• last year
Tom y Jerry la película 1992


00:00:17Oh me Gary la pelicula
00:01:50Proximamente departamentos de loop
00:08:51Largo de aquí no se permiten gatos
00:09:00Ha ha
00:09:56Yeah, vaya vaya miren que gato tan grande y valiente
00:10:00Sí molestando un ratoncito chiquito chiquito se va a sentir mal el resto de sus días
00:10:07la primera vez solos en la calle
00:10:11Y en lugar de ser amigos
00:10:13Pelean como gato y ratón me son un gato y un ratón poxy
00:10:18Sí, Frankie, pero tienen que ser amigos o no podrán vivir en la calle cierto es muy cierto claro
00:10:25Frankie la pulga me llamo soy de extracción francés
00:10:30Quiere decir que antes de conocer me vivía en un pudo
00:10:34Yo he sido callejero dos largos años mis dueños me abandonaron al mudarse me llamo poxy
00:10:41y ustedes
00:10:42soy tom soy jerry
00:10:48Claro que hable que crees que soy mudo tú lo dijiste yo no a pedazo de tonto quisiera
00:10:58Como es que nunca habías hablado antes no había nada que quisiera decir y creí que me entendías y es igual a hora
00:11:06está bien se acabó pedazo de
00:11:09chispas estoy enojado
00:11:12Ya se los advertí los dos tienen que aprender a ser amigos
00:11:19siempre nos hemos ayudado en las malas y las peores hay que luchar para sobrevivir
00:11:25Es un mundo bastante difícil y hay que estar siempre alertas Frankie
00:11:32Si tiene razón muchachos escuchen
00:11:38Somos amigos los dos hasta el
00:11:45Dito soy y siempre crema y café leche y miel
00:11:51No encontrarás a otros dos más compatibles que tú y yo cantar y bailar
00:12:10You be a good nanny bend down
00:12:12Las gotas no está mal y no nos verán quejar no hace la lluvia parar
00:12:18Se gana el protestar
00:12:22Y sonriendo en la lluvia
00:12:30Por eso sabemos que todo está bien
00:12:41Un buen consejo
00:13:13¡Viva la amistad!
00:13:15¡Vamos muchachos! ¡Prueben ustedes!
00:13:17¡No sé cantar!
00:13:18¡Cualquiera puede cantar!
00:13:19¡Pero no lo intentaré!
00:13:21Somos amigos los dos, hasta el fin
00:13:27Juntitos hoy y siempre, crema y café, leche y miel
00:13:34No encontrarás a otros dos más compatibles que tú y yo
00:13:38Cantar y bailar, del brazo andar
00:13:43El uno para el otro, siempre los dos
00:13:48Todo nos sonreirá
00:13:53Lluvias vienen y vendrán
00:13:55Unas gotas no están mal
00:13:57Y no nos verán quejar
00:13:59No hace a la lluvia parar
00:14:01Que se gana al protestar
00:14:03Te deprime y te hace mal
00:14:05Y sonriendo en la lluvia
00:14:07No piznavamos, no dejamos que nos llegue a enloquecer
00:14:14Por eso sabemos que todo está bien
00:14:20Si caminamos juntos, así es que aquí
00:14:25Un buen consejo va
00:14:30La vida sabe regalar
00:14:35Al amigo de verdad
00:14:39Juntos repitamos ya
00:14:42¡Viva la amistad!
00:14:46La vida sabe regalar
00:14:51Al amigo de verdad
00:14:55Juntos repitamos ya
00:14:58¡Viva la amistad!
00:15:35¡Tú no, ratón!
00:16:08¡Tom, trae tu bandeja! ¡Vamos a comer!
00:16:11¿Sí? ¡Es un bufet de basurero!
00:16:19¡Ven acá, miedoso! ¡Déjame salir de aquí!
00:16:21¿Qué te pasa? ¿Vas a dejarme en la maceta?
00:16:24Voy a clavarse a la pared cuando salga
00:16:26¡Tom, ven acá! ¡Pelea limpio!
00:16:30¡Frankie, muchacho! ¡Nos hemos sacado la lotería!
00:16:36¡Oye! ¡Me las pagarás!
00:16:43¡Hey, Foxy!
00:16:45¿Frankie? ¿Foxy?
00:16:50Los gateros atacan de nuevo
00:16:53Sí, uno más para el dog
00:17:05¿Dónde está?
00:17:07En fin, más para mí
00:17:23Es nuestro territorio, chico
00:17:26En este callejón, los gatos no son gatitos bonitos y amiguitos
00:17:31Este es nuestro dominio
00:17:34No lo hayas entendido
00:17:36Te mueres si no te largas de aquí
00:17:38Quiero que eso quede muy claro
00:17:41Así somos nosotros y así seremos siempre
00:17:59¿Qué nos importa una flor?
00:18:02¿Qué nos importa el sol?
00:18:06Solo el vicio nos da bien estar
00:18:09¡Muerde un ratón!
