.
01:19:18 It happens.
01:19:20 Of course.
01:19:21 It happens.
01:19:23 You'll have a lot of skin.
01:19:25 It's going to happen.
01:19:27 You always say that.
01:19:32 That's why.
01:19:34 Yes, I would say.
01:19:36 So you didn't have to bother.
01:19:38 We ask.
01:19:40 Oh, mom.
01:19:42 What did they wear?
01:19:44 My daughter.
01:19:47 Don't be shy, but I hope you didn't wear a gold ring.
01:19:50 Here you go.
01:20:04 Thank you.
01:20:06 Remember little Abdullah.
01:20:08 God bless you.
01:20:11 I hope you get well soon.
01:20:12 Good morning.
01:20:21 Welcome.
01:20:23 Welcome, sister.
01:20:24 Thank you.
01:20:25 What is this?
01:20:28 I didn't have a mother, I made you dinner.
01:20:30 Good morning, how are you, dad?
01:20:35 Good morning, daughter.
01:20:37 Let me see.
01:20:40 What is this?
01:20:41 Aunt prepared breakfast with her mother.
01:20:44 Come on, dear.
01:20:46 My dear.
01:20:48 Let me read a prayer.
01:20:50 In the name of God.
01:20:52 My dear, may God protect me from evil eyes.
01:21:00 How are you?
01:21:02 I'm fine.
01:21:03 Don't forget, come on.
01:21:05 Let me bring you a plate and have breakfast.
01:21:07 No, my dear, I made it at home.
01:21:09 Okay.
01:21:10 Dad, you drink coffee before going to work.
01:21:19 Shall I make your coffee?
01:21:20 Okay.
01:21:23 Bring it to the study room.
01:21:25 Okay.
01:21:27 Come on, enjoy it.
01:21:30 Thank you, dad.
01:21:32 Let me make your coffee.
01:21:39 Okay.
01:21:40 Sister.
01:21:42 Please try to understand her.
01:21:47 She is a father, too.
01:21:49 A person can't cut his child's hair.
01:21:52 Look, I understand now.
01:21:55 You try it too.
01:21:57 Please.
01:21:59 Who will understand me?
01:22:01 I understand.
01:22:02 You come and tell me everything.
01:22:06 I'm a father, too.
01:22:07 I'm a father.
01:22:09 I can't pity you or her.
01:22:11 Look, you're both right.
01:22:15 You're both right.
01:22:17 But our father is a very selfless father.
01:22:21 I wish I could be half of him.
01:22:24 I wish.
01:22:26 Come on now.
01:22:28 Let's kiss and end this shame.
01:22:30 Panti is right.
01:22:35 You will find the balance, Nursema.
01:22:36 And you do it very well.
01:22:39 Come on, have breakfast.
01:22:42 God bless you.
01:22:44 God bless you, sister.
01:22:45 Okay, my girl.
01:22:56 Thank you.
01:22:57 Enjoy it.
01:23:03 You made bitter coffee.
01:23:04 You'll probably talk bitter.
01:23:05 Dad.
01:23:07 Daddy.
01:23:11 If you cut my veins,
01:23:16 my mom and dad will be jealous.
01:23:20 Don't you do me a little injustice?
01:23:25 I know you're doing it for me.
01:23:28 For my good.
01:23:29 But please, let me see.
01:23:32 Let me experience.
01:23:33 Let me live.
01:23:35 Let me experience.
01:23:37 Well, my daughter, what do I say?
01:23:41 There's only one thing left to say to me after this hour.
01:23:43 Dad, you're right.
01:23:46 To pray for not saying.
01:23:47 I'm praying for him, too.
01:23:49 Do you know, dad?
01:23:51 Every night when I lie in bed,
01:23:53 I say, "My God."
01:23:55 For what I stand behind.
01:23:57 Don't bow to me for the decisions I make.
01:24:00 Why, you know?
01:24:01 So that I don't bow down to you and my mother.
01:24:06 Do you think you're making a mistake, too?
01:24:10 No, dad.
01:24:12 I'm behind the decisions I make.
01:24:15 Do you know why I hesitate?
01:24:17 I'm trying to prove my marriage,
01:24:20 my love,
01:24:23 to you.
01:24:25 Because you don't believe me.
01:24:28 Because you don't believe me.
01:24:29 You understand me, don't you?
01:24:31 I'm fighting on two fronts.
01:24:33 I'm trying to protect my marriage, my love.
01:24:37 And I'm trying to make you believe it.
01:24:40 My daughter, we just want you to be happy, comfortable.
01:24:47 Do you know what it means to be a father?
01:24:50 Look, let me tell you.
01:24:52 You've come to the last moments of your life.
01:24:55 Of course, my God knows.
01:24:57 May God give everyone an orderly death.
01:24:59 But you know you're going.
01:25:01 You have children.
01:25:03 You're working for them.
01:25:05 If I close my eyes tomorrow,
01:25:07 I know what Mustafa and Fatih will do.
01:25:10 They're at the top of the man's business.
01:25:13 My problem is that my daughter doesn't get into the hands of a tyrant.
01:25:18 That's it, dad.
01:25:22 Umut is not a tyrant.
01:25:24 He's not a tyrant.
01:25:26 Okay, but I don't know him.
01:25:28 I can't get to know him.
01:25:30 All I want is to protect you, Nursema.
01:25:32 Maybe my method is wrong.
01:25:34 It could be.
01:25:36 I'm a human being, too.
01:25:38 I mean, I want to use my right to be surprised for the good of my children.
01:25:41 That's all.
01:25:43 You understand me.
01:25:46 I understand you.
01:25:48 May God not let you down, dad.
01:25:52 Amen.
01:25:55 I'm sorry if I broke you.
01:25:59 Thank you.
01:26:01 Let us be ourselves, uncle.
01:26:23 This is the first time you've done this to me.
01:26:25 If you let me, can I act like I care about you?
01:26:34 Dad.
01:26:42 Dad.
01:26:52 You're a comfortable head of the class.
01:26:54 Why can't I be?
01:26:56 Normal, but it's always in you. Never mind. Never mind. Never mind.
