India: Chennai initiative promotes waste collection and cycling

  • 6 hours ago
A women-led initiative is encouraging the public to properly collect, separate and cycle their waste. They even organize collection drives and promote composting so everyone does their bit.
00:00What's happening here is a half-yearly activity in this household.
00:07You see, for over six months, Usha and her family carefully set aside household items
00:12like plastics, electronic items and newspapers instead of discarding them in the bin.
00:19I didn't find it too hard to do.
00:21I found it to be very rational.
00:24I started this because if I can't segregate the waste from my house, how can I expect
00:29someone else to?
00:39Now they're taking all of this to a waste collection drive organised by ROKA, which
00:44is residents of the Kasturbanagar Association in Chennai, India.
00:48The Welfare Association was set up in 2019 with the aim of ensuring all households in
00:53Kasturbanagar were segregating waste properly.
00:57But not everybody was on board like Usha.
00:59ROKA Secretary Janani Venkatesh says that the biggest challenge has been changing people's
01:05We pay tax, so why should we segregate?
01:08Or it is not our job, there are conservancy workers specially employed for this job.
01:15So these were the questions that were put across to us.
01:18And over the years, we have managed maybe quite a good percentage of people into understanding
01:24If that 1kg waste at household is managed, it will be easier for the city to manage segregated
01:30waste rather than unsegregated waste.
01:34Chennai city generates roughly 6,200 metric tonnes of waste every day.
01:39To deal with this, hundreds of micro-composting centres that handle wet waste and material
01:44recovery centres that handle dry waste are set up across the city.
01:48But they're not operating to their full potential, says OKP Research and Advisory's Executive
01:53Director Paroma Roy, who has been actively involved with the ROKA team here in Kasturbanagar.
01:59They can function efficiently and you can completely take advantage of the capacity
02:04of these processing centres only when waste is segregated at source.
02:09What we realised through our research work is that a large part of the waste that is
02:13generated and collected, it just goes to the dumpyards because they are simply unable to
02:19process this in the micro-composting centres or the dry waste processing centres.
02:25Janani puts in a lot of effort to sort everything perfectly.
02:31But different studies have shown that only 20-45% of the population in Chennai separates
02:36their waste as carefully.
02:39Source segregation is something that requires a citizen behaviour change and that's definitely
02:44not something easy to achieve.
02:49The team put together the We Segregate project, where they set up infrastructural nudges in
02:57the community.
02:58These nudges were aimed at highlighting how people's actions are making a real difference
03:03to their surroundings and environment.
03:10This included initiatives like Punch the Plastic, where hooks installed in 40 buildings across
03:15three streets in the locality are used to effectively collect uncontaminated, multi-layer
03:20and soft plastics.
03:22Nearly 100 kilograms of plastics have been diverted in the first six months.
03:26The collected plastics are then sorted and baled at the aggregator and sent to the recycling
03:31centre where they will be made into boats for furniture and other household items.
03:36The most successful initiative, however, is the three community lane composters that have
03:40been set up in the neighbourhood.
03:43The conservancy workers who collect the waste door-to-door transfer about 25 kilograms of
03:47organic waste to each lane composter every day.
03:51A conservancy worker mixes this waste along with cocoa peat in a three-to-one ratio and
03:57then transfers it to the lane composter.
04:00The community has exceeded expectations and diverted nearly 30% more waste than their
04:06The resulting compost is distributed among residents for use in their gardens.
04:13When we started distributing the compost, the residents were really happy and they in
04:17fact approached us to ask us as to how to start it in-house, in their apartment or in
04:23their house.
04:24That is one thing.
04:25We also saw that the segregation levels were increasing with the community composting project.
04:30It also made them understand the need for waste management, why segregation was important
04:34because it was happening right in front of their houses.
04:44Meanwhile, Usha believes that the success of the Punch the Plastic and the Lane Composting
04:50Projects is down to Roka team's constant monitoring and campaigning efforts.
04:55They did it beautifully, thanks to WhatsApp.
05:00They started a group and sent messages.
05:03Whenever people didn't cooperate, they would take a picture of the dustbins and send it
05:07in the group saying, you have not done it today, kindly cooperate.
05:10Some people were sensitive about it but when they started seeing reason, they started doing
05:14it again.
05:15So, e-waste, light fittings, all kinds of electronic waste, headphones, TVs, CDs.
05:24People will also ask you about what we'll be doing, so we'll have to explain to them
05:31where it's going.
05:32Category wise, you can tell.
05:34Tablet strips, please make sure that they don't have the tablets, it's actually empty
05:38tablet strips that we use.
05:47All of the waste collected at the Waste Collection Drive is sent to the recyclers, Wasted 360
05:52and Recycle Mart in the city.
05:54During this drive alone, they've collected 7.6 tonnes of unwanted items for recycling.
06:01Today, I'm very happy and proud to share that Roka has more than 150 members and regular
06:06volunteers, close to 5 or 6 of us to cater to 1000 households and we like to expand and
06:13also inspire other communities to emulate from us.
06:17In July 2024, over 40 participants from 12 cities across South America, Southeast Asia
06:23and South Asia who were here for the Urban Ocean Summit visited Kasturbanagar.
06:29The purpose of their visit was to experience how the Roka team collaborates with other
06:33parties like the Chennai Resilience Centre to carry out the We Segregate project that
06:38prevents plastic waste from entering the ocean.
06:41The Kasturbanagar model is successful as it includes key partners in the waste management
06:46process, its residents, contractors, officials, research organisations and the association
06:53So we need all these different partners to come together to see if we can replicate and
06:58scale more of these initiatives, that way I think these decentralised and collaborative
07:03models can become a nice network that complements the existing system.
07:08This model at Roka is aligned with the Chennai Corporation's Climate Action Plan for building
07:13a near zero waste ward in the city.
07:16At its core, the idea is very simple.
07:19It's to help families form better habits over their present actions for a more promising