00:18:10¡Huevo a león!
00:18:11¡Qué más da!
00:18:12Odiamos el deber
00:18:16El tiempo es perder
00:18:20Mejor así seguir
00:18:23Y llanos hasta el fin
00:18:29¿Qué nos importa el sentir?
00:18:32La primavera en abril
00:18:36¿Qué te parece un buen puntapier?
00:18:39¿Un pellizcón?
00:18:40¿O un empujón?
00:18:42Odiamos todo lo que haya aquí
00:18:47Y a la sucia, inmunda humanidad
00:18:51¡Qué carasquear!
00:18:53Es lo que nos gusta más
00:18:56¡Qué más da!
00:18:58Si hay tranquilidad
00:19:01Mejor es la obscenidad
00:19:05Palabrodas suelen sonar
00:19:13¿Qué nos importa el gentil?
00:19:17Nos gusta hacerle algo vil
00:19:21¿Qué te parece pelear?
00:19:24¿Qué te parece pelear?
00:19:26¡De verdad!
00:19:27¡Una adicción!
00:19:28¡La destrucción!
00:19:29¡La veas!
00:19:30El mundo pronto
00:19:32Queremos llenarlo
00:19:35De inmundicias
00:19:39¡Oye bien!
00:19:41Odiamos como placer
00:19:46Quitamos inmundicias
00:19:51Y decimos
00:19:55¡Siempre así!
00:19:57¡Villanos hasta el fin!
00:20:02¡Hasta el fin!
00:20:06¡Hasta el fin!
00:20:10¡Se escapa!
00:20:11¡Mi culpa!
00:20:12¡Me gusta lo tonto!
00:20:16¡Ven acá todos por ahí!
00:20:18¡Ven acá!
00:20:22¡Ven acá gato!
00:20:29¡Ya lo tenemos!
00:20:37¡Allá está!
00:20:38¡Alto! ¡Alto!
00:20:49¿Estás bien amigo?
00:20:50Sí, estoy bien
00:20:53Pero no me digas amigo
00:21:00¡Vamos ratón!
00:22:09¡Espera! ¡Espera!
00:22:10¡Un momento!
00:22:12¿Quiénes son?
00:22:15Somos nosotros
00:22:16El Stomp
00:22:17Y yo Jerry
00:22:20Creí que eran otras personas
00:22:21Creí que me perseguían
00:22:23¡Oh no!
00:22:24¿Entonces qué hacen aquí?
00:22:27Nos perdimos
00:22:28Buscamos algo para comer
00:22:29Sí, tenemos hambre
00:22:31¡Oh! Bueno
00:22:32Tengo galletas
00:22:33Una manzana
00:22:38Así que...
00:22:39Te llamas Robin y te fugaste de tu casa
00:22:41¿Cómo lo sabes?
00:22:43Tu nombre está en el medallón
00:22:45¡Oh! Sí
00:22:46Soy Robin Starling
00:22:48Temo que ya no tengo hogar
00:22:51Soy huérfana
00:22:53Mamá murió cuando era un bebé
00:22:55¿Pero y tu papá?
00:22:57¿Qué le pasó?
00:22:59Mi papá se fue a instalar una montaña
00:23:01Pero se hundió en la nieve
00:23:03En una...
00:23:07Y era el padre más maravilloso del mundo
00:23:11Teníamos un lugar secreto para los dos
00:23:15¿Y ahí quería llegar?
00:23:18Para escapar de mi...
00:23:20Tía Gordis
00:23:22No es mi tía, es mi nana
00:23:24Pero se apoderó de mi casa
00:23:26Me mandó al desván
00:23:28Y le dio mi cuarto a un perro
00:23:32Tía Gordis siempre me decía huérfana
00:23:35Y se robó mi medallón
00:23:37Lo echó por la ventana
00:23:38Pero yo salí a buscarlo
00:23:42No regresaste
00:23:43Es la verdad
00:23:44Y nunca regresaré
00:23:46Qué bien, pero qué bien, niña
00:23:49Tenías un techo sobre la cabeza
00:23:51Tres comidas al día
00:23:52Una buena cama
00:23:53¿Por qué querías huir?
00:23:55No quiero confesarlo, Robin
00:23:56Pero Tom dice bien
00:23:57Nunca sabes lo que tienes hasta que lo ves perdido
00:24:00No conocen a Tía Gordis
00:24:02Parece tierna
00:24:03Pero en realidad es mala, muy mala
00:24:06Oh, vamos
00:24:08Apuesto a que te busca frenéticamente
00:24:10Claro que sí
00:24:11Y estará llorando por ti en este mismo momento
00:24:15Oh, mi pobrecita Robin
00:24:19Ay, busque a la oficial, por favor
00:24:22La pobrecita niña
00:24:27Ya, ya, señora Gordis
00:24:29La encontraremos, se lo prometo
00:24:31Avisaré a la jefatura de policía
00:24:33Ay, por favor, por favor
00:24:36No sé cómo podré vivir sin ella
00:24:42No podrás vivir sin ella, Gordis
00:24:45Cállate, Lambis tonto
00:24:48Pero es cierto, Gordis
00:24:50Sin Robin, el dinero de Papa Stalin
00:24:52Se irá volando, volando
00:24:54Y tú quedarás en la inopia totalmente
00:24:57Y tú conmigo, Lambis tonto
00:24:59Deja de hablar, eres abogado
00:25:07¿Te parece gracioso, Ferdi, perro sarnoso?
