• 2 years ago


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01:09 Yo-ho, let's go!
01:14 To start today's adventure, everybody say the pirate password.
01:19 Yo-ho-ho!
01:21 Yo-ho-ho!
01:26 Invisible Jake!
01:29 I love hiking in Neverland.
01:32 There is no better way to see the sights.
01:36 Speaking of sights, lay your peepers on that.
01:41 The creepy ruins of the pirate magician's lair.
01:46 Just where my map said it would be.
01:49 Let's go.
01:51 Oh dear, not that place.
01:54 Those creepy ruins give me the creepies.
01:59 Which is exactly why we'll let the Poppin' Jays search for treasure.
02:05 Then take whatever they find.
02:08 Won't the pirate magician stop them?
02:11 That conjurer disappeared centuries ago.
02:15 Those treasures shall be mine.
02:18 Sir, you be one villainous villain, says I.
02:23 Why thank you, Sharky.
02:25 You may skip your bath this year.
02:29 Ooh, look at you.
02:37 Whoa, check it out.
02:41 It's the ancient pirate magician's workshop.
02:46 Crackers, it's full of old magical stuff.
02:51 Lookie what I found.
02:53 Some kind of old pirate magician hat.
02:58 Yay, hey, I found a magic wand.
03:02 What's that old pirate magic word?
03:06 Hocus Piratical Pocus.
03:11 Izzy?
03:13 Hawk?
03:14 Coconuts?
03:16 Oh, relax, matey.
03:19 It's just a spell.
03:21 I'm not stuck this way.
03:24 Hey, hey, this beard is itchy.
03:29 Much better.
03:32 Check it out, mateys, an old ring.
03:35 I wonder what it does.
03:37 Try it on, Jake, and we'll see.
03:41 He's gone.
03:43 No, I'm not, mateys.
03:45 I'm right here.
03:47 Where?
03:48 We can't see you.
03:50 I'm right here.
03:52 Ahoy, Jake.
03:53 We see where you are.
03:56 Wow, when you put the ring on, you turn invisible.
04:01 Can I give it a try?
04:06 Now you're invisible, cubby.
04:08 No, I'm not.
04:11 I'm a skeleton.
04:13 Have you seen my musical pirate friend, Bones?
04:18 Bones, that's a good one.
04:21 Ha ha!
04:23 Hey, where'd Izzy go?
04:26 She didn't even put on the ring.
04:28 What do you mean, Jake?
04:30 Both you and cubby are invisible.
04:34 I touched Izzy on the shoulder, and she turned invisible, too.
04:39 Here, I'll lift my hand off again.
04:43 I guess as long as someone is wearing the ring,
04:47 the invisibility can go from one matey to another,
04:51 as long as they're touching.
04:54 Pretty cool.
04:56 Yes, cool indeed.
05:00 Captain Hook!
05:02 Now it's my turn to try it.
05:05 Let's get that ring.
05:09 (all screaming)
05:14 Crew, we've got to put this ring in a safe place.
05:18 Mateys, help us keep this invisibility ring away from Hook.
05:23 And remember to keep a lookout for Gold to Blooms.
05:26 Is everybody ready?
05:29 I got my sword and the ring.
05:32 I got my map, and I got my pixie dust.
05:37 Yo-ho, let's go!
05:41 ♪ Yo-ho, mateys, away ♪
05:44 ♪ There'll be treasure and adventure today ♪
05:48 Let's go!
05:50 ♪ Heave-ho, here we go together as a team ♪
05:54 ♪ Jake and the Neverland Pirates ♪
05:57 ♪ And me ♪
06:00 Phew! We lost old Feather Hat.
06:06 For now, let's head back to Pirate Island
06:10 and steal this ring in our top-secret treasure room.
06:13 Yo-ho, mateys. To Bucky!
06:17 Ha-ha!
06:19 Huh?
06:20 I've got it! The ring is mine!
06:24 (grunts)
06:26 Oh, dear!
06:31 The ring!
06:37 Mr. Schmee? Where you be?
06:40 Why, Sharky, I'm right here.
06:43 But we can't see you.
06:45 Mateys, the ring went flying over this way.
06:49 Come on!
06:51 The pup and chase are coming.
06:54 Quickly, you bumblers. Grab Schmee.
06:58 He's wearing the invisibility ring.
07:01 But we don't know where he is.
07:04 (all grunt)
07:06 Oh, sorry.
07:08 I bent down to buckle my sandal, but I can't see it.
07:13 Ooh, this is intriguing.
07:16 Can't see me hand in front--
07:18 Neither can I.
07:20 Take off me ring!
07:22 (all grunt)
07:24 (alarm rings)
07:26 (chuckles)
07:28 No, monkey, no!
07:35 Hey, Mr. Monkey, how about giving me that ring back?
07:41 (all grunt)
07:43 Oh, no! Where did he go?
07:49 ♪ Where'd he go? ♪
07:54 ♪ Where'd who go? ♪
07:55 ♪ Invisible monkey ♪
07:57 ♪ I don't know ♪
07:58 ♪ Look all day, look all night ♪
08:01 ♪ That scared me monkeys out of sight ♪
08:04 ♪ Peek-a-boo, but you can't see ♪
08:07 ♪ Invisible monkey, where you be? ♪
08:10 ♪ Peek-a-boo, I can't see you ♪
08:13 ♪ Invisible monkey, give us a clue ♪
08:16 (all grunt)
08:19 Hi, Invisible Monkey.