01:26:59 I feel like I'm talking to Alev when I'm talking to you. Do you know?
01:27:03 That's normal. We've been like each other for years.
01:27:06 Mr. Rüzgar. Mr. Mehmet Hasim is here.
01:27:09 Okay.
01:27:11 Kıvılcım, look at me.
01:27:14 Look at me.
01:27:19 You're the presenter. You're the host of the show. You're the captain of the ship.
01:27:23 Okay? This ship doesn't sink in one bad day.
01:27:26 But the ship is hard to maneuver.
01:27:30 We get waves, we shake, but we don't sink.
01:27:34 You're very convincing.
01:27:37 Yes, I am. That's why you're the only person you need to trust.
01:27:41 Welcome to the television world.
01:27:43 Everyone here is artificial, and this is a great thing.
01:27:46 Welcome, sir. You brought us welcome.
01:27:49 Welcome.
01:27:53 Welcome, Ertuğrul.
01:27:55 Hello.
01:27:57 I didn't come on purpose.
01:27:59 I don't know. I don't even want to think about what I did on purpose.
01:28:03 But I can guarantee you this much.
01:28:05 The end of unwanted steps is like the greatest adventure.
01:28:09 Wow. You're right in my head.
01:28:14 Sir, I'll turn around. I'll go in every head.
01:28:16 Would you like to have a cup of tea in the guest room?
01:28:19 Here you go.
01:28:23 I dragged you here, too. I don't know what to say.
01:28:30 It's okay, honey. I'm here completely at my own will.
01:28:34 And I think it's for Mehmet Asim's suppressing.
01:28:37 Of course, there is a little bit. First of all, I promised before everything.
01:28:42 I have to keep that promise.
01:28:44 Then I decided not to struggle too much.
01:28:47 I left it to the flow. I think what I said was a little weird.
01:28:51 I realized that.
01:28:53 Yes, but you're right.
01:28:55 I'm sorry I put you in this position.
01:28:58 You're welcome. There's nothing wrong.
01:29:00 It was a very different experience for me.
01:29:02 Impatience is good. Sometimes it teaches new things.
01:29:05 Then after the program, a thank you meal was a must.
01:29:10 With great pleasure.
01:29:11 But I'm offering. You'll pay for it. I don't accept it.
01:29:16 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't do that.
01:29:19 Then a coffee, please. I mean, if I can't do anything, I won't feel comfortable.
01:29:23 Coffee. Okay.
01:29:25 Super. Thank you.
01:29:27 Thank you.
01:29:46 Good day. Can I get a 50 lira bill?
01:29:50 Sister, it's only 50 liras.
01:29:52 I'll just press it and withdraw.
01:29:58 Is it done?
01:29:59 What do I know about gasoline?
01:30:07 What did we call it in the past?
01:30:10 I don't even know the prices.
01:30:14 How much do I get, it'll take me.
01:30:20 What do we do?
01:30:23 100 liras.
01:30:25 [MUSIC]
01:30:48 Sister, let me wipe the windows, let me look at the oil.
01:30:50 No, no, thanks.
01:30:54 Have a nice day.
01:30:55 Thank you.
01:30:57 You have such a car, you're still counting the 100 lira.
01:31:04 You're a genius.
01:31:06 Why is this light still on?
01:31:12 [MUSIC]
01:31:28 Yes, honey.
01:31:30 Honey, I was going to the shopping mall, now I came to get gasoline.
01:31:35 I bought 100 liras, but the light is still on.
01:31:39 What?
01:31:40 My love, there should be a kilometer sign there.
01:31:43 Look how many signs are there.
01:31:45 It says 55.
01:31:47 Okay, then, don't look at what he says 55, he'll take you down 100 kilometers.
01:31:51 Are you sure?
01:31:53 My love, I'm sure, my life has passed like this, don't worry.
01:31:56 So he'll take me, I won't be on the road.
01:31:58 He'll take you, my love, he'll take you, trust me.
01:32:01 Okay, honey, it's done. See you.
01:32:04 Okay, come on, I kiss you.
01:32:06 [MUSIC]
01:32:10 Cemre is very sweet.
01:32:12 God bless you.
01:32:14 Thank you.
01:32:16 Your husband still doesn't know you're going to get divorced, does he?
01:32:20 He doesn't know, he won't know.
01:32:23 Ms. Reza, tell me now, what should I do?
01:32:26 You said you applied for a mental health report.
01:32:29 Did they tell you the result?
01:32:31 If I pass the tests, I'll be able to get it in a month.
01:32:35 You know the temporary custody, Fatih.
01:32:38 When I get the report when the court decides, the custody will be removed, right?
01:32:42 So the court will give my daughter back to me.
01:32:45 Those things weren't that easy, Ms. Doğan.
01:32:48 What do you mean? How not easy?
01:32:51 It wasn't easy to have a baby.
01:32:54 What else do I have to do?
01:32:57 You lost all your chance by going back to that house.
01:33:03 Now we have to start all over again.
01:33:05 From the beginning.
01:33:07 What do you mean by the beginning?
01:33:09 You're not married right now.
01:33:11 You were the one who left the house and wanted to get divorced.
01:33:14 Then you came back.
01:33:16 You're sitting without a wedding.
01:33:18 You say there is.
01:33:20 That's right.
01:33:22 That's why you need a clean page.
01:33:24 You're going to marry your husband again.
01:33:28 So the custody will be removed.
01:33:32 Then I'll get you divorced again.
01:33:34 We'll get custody.
01:33:36 So...
01:33:39 I never thought of getting married again.
01:33:43 Although my husband and his family have talked about it a few times, I didn't look at it.
01:33:48 How nice.
01:33:50 Admit it right away.
01:33:52 Let's have your wedding.
01:33:54 Let's meet again after a month.
01:33:56 Let's say I'm married again.
01:33:58 How am I going to get divorced later, Ms. Beyza?
01:34:02 Fatih has changed a lot lately.
01:34:04 He says yes, he accepts whatever I say.
01:34:06 He's very soft.
01:34:08 By the way, not just me, but everyone.
01:34:11 Like he's angry.
01:34:13 In short, he's not like himself.
01:34:15 He knows he's guilty.