00:25:10Tú fuiste el que la dejó escapar
00:25:13Es que estaba comiendo
00:25:15Ya sé que estabas comiendo
00:25:17Tú vives para comer
00:25:20¿Quieres este panqué?
00:25:22Sí, sí, sí, sí
00:25:35Ojalá que la policía la encuentre
00:25:37O estaremos condenados a ser de nuevo
00:25:39Simples plebeios
00:25:42Y más vale que el rumor
00:25:43De que el valiente Papa Stalin
00:25:45Tal vez sobrevivió a la avalancha
00:25:47Sea solo rumor
00:25:49O seremos peores que todos
00:25:51Sea solo rumor
00:25:53O seremos peores que plebeios
00:25:56¡No lo digas!
00:26:01¡No más dinero!
00:26:03Tenemos que tener
00:26:14Algo genial el dinero es
00:26:17Lo sé, lo sé
00:26:19Igual que un gorrión canta y canta otra vez
00:26:22Lo sé, lo sé
00:26:25Mejor aún
00:26:26Me hace pensar que hasta puedo reinar
00:26:29Quiero soñar
00:26:31Algo genial el dinero es
00:26:35Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé
00:26:39Algo sin par el dinero es
00:26:42Se ve
00:26:45Sirve para todo aquí o donde estés
00:26:47Se ve, se ve
00:26:50Te da poder como a una fruta lo quiero comer
00:26:54Ay, qué placer
00:26:56Algo sin par el dinero es
00:27:00Se ve, se ve, se ve
00:27:04Es el dinero
00:27:07Mi mundo entero
00:27:13Más para guardar
00:27:15Y nunca dar
00:27:16No ni el dinero otra vez
00:27:18Cuando hay mucho yo canto y bailo en mis pies
00:27:21Mi preferido
00:27:24Mi más querido
00:27:27Porre que canta
00:27:30Ya, vieja ya estoy
00:27:32Y rico soy
00:27:33El dinero es mi pasión
00:27:35El sueño de mi corazón
00:27:38Y para mí es más que vivir
00:27:41Lo es, lo es
00:27:44Lo uso muy bien cual si fuera elixir
00:27:47Ya ves, ya ves
00:27:50Puedo soñar que por el mundo me voy a pasear
00:27:54Quiero volar
00:27:55Algo genial el dinero es
00:27:58Dicen que el dinero es malo
00:28:01Como el demonio así es
00:28:03Lo es
00:28:04Un poquito de frente y revés
00:28:05Lo es
00:28:06Pero yo lo quiero otra vez
00:28:08Ya ves, ya ves
00:28:10Lo más genial
00:28:14El dinero
00:28:34No puedo regresar
00:28:37Te atrape
00:28:41Aquí está
00:28:42Sana y salva
00:28:43La encontramos cerca del viejo puente
00:28:46Tom, Gary
00:28:49Son mis nuevos amigos
00:28:50Que se queden
00:28:51Por favor
00:28:52No serán molestias
00:28:54Por favor
00:29:01Ay, que pesado
00:29:03Por favor
00:29:04Mi opinión es que
00:29:05Puede ser buena idea señora
00:29:07Usted me entiende
00:29:12Justo lo que estaba pensando oficial
00:29:15Por supuesto que se queden cielito
00:29:18¿En serio?
00:29:20No es tan mala como creía
00:29:22Se quedarán, ¿verdad?
00:29:24Tendrán un buen hogar
00:29:27Me quedo
00:29:30¿También él?
00:29:31Sí, por supuesto
00:29:33Gracias Robin
00:29:37No podrá acompañarnos
00:29:39Para celebrarlo con una copa
00:29:42Claro que sí
00:29:43Ya lo decía
00:29:45Lástima que el de verlo
00:29:46Ya me lo entiendo
00:29:48Muchas gracias
00:29:49Y hasta nunca
00:29:54Lleva a los invitados a la cocina
00:29:56Para que coman algo especial
00:30:07Cuanto a ti, huérfana
00:30:09Por querer escaparte
00:30:10Irás a la cama sin cenar
00:30:12Y tu cama está en el desván
00:30:13Donde las huérfanas tienen que estar
00:30:23Esto sí que es un banquete
00:30:37¿Qué es eso?
00:31:07¿Qué es eso?
00:31:37¿Qué es eso?
00:32:07¿Qué es eso?
00:32:37¿Qué es eso?
00:32:57¿Pero por qué hay tanto escándalo aquí?
