Jenna, une adolescente de 13 ans plutôt futée, rêve de se faire accepter par ses copines branchées. Mais son seul ami est Matt, un ringard rondouillard. Le jour de sa fête d'anniversaire, tous ses invités s'en vont discrètement, à l'exception de Matt, sur qui elle passe sa colère. Dépitée, Jenna formule alors le souhait de grandir très vite. Le lendemain, elle se réveille dans un appartement inconnu, magnifiquement situé, en compagnie d'un bel homme, et dans le corps d'une femme de 30 ans. Jenna est maintenant rédactrice dans un journal féminin. Découvrant les possibilités que lui offre son âge, elle décide d'en profiter au maximum...
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00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:04 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:06 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:08 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:10 - Mom?
00:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:14 (cri)
00:16 - Hey, sweet Bob!
00:18 - You're naked!
00:20 - Not yet.
00:22 - Something really freaky is happening here.
00:24 I slept in an apartment I've never seen before.
00:26 There was a naked man in my shower and I saw his...
00:28 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:30 Oh, God!
00:32 Gross!
00:34 - Now, everyone wants her.
00:36 - Hank, Big Time Magazine editor!
00:38 - Are you the red one? - Those, for sure.
00:40 - That one. - Love, knew it. Genius.
00:42 - But no one knows her secret.
00:44 - I'm 13! - Jenna, if you're gonna start lying
00:46 about your age, I'd go with 27.
00:48 - Matt, it's me!
00:50 - Jenna, I haven't seen you since high school.
00:52 Why are you here? - Yesterday was my 13th
00:54 birthday and today I woke up
00:56 and I'm this. There's something really
00:58 weird going on.
01:00 - I like your dress.
01:02 - It's 'cause I've got these incredible boobs
01:04 that fill it out.
01:06 - I'm at a party. It's so cool.
01:08 - Maddy, it's thriller!
01:10 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:14 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:16 - Revolution Studios presents
01:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:20 The story of a woman
01:22 who's living the life she
01:24 always dreamed of.
01:26 Jennifer Garner is
01:28 13 Going On 30.
01:30 - Mr. Hattie behind you is
01:32 totally scamming on you. - Should I go talk to him?
01:34 I actually came over here 'cause I think
01:36 you're really cute. - So do you wanna
01:38 go out sometime? - Um, I'm gonna take off
01:40 now. - What, you wanna go to jail?
01:42 I met that guy! - The man?
01:44 Gross.