01:34:18 He'll be back to normal when he gets married.
01:34:21 He's playing a role to fool you right now.
01:34:23 I've looked at these kinds of cases so many times.
01:34:25 You're lying about his recovery.
01:34:28 I can't lie.
01:34:31 Maybe he wants to change himself.
01:34:32 But everyone eventually turns to the truth.
01:34:39 So...
01:34:41 That's right.
01:34:43 Then there's nothing to do.
01:34:45 I'll get married again.
01:34:47 It'll be easy after that, believe me.
01:34:49 I hope so.
01:34:52 Why did you bother, Neman?
01:34:59 What's the trouble, sister?
01:35:01 Nilay, my daughter.
01:35:03 Say goodbye to your baby.
01:35:05 God protect you from evil eyes.
01:35:07 Amen.
01:35:09 She's a little angry.
01:35:14 Sister, I hope they're not born with a bad mouth.
01:35:18 I hope she gets a bad mouth.
01:35:20 It happens, sister.
01:35:22 Newborn women.
01:35:24 God protect her.
01:35:27 Amen.
01:35:28 Let's read.
01:35:30 Let's read.
01:35:32 Take this, sister.
01:35:34 I'm traveling with a spare.
01:35:36 Okay, dear.
01:35:38 Come on, let's get started.
01:35:40 In the name of God.
01:35:42 In the name of God.
01:35:44 What's this?
01:35:53 It's like I'm in the death bed.
01:35:56 Wait, dear.
01:35:57 We need to read you now.
01:35:59 Let's read to the baby.
01:36:07 I'm thinking of bringing Mr. Remzi to the other hotels.
01:36:15 He has a serious experience.
01:36:17 What did you do when you got cold?
01:36:25 You look like you've been in the snow.
01:36:26 I went to the sea in the morning, I guess I got a little cold.
01:36:30 What a man, Omer.
01:36:32 I didn't have a smile.
01:36:34 Don't laugh, I'm telling the truth.
01:36:36 We went to the sea in the morning, guys.
01:36:38 It was very good.
01:36:40 To the sea?
01:36:42 In the middle of November?
01:36:44 Omer, what are you doing in the sea?
01:36:46 When did you ever go to the sea in your life, in Istanbul, in this season?
01:36:50 I tried it for the first time.
01:36:52 It was a little cold, of course.
01:36:54 But it was good.
01:36:55 It's like a nail.
01:36:57 In these northern countries, people always go to the sea in the morning.
01:37:01 In northern countries?
01:37:03 Who are these friends?
01:37:06 A few people.
01:37:08 A group.
01:37:10 They meet in the morning on the beach, they go to the sea.
01:37:14 They swim, a beautiful.
01:37:16 Maybe he's going to work.
01:37:18 No, Omer.
01:37:23 Okay, then I'll talk to him.
01:37:25 Okay.
01:37:27 Take a medicine in that cough.
01:37:29 I will. I will.
01:37:31 I recommend it to you, too.
01:37:33 La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.
01:37:41 Can you send Yusuf to me?
01:37:43 Can you send Yusuf to me?
01:37:44 Yes, sir.
01:37:56 Yusuf, there are some strange things about Omer.
01:37:58 He must have been surprised what you would do after the divorce.
01:38:01 You assign someone.
01:38:03 Even if necessary, go and see for yourself.
01:38:05 What is he doing, what is he doing, who is he with, what is he doing.
01:38:08 He said, "I went to the sea in the morning."
01:38:10 To the sea?
01:38:12 In this weather?
01:38:13 I didn't think about it either. I was worried.
01:38:15 You take a look at him for a few days.
01:38:17 He met someone new.
01:38:19 Who are these people?
01:38:21 God forbid, Omer is not the kind of man to fall at the feet of such people.
01:38:25 Still, let's be careful.
01:38:27 Okay, sir.
01:38:29 Okay, sir.
01:38:30 It's not cheap in the market.
01:38:53 I don't know.
01:38:54 Do I have to buy it with a kilo?
01:39:01 No, sister, there is no one left at this time who buys with a kilo.
01:39:04 I can choose, right?
01:39:06 Choose, sister, choose.
01:39:08 It's a little soft, but ...
01:39:13 Would you weigh these?
01:39:16 Here you go, sister.
01:39:22 50 lira, sister.
01:39:23 Okay, take it, good luck.
01:39:25 Thank you.
01:39:27 I'll get another bag, I'll get an apple.
01:39:35 Can I pass by? Oh, excuse me.
01:39:44 Oh, okay, thank you, thank you.
01:39:47 Oh, sorry, excuse me.
01:39:50 Excuse me.
01:39:51 Sorry.
01:39:53 Sorry.
01:39:55 Thank you so much, really.
01:40:05 I could never have done this show without you.
01:40:07 You're welcome, I just didn't do anything, I just became a matter.
01:40:10 But let me tell you this, you're really very professional, congratulations.
01:40:14 Really?
01:40:17 I don't think so, I can't even watch myself in the editing, frankly.
01:40:20 I mean, I'm not a big fan of these things, but when you look at it from the outside, it looks like you've been doing this for years.
01:40:29 I'm very pleased, you encouraged me.
01:40:32 By the way, I'm waiting for you to do a show.
01:40:34 I promise, we will do it.
01:40:36 We will.
01:40:38 Actually, I don't want to open up too much about this, but you were suing the court, I wonder what happened.
01:40:46 Yes, the only session is over.
01:40:48 It's really weird.
01:40:52 I met Omer before you, and the reason I felt so close to him was his love and attachment to you.
01:41:02 If he really was in love, he wouldn't say I'm in love with someone else.
01:41:07 How, someone else?
01:41:09 Didn't he tell you?
01:41:11 No.
01:41:14 So he didn't share it with anyone else, as far as I understand.
01:41:17 Wait a minute, is there another woman in Omer's life?
01:41:21 He fell in love with someone else, he didn't want to cheat on me, he said so.
01:41:26 I'm really surprised.
01:41:28 Believe me, I'm surprised too.
01:41:30 I thought it was a joke at first, but then I looked at it, it was pretty serious.
01:41:35 Maybe that's the right thing for you.