00:33:02Tus mascotas están bien entrenadas
00:33:05En sólo cinco minutos han destruido la casa
00:33:08Creo que no tenemos lugar para ellos aquí
00:33:12Verás que no se repetirá, tía Gordys
00:33:15Lo prometo
00:33:16¡Claro que no!
00:33:18¡Yo te lo prometo!
00:33:21Hay un señor muy tierno aquí adelante
00:33:24El doctor Cachetti
00:33:25Y no sabes cómo adora a los animales
00:33:28Tiene la casa llena de todas clases
00:33:31Y los quiere con pasión
00:33:34Verás que lo convenceré de que los acepte
00:33:37Y tendrán toda la comida que quieran
00:33:40Compañía, refugio
00:33:44Y podrás visitarlos todos los días
00:33:48Bueno, no sé
00:33:51Tendré que hablar con ellos primero
00:33:55Bien, hazlo
00:33:58Bueno, el abogado de tu papá
00:34:00De tu difunto papá
00:34:02El señor Lambiscón
00:34:04Está esperándome
00:34:13Dice que es una casa
00:34:15Y yo soy gato de casa
00:34:17¿Y Jerry?
00:34:18¿Dónde está Jerry?
00:34:20Ferdy se lo comió
00:34:22Oye, no me mires así
00:34:24¿Qué soy, guardián de ratones?
00:34:29Está bien, está bien
00:34:31Iré a buscarlo
00:34:33¿Qué? ¿Está vivo?
00:34:36El telegrama llegó
00:34:38Stalin está tirado en una choza olvidada de Dios
00:34:41En una montaña del Tíbet
00:34:43Tal vez con todos los huesos fracturados
00:34:45Si hay suerte
00:34:47Pero está vivo
00:34:50Mira el lado bueno
00:34:52Tal vez haya otra avalancha
00:34:54Y tal vez se lo coma el hombre de las nieves también
00:34:58¿Y eso qué?
00:34:59A su hija Robin le interesa, por supuesto
00:35:02Y a nuestros acreedores también
00:35:07Lo importante es que papá Stalin todavía está vivo
00:35:14Robin no lo sabrá nunca
00:35:17Me cercioraré de que no lo sepa
00:35:19La encerraré en su habitación
00:35:22Es una idea genial
00:35:47Un momento
00:35:48¿Por qué tanta prisa?
00:35:51Lee esto
00:35:52El papá de Robin está vivo
00:36:02Oye, danos una huerfanita
00:36:13Buenas noches
00:36:14Duerme bien
00:36:16Y que no te lleven las arañas, los monstruos y las brujas malvadas
00:36:31Qué bien
00:36:35Trajiste mi telegrama
00:36:36Ay, los dos son tan buenos
00:36:39Veré que el doctor Cachetín los atienda con mucho cuidado
00:36:52Eso sí que no
00:37:00Tengo al ratoncito
00:37:29Bien, ya llegamos a su nueva casa
00:37:40Doctor J. Caradulce Cachetín a sus órdenes, querida señora
00:37:45Pristina Górdiz, doctor
00:37:47Señorita Pristina Górdiz
00:37:57Estos son mis tiernos animales callejeros que mi sobrina trajo a casa
00:38:04No tiene lugar para ellos, y me los ha traído a mi santuario de mascotas
00:38:10Bien, mi hermosa casa es refugio para todos los amigos animales perdidos y abandonados
00:38:16Les va a encantar el lugar
00:38:22¿Tenemos alternativa?
00:38:24¿Es eso o el río?
00:38:26Estarán en buenas manos
00:38:30Oh, qué tiernitas, pequeñas criaturitas
00:38:36Amigos que yo adoro y que juré proteger
00:38:43Los lindos animales, amigos míos son
00:38:48Y siempre van a estar conmigo
00:38:53Los lindos animales, amigos míos son
00:38:58Y siempre hay que velar por su gran bienestar
00:39:05Seres queridos, mis eternos amigos
00:39:11Mi alba entera daría porque vivan mejor
00:39:18Por ellos yo quiero velar, podernos cuidar
00:39:23Gran pena me dan, pero antes que ellos estoy yo
00:39:29¡Hey, muchachos, cuídennos bien!
00:39:35Yo siempre gano miles con animales viles
00:39:39Los robo y los engaño y los vendo todo el año
00:39:44Taneses, pequineses, hay gente para todo
00:39:48Dispuestos a pagar, mascotas a comprar
00:39:52Y ver a sus perruchis con un collar de Gucci
00:39:56Horribles animales, pero muy cierto es
00:40:00Los quiero porque me hacen más rico cada vez
00:40:05¡Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí!
00:40:15¿Se fueron? ¿Se los llevaste sin que yo me despidiera?
00:40:19¡Ay, no les importó! Tú sabes que a los animales solo les gusta el alimento
00:40:24¡Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí! ¡Comer, comer, comer!
