• 2 years ago
Dah la kacak, sopan pula tu. Humble je orangnya. Iman kongsi kenapa dia sangat suka dengan kerjayanya sebagai pemandu lori. Orang offer jadi model pun dia taknak ya! Jom check out video penuh sekarang!

Gempak Most Wanted
️ Setiap Isnin hingga Jumaat
⏰ 11 malam
Astro Ria dan Astro GO
Undi calon fav di gempak.com/gempakmostwanted



00:00 [Music]
00:12 Hi guys, Adam is with me, Kecik.
00:14 And now we're with the new viral.
00:18 Abang Lorry, Iman Alif.
00:21 Hi, Assalamualaikum.
00:22 You're handsome.
00:24 Can you tell us how you became viral?
00:28 Why? Maybe some people don't know.
00:30 For those who don't know, like me.
00:32 Because I made a content, a video posted on TikTok.
00:35 What kind of content?
00:37 I recorded this, I'm driving.
00:39 Oh.
00:41 Let me blacken the work schedule.
00:43 Promise wife to accept the work schedule,
00:45 because later I will go back to the office.
00:47 One hand drive.
00:49 Ah, one hand drive.
00:51 That's why it's viral.
00:53 Because women like to see men
00:55 with one hand drive.
00:58 Relax.
01:00 Can you tell us a little bit about Iman?
01:03 I'm from Kulim.
01:05 From Kulim.
01:06 I'm 22 years old.
01:08 How long have you been working as a lorry driver?
01:11 Lorry driver?
01:12 Driver.
01:13 Driver, wrong.
01:14 The wrong information.
01:15 Lorry driver, like a helper.
01:18 Just six months.
01:20 Just six months.
01:21 Oh.
01:22 So, you and your father are lorry drivers, right?
01:27 Yes.
01:28 Like Iman.
01:30 What makes Iman want to be a lorry driver?
01:35 Actually, more than interest.
01:37 Interest?
01:38 Are you interested in being a lorry driver since you were a child?
01:41 Interested.
01:42 Since I was a child, I played around.
01:44 Oh.
01:45 Interested in driving lorries.
01:47 So, from that, you are interested in driving lorries.
01:50 Yes.
01:51 What kind of lorry do you have?
01:54 There are many.
01:55 I don't know, maybe 2 tons.
01:57 I have a 40-foot trailer.
01:59 Wow, 40-foot trailer.
02:01 Do you have to have your own license?
02:03 I have to have an E-Full license.
02:05 E-Full license?
02:06 So, it's different from other licenses.
02:08 Yes, it's different.
02:09 Oh.
02:10 How did you decide to share your journey as a lorry driver?
02:15 Because I told people that I was a driver.
02:19 Yes.
02:20 But my friends didn't believe me.
02:22 So, I decided to record it.
02:24 I showed it to them.
02:25 I was driving a trailer.
02:26 Oh.
02:27 Did anyone ask you to do it?
02:28 Or were you inspired by someone?
02:31 Yes, someone did.
02:32 I watched a video on TikTok.
02:33 What is the most unforgettable experience?
02:46 When I was a child,
02:48 I was harassed by a ghost.
02:50 I was resting on a floor.
02:53 When was that?
02:55 Was it 2 months ago?
02:56 Yes, 2 months ago.
02:57 Oh, okay.
02:58 I was sleeping.
02:59 I was sleeping.
03:00 Then, I felt my legs were pulled.
03:02 Oh.
03:06 That's scary.
03:07 I was lying down.
03:08 I was sleeping.
03:09 Really?
03:10 I woke up and thought, "What's that?"
03:13 I looked around and found a road.
03:15 Were you alone?
03:16 Yes, I was alone.
03:18 Oh.
03:19 What did you do to get rid of sleepiness?
03:23 I would eat koci when I was sleepy.
03:26 You should have done a live.
03:28 No, I couldn't.
03:30 I would just drive.
03:32 I would read while driving.
03:33 I wouldn't focus on driving.
03:35 Was it hard to work as a lorry driver?
03:39 I couldn't sleep well.
03:40 You couldn't sleep well.
03:41 I had to manage my sleep.
03:45 Since you became viral,
03:48 people say you're viral because you're handsome.
03:51 Did you get any DMs from girls?
03:54 No.
03:55 I did.
03:56 Oh, you did?
03:57 What did you get?
03:59 They asked me if I knew any girls.
04:04 Did you reply?
04:05 I didn't reply.
04:07 Oh.
04:08 You sold your body.
04:10 That's how people approach you.
04:12 Did you get any offers to be a model or an actor?
04:16 Yes.
04:17 Really?
04:18 I'm not interested.
04:19 You're not interested?
04:20 Why?
04:21 I'm not interested.
04:22 You're just interested in being a lorry driver.
04:24 Yes.
04:25 Did you ever get a picture of you?
04:29 I would say hi to them.
04:31 I would say, "Do you want to be a lorry driver?"
04:33 That's how I did it.
04:34 "Do you want to be a lorry driver?"
04:36 You guys are so mean.
04:38 Were the DMs from men or women?
04:40 Women.
04:41 What did you think when you got those DMs?
04:46 I was like, "What's with this woman?"
04:48 I didn't know her.
04:49 I just sent her a DM.
04:50 Did you get a lot of DMs?
04:52 A few.
04:53 A few?
04:54 How many DMs do you get now?
04:57 I get 18 DMs on Instagram.
04:59 18?
05:00 I get 551 DMs on TikTok.
05:02 Wow.
05:03 Look.
05:04 Wow.
05:05 Wow.
05:06 Wow.
05:07 I can't open it.
05:09 You can't open it?
05:11 Did you get a text from your mother?
05:13 I did.
05:15 A fish boy?
05:18 I get a lot of DMs from men on Instagram.
05:20 You get a lot of DMs from men on Instagram?
05:21 Don't worry.
05:23 What do you think of when you look at a woman?
05:25 When I look at her, I can tell she's pretty.
05:27 She's pretty.
05:29 She's fair, pretty, and tall.
05:31 She's a tough girl.
05:34 A tough girl?
05:35 A tough girl.
05:36 She's stubborn.
05:38 I know.
05:40 What else?
05:41 She's stubborn.
05:42 What does that mean?
05:43 She doesn't behave.
05:45 She doesn't behave.
05:46 She's stubborn.
05:48 What else?
05:49 She's a tough girl.
05:50 She's a tough girl.
05:51 She's a tough girl.
05:53 I don't know what else to say.
05:55 Thank you, Iman and Alif.
05:58 I'm Kaci.
05:59 I'm going to go now.
06:01 [music]