01:41:38 Or it wasn't, I don't know.
01:41:41 Kıvılcım, sometimes God sends people into our lives.
01:41:45 These are actually part of a divine plan, we don't understand it, we don't know.
01:41:51 But they come with a mission.
01:41:55 Either to teach us something, or to put us on the road, or to get us out of the way, or to put new people into our lives.
01:42:05 Which one is ours?
01:42:08 You don't know for sure, but you'll find out soon.
01:42:11 Okay, then. I'm cold at least.
01:42:16 God doesn't give this knowledge to everyone, of course, but if you're really curious, you'll find out when the time comes.
01:42:26 It's like a lesson to talk to you.
01:42:31 Please, I'm just saying what I think.
01:42:35 Actually, talking to someone who looks at you from a different angle opens another door in your head.
01:42:41 We're always talking about me, you're doing therapy for me, but we never talked about you.
01:42:47 Ever since your wife's death, has anyone else ever happened in your life?
01:42:52 Yes, actually, it happened, but I found out that she was married later, it didn't start.
01:43:04 In this case, being able to give up takes courage.
01:43:06 I mean, it's not something everyone can do.
01:43:09 I burned myself, I burned myself.
01:43:11 That's not true anyway.
01:43:13 You're not going to upset anyone, you're not going to bore anyone.
01:43:16 Calm, quiet.
01:43:18 Okay, see you.
01:43:30 Yes, everything is ready for the channel's 5th anniversary party.
01:43:33 Okay, great, I'll check the list one last time.
01:43:36 We're here.
01:43:39 Oh, who's here?
01:43:41 Welcome.
01:43:43 Thank you.
01:43:45 What is this? Look at the type.
01:43:50 He's a little man.
01:43:52 Look at the type, he's a bit.
01:43:54 My grandmother calls him Yakayines.
01:43:56 Always with me, the unbreakable sultan and his words.
01:43:59 Come on, sit down, I'll get you a bottle from the side.
01:44:03 Come on.
01:44:05 I'll eat.
01:44:08 Umut, can you get me a dessert? I'm giving milk and the dessert crisis is coming.
01:44:15 I'll drown you in dessert. I'm coming in a minute.
01:44:18 Okay, come on.
01:44:20 I'm coming from the lawyer's side.
01:44:24 The woman you mentioned, lawyer. You saw it on the news, you were trying to reach.
01:44:28 Yes, yes, we met for the second time today.
01:44:31 What does he say?
01:44:33 Marry again.
01:44:35 What does that mean?
01:44:38 Is this woman a divorce lawyer or a marriage program presenter? What does it matter?
01:44:42 I went back to that house, I made the mistake there.
01:44:45 I would tell you that.
01:44:50 Now he says you have to get married again.
01:44:53 We had to start everything over again. It's very difficult to take such a responsibility.
01:44:57 Okay, do it.
01:44:59 I don't know Alev. I mean, I got married to Fatih again.
01:45:03 Let's say he continued with zero mistakes.
01:45:06 So how will it be then?
01:45:08 The woman says she'll explode somewhere, she can't go on with zero mistakes, but I can't trust the woman and act with what she says.
01:45:17 I think that Fatih will eventually return to his mistakes.
01:45:20 I don't think so.
01:45:22 Look, Doğa, if you're happy like this, you'll be able to forgive Fatih. Don't be proud.
01:45:31 Life is your life. No one will tell you, "Wow, sir, why did you forgive me?"
01:45:36 But first you know what you want. That's the most important thing.
01:45:41 Alev, I can't forget the wrongs he did to me.
01:45:46 I mean, I can't forget that face. I'm bleeding, you know? I'm freezing.
01:45:52 Okay, you're determined to get divorced then.
01:45:55 So, more precisely, get married first and then get divorced again.
01:45:59 Yes, I'm definitely determined.
01:46:01 If you have money, you have the power. And unfortunately, Fatih has a lot of money. He does everything.
01:46:06 So do whatever this lawyer says. Okay?
01:46:10 I did some research after you. He looks like a woman who's holding on so much. You'll get Cemre for sure.
01:46:16 You say so?
01:46:17 Sure. He's the divorce lawyer of all the codemen.
01:46:22 If you're on this path, okay? You're gonna do everything this woman says one by one.
01:46:28 Yes, my daughter.
01:46:39 Dad, are you available?
01:46:41 I'm available, my daughter.
01:46:44 I just got a call. They said Metehan was going to them. They said we'd order pizza in the evening.
01:46:48 They're calling me, too. Should I go?
01:46:50 Is that so? Is there any news of Mrs. Kıvılcım?
01:46:53 Mihri?
01:46:55 Is Kıvılcım next to you?
01:46:57 Yes, yes. We're having coffee.
01:46:59 Mihri, I have news. Çimen texted. We're waiting for you in the evening.
01:47:03 Okay, then you can go. Just tell your brother Adem to let you go, okay?
01:47:07 Thank you very much.
01:47:11 I'm very happy about your deal with Çimen. Mihri is a really smart boy.
01:47:14 God bless you.
01:47:16 Then we're waiting for you for dinner.
01:47:20 Kıvılcım, I never bothered you.
01:47:22 Please. You didn't even pay me. I'm not comfortable at all.
01:47:26 What can we do? In this life, in fate, there is also to offer you food.
01:47:30 Oh, you're hitting me with my words. Okay, I'm coming then.
01:47:34 Okay, deal.
01:47:40 Nilay, are you okay?
01:47:42 I'm not okay. I have a stomach ache.
01:47:45 Maybe that's why you're getting milk.
01:47:48 Don't call me milk. I have a stomach ache. Don't call me milk.
01:47:52 Let it go. Let it go. Let it not come back.
01:47:55 How are you, baby?
01:48:04 I'm not okay, mom. I have a stomach ache.
01:48:06 He didn't eat anything, so of course.
01:48:09 Our baby is in his room.
01:48:11 Oh, if you could see how our pasha was established.
01:48:14 Get up and take a look.
01:48:16 I'm going to sleep a little. I'll take a look later.
01:48:19 Okay, go to sleep then.
01:48:24 I'll wake you up when your milk time comes, right?