00:40:27Primero mi papá y ahora Tommy y Jerry
00:40:31¡Claro! Y eres muy desdichada, ¿no? ¡Mocosa egoísta!
00:40:35¡Deberías pensar en ellos! ¡Están felices en su nuevo hogar!
00:40:45Cuando sea más noche, me desharé de los dos nuevos
00:40:49Cristina Gordis me ha pagado por el privilegio de liquidarlos
00:40:59¡Vaya, vaya, vaya!
00:41:02Fousey, Frankie, ¿qué ustedes que hacen aquí?
00:41:05Esos malvados por fin me atraparon
00:41:08En fin, no soy perfecto todo el tiempo
00:41:11Eso te lo he dicho siempre
00:41:13¿Y ustedes cómo llegaron a caer en una trampa así?
00:41:16Conocimos a una huérfana
00:41:18Se llama Robin
00:41:19Pero no es huérfana
00:41:20¡Su papá está vivo!
00:41:21Sí, pero ella no lo sabe
00:41:23¿Qué? ¿Pero de qué están hablando?
00:41:26Su tía Gordis nos pescó antes de poder decírselo
00:41:28Tenemos que fugarnos de aquí. La niña tiene que saberlo
00:41:31Sí, pero ¿cómo?
00:41:33Alguien tiene que ir allá y oprimir los botones del tablero de control
00:41:37No me mires a mí. ¿Cómo voy a salir de la jaula?
00:41:40Yo sí puedo
00:41:42Yo sé que puedes
00:42:13Hola a todos mis amigos felices
00:42:16Y ahora, ¡todos afuera!
00:42:23¡Silencio abajo! ¡Estoy...
00:42:43¡Venganse al auto! ¡Venganse! ¡Venganse!
00:43:03¡Vaya vaya vaya! ¡No eres nada tonto gatito!
00:43:08¡Corre a darle la buena nueva a la huérfanita!
00:43:13I miss you
00:43:35I miss you
00:43:38If you are not
00:43:40Mucho y mucho más
00:43:46Verdad es
00:43:49Será y siempre fue
00:43:56Pintar arcoiris
00:44:00Que al brillar
00:44:03Logren explicar
00:44:09Cuánto te puedo amar
00:44:14Y esperar
00:44:20Luna y sol
00:44:23Pronto ya
00:44:27Podrán sonreír
00:44:33Cuando estés de nuevo
00:44:37Junto a mí
00:44:44Mientras tanto sueño
00:44:48Pienso en ti
00:44:51Quiero imaginar
00:44:54A ese día en que
00:45:01Yo te vuelva a ver
00:45:08Mas hoy, hoy te extrañaré
00:45:21Más que ayer
00:45:31LUNA Y SOL
00:46:01¿Está vivo? ¿Mi papá está vivo?
00:46:04Tengo que ir a buscarlo
00:46:06Puede estar herido y me necesita
00:46:09Hará frío en el Tibet
00:46:11Voy a llevar sombrero
00:46:14Allá está mi papá
00:46:16Allá tengo que ir
00:46:17¿Tienes alguna idea de dónde está el Tibet?
00:46:21Está, está muy lejos
00:46:25Pon tu dedo aquí, por favor
00:46:27Al otro lado del río
00:46:29En otras palabras...
00:46:30Por la colina
00:46:31Más lejos que Cleveland
00:46:33Ven Tom, lanza esto por la ventana
00:46:36Tom, rápido
00:46:39Tom, rápido
00:46:47¡Bajan, bajan!
00:46:48Yo te voy a bajar
00:47:06Yo te lo voy a bajar
00:47:20¡Oh! ¿Ha escapado de nuevo?
00:47:22Tengo que llamar a Lan Discord
00:47:25What's that over there?
00:47:37It's an old box.
00:47:40You're wrong!
00:47:42It's a raft!
00:47:50Who did you find last time?
00:47:53Aunt Gordy's!
00:47:54She's coming back here.
00:47:56She put everything I have.
00:47:57That's exactly what you're doing.
00:47:59Silence, fool!
00:48:07Yoo-hoo! Robin Starling!
00:48:10It's your aunt Gordy, my girl.
00:48:12I want to take you home.
00:48:15Hurry! Let's go! And be quiet!
00:48:29Didn't you do that before you left the house?
00:48:45Be quiet!
00:49:04Rolling, rolling, fast!
00:50:36What do you want now?
00:50:41No more money?
00:50:43If there's no proof that Robin is being taken care of,
00:50:46we can't touch a single cent more of her father's money.
00:50:49Don't be silly, Landis.
00:50:52You can't do anything...
00:50:58I'm sure that if you decide,
00:51:00you'll be able to be quite...
00:51:06Thank you very much, Pristina.
00:51:08But I suppose we'll find her,
00:51:10and that brat will tell Pope Starly
00:51:12why she ran away.
00:51:15Who will she believe?
00:51:17An emotional,
00:51:19and distracted girl?
00:51:20Or me, her tender,
00:51:22worried little girl?
00:51:24Do something now!
