• 2 years ago


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02:31 Coconuts! These look like funny footprints.
02:36 I wonder where they've come from.
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02:44 Huh?
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02:49 Uh, did you guys hear that?
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04:06 Treasure!
04:08 Stop that singing and launch the dinghy!
04:12 Aye aye, sir!
04:14 What in Neverland was that, Cubby?
04:19 Some kind of burbling gill guy.
04:23 What do you think he wanted?
04:25 Crackers, look!
04:27 Old Featherhead's after him!
04:29 Faster, you louts!
04:31 I want that big, old, mighty treasure!
04:38 Immolatory!
04:40 Yo-ho, uh-oh!
04:44 When Hulk hunts treasure, he always causes trouble.
04:48 We better follow along and make sure he doesn't bother the creature or steal his treasure.
04:55 Yo-ho, let's go!
04:58 Yo-ho, let's go!
05:01 All aboard on a big, taxi-jeep, leap away!
05:06 Come on, crew, I'm calling you!
05:08 Leap away!
05:10 Stand together, pirate, later anchors away!
05:16 We'll set sail to the sunken ship today!
05:23 Yo-ho, that's it!
05:26 Ho!
05:27 My, my, Captain, look!
05:34 Ha-ha!
05:36 The monster's slippers may help him swim, but on land, they leave footprints that lead right to him.
05:45 Oh, dear me!
05:47 How terribly handy!
05:49 Step lively, men!
05:51 I'm sure we'll find treasure just over this dune!
05:57 Yo-ho, there they go!
05:59 Come on!
06:04 Meenies, look alive!
06:07 What is this place?
06:09 A coconut shake?
06:13 The dew guy's leading us toward...
06:16 ...a spooky swamp!
06:19 Oh, my word, Captain!
06:24 Must we follow that fellow into this fallow swamp?
06:28 Just stick close to your fearless leader!
06:32 I shan't lead you astray!
06:35 We seem to have gone astray, sir.
06:40 Right into an icky, sticky pond!
06:44 Ho! Ho!
06:46 Who said that?
06:48 Who?
06:50 Why, it's just an owl, Captain!
06:52 Ho!
06:54 I speak a bit of owlish meself!
06:57 She said there'd be no amphibian creatures in this swamp!
07:02 Brr-brr-brr-brr-brr!
07:04 Oh, Mr. Froggy's speaking froggies!
07:08 He says he's never ever even seen a gill creature come this way!
07:14 Brr-brr-brr-brr-brr!
07:17 Brr-brr-brr-brr-brr!
07:21 And that wee bit of creature Burble Talk translates to...
07:26 "I'm not over here pretending to be a tree!"
07:29 Ho! Ho! Ho!
07:31 Mighty impressive bones!
07:34 You speak owlish, froggies, and gill creature!
07:39 Wait for the moment!
07:41 Pretending to be a tree?
07:44 That tree... it's him!
07:48 Ooh! He's getting away!
07:53 Tree-man-man!
07:55 Why do we see...
07:58 This is really sticky!
08:03 And squishy!
08:05 Crew, shake a leg!
08:07 The gill guy went this-a-way!
08:09 Later!
08:10 See ya!
08:11 Wouldn't wanna be ya!
08:13 Last gallop of the day!
08:16 Let's grab a vine and follow that monster!
08:20 Yo-ho!
08:22 Aah!
08:26 Yay!
08:30 Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
08:32 Chill down! We're trying to help you!
08:36 Run, Perky! Run for your life!
08:39 Running, Perky! Running!
08:43 Bye-bye, sea-pups!
08:46 Aw, coconuts!
08:49 Hope's about to catch up to the gill guy!
08:52 Ha-ha-ha!
08:53 A fail is indeed a great motivator!
08:57 Ha-ha-ha!
08:59 What a great dive!
09:05 Dove right into the blue lagoon!
09:08 A lovely spout!
09:10 But, Captain, we've never found treasure here before!
09:14 Because that monster has hidden it!
09:18 Men, follow me!
09:20 That treasure is mine!
09:23 [screeching]
09:28 Heads up! Captain Hook's getting away!
09:33 We gotta stop him!
09:35 Oh, men!
09:42 Ha-ha-ha!
09:46 It appears you are the catch of the day!
09:50 Show me where I might find this mighty treasure, you gar!
09:55 [laughing]
09:58 He says his name's Gilly, and he'd be glad to show you, Captain!
10:03 Just let him off that net!
10:05 I see! A trade, eh?
10:09 Here's freedom for the treasure!
10:12 Shiver me timbers!
10:14 Hook's netted the gill guy!
10:16 Izzy, this looks like an emergency!
10:19 Pixie Dust, away!
10:22 Oh, a gilded sword!
10:30 That must be the mighty treasure!
10:33 I'll take that!
10:35 [laughing]
10:38 It's mine!
