Don't let obesity take you down

  • last year
Perpetutal Gbekor was left by her partner because he did not like her being overweight. Today, she is fighting herself back into the center of attention – by dancing. Our Dr. Chinonso Egemba met her to learn what being obese means for her mental and physical wellbeing.


00:00 So I think we would all agree that food is good, right?
00:02 It's a great source of energy and a great source of nutrients.
00:05 But what happens when we take more than our body needs
00:07 or we constantly make unhealthy choices over time?
00:11 One very obvious complication is that we gain weight.
00:13 - My baby daddy, we got broke up
00:16 because he started complaining,
00:18 you are becoming too fat, you are becoming too big.
00:22 So he went in front of that woman,
00:24 leaving me with a child.
00:26 (upbeat music)
00:30 (upbeat music)
00:32 - Hello and welcome once again
00:41 to our Healthy Me, No Caps, Safe Space.
00:43 And with me I have Pepetro,
00:44 who is a wonderful dancer by the way.
00:46 I'm green with envy, we'll talk about that.
00:49 And so let's go straight into it.
00:50 When did you first notice that you had a problem with your weight?
00:54 - I have been a placid since birth.
00:57 As I was growing, it kept becoming bigger and bigger.
01:02 - At what point did you realize
01:06 this needs to be taken care of?
01:08 - Intake of food or,
01:11 apparently I don't have any mind about that
01:13 because I think day in day out, I just get bigger.
01:18 People normally body shame plus size people.
01:24 Most people see plus size people,
01:28 I don't know if I should say it's an abomination.
01:30 We have personal issues we face.
01:33 You have the waist pain, the back pain, your knee pain.
01:38 And aside all those things,
01:40 you get humiliated by people in your community.
01:43 When you are even walking around,
01:45 people can be shouting,
01:47 "Hey, hey, I think you are not a human being."
01:50 Or you are, I don't really get it.
01:54 And this has been on my nerves.
01:56 - Were there other symptoms you had?
01:59 - Any little thing I do, I sweat,
02:02 I pant when I get to long distance,
02:06 I get tired sometimes.
02:08 - You get tired easily.
02:09 - Yeah.
02:10 - So let's quickly check our DW Africa community
02:13 to see what interesting comments are there.
02:15 Anne from Kenya is asking,
02:17 "Hi doc, are there any complications of obesity?"
02:22 - There are actually a lot of complications
02:25 following obesity.
02:27 You have hypertension, you have type two diabetes,
02:31 even metabolic syndrome.
02:32 If you want to be sure that you do not have
02:34 any of those complications,
02:36 it's best to always book a checkup with your doctor
02:40 just so that you're sure,
02:41 because the earlier you know they are found, the better.
02:43 I hope I've answered your question Anne.
02:45 - How has this condition affected your friends
02:49 or your family around you?
02:50 - My baby daddy, we got broke up
02:53 because he started complaining,
02:55 you are becoming too fat, you are becoming too big.
02:59 And I'm like, oh, am I the cause of it?
03:03 So he went in for another woman,
03:06 leaving me with a child.
03:08 - I'm sure that must have hit you really hard.
03:10 - Yeah.
03:11 - How are you trying to find your way around it?
03:13 - I've learned to eat enough, but not too much.
03:17 I've also learned to exercise,
03:21 reduce the intake of carbohydrates
03:23 and dancing has really helped me.
03:26 It has really boost my courage.
03:30 Every day I try to do a dance that will keep me healthy
03:35 and it has really built my courage and I really like that.
03:38 - Did you try reducing sugary foods,
03:42 staying away from sugary foods?
03:46 - Doc, I wish there was an injection to help me stop
03:49 because I'll try for just three days.
03:53 I can't stop at once.
03:55 - But you're trying.
03:56 - I'm trying.
03:57 - And I think that that's what's most important.
03:59 The fact that you're trying,
04:01 what you now need is consistency,
04:03 the ability to just stay with it and continue.
04:06 You know, you may fail, but pick up
04:08 and continue from where you stopped.
04:10 Diets that are very heavy in vegetables may look boring,
04:13 but they are actually very healthy.
04:15 Here's why.
04:16 Most of those diets contain a lot of fiber
04:18 which actually helps slow down digestion
04:21 and reduce the rates to which glucose is absorbed
04:24 into your bloodstream.
04:25 So add more vegetables into your diets.
04:28 Secondly, you need to build muscle
04:30 on your weight loss journey.
04:32 Muscle has very high metabolism.
04:34 So even when you're not exercising,
04:36 your muscles are actually burning weights.
04:39 Lastly, try not to drink your calories.
04:42 Sodas and other sugary drinks
04:44 many times contain a lot of calories
04:47 which could then add to even the food you're eating
04:50 and help impede your weight loss journey.
04:53 Have you lost any weight at all?
04:56 - When I was pregnant, I weighed 132.
05:01 When I gave birth, I reduced to 130
05:07 whilst dancing and now weigh 120.
05:10 - Has your symptoms improved at all
05:12 because of this progress?
05:13 - Yeah.
05:14 - So thank you Perpetual for sharing your story with us.
05:17 - Thank you, doc.
05:18 - Maybe I'll come for dancing classes
05:21 'cause I have two left feet.
05:22 - Sure.
05:23 - If you've learned something,
05:24 share this with a friend or family member
05:27 and don't forget to put your comments
05:28 in the comment section.
05:29 (dramatic music)
05:32 (upbeat music)
