Farmaceutica, Gala (Msd Italia): "Dalle Istituzioni seve più supporto a innovazione"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Oltre 3 miliardi di investimenti nel 2022 e 700 milioni di euro ogni anno dall'industria farmaceutica per la ricerca clinica, ma per un Servizio sanitario nazionale più equo e sostenibile serve più supporto all'innovazione da parte delle istituzioni anche per andare a superare quelli che sono i vincoli normativi che impediscono l'accesso a quei farmaci innovativi sul territorio italiano". Lo ha detto Gianluca Gala, Executive Director Business Operations di Msd Italia, intervenendo alla terza edizione dell’Health&BioTech Summit, evento dedicato ai temi della salute e del biotech coordinato da Deloitte Officine Innovazione con Msd Italia e Intesa Sanpaolo RBM Salute e che si è tenuto a Roma.


00:00 Sustainable health means being able to provide innovation in terms of services and products
00:08 as soon as possible for our patients.
00:12 Innovation for MSD Italia has always been a vital element,
00:18 which characterises us in our activities and permeates 360 degrees all areas of our company.
00:28 Innovation for us means essentially extending the quality of life of our patients,
00:34 the life expectancy, thanks to the solutions and services we provide.
00:38 MSD Italia, only in 2022, to give you some numbers,
00:43 has invested in our country about 80 million euros in clinical research,
00:48 which represents about 10% of the total investment in clinical research in Italy.
00:53 We recently presented a partnership agreement with an Italian company,
00:59 BSP Pharmaceutical, which is a leading company in the production of oncological drugs.
01:04 The agreement includes a decennial investment of more than 220 million dollars
01:10 and represents a tangible response to the table created for pharmaceuticals and biomedical
01:19 products by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Business of Made in Italy.
01:23 In fact, I am very proud to underline our presence in Italy for more than 66 years,
01:31 and in particular in 2022 we have contributed to guarantee direct value on the PIL
01:39 for an import of more than 230 million euros.
01:43 If we also consider the import and the indirect value, this exceeds 750 million euros.
01:50 We are present and we directly employ more than 1,000 collaborators in the Italian territory
01:57 and this generates about 8,700 jobs.
02:01 So, in fact, for a colleague employed directly by MSD Italia,
02:06 9.3 jobs are generated through indirect effects.
02:10 Consequently, our presence is characterized by a constant commitment to work alongside
02:19 the institutions precisely to win the challenge of innovation in our country.
