Margot Robbie Says If She's SPLURGED Since ‘Barbie’s Success (Exclusive)

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Margot Robbie Says If She's SPLURGED Since ‘Barbie’s Success (Exclusive)


00:00 >> Congratulations on the honor tonight,
00:02 starting Lucky Chap at 24 years old to see all that has been accomplished.
00:08 >> I'm very young.
00:08 >> [LAUGH] >> I always think like 24,
00:11 I'm like, what was I doing at 24?
00:13 My goodness, but to see all that you have accomplished in almost a decade,
00:17 how proud are you?
00:18 >> He was so proud, I don't have much of a voice.
00:20 >> I know.
00:21 >> I'll let them talk.
00:22 >> So it was you taking over today.
00:23 >> Yeah, I mean, incredibly proud.
00:25 I don't think when we started the company, we thought we'd be where we are.
00:28 So I think every day we just take it as it comes and pinch ourselves.
00:32 And I think we're excited to work with people like Emerald and Greta.
00:34 And yeah, I think it's just original voices that we find are exciting.
00:38 So every day we'll do that.
00:39 So if we can keep going like this, then great.
00:41 >> Yeah, I mean, it's been amazing.
00:43 I mean, every day we wake up and pinch ourselves.
00:46 So it's been incredible, it has.
00:47 >> I cannot wait to see what the next almost decade brings.
00:50 And I have to say, congratulations on all of the success with Barbie,
00:55 all of the Grammy nominations.
00:57 Was the group chat blowing up when you guys heard of all the Grammy nomination?
01:01 >> Absolutely.
01:02 >> Were we in Australia?
01:03 >> Yeah, we were in Australia when that happened.
01:05 But yes.
01:06 >> Yes.
01:07 >> Everyone's excited.
01:08 I love it.
01:08 >> There's been so much to celebrate with Barbie.
01:10 I feel like we just kept hitting new milestones that we weren't expecting to
01:14 hit. And every time we did, everyone was mind blown all over again.
01:18 >> It's so well deserved.
01:19 And last question for you really quick.
01:21 I know one of my favorite stories about you is how once you had money,
01:23 you paid off your mama's mortgage.
01:25 And so with the highest grossing movie of 2023,
01:29 please tell me you were able to splurge a little.
01:32 >> I actually haven't really done anything that crazy.
01:36 But now that you've said it, all my- >> Yeah,
01:40 I'm gonna buy some pink Ferraris or something.
01:42 >> My siblings are gonna be like, where's my house?
01:44 >> We were back in the office thinking about how we get the next one.
01:47 >> Holiday gifts this year are gonna be good.
01:50 >> I know, race to the bar.
01:51 [MUSIC]