00:51:26Lie, steal, do whatever!
00:51:29Corrupt the government!
00:51:31Do whatever it takes to get the money!
00:51:35The money!
00:51:37That's easy.
00:51:43People do whatever it takes for money.
00:51:46Oh, I know that.
00:51:51We offer a reward.
00:51:53Someone will give her a good reward.
00:51:56Let's say a million dollars.
00:51:58But we don't have a million dollars.
00:52:01I know.
00:52:02That's why the plan is so dirty.
00:52:17I love it when you talk like that.
00:52:20Have you seen it?
00:52:21A million dollar reward.
00:52:27This will help a lot.
00:52:49Your daughter has run away,
00:52:51and nobody knows where she is.
00:52:54My daughter ran away?
00:52:56If Robin is in trouble,
00:52:57there is a place where I know she will go.
00:53:29She's alive!
00:53:30For my aunt Petunia's beard!
00:53:34I'm on my way, parrot.
00:53:37You scared me.
00:53:38Oh, sorry.
00:53:40My teacher is rude.
00:53:43Oh, it's because they mistreated me, Captain.
00:53:46Don't listen to him.
00:53:47How do you feel, little girl?
00:53:49Are you okay?
00:53:50I feel a little bad.
00:53:52You gave us a terrible scare.
00:53:54You've been here for days.
00:53:56We thought you'd never leave.
00:53:58Where am I?
00:53:59You are the fortunate guest of Captain Kitty,
00:54:03of the County Fair,
00:54:04Pirate of Pleasure, and...
00:54:07Ah, yes.
00:54:08My teacher parrot, parrot.
00:54:11It's funny.
00:54:12You're hungry, aren't you?
00:54:13Very hungry.
00:54:15I bet you want milk and sweet bread.
00:54:17All the girls like to eat that.
00:54:19Milk and sweet bread is just what we have.
00:54:22It's all we have.
00:55:02What are you doing?
00:55:03Fishing for breakfast.
00:55:05That's right.
00:55:06Where's the center of it?
00:55:10Hey, where are we?
00:55:16I can see something!
00:55:20Hey, Tom.
00:55:24The Robin…
00:55:26Oh, he should be close by.
00:55:29Um, where do you think he wants to go, kid?
00:55:31What do you mean, girl?
00:55:32At the bottom of the sea, I think.
00:55:34To Tibet.
00:55:35To Tibet?
00:55:36Ah, I know it well.
00:55:37It's close to Cleveland.
00:55:39Have you been to Tibet?
00:55:40Of course!
00:55:41I've worked from Broadway to Timbuktu and back.
00:55:45In my time, I was a very famous star.
00:55:48Caracoles, again?
00:55:51I sang in palaces and danced in theaters.
00:55:54Tremendous fiascos that I will not forget.
00:55:57I rose with royalty as a great actor.
00:56:00I'm sorry if I meddle, but you were the worst.
00:56:03And in the great circuses, I risked my life.
00:56:07Luckily, I never went to see you.
00:56:10The audience loved me.
00:56:12They wanted to see you fall.
00:56:14A sensational success.
00:56:16People wanted to kick you out.
00:56:18Well, I'm something special, aren't I?
00:56:21You are.
00:56:22Yes, just like that.
00:56:25A great actor.
00:56:28Oh, please.
00:56:29A great actor.
00:56:30Of the worst.
00:56:31I did them all from Paris to New York.
00:56:34And speak better.
00:56:35I was a thousand characters.
00:56:37I saw a thousand failures.
00:56:40Still, I had fun.
00:56:43I was a judge.
00:56:44A judge?
00:56:45A thief.
00:56:46There is no forgiveness.
00:56:47In every continent, a great performance.
00:56:51In any city or theater.
00:56:55I did them all.
00:56:57And what a great time.
00:57:00I'm an actor.
00:57:02I'm the best.
00:57:07I started.
00:57:08What a nightmare.
00:57:09I searched and found.
00:57:10What a nonsense.
00:57:11That the best thing was to get to know me.
00:57:14What you have to see.
00:57:15I began to rehearse.
00:57:17To sing and dance.
00:57:20And I got here.
00:57:22You took a few steps.
00:57:23And in the end.
00:57:25The curtain falls.
00:57:27I greet everyone.
00:57:28And the function is over.
00:57:32In any city or theater.
00:57:35I did them all.
00:57:37And what a great time.
00:57:40And always the best.
00:57:48What a great honor.
00:57:50To be an actor.
00:58:03What do you say, my girl?
00:58:05We get the role of tour?
00:58:08A toast to our new star.
00:58:12What do you want?
00:58:13Do not you see that I talk to our guest?
00:58:17I have to talk to you.
00:58:18Okay, calm down.
00:58:19We can go outside.
00:58:21Excuse us for a moment, my girl.
00:58:23I have to talk to my parrot.
00:58:26Of course.
00:58:42I'm rich.
00:58:44I'm rich.
00:58:46How are you rich?
