Elevate Phoenix Invitational at Phoenix Country Club

  • last year
Join Brad as he swings over to the Elevate Phoenix Invitational at Phoenix Country Club to talk with a few local celebrities before the golf begins! For more visit phoenixcountryclub.com
00:00 Let's check in with our Brad because he's out at Phoenix Country Club for a golf tournament.
00:04 And let's head out there and see who he's talking to.
00:06 Hey Brad, how you doing?
00:08 Lexi, I'm very excited.
00:10 I'm staying with the man, the myth, the legend himself, Mr. Tom Lehman.
00:15 That's you, not me.
00:16 We've sat and we've talked a lot.
00:17 We've talked about golf, but now we're talking about a great cause playing golf for and that's
00:23 Elevate Phoenix.
00:24 And this is such a big thing to your heart, isn't it?
00:26 It is.
00:27 There are so many kids in this city who you can say they're at risk or disadvantaged,
00:32 but they're growing up in a situation which is far less than advantageous, far less than
00:37 you would wish for anyone.
00:39 And to have an organization that comes alongside them and kind of gives them a little bit of
00:43 hope for the future and lifts them up to the point where they can walk on their own, then
00:47 they fly.
00:48 That's what we do, 98% graduation rate with kids who drop out at over 50% on to college,
00:54 into the military, getting a job, whatever it might be.
00:57 It makes a big difference and I'm really proud of this organization.
01:00 Last night was a big gala, an amazing gala, raised quite a bit for them.
01:05 And there were some amazing sponsors there that you're very happy that come along.
01:08 And we had two gentlemen that started, are now alumni of Elevate Phoenix and you're very
01:13 happy that they started this, aren't you?
01:16 Well, absolutely.
01:17 The whole thing last night was about legacy.
01:21 Where does that idea come from?
01:24 And it comes from somebody who leaves a legacy and then you're inspired.
01:27 And so just Dr. Hutchinson in Colorado inspired Bob Barbie, who came down here and hired Tim
01:32 Cleary and they started this program.
01:35 And everything that happens is a result of what's happened with those guys.
01:39 So this idea of leaving a legacy and making the world a better place behind you is really
01:43 a powerful thing.
01:44 Yeah.
01:45 Today is golf.
01:46 Tee's off at around nine o'clock, which is so great because you have Rick Riley here,
01:51 you have Kevin Sorbo here.
01:52 You have part of the WNBA here, all kinds of people.
01:56 But this course we're playing on today actually just finished up with the swap.
02:01 What was really great that's going on.
02:02 And so you're out playing, I know you're out touring and everything.
02:05 Well, I've been injured, but I'm going to get back after it in January.
02:08 But it is nice to be at Phoenix Country Club.
02:10 They've been a great supporter of Elevate over the years.
02:13 A lot of history here with the club with, I think it was started in 1918 or 1928, something
02:19 like that.
02:20 So it's a lot of years old and we get to get out there today and have fun on it.
02:22 Okay.
02:23 Give me two tips for the course.
02:25 Because you said the course record right now is what, 57?
02:29 No, that's unofficial.
02:30 That's unofficial?
02:31 Unofficial.
02:32 I'll claim it, but it's unofficial.
02:33 But hit it straight.
02:35 The greens are super fast.
02:37 Okay.
02:38 Super, super fast.
02:39 So try to keep it below the hole.
02:40 Okay.
02:41 That's it.
02:42 Can I use the foot wedge?
02:43 You know what, Brad, you can use whatever you want to.
02:45 Just don't let anybody catch you.
02:47 Tom, this is awesome.
02:48 I'm so excited.
02:49 Thank you very much.
02:50 And again, for people who want to get involved with Elevate Phoenix, I believe on the screen
02:54 is right there is the website.
02:57 Go check it out and help support these amazing kids.
03:00 So all right.
03:01 Toss it back to you there.
03:02 Thanks, Lexi.
03:03 Now let's head out to Brad at the Elevate Phoenix golf tournament.
03:07 Oh, I'll tell you, this is awesome, Lexi.
03:12 I'm staying with two icons.
03:14 One, of course, in television and movies, and one in writing and the sports world.
03:20 Yes, you, Rick Riley.
03:21 Icons?
03:22 Yeah.
03:23 I told him to say that.
03:26 This is great.
03:27 You guys are out here.
03:28 George Clooney or something here.
03:29 This is the kind of fun you have at a celebrity event for Elevate Phoenix.
03:33 And Rick, this is your third year or second year coming?
03:36 Second.
03:37 Second year.
03:38 And how great is this and how important is it to you to see these kids thrive?
03:40 Dude, I didn't even know what it was until last year.
03:44 I got all inspired and I'm giving away money and now my wife's going to start working there.
