Venezuela's Esequibo drill proceeds normally and with a large number of participants

  • last year
From Caracas our correspondent Gladys Quesada updates us on the process of the simulation exercise in Venezuela over the Essequibo. teleSUR
00:00 And we have a correspondent, Laiske Quesada, reporting from Venezuela on the simulation
00:04 of the referendum and the desequivo.
00:06 Good morning, Clarice.
00:07 And what are the latest updates?
00:10 Hello, Ara.
00:13 Thanks for the time and the contact hearing from the south and for Chalice for English.
00:21 Yes.
00:22 I'm at one of the voting centers here in Caracas, mainly in the town of Catia, one of the most
00:27 populated, the dense populated neighborhoods here in the western part of the city.
00:33 As the officials were informing and reporting, over 5,000 people and voters must come here
00:39 to cast their vote because this is one of the main pilot centers.
00:43 Let's recall this is an exercise.
00:45 This is the drill.
00:46 This is an electoral exercise because they are checking the machines and they're checking
00:51 the speed of the system and the accuracy of the voting machines.
00:58 Also this is one of the main pilot centers.
01:00 You can see behind me this is the line.
01:03 So this is the people that are in line checking for exercising their vote, to cast their vote.
01:11 Now we are going to enter to see the voting process.
01:15 And as you can see, this is the image.
01:19 So in this part of the process, this is one of the main steps of the protocol or process
01:25 here.
01:26 So the voters come in here.
01:29 They check their identity.
01:31 They're going to put their finger to take their fingerprint.
01:35 They give their identity cards and documents.
01:38 And at some point they're going to give their footprint and their fingerprint.
01:46 They are going to give their identity in that machine.
01:50 And then every voter has to go behind the curtain, behind that place to cast their vote,
02:00 to put yes or no, to mark yes or no for one of the five main questions in this electoral
02:05 drill.
02:06 So they are testing the speed.
02:08 They are testing also the accuracy of the system.
02:11 And then they cast their ballot.
02:14 They put the ballot there in the ballot box.
02:16 So every vote is checked against the count of the machine.
02:20 So every voter, yes, every voter puts their votes there, their ballot there.
02:26 And this is the main process.
02:29 This is the main voting process in this electoral drill.
02:32 This is exactly what is going to happen on December the 3rd.
02:36 And this is a way to showcase how the process is going to be, how every voter is in their
02:42 electoral role and can come in the centers.
02:45 And also to see if there are there, if there are subscripts.
02:52 And as you can see, voters keep coming.
02:55 Voters of all ages, people here, is coming even with their children, their family.
03:01 In this Sunday morning, they are coming here from early.
03:04 Let's recall, every voting center in this electoral drill is going to be open until
03:09 4 p.m. today.
03:12 This is part of the drill, but later in the process, in the referendum, they're going
03:17 to be open until 6 or 7 p.m.
03:20 So I'm showing you, and this is our those are the voters that are coming here.
03:27 And we were watching also the presence of authorities, the armed forces that are supporting
03:33 the voting process and are supporting the drill in this case.
03:38 So we will have more details.
03:40 We will have other information and reports in upcoming news briefs.
03:46 So back to you.