10:40 [laughing]
10:43 Crusade!
10:45 Crusade!
10:46 [laughing]
10:49 At last!
10:53 A gleaming piece of real treasure is mine!
10:57 Ha-ha!
10:59 Oh, my!
11:01 Not so fast, Captain Hook!
11:04 That sword doesn't belong to you!
11:07 Hand it over now!
11:09 Oh, my golly goodness!
11:14 How rude of me to take it!
11:17 By all means, Captain Jake, allow me to give it to you!
11:24 Coconut!
11:26 Look out, Jake!
11:30 Oh, my!
11:32 Careful, Captain!
11:34 Don't worry, everyone!
11:38 This ends now!
11:42 [screaming]
11:44 Watch me, Michaels!
11:46 I'd be trapped!
11:48 [laughing]
11:50 No whole way to go, Captain Jake!
11:55 [laughing]
11:59 What's he saying?
12:01 Gilly says, "Thank you, Jake, for returning the sword of Captain Colossus!"
12:07 Captain Colossus?!
12:10 [laughing]
12:13 Aye, Gilly here used to be mateys with Captain Colossus.
12:17 When he saw the emergency flare today, he thought that Captain had returned.
12:23 So that's why he came aboard our ship!
12:26 Captain Jake, the newest skipper of the mighty Colossus, at your service, Gilly!
12:33 [laughing]
12:36 That means he's your matey now, Captain Jake!
12:40 And like he used to do for Captain Colossus, he'd be glad to guide your ship through any trouble or turbulent seas!
12:50 [mumbling]
12:57 Thanks, Gilly!
12:59 Now I've got another cool sword!
13:02 Perhaps you could use the blasted things to free me from this infernal slab of tree trunk!
13:09 [mumbling]
13:12 What in Neverland is he babbling?
13:15 He said you forgot to say "please"!
13:18 That's my captain!
13:21 [growling]
13:25 Yo-ho, way to go!
13:27 For helping out our new matey, Gilly, we got ten gold doubloons!
13:33 Let's put 'em in our team treasure chest!
13:36 [music]
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14:07 [cheering]
14:10 I am Flotsam!
14:19 Is there no way back to the Jolly Roger without traversing this blasted slab, Captain?
14:26 Why not try to imagine what Jake and the sea puffs would do?
14:35 Why now, what little Captain Smarty-Pantaloons would do?
14:41 Hee-hee, onto the logs go we!
14:45 [growling]
14:48 [screaming]
14:51 Ah, codfish.
14:53 [screaming]
14:55 [screaming]
15:04 Minotaur mix-up!
15:07 Victory!
15:10 I, Monty the Minotaur, ruler of Argos Island, triumph once again!
15:21 Ah, crushed coconuts!
15:26 I lost three games of pirate checkers in a row!
15:30 Sorry, Cubby, but I never lose a challenge. I've just had good.
15:36 Now, who wants to take on the Minotaur next?
15:41 I do!
15:43 Captain!
15:45 What are you doing here?
15:48 [roaring]
15:51 [clears throat]
15:54 According to the rules that govern this island, if you, the Minotaur, are challenged to a contest, you must accept.
16:07 I...
16:10 Okay, that's true. What of it?
16:14 Well, should you lose the contest, the winner would become the ruler of Argos Island.
16:22 And the keeper of the Minotaur treasure.
16:28 [laughs]
16:30 Aye, 'tis all true, but that's never gonna happen, because I've never been beat.
16:39 Be that as it may, I, Captain Hook, challenge you to a contest!
16:47 Well, Hook, I love a challenge! So what's it gonna be? Boxing? A little Draco-Robin wrestling? Or is pirate checkers for your speed?
17:03 I challenge you to the ultimate test of skill and daring! Pirate battle ball!
17:11 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!
17:14 [grunts]
17:16 Beat that, bully boy!
17:19 All right, give me that thing. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!
17:25 That's no fair!
17:28 Oh, that's no fair! It's busted!
17:33 No! You broke it with your brute strength!
17:37 I ran!
17:39 And so, according to the rules, I am ruler of Argos Island!
17:45 That just happened to me.
18:04 Well, once you become the ruler, you also become the Minotaur, the most powerful one in the land!
18:15 Oops. We must have missed that part of the rules. Fine painting, all.
18:22 And since there can only be one Minotaur, that makes me...
18:30 ...Montane. Same in second class.
18:36 No! Blasted blunder fish! What have I done?
18:44 I am a ferocious half-man and a beastly half-beast!
18:51 But on the other hand...
18:57 I am the Minotaur's friend now! He's mine, all mine!
19:02 Monty, are you okay?
19:04 Not really. I always liked being a mythical creature. It made me feel so... so... heroic.
19:14 There's gotta be a way you can turn back.
19:18 Why not challenge Captain Hook to another contest?
19:22 Yes! And if I beat Hook, we'll both change back.