01:48:27 No, don't lift me. Don't call me milk.
01:48:29 I'm going to vomit. Please. I have a stomach ache.
01:48:32 No one understands me.
01:48:34 What's happening?
01:48:35 Oh, my God.
01:48:37 Oh, my dear.
01:48:53 We have business with this girl.
01:48:56 What happened again?
01:48:58 I'm talking about Nilay.
01:49:01 They're all crazy.
01:49:02 No, I have a stomach ache. No, I have a stomach ache.
01:49:05 People are giving birth in the field, but they're still working.
01:49:09 Oh, my grandson is hungry. He says I won't breastfeed.
01:49:12 Ma'am, talk to him.
01:49:14 Should I go and breastfeed your child?
01:49:16 He understands when he talks.
01:49:18 He doesn't think about his child at all.
01:49:21 If there is, if there is, he is.
01:49:23 You're a mother now. You're a mother.
01:49:26 Good evening.
01:49:29 Good evening.
01:49:30 Let's see our son.
01:49:33 He looks just like me, doesn't he? Pink and white.
01:49:38 Very sweet.
01:49:42 Welcome to us, grandma.
01:49:44 His name is Abdullah Yalnız.
01:49:47 Is it forbidden to shorten?
01:49:51 Not.
01:49:53 Let's have a weight, right?
01:49:57 Mom, if the baby's name is heavy, it's okay.
01:50:00 You're funny, too.
01:50:02 Did he sleep?
01:50:07 Come on, come on. He slept.
01:50:09 He's sleeping like an angel.
01:50:11 I'm coming right away.
01:50:15 Mustafa, how's Nilay?
01:50:17 Not very good.
01:50:19 Doha, why don't you go and talk to him?
01:50:21 Okay, I'll talk to him.
01:50:23 My wife is very normal. She's in a state of depression.
01:50:27 Oh my God.
01:50:28 What happened?
01:50:30 I gave birth to three children. I've never been depressed.
01:50:35 Okay, but there's nothing to be the same for everyone.
01:50:38 We didn't have such things in our time.
01:50:41 It's always been a trend later.
01:50:43 Even if I'm depressed, you're gonna feed your child in that depressed state.
01:50:50 Doha, take it.
01:50:55 Take it.
01:50:56 Am I going to give it to you?
01:50:58 You give it.
01:51:00 Stop, stop, don't put it there. It's a microbe.
01:51:04 Oh, it's heavy.
01:51:06 Look inside.
01:51:08 Brother, this is a gift from Abdullah, me, Doha and Cemre.
01:51:15 May God not let the mother and father grow up in the fire.
01:51:18 Amen.
01:51:24 Amen.
01:51:25 Son, how much gold is this?
01:51:34 Even less than my nephew.
01:51:36 It's heavy.
01:51:38 God knows what it is.
01:51:41 Otherwise, it wouldn't be born until it's five kilos.
01:51:43 Should we say mushrooms?
01:51:49 Okay.
01:51:52 Should I add it?
01:51:53 Let it be.
01:51:55 Oh, love.
01:51:57 What was the need to order pizza from outside?
01:51:59 I would make it for you at home.
01:52:01 When we order from outside, Sevilla gets both sad and angry.
01:52:09 But am I wrong, sister?
01:52:11 It's not clear where and how it's made.
01:52:13 I would make it for you at home, and the best.
01:52:16 You're right, Sevilla.
01:52:18 Promise, you'll make it for us next time.
01:52:21 Such changes are good.
01:52:22 Okay.
01:52:24 Yes, girls, what are we saying now? Can we say mixed?
01:52:30 We have, we added these, let me add mixed.
01:52:32 Okay.
01:52:34 Oh, it's methane, it was coming.
01:52:36 Let me see.
01:52:38 Okay, I'm adding.
01:52:40 Yes.
01:52:42 Teacher.
01:52:46 Kıvılcım, what happened to your sister?
01:52:48 Did you go back to my teacher because we got divorced?
01:52:50 No, it has nothing to do with her, she's just used to it.
01:52:53 Come here.
01:52:55 Metehan, you are my son too.
01:53:03 We may break up with your father, but not with you.
01:53:07 You will always be like that for me.
01:53:10 I know, Kıvılcım sister, thank you.
01:53:13 Let me give these.
01:53:16 Thank you.
01:53:19 Thank you.
01:53:20 Let's go.
01:53:22 You know, I'm with you, I'm always with you.
01:53:31 But how true is this decision?
01:53:35 It's better for my beloved woman to be like this than to feel sorry for me.
01:53:45 Think about it, what if I get paralyzed the next day?
01:53:49 Kıvılcım will be ruined.
01:53:52 How can I stand by her like a plant for the rest of my life?
01:53:58 I can't do this to her.
01:54:00 God forbid, let's say you're really dead.
01:54:04 Then everything will come out.
01:54:06 It's different for her husband to die,
01:54:08 it's different to say that I fell in love with someone and he's dead.
01:54:14 This woman is not a stupid woman, Ömer.
01:54:16 I mean, if this happened to me, I'd understand right away.
01:54:20 And I'd be very angry with that man.
01:54:22 Why would you be angry?
01:54:24 I'd say he didn't love me.
01:54:26 We promised on good days and bad days.
01:54:29 I'd say this man didn't want me with him on bad days.
01:54:32 Okay, I've been through everything.
01:54:35 Ömer, why don't you tell your family the truth?
01:54:39 I love my family very much.
01:54:44 I know they love me too.
01:54:46 Look,
01:54:51 Meta has a mother to hold.
01:54:55 My brother has children, he has a family.
01:55:00 I'm not their priority.
01:55:04 Somehow life goes on for them.
01:55:08 I know this from the death of my brother Ikiz.
01:55:12 When he died, life was still for us.
01:55:14 But we got used to it.
01:55:18 Human beings get used to everything.
01:55:25 Unfortunately.
01:55:30 My dear, the potato and pasta have become a different pair.
01:55:39 I couldn't get the mince.
01:55:40 Thank you.
01:55:42 I went to the market today.
01:55:53 Come on, how was it?
01:55:55 I went for the first time.
