安华支持率下跌18% 公正党基层怎么看?

  • last year
八点最热报 | 配合团结政府执政一周年,默迪卡民调中心上个月进行了一项民调,结果显示不管是对安华,还是团结政府的满意度,都呈现下滑。对于这项民调,安华昨天接受媒体访问时表示,这项民调只有大约1200人参与,团结政府愿意聆听想法,但他强调,团结政府要服务的对象是3200万人,意思就是1200人的意见只是占少数而已…(主播:蔡心慧)
00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:03 In cooperation with the Unification Government's one-year anniversary,
00:06 the undercover card poll center conducted a poll last month.
00:10 Two days ago, the poll results came out.
00:13 Participants' satisfaction with Anhua was 50%,
00:16 and the satisfaction with the Unification Government was 41%.
00:20 However, compared with the poll in December last year,
00:24 the participants' satisfaction with Anhua was 68%.
00:29 In other words, less than a year later,
00:31 the satisfaction with Anhua was 18%.
00:36 In response to this conclusion,
00:38 Anhua said in a media interview yesterday that
00:40 only about 1,200 people participated in this poll,
00:44 and the Unification Government was willing to listen to the ideas.
00:46 But Anhua emphasized that the object of service of the Unification Government
00:50 is 32 million people.
00:52 It means that the opinions of 1,200 people are just a minority.
00:57 In addition, after the opening of the Party's closing meeting,
00:59 the Chairman of the Republican Party, Lafez,
01:02 held a press conference and said that
01:04 the decline in the support rate of prime ministers is not a rare thing.
01:08 Because the three previous prime ministers,
01:10 including Mahadi, Mu Yudin and Ismail Shabili,
01:13 all got a very high support rate
01:16 when they first became prime ministers,
01:18 and then declined in half a year to a year.
01:21 Lafez added that if compared with the three former prime ministers,
01:25 Anhua's current support rate is even higher than theirs.
01:29 At the same time, the annual party conference of the Republican Party
01:32 was held today.
01:34 This is also the first time since the Republican Party
01:38 has lost the conference since the party chairman Anhua became prime minister.
01:42 Regarding the decline in Anhua's support rate,
01:44 the 8 o'clock daily news team also visited some of the grassroots party members
01:47 when they visited the scene.
01:49 They followed the reporter's back to the scene,
01:52 and heard what they said.
01:55 Outside the city's exhibition center,
01:57 the flag of the Republican Party was full.
01:59 It was the first time since Anhua became prime minister
02:02 that the Republican Party has held a party conference
02:04 in the city for the first time since the beginning of the year.
02:07 Lafez, the first female party chairman of the Republican Party,
02:09 appeared at the conference
02:11 under the guidance of the leader of the Communist Youth League,
02:14 Adah Ali, and the vice chairman of the Republican Women's Group, Fadina.
02:15 The conference was held for the first time.
02:18 The grassroots representatives of the Communist Youth League and the Women's Group
02:20 all came to the scene.
02:22 The event was a blue-and-white scene.
02:25 Regarding Anhua's performance in the past year,
02:27 the grassroots party members also gave their scores
02:30 when they visited the 8 o'clock daily news team.
02:32 Maybe 70 points.
02:34 We must give 100 marks.
02:35 90 points.
02:36 85 points for this year.
02:39 We would say about 50-50 for now.
02:42 Because we can see economically,
02:44 there are still some burdens.
02:45 But talk about government,
02:47 multiracial culture, they have been embracing it.
02:52 Although most grassroots party members believe
02:54 that Anhua's performance is still commendable,
02:57 according to a poll recently released,
03:00 the people of Myanmar are less satisfied with Anhua.
03:03 What do grassroots party members think about this?
03:06 As an individual,
03:07 not everyone will like you and not everyone will hate you.
03:10 Some people will support you.
03:11 And for Datuk Srik and Ibrahim,
03:13 I have seen a lot of improvement of the reputation.
03:16 We have to admit that
03:18 in terms of the trend of the decline in the support of the people,
03:23 we cannot say that it is a sudden decline.
03:27 If the government takes a populist step,
03:29 then the support will be high.
03:31 But the government's step today is less populist,
03:35 but for the sake of the country.
03:37 As a political party that often puts the slogan of "Reformasi"
03:39 on the lips,
03:40 but after not being able to join,
03:42 it is often ridiculed by the opposition party.
03:44 The "Reformasi" has become the "Reformati"
03:48 The members of the ruling party think that
03:51 the reform cannot be completed in one day.
03:53 They hope that the government will give more time.
03:56 Of course, this change takes time.
03:58 For more than 60 years,
03:59 there has been no real reform.
04:01 In addition, the international situation
04:04 really needs time to make some changes.
04:06 It is sufficient enough
04:08 because if we see previous governments
04:10 that handle COVID and stuff like that,
04:11 it is like lack of performance over there.
04:13 But currently, we can say that
04:15 foreign investment is kind of good.
04:17 Huge amount of investment has been coming in.
04:20 As for An Hua, after being on stage,
04:22 he is often praised by the Malaysian people
04:23 for his speech and behavior.
04:26 It makes people wonder
04:26 whether the "diverse spirit" that An Hua advocates
04:28 is no longer there.
04:30 For this, the ruling party members think
04:32 that the Chinese vote is very important,
04:34 but we cannot ignore
04:35 the Malaysian people who have the majority in our country.
04:38 It is possible that we will sacrifice a little,
04:39 but I don't think we will sacrifice too much.
04:42 Because for many years,
04:44 the first big step is to rely on the Chinese vote.
04:47 Sometimes, it is hard to please the Malaysians
04:50 because this country is the majority of the Malaysians.
04:53 So, we cannot ignore the worries of the Malaysians.
04:56 It was in the constitution.
04:58 So, we don't have to be afraid that
05:00 our rights will be denied
05:02 or the Malays would get more benefit from it.
05:05 No.
05:05 What he tried to do is, I believe,
05:08 to make things better
05:09 and also, at the same time,
05:11 not denying other racial rights.
05:14 I'm not a racist. I'm a human being. I'm a human being.
05:19 I'm not a racist. I'm a human being. I'm a human being.