19:29 Another contest? But I just got me horns!
19:36 Hook, I challenge you to the Argos Island obstacle course!
19:46 Whoa! I've heard of that. It's a race across the island through dangerous traps.
19:53 Oh, it's tough, all right. I run it all the time. And I'm good at it, I am.
20:01 Uh, Monty, are you good at it when you're a Minotaur or when you're a human?
20:07 When I'm a Minotaur, of course. Which I am not, what have I done?
20:14 Blank! It is you against me, Bob!
20:20 Jump out, let's jump! Jump out, let's jump!
20:28 On the waterway, you have to take Link away!
20:33 Come on, crew, let's go again!
20:35 We'll take you all the way!
20:38 Band together, pirate! Link to anchor is away!
20:43 Eagle, set sail! We're climbing the tree today!
20:50 Go, go, Captain Jack!
20:54 You see those two big rocks? They're the first obstacle in the race.
21:02 Whoa! Those are the famous clapping rocks.
21:08 So together, we simply climb them?
21:13 No, we have to run between them without getting squashed. Watch us!
21:19 See what I mean?
21:29 Oh, do be careful, Captain! He loses so easily.
21:37 Ha!
21:39 Now, then, to it!
21:44 And that, me amorphous, is how it is done.
21:54 Your turn, little man!
21:58 Oh, my!
22:05 Well, we'll never get through there.
22:08 What you need is something to hold those rocks apart.
22:13 Oh, that might work. How about lending me your sword?
22:19 You got it, mate!
22:21 Go!
22:25 Have you got a knife?
22:28 Here goes!
22:30 Go!
22:32 (LAUGHS)
22:34 Score!
22:50 By the winged hat of Hermes, I did it!
22:55 Oh, I think I pulled something!
22:59 You're welcome! Get a boy, buddy!
23:02 For the next obstacle, we have to run through the Garden of Hydra.
23:14 And do what?
23:16 Trim the shrubbery?
23:19 No! Those plants are hydra-voids.
23:23 They're very grimy, and they don't let go. I'll show you.
23:29 (ALL GASP)
23:31 Creepy coconuts!
23:39 Now, little grabby vegetation, shouldn't hinder the man-beast of legend!
23:46 And away!
23:49 (LAUGHS)
23:55 That's right! Swither away, you overgrown pumpkin plants!
24:00 (LAUGHS)
24:04 Frually human! It's your turn!
24:10 Go off, thank you! Those lines will tear me to pieces!
24:16 Monty, use your sailor skills and tie those old vines into knots!
24:21 Hey, that just might work!
24:24 Right then.
24:26 Try a square knot on for size!
24:30 Lovely clover hitch!
24:33 A slipknot I should make!
24:36 And here's a half-Windsor for you!
24:43 What do you know? It did work!
24:48 Very clever, measly man!
24:52 But your heart can't hold out much longer!
24:56 The final obstacle is a race through the Golden Apple Orchard!
25:05 There's just no way I can run faster than a minotaur!
25:09 Hold on! Did you say the Golden Apple Orchard?
25:13 Captain Hook loves gold!
25:16 He would drop everything to get his hooks on treasure like that!
25:21 I think I know how to slow Hook down!
25:26 Take me, boy! It's time to harvest a few golden apples!
25:33 Hello?
25:38 It's about time you got here, mini-man!
25:42 First one to the finish line wins!
25:45 That would be minotaur me, of course!
25:48 On your mark, get set, and do be careful...
25:54 GO!
25:56 Just a short dash from the trees to victory!
26:01 Glory be! An apple made of solid gold!
26:12 I love me new album!
26:15 Now, meanies!
26:18 Even more?
26:24 It's good to be the minotaur!
26:28 For the race!
26:34 Now you're done!
26:43 No!
26:46 I did it!
26:56 Yo-ho, way to go!
26:59 You challenged the minotaur and won!
27:02 That means you get to be the minotaur again!
27:05 Yes!
27:07 Oh, yeah!
27:10 I'm back, baby!
27:13 No fair!
27:22 I want a rematch!
27:24 I demand another!
27:34 Way to go, mateys!
27:37 For helping out Monty the minotaur, we got ten gold doubloons!
27:41 Let's put 'em in our team treasure chest!
27:46 (Whistles)
27:49 (Whistles)
28:15 (Whistles)
28:18 Well, I spent the whole day as the minotaur with nothing to show for it!
28:31 No treasure, no golden apple, or indeed, a golden apple!
28:38 Did someone say apple?
28:41 You!
28:43 (Grunts)
28:46 (Music)
28:50 (Grunts)
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30:21 Come on, mateys!
30:37 Let's go!
30:39 Yarr!
30:42 (Music)
30:45 Moon Lagoon!
30:49 Coconuts!
30:51 Slaughtering the mighty colossus is one mighty chore!
30:56 Aye, cubby! But think about how nice you'll look!