01:55:57 It was very crowded, it was a bit strange, but I liked it.
01:56:01 But the prices are very expensive in the market.
01:56:05 Prices have gone up, everywhere.
01:56:08 Anyway, we'll manage somehow.
01:56:12 The lender gave me the money I worked for.
01:56:15 I paid the monthly installment and the bills with it.
01:56:18 Okay, love, no problem.
01:56:20 Look, I started working again.
01:56:22 We talked to Alev, she'll give me 3-5 advance payments.
01:56:25 So when you start working again, we'll get it together.
01:56:29 Sure.
01:56:31 I'll start looking for a job right away.
01:56:34 If they don't fire me again.
01:56:35 No, my father promised me that.
01:56:38 I'm a little sick, I have a headache.
01:56:44 Let's get it on our own.
01:56:47 What will happen to this Nila?
01:56:55 I hope nature doesn't stop saying you're depressed.
01:57:01 She's already a little bit ahead of her time.
01:57:03 You're looking for things to worry about yourself.
01:57:07 What can I do, Mr. Abdullah?
01:57:09 His mother doesn't look after the child.
01:57:11 I'm telling you, I'll take care of it.
01:57:13 I'm losing sleep.
01:57:15 I just thought of something.
01:57:17 Who knows what came again?
01:57:20 You feed the nature, the baby, at least they'll be milk brothers.
01:57:26 Why?
01:57:30 Why?
01:57:31 Cemre is a girl, the baby is a boy.
01:57:35 Even if they're cousins, they're not allowed to live together.
01:57:39 At least they'll be brothers, they'll be comfortable.
01:57:42 What are you gonna say to nature?
01:57:44 She's always been nice to us.
01:57:46 What's she doing?
01:57:48 She's wandering around like a princess.
01:57:51 She knows she's walking the streets with Cemre every day.
01:57:55 Who's she spending her money on?
01:57:57 Don't make me talk.
01:57:59 Tell you a thousand times.
01:58:01 Emine's ego is forbidden to Emile's ego.
01:58:05 After nature breastfeed this baby,
01:58:08 if they have other children the next day,
01:58:11 they'll all be brothers.
01:58:13 I don't know, ma'am.
01:58:15 She's still in a state of tension.
01:58:17 I'm not getting up, I swear I'm not.
01:58:21 The man in the house came to my life, he's retired, he goes to the pilgrimage.
01:58:25 He goes to his prayer, he comes, he prays, he sits at home.
01:58:28 Look at the things I'm dealing with.
01:58:30 I was a milk brother to my own uncle's children.
01:58:35 We've never had a problem with pilgrimage, we've been so happy.
01:58:39 I'll talk to nature.
01:58:42 Let's see what she says.
01:58:46 You're a funny guy.
01:58:54 You look serious from the outside, but when you talk, you're crazy.
01:58:58 I guess I like to act according to my place.
01:59:00 My father is very funny, he makes me laugh a lot.
01:59:03 He's been my best friend since I was a kid.
01:59:06 A child is a child, he becomes young with the young.
01:59:09 It was very good of you to say this and hit my face with my old age, my daughter, thank you.
01:59:14 You are from the conservative section.
01:59:18 But you don't have the participation I saw in Mr. Abdullah's house.
01:59:26 What does that mean now?
01:59:28 I'm just saying my opinion.
01:59:30 I don't know what's going on in Mr. Abdullah's family.
01:59:34 But I don't like to marginalize people.
01:59:37 It's not my place anyway.
01:59:39 Everyone should live this life as they wish, as they know.
01:59:42 Except that he's not a man like my father.
01:59:47 Omer is very forward-looking, I know that.
01:59:51 That's right.
01:59:54 You're not married, that's why you're so comfortable.
01:59:57 Mom, you're very open tonight.
01:59:59 Let's sit down and talk, right?
02:00:03 Women are very successful at working with their spouses.
02:00:08 They say a few words, they make the man do what he wants.
02:00:12 I can't say much about that.
02:00:15 My father is a very good man.
02:00:17 And he's a very good man, it's not easy to influence him with such words.
02:00:23 Would your father want you to get married?
02:00:24 I don't know.
02:00:26 If there's someone who's going to suit him, why not?
02:00:28 As long as he's happy.
02:00:30 He missed his life to raise me.
02:00:32 I'm happy with this. Don't worry.
02:00:35 My health, my dear. It's been great.
02:00:41 Enjoy your meal.
02:00:43 Honey, shall we go to my father's tomorrow? We love the baby, and there's no work.
02:00:50 I'd love to, but tomorrow is the anniversary party of the channel of the winds.
02:00:54 We got the organization. I have to be there.
02:00:57 But you go. Say hi to me.
02:01:00 Is there a party?
02:01:02 Are you going to stay all night?
02:01:05 We got the job, we have to be there.
02:01:08 Okay, I'll do that.
02:01:11 We need to get a gift for the baby.
02:01:15 Are we wearing gold?
02:01:19 Sure.
02:01:20 If we wear the ring my father gave me,
02:01:24 would there be a problem?
02:01:28 I'd give you the gold I have.
02:01:31 Gold?
02:01:33 Isn't it one?
02:01:35 Umut, I'm going to put a gold on my brother's child.
02:01:39 Why?
02:01:41 Even seven-fold hands are full of gold.
02:01:45 I can't go and put a gold on it. It doesn't suit us.
02:01:48 Okay, you know.
02:01:53 It's a little ridiculous for me.
02:01:58 It's funny that Zengin made Zengin a gesture.
02:02:03 Is it over?
02:02:05 No.
02:02:06 playing the guitar
02:02:09 playing the guitar
02:02:12 playing the guitar
02:02:15 playing the guitar
02:02:19 playing the guitar
02:02:22 playing the guitar
02:02:26 playing the guitar
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02:04:46 playing the guitar
02:04:50 playing the guitar
02:04:54 playing the guitar
02:04:58 playing the guitar
02:05:02 playing the guitar
02:05:07 playing the guitar
02:05:10 Good morning, enjoy your meal, dad.
02:05:15 Oh, handsome.
02:05:17 You said you were coming home, but you're not here.