08:24 Want another yummy banana?
08:27 (laughs)
08:29 (all grunt)
08:31 I'll trade you for that ring.
08:33 Look, look!
08:35 Nice doing monkey business with ya.
08:38 Yay, hey! We got the ring back and got three golds of balloons.
08:44 Let's grab 'em...
08:46 Get the ring!
08:47 ...and go invisible!
08:49 I've got it!
08:51 We've got it!
08:52 No, I've...
08:54 (all grunt)
08:56 Ya fluttering fools!
09:00 Where'd Izzy go?
09:03 Ahoy, mateys!
09:05 Good move, Izzy!
09:07 We're not far from Bucky now, crew.
09:09 Let's sail!
09:11 We're glad to see you too, Bucky.
09:18 After them, you swamps!
09:20 Don't let that ship out of your sight!
09:24 Hook's right behind us, but I know how to lose that sneaky snook.
09:29 By sailing an invisible ship!
09:32 Follow that ship, men!
09:36 Ready for some fun, Bucky?
09:39 Wha?
09:44 Where in Neverland has it gone?
09:47 Awesome coconuts!
09:50 Since we're all touching Bucky, we're all invisible!
09:54 Yo-ho!
09:56 For turning Bucky invisible and throwing Captain Hook off our trail,
10:00 we got three gold doubloons.
10:03 Let's grab 'em and go!
10:06 Why me?
10:09 I never get the treasure I want!
10:13 And I want that magic ring!
10:17 But, Captain, I think I see the invisible ship.
10:21 I see the ship's wake in the water.
10:25 It's what?
10:27 Wait!
10:29 I see the wake left by an invisible ship heading to Pirate Island.
10:36 Ooh, I am so very, very clever!
10:40 Set a course for Pirate Island!
10:43 We must beat the puny pirates back there!
10:47 Look alive, lads.
10:52 The puny pirates will return eventually.
10:56 And when they do, we shall take me magic ring back.
11:02 Aye, aye, Captain!
11:04 I can't believe the Jolly Roger is right outside Bucky's grotto!
11:10 And Old Featherhat himself is standing in front of our hideout!
11:15 We'll never get inside to hide the ring in our treasure room.
11:19 Wanna bet?
11:22 We can fly up to Lookout Peak and get inside that way!
11:27 But Hulk'll see us!
11:29 Not if we're all invisible!
11:32 Pixie Dust away!
11:35 Okay, mateys, let's work together!
11:41 Woo-hoo! We're all invisible!
11:45 Mateys, away we go!
11:49 Oh, wherever can those Poppin' Jays be?
11:53 I heard them! I heard their blasted giggles!
12:00 But I don't see them anywhere, sir.
12:04 All I know is that those little sea slugs have the ring!
12:10 We did it!
12:13 We avoided Hulk by turning invisible.
12:16 And we got three more gold doubloons!
12:19 Let's grab 'em and go inside!
12:23 Captain, it's the Poppin' Jays' ship!
12:29 Back aboard the Jolly Roger, you louts!
12:32 Follow that ship!
12:35 Aye, aye, Captain!
12:37 There he goes, mateys!
12:40 Good old Bucky will sail far away, lose Hulk, and sail back to his grotto later!
12:46 He is one clever clipper ship!
12:50 Time to stow this piece of treasure in our treasure room!
12:54 Safe from Captain Hook!
12:57 Mateys, thanks for helping keep the invisibility ring out of Captain Hook's hooks!
13:06 Now let's put all our gold doubloons into our team treasure chest!
13:12 Way, hey, well done, crew!
13:23 Everyone knew just what to do!
13:26 Way, hey, we call from you!
13:28 It's time to count our gold doubloons!
13:32 Come on, count with us!
13:36 Yeah!
13:39 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!
13:50 Yo-ho! Today we got nine gold doubloons!
13:56 And I learned some nifty tricks in the Pirate Magician's Workshop!
14:02 Watch me make this banana disappear!
14:07 In seven bites!
14:10 Quickly, lads! Keep that ship in sight!
14:19 There's Pop and Jay's cart out 'round the great Captain Hook!
14:24 Captain, sir, the sea pup ship! It's turned invisible again!
14:31 Looky there! I see the white!
14:35 After them, you sea weasels!
14:39 We'll catch up to those invisible puny pirates!
14:43 After them!
14:46 [Splash]
14:49 [Laughs]
14:55 Yum, yum!
14:58 Stuff that's yours will never let a hollow whale see!
15:10 Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Let's go! Let's go!
15:14 A pirate band that wins the plans of Captain Hook and Smee!
15:18 Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Let's go! Let's go!
15:22 The Merry Crew of Neverland Pirates!
15:26 Through and through the galley buccaneers!
15:30 Tool and batik and the Neverland Pirates!
15:34 Come along, we need some volunteers!
15:37 Izzy! Ahoy!
15:39 Cubby! Ahoy!
15:41 Scully! Ahoy!
15:43 Matey! Ahoy!
15:46 (upbeat music)
