Al via la campagna di sensibilizzazione ‘Hiv. Ne parliamo?’ di Gilead Sciences

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - È stata lanciata a Milano, con una conferenza stampa a Palazzo Giureconsulti, la campagna di sensibilizzazione e informazione ‘Hiv. Ne parliamo?’, promossa da Gilead Sciences con il patrocinio di 16 associazioni di pazienti italiane e dell’Italian conference on Aids and antiviral research (Icar). La campagna, presentata con l’avvicinarsi della Giornata mondiale contro l’Aids (1 dicembre), parla di stigma, relazioni, salute mentale e dialogo tra medico e paziente.


00:00 Presented with the approach of the World Day Against AIDS, which takes place on December 1,
00:07 the campaign for sensitization and information, HIV, we talk about it,
00:12 talks about stigma, relationships, mental health, dialogue between doctor and patient.
00:17 Promoted by Gilead Sciences, with the sponsorship of 16 Italian patients associations
00:21 and the Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research,
00:24 the campaign is based on the results of the investigation conducted by Elma Research
00:28 on 500 HIV patients, which highlights how the infection still has a decisive impact
00:33 on different aspects of quality of life, in particular under the psychological profile.
00:38 People who have HIV infections have a much higher prevalence
00:42 than people who do not have the infection, of a whole series of disorders
00:46 that concern mental health and that are basically depression, anxiety, sleep disorders,
00:52 which as you can imagine, affect the quality of life.
00:56 Consequently, talking about these topics becomes a fundamental topic today.
01:00 A friendly and trustful relationship with their doctor is one of the keys to success,
01:05 especially for those patients who must undergo chronic therapy,
01:08 as in the case of HIV patients, but it can also be fundamental to combat stigma.
01:14 Also in this case I think that the doctor-patient relationship is fundamental.
01:18 It is also fundamental in light of what it means to live with HIV today.
01:24 The claim "U=U", undetectable, therefore, non-relevable, equal, non-transmissible,
01:33 therefore no longer contagious, is something that for people who live with HIV
01:38 must be a huge success.
01:40 To keep the attention on the topic of HIV high, in addition to bringing patients
01:44 the fruit of their research work, that is, the drugs that allow them
01:48 to live an ever more normal life, Gilead Sciences is also active
01:52 in listening to the needs of patients, thanks to the constant work
01:55 alongside the associations.
01:57 We cannot limit ourselves to talk about it on the day of December 1st,
02:02 but we must continue to bring messages, continue to be alongside people
02:09 who live with HIV, because even through dialogue with the doctor,
02:14 these patients receive the necessary help, not only to be spokespersons
02:20 to bring down the stigma, but also to have the awareness
02:25 to bring down the self-stigma.