02:05:20 I came early yesterday, you were asleep.
02:05:22 I guess we're a bit sleepy these days.
02:05:24 We're working, son. I'm a little tired.
02:05:28 How's it going?
02:05:30 Good, on the way.
02:05:32 I was with Kıvılcım yesterday. We had a pizza party.
02:05:36 Pizza party?
02:05:38 How was it?
02:05:41 It was good.
02:05:43 Ertuğrul was there too.
02:05:46 Ertuğrul?
02:05:48 Mihri's father.
02:05:50 I know who he is.
02:05:52 Cimen and Mihri are about to make a friend.
02:05:55 They called me, so I went with them.
02:05:57 I see.
02:06:02 I guess Kıvılcım and Ertuğrul are together since yesterday.
02:06:07 They hung up last night.
02:06:10 Since yesterday?
02:06:14 Yeah.
02:06:16 Why?
02:06:18 They talked about the painter and stuff, but I didn't get it.
02:06:21 They met for the channel.
02:06:23 This is good for Kıvılcım, I guess.
02:06:26 It seems so.
02:06:28 I like it.
02:06:29 Ertuğrul is a sweet guy, but I liked him. He's a funny guy.
02:06:36 Umut is there, everything is fine.
02:06:45 Aslı is gone.
02:06:47 You can do it, it won't be bad.
02:06:51 I guess so.
02:06:53 Then you can do it in our wedding organization.
02:06:57 You want to get married right away, I guess.
02:06:59 No, I don't have a problem with it.
02:07:02 It just seemed like we were in a hurry.
02:07:06 No, I mean...
02:07:08 It's only been two days.
02:07:11 I want to prepare for my own wedding carefully.
02:07:15 So they won't say "the tailor didn't sew his own skirt".
02:07:19 [Doorbell]
02:07:20 Who's here?
02:07:31 I'm going to the detox camp. I'm not there for three days.
02:07:38 You should go tomorrow morning, the channel has an invitation for tonight.
02:07:41 What do I care, Rüzgâr? Sit at home and take care of your daughter.
02:07:44 You're not loved there anyway.
02:07:46 What are you saying?
02:07:47 Bye bye, my love.
02:07:49 Melis, one second.
02:07:52 Whatever, whatever. What can we do?
02:07:59 She's doing it on purpose, she's doing it on purpose.
02:08:04 Yeah, why don't we leave a few hours for us?
02:08:07 For you?
02:08:09 Yeah, my mom will take care of it.
02:08:11 She won't, will she take care of you?
02:08:14 No, she's used to it. She's raised a lot of kids.
02:08:16 You're saying, Kıvılcım took care of her kids so much, now she should take care of mine.
02:08:20 Will you be Cici's mother?
02:08:22 What's Cici's mother?
02:08:24 Cici's mother, we're getting married now, she's her mother.
02:08:28 Hmm.
02:08:30 What if I were Alev?
02:08:32 What if she didn't even call me "sister"?
02:08:35 Did you hear that, Zeyno?
02:08:37 Okay, Alev.
02:08:39 Look at this. I'm so smart.
02:08:44 Oh, thank God.
02:08:46 Our grandchildren are with us, our children are with us. Thank God.
02:08:54 Thank God.
02:08:57 Brother, you will be an inseparable trio now.
02:09:03 I guess. Your love brain was born.
02:09:06 No one can separate us now.
02:09:12 Oh, God.
02:09:13 What are you talking about?
02:09:15 I'm just confused, mom.
02:09:17 Mr. Yusuf is here, sir.
02:09:21 I came to the study room.
02:09:24 What's up, Mr. Abdullah? Is it over this weekend?
02:09:28 There's something I have to talk to you about. I'll be right back.
02:09:31 Do you know why Mr. Yusuf is here? Is something wrong?
02:09:38 No, mom, I don't think so.
02:09:41 Well, I'll make the coffee then.
02:09:43 I'll go and feed Cemre.
02:09:47 I'm coming, too.
02:09:49 Why, Fatih? Are you going to feed her, too?
02:09:51 No, I'm going to ask for two beautiful women in my life.
02:09:55 Enjoy your meal.
02:09:57 Enjoy your meal.
02:09:59 Thank you, Sevil.
02:10:03 Enjoy your meal.
02:10:08 Guys, I really liked this Mr. Ertugrul.
02:10:11 He's a gentleman.
02:10:14 Yes, sister. He was so nice to the kids.
02:10:18 He talked to them, listened to them.
02:10:21 He loves the young people. He listens to them, understands them.
02:10:24 He was a good friend of mine at a time like this.
02:10:37 Ta-da!
02:10:38 Welcome.
02:10:40 One of the hellos. Let me introduce you. Zeynep.
02:10:45 Welcome, Zeynep.
02:10:47 Welcome, beautiful girl.
02:10:49 Isn't there anyone more handsome than me?
02:10:52 Look, I brought you my daughter. What else can I do?
02:10:54 Mom, we have an invitation to go tonight.
02:10:58 And there's no one to look after Zeynep.
02:11:00 So?
02:11:03 So, you can look after your grumpy granddaughter, right?
02:11:07 Of course, I can.
02:11:11 Of course.
02:11:14 Okay, I have to go to the hairdresser. The wind is going to get ready.
02:11:17 We're going out then, okay?
02:11:19 Okay, dear.
02:11:21 Zeyno.
02:11:23 Don't upset the aunt, okay?
02:11:27 She's such a smart girl.
02:11:31 What is this?
02:11:32 Come on, you go. I'm here, too. We can handle it.
02:11:36 Okay, thank you.
02:11:38 Kisses.
02:11:41 She said kisses.
02:11:46 Just once, mom.
02:11:48 I hope so.
02:11:50 Sweetheart, are you hungry?
02:11:53 Should I make something for you?
02:11:55 I ate toast. Can we turn on the TV?
02:11:59 Of course, we can.
02:12:00 Let's see. What do you want to watch?
02:12:03 Cinema.
02:12:05 Cinema, okay.
02:12:07 Long live cinema!
02:12:17 You know, the relatives of the boy are in the sea, right?
02:12:24 Yes, sir.
02:12:27 They jumped in the water.
