How does Hugh Freeze motivate the Tigers for this weekend

  • last year
How does Hugh Freeze motivate the Tigers for this weekend
00:00 their season trend says no way. It says that they've already
00:03 mailed it in there. They're going to go to some, you know,
00:05 Liberty Bowl, Independence Bowl, they're going to go to some low
00:08 level tier bowl and call it a season. Katie, what in the world
00:12 is going on with Auburn after their 31 to 10 loss to New
00:15 Mexico State?
00:16 Yeah, it's kind of after they lost and just kind of in
00:20 preparation for this week, I started listening to some
00:22 Auburn podcasts at the beginning of the week because I haven't
00:26 followed who freezes press conferences all year. So I don't
00:28 really, you know, nobody's been saying but they were kind of
00:31 saying it is it's been an interesting balance for him
00:33 because he's been saying apparently all year that it's
00:37 not the personnel he wants. It's not, you know, they'll get that
00:40 when he gets in recruits, and he's been doing pretty well so
00:42 far on the recruiting trail. But it's like, how can you so he's,
00:47 you know, he's acknowledging this isn't what he wants. But
00:49 how do you say that publicly and then you go back in the locker
00:52 room and face those guys and they're like, you're not the
00:54 personnel we want, you're not good enough. So you know, I
00:57 call kind of wasn't super aware of that until the beginning of
01:00 this week. But I do think the Iron Bowl, it has it creates its
01:06 own motivation for Auburn. Even if he has lost him a little bit.
01:09 Now I do think that especially now I think the fans will still
01:14 be Sabrina because they always are for the Iron Bowl. But I
01:16 think if Auburn was coming into this game on a four game win
01:20 streak, I think the crowd would be even more rocking because
01:24 you're having a chance to play for a pretty good bowl game a
01:26 pretty good season. I mean, really a great season by their
01:29 stangers if they finish. I guess that would be eight and four
01:32 year.
01:32 Yeah, if they had won last week, they'd be looking at eight and
01:35 four winning.
01:36 Yeah. And a win over Alabama, of course is huge for them. So I
01:42 think the crowd and the team would have been even more fired
01:47 up. But I just don't. Yeah, I don't know what's going down
01:51 what's going on down on the plains. I think this obviously
01:54 is not the personnel he freeze once and he may last week have
01:58 kind of been mailing it in and looking ahead to the Iron Bowl
02:00 this week and it obviously ended up costing Auburn and giving
02:05 them a pretty embarrassing loss in year one.