03:48 And then these kids, and we're keeping in touch with these kids.
03:51 What's happened to my life?
03:52 I'm really into this thing.
03:53 It is.
03:54 And it's kind of like, of course, from you and your writing, it really inspires these
03:58 kids too when they see the life of Riley.
04:00 You tell these great stories.
04:02 These kids have no idea who I am.
04:05 Just a white guy with a big nose.
04:06 But it's funny, all the old guys know me.
04:08 Oh, yeah, I remember you.
04:09 But most people don't.
04:10 It's so great.
04:11 And Kevin, I got to say, I'm very honored to be holding this right here because this
04:15 is what a lot of people know you from.
04:17 But you have been in this business so long and you're still filming movies.
04:21 You're still doing stuff.
04:22 I do a lot of, most of the movies I do are like family movies, faith-based movies, like
04:26 What If God's Not Dead, Soul Surfer.
04:28 Those are the moves I'm doing.
04:29 I got four coming down out next year, two documentaries.
04:31 You better check them out.
04:32 But I've known Tom forever.
04:33 I'm a fellow Minnesotan like he is, Tom Lehman and I, but back to Minnesota boys, go back
04:36 in the summers only because I don't miss the winters at all.
04:39 But I love the game of golf.
04:41 I've been playing since I was a little kid and I love the fact that you can mix it in
04:44 with doing charities because I try to get like about a dozen of these in a year.
04:47 I love giving back and I love being, have that golf as the catalyst for that.
04:52 And I know you were here for, I guess, the first one, second one?
04:55 I think the second one, it's been about four or five years.
04:57 I'm telling you, Tom invites me every year, but it's just like I said, I'm shooting about
05:01 four movies a year, so the timing was bad.
05:03 I just finished in Michigan.
05:04 It just happened to be the perfect time to come now.
05:06 And this thing has grown unbelievable.
05:08 I mean, I looked at the money they raised last night and the auction items they had
05:11 and I think they got 125 golfers in this one.
05:14 When I played, I think there was 15 groups.
05:16 Now there's 25 groups or something.
05:18 It's amazing.
05:19 This is great.
05:20 Do people ever just say, Hey, Hercules and not know your name?
05:24 Sure.
05:25 I like it when I say, you look like that guy played Hercules.
05:27 I'm like, okay, that's nice.
05:28 You still look great.
05:29 I got to bring one guy.
05:31 Come over here, young man.
05:32 Do not run away.
05:33 Do not run away.
05:34 Come in and get in here.
05:35 Get in here.
05:36 Come on.
05:37 This is the pride of Boulder, Colorado.
05:38 Have you ever written with him?
05:41 We're both from Boulder, Colorado.
05:42 Oh my gosh.
05:43 Ladies and gentlemen, here he is.
05:45 The big man himself, Mr. Tom Chambers here.
05:46 Tom, how you doing?
05:48 It's early.
05:49 Every time I see you, it's early.
05:50 Well, it used to be when you used to work for a living, you got up in the morning, you
05:54 had a morning show and stuff like that.
05:57 How great is this that this event, you're out here again?
05:59 Well, I'm here.
06:00 I would have been at the dinner last night, but the sun's went to double overtime.
06:03 So I had to do that deal right there.
06:06 But it's great.
06:08 Once you're actually up and down the freeway and through the traffic and past the wreck
06:11 and all that kind of stuff, it's nice to be here and see you.
06:14 Oh my gosh.
06:15 This is great.
06:16 Have you met Kevin?
06:17 Yeah, we have met a few times.
06:18 Yeah.
06:19 All right.
06:20 And so Kevin said he could probably take you in basketball, but he said that you probably
06:24 can't lift as much as he can.
06:25 As long as we're only shooting free throws.
06:27 Free throws are okay, but as long as we stay in the paint nowadays, because I can't even
06:32 run past that.
06:33 That'd be the whole thing right there.
06:34 When I play my boys, they're 22 and 20.
06:37 It's horse or 21.
06:39 My knees are shot, but I still shoot.
06:41 I shoot almost every day at home because I love the game.
06:44 I grew up playing the game and I just love to keep the stroke going.
06:48 And you look fit.
06:49 Do you have any of your costume from Hercules dealing right there?
06:52 I put it on.
06:53 My wife wants it on occasionally.
06:54 Oh my God.
06:55 On that note, Lexi, I'm going to toss it back to you.
06:56 Again, you want to find out more information about Elevate Fitness.
06:57 I don't want to say that.
06:58 I'm going to toss it back to you.
06:59 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:00 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:01 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:02 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:03 I don't want to say that.
07:05 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:06 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:07 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:08 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:09 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:09 I'm going to toss it back to you.
07:14 I'm going to toss it back to you.