02:12:28 Did they dive in or stay in the water?
02:12:31 I waited a little.
02:12:33 But they swam for a long time to the open sea.
02:12:35 The open sea.
02:12:37 I'm surprised, Mr. Abdullah.
02:12:39 How do you come up with such things?
02:12:42 If there was only Omer left, he would go crazy.
02:12:45 Brother, how do you do the market shopping in this restaurant?
02:12:54 Zülker was going to our hall and taking care of it, but now he's not there anymore.
02:12:57 We agreed with a gardener, he will come and bring it.
02:13:00 Is the hall more suitable?
02:13:02 Of course, the hall comes from the field, and the other sellers go from the hall.
02:13:06 Do I have to buy from the ball?
02:13:11 They usually buy with the ball, but I saw that you wanted to buy a few more.
02:13:15 What's wrong with you, girl?
02:13:17 No, I didn't ask that.
02:13:19 Nursema, tell me if there's anything.
02:13:22 No, I'm really curious.
02:13:24 Look, Umut left the job, if you need money, tell me.
02:13:29 Okay, I'll tell you first.
02:13:31 Okay, promise?
02:13:33 Promise.
02:13:49 Wow, Alev.
02:13:50 You're awesome.
02:13:52 Last touches.
02:13:54 Okay, then I won't hold you.
02:13:59 Do you have such a matte lipstick?
02:14:01 Yes, come.
02:14:03 Look, this is a matte lipstick, but it never dries your lips.
02:14:15 Apply it.
02:14:18 It's soft, very light.
02:14:19 Oh, very good.
02:14:23 Should I have it?
02:14:27 Of course, I have every color.
02:14:30 I'll put it on.
02:14:36 Okay.
02:14:39 Should I have it?
02:14:40 Of course, I have every color.
02:14:43 What are you putting on your face?
02:14:48 Look, this is my new discovery.
02:14:50 My nose is breathing, I feel very good.
02:14:53 It really looks beautiful, like marble.
02:14:56 Give.
02:14:58 I think we should go shopping for makeup with you.
02:15:07 Okay.
02:15:08 First of all, welcome.
02:15:27 I was here since the channel was opened.
02:15:31 So I'm in the right place tonight.
02:15:35 It's not easy to announce, it's not easy to be a newscaster.
02:15:38 But it's an honor to be in such a big channel with such a strong staff.
02:15:44 And we are celebrating our anniversary tonight.
02:15:47 Mr. Rüzgâr.
02:15:49 Come on, Mr. Rüzgâr.
02:16:04 Mr. Rüzgâr, congratulations.
02:16:05 It's a great night.
02:16:07 Thank you, it really is.
02:16:09 Is the lady next to you your girlfriend?
02:16:11 Alev Arslan.
02:16:15 It's my future job.
02:16:17 Good luck, guys.
02:16:19 Good evening.
02:16:21 Rüzgâr.
02:16:23 Can we talk for a minute?
02:16:25 Alev, how are you?
02:16:27 Fine, you?
02:16:29 Since you decided to get married, I want to talk about the facts.
02:16:33 I think you should shut up.
02:16:34 Alev, we've been together for two years.
02:16:39 We were in love.
02:16:41 But she decided to marry you anyway.
02:16:44 I want you to know that she was seeing me when she was seeing you.
02:16:50 I think you should be careful.
02:16:54 You don't want what happened to me to happen to you.
02:16:56 Everyone's love is up to the one who sees Alev.
02:16:59 Don't worry about such things.
02:17:02 Take care of yourself.
02:17:03 My love.
02:17:05 Doğa.
02:17:26 Are you going to bed? I'm going out.
02:17:31 Let's talk.
02:17:32 Okay.
02:17:39 I'm talking about this marriage.
02:17:44 Let's do it.
02:17:47 For our child.
02:17:49 Are you serious? What are you saying?
02:17:55 I've been thinking a lot.
02:17:59 I thought about it.
02:18:00 You're right, it can't be like this.
02:18:03 Let's get married.
02:18:06 What do I have to do now? Tell me about it.
02:18:13 You said you applied for a mental health report.
02:18:16 Did they tell you the result?
02:18:18 If I pass the tests, I can get it in a month.
02:18:21 When I get the report, the trouble will go away, right?
02:18:25 So the court will give my daughter back to me.
02:18:28 It's not that easy.
02:18:30 You lost all your luck by going back to that house.
02:18:33 That's why you need a clean page.
02:18:35 You will marry your husband again.
02:18:38 Therefore, the custody will be removed.
02:18:41 Then I will make sure you get divorced again.
02:18:44 We will also take custody.
02:18:46 Thank you very much for everything.
02:18:48 What do you mean?
02:18:50 Here you go.
02:18:52 Thank you.
02:18:53 Yusuf, he just left.
02:19:02 He talked to the lawyer. I recorded everything.
02:19:04 Come in.
02:19:07 Come in.
02:19:10 Fatih, listen to this.
02:19:14 Ms. Reza, tell me now what I have to do.
02:19:21 You will marry your husband again.
02:19:22 Therefore, the custody will be removed.
02:19:24 Then I will make sure you get divorced again.
02:19:27 We will also take custody.
02:19:29 I mean, I never thought of getting married again.
02:19:32 What should we do?
02:19:36 I know what to do.
02:19:41 I'm so happy.
02:19:48 I'm so happy.
02:19:49 But I don't think it's necessary.
02:19:54 What do you mean?
02:20:00 I mean, we don't have to get married.
02:20:03 Yes, I offered you to get married.
02:20:09 But then I thought about it.
02:20:12 I thought a lot.
02:20:17 I don't want to force you into anything.
02:20:19 What do you mean?
02:20:22 Should we stay like this?
02:20:24 Should we not get married?
02:20:26 Yes, yes. What will happen?
02:20:28 Besides, you already said that your marriage is not enough.
02:20:34 I think so.
02:20:37 You are with your daughter.
02:20:40 I am with two women I love very much.
02:20:46 Okay, what else?
02:20:47 This is happiness.
02:20:49 I don't think we need to show it on paper.
02:20:52 It's a joke.
02:20:53 [Music]
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