Part 2 of the 1954 thriller. Tim Matthews lives a happy existance with his wife Jane and an everday job as an airport security officer. And it seems that his luck is in when he meets up with old army pal Harry Preston, who introduces him and his wife to the thrill of gambling. But there is a sinister motive behind all this and when Tim falls into debt he finds himself being blackmailed by a gang who are all too eager to learn about his security arrangements and the gold bullion his firm happens to handle...
Starring Susan Stephen, Jack Watling, Terence Alexander, Karel Stepanek, Richard Pearson, John Le Mesurier, Ballard Berkley, Genine Graham, Trevor Reid, John Longden, Arthur Rigby and Tom Clegg (aka Oddbod from Carry on Screaming) as an uncredited thug.
Starring Susan Stephen, Jack Watling, Terence Alexander, Karel Stepanek, Richard Pearson, John Le Mesurier, Ballard Berkley, Genine Graham, Trevor Reid, John Longden, Arthur Rigby and Tom Clegg (aka Oddbod from Carry on Screaming) as an uncredited thug.
Short film