00:58:47Rather, we are rich.
00:58:49Yes, I forgot.
00:58:51Burial treasure.
00:58:52The pot of gold.
00:58:54More rich.
00:58:55Very rich.
00:59:08No, look.
00:59:09It's Robin.
00:59:10Where? Where?
00:59:12In the milk carton.
00:59:13Oh, yes.
00:59:14It's her.
00:59:16Reward of a million.
00:59:19Is it possible that ...
00:59:25There is no doubt.
00:59:26Robin must be here.
00:59:29Let's take a look.
00:59:36Christina Gorbis.
00:59:37What a beautiful name.
00:59:39It sounds like a million dollars.
00:59:46It's my fault.
00:59:47How is it my fault?
00:59:50If I had killed those two as I asked,
00:59:53the fly would not have escaped again.
00:59:56Anyway, those two animals have cost me a lot.
01:00:00And that without counting the damage.
01:00:05Excuse me for a moment, doctor.
01:00:06The phone is ringing.
01:00:12I offered a reward of a million dollars
01:00:14to return my beloved and little Robin.
01:00:19Carnival of Capricorn.
01:00:22There we find.
01:00:25Rather, I will find it.
01:00:42Well now, doctor.
01:00:43I was talking about damage.
01:00:49Where would that fool go?
01:01:01They found her.
01:01:03In the Carnival of Capricorn.
01:01:05Do you know him?
01:01:06We'll be there before you say.
01:01:08A million dollars?
01:01:11A million dollars.
01:01:13If I arrive with Robin before Christina Gordy,
01:01:16the money will be mine.
01:01:18All mine.
01:01:20What gives us?
01:01:22What is there for us?
01:01:23For you?
01:01:24If you had gotten rid of that cat and mouse as I ordered,
01:01:27we would not be in this mess.
01:01:29I will not give you anything.
01:01:37Come here!
01:01:38Come here!
01:01:39That was 50%!
01:01:41Come back!
01:01:42Come back!
01:01:43Let's talk!
01:02:09It's very beautiful.
01:02:10It looks like a fairy land.
01:02:12Do you want to take a ride in my Wheel of Fortune?
01:02:15It's the tallest in the county.
01:02:17It's the only one in the county.
01:02:19Beautiful view from above.
01:02:21You can see the whole Carnival of Capricorn.
01:02:24You can see everything from here.
01:02:26I love these wheels.
01:02:28I love them.
01:02:29I love them.
01:02:30I love them.
01:02:31I love them.
01:02:32I love them.
01:02:33I love them.
01:02:34I love them.
01:02:36You will love this.
01:02:37Let's see if it's safe.
01:02:40We don't want anything to happen to Robin Starling.
01:02:45Who told you my name?
01:02:49I have to have you here until your aunt comes for you.
01:02:52I thought you were a good man.
01:02:54And I am, little girl.
01:02:56But you will be nicer with a million dollars.
01:02:59Enjoy the ride, little one.
01:03:02Everything will be free.
01:03:05Please! Please! I want to go down!
01:03:07Don't send me with Aunt Gordy!
01:03:09She hates me!
01:03:10Please don't turn me in!
01:03:12Calm down! Have fun!
01:03:15You're at the top of the world!
01:03:30The sun is directly above us.
01:03:33The sun is directly above us.
01:03:35So it's time for Captain's nap.
01:04:06My medallion!
01:04:10Tom! Terry!
01:04:35Strybor's pirates!
01:04:36Everything is covered!
01:04:39Catch that one!
01:04:40Don't let him get away!
01:04:45Hm, hm.
01:04:46What do I have?
01:05:37Oh! It's moving!
01:05:55Uh-oh! Don't look now, but the fat witch is coming!
01:06:00Come with your beloved aunt Gordys, baby.
01:06:03Make sure the fat witch doesn't escape!
01:06:06What do we do?
01:06:09I know how to get out! Let's go!
01:06:18They're not escaping!
01:06:23Press the red button! It's always red!
01:06:26I know! I was about to press it!
01:06:29Tom! Jerry! Hurry!
01:06:36The ambusher and the car! We'll attack them from the river!
01:06:40Move, Captain! It's the race of a million!
01:06:43Don't worry! This captain still knows some tricks!
01:06:51I'll see her! I'll see her!
01:06:52Don't bother me, brain of the ambusher! I'm the captain!
01:06:57It's too late, Doc!
01:07:03Here we are, Doc! Please, get us out of here!
01:07:08I'm sorry, friends! It'll do you good to spin a little!
01:07:26Let's go!
01:07:46Oh no! They're chasing us!
01:07:49We can't go any faster!
01:07:52Let me do it, Tom!
01:07:56We need more support!
01:08:26I'll do it, Doc!
01:08:56Oh no!
01:09:26Oh no!
01:09:37Get us out of here! They're escaping!
01:09:57Come on!
01:10:00Turn the rudder, feather-bearer! I'm the captain and I'll sail!
01:10:05You can't sail on this rock!
01:10:27No, no, no, no!
01:10:41Well, I think it's over.
01:10:43What happened to Aunt Gordy? Where is she?
01:10:45I don't know. Maybe she got lost.
01:10:48Wait a minute! This place is familiar!
01:10:52Yes! I know where we are!
01:10:54Let's go straight to Robin's Nest!
01:10:57The special place I told you about.
01:11:18Aha! It was logical.
01:11:21Hamster, what are you doing? They're going to get lost!
01:11:24Don't worry. Now I know where they're going.
01:11:28Let's take the shortcut.
01:11:31Do you know where they're going? How do you know?
01:11:33We avocados know a lot.
01:11:48There it is! The cabin! Dad built it for me.
01:11:52We come here every summer. He taught me to swim, to sail, to fish.
01:11:57Dad will know where to find me. Maybe he's already waiting.
01:12:01I'm sure of it!
01:12:22He's dead!
01:12:26Tom! Jerry! Help!
01:12:33And if you know what's best for you, you'll never escape again. Never!
01:12:38They won't take me with you! I'll never go with you!
01:12:41Of course you will!
01:12:44Oh, you impertinent brat!
01:13:00You fools! Look what you've done!
01:13:02Flamby, get the girl down and let's go!
01:13:05Robin, the house is on fire! You have to get out!
01:13:08Or it will be too late!
01:13:11Flamby, let's get out of here before we get burned!
01:13:14But the girl!
01:13:16Forget her! We have to save ourselves!
01:13:41Give me the keys!
01:13:43Look what I've done!
01:14:41She's dead.
01:15:04Look! The house is on fire! Maybe it's too late!
01:15:13Robin! I'm coming! Hang in there!
01:15:25Robin! Give me your hand! Hurry!
01:15:28Let's go!
01:15:37Dad, I knew you'd come!
01:15:39You're safe now, Robin. I'm here.
01:15:41Wait! No! I don't want to leave you!
01:15:48Come back!
01:15:53No! Jerry!
01:16:11Dad! They're gone! My best friends are gone!
01:16:16Don't cry, Robin. We'll find them.
01:16:30Jerry, where are you? Don't leave me! You have to be here!
01:16:34What would I do without you?
01:16:36You were the best friend anyone could ask for.
01:16:39Please don't die! I promise!
01:16:44All the cheese you want?
01:16:45Yes, all the cheese you want!
01:16:47No more tricks?
01:16:48No more tricks!
01:16:49No tricks?
01:16:50No tricks!
01:16:51No more tricks!
01:16:52No more tricks!
01:16:53No more tricks!
01:16:54No more tricks!
01:16:55No more tricks!
01:16:56No more tricks!
01:16:57No more tricks!
01:16:58You promise?
01:16:59I promise!
01:17:01You're a clown!
01:17:04Tom! Jerry! They're safe!
01:17:15Robin, I promise I'll never leave you alone again.
01:17:20Wow, wow, wow. Listen to this, Frankie.
01:17:23Heroes, cat, and mouse save billionaire heiress.
01:17:28What did I tell you, Patsy? That's you, and the threats.
01:17:31Yes. I want you to learn to be friends after all.
01:17:36Friends, until the end.
01:17:46Tom? Jerry?
01:17:48Bienvenidos a su nueva casa.
01:18:08Welcome to my new home.
01:19:09Do I miss you?
01:19:11Count the stars
01:19:14Multiply by ten
01:19:19Of course I do
01:19:22More than now and then
01:19:29Watch the moon
01:19:32Someday soon
01:19:35He will start to smile
01:19:40Then I'll know I'll see you in a while
01:19:49I won't have to miss you anymore
01:19:57Now for sure my friend
01:20:00You're at your journey's end
01:20:06No more need to roam
01:20:12At last you are home
01:20:16But oh, I did
01:20:22Miss you so
01:20:44Love is no fairy tale
01:20:49But that isn't still to say
01:20:54It knows how to teach us well
01:20:59It helps us to find our way
01:21:05It isn't about how much we can get
01:21:10It isn't remembering what love would forget
01:21:16I found the secret of learning to live
01:21:21It's all in how much we give
01:21:26Sometimes the rain pours down
01:21:32Flooding across the land
01:21:37And sometimes the sun shines bright
01:21:43Warming our hearts again
01:21:48I'll be here by your side
01:21:53Through every season's change
01:21:58It isn't about how much we can get
01:22:04It isn't remembering what love would forget
01:22:09I found the secret of learning to live
01:22:14It's all in how much we give
01:22:19We can't see the days ahead
01:22:22Or the unsuspecting nights
01:22:25When the road is hard to find
01:22:27Love will be our light
01:22:40It isn't about how much we can get
01:22:45It isn't remembering what love would forget
01:22:50I found the secret of learning to live
01:22:56It's all in how much we give
01:23:02It's all in how much we give
01:23:08It's all in how much
01:23:11All in how much
01:23:13It's all in how much we give
