• 2 years ago
Ve el episodio completo en: https://www.wearenotzombies.com/canales/life/y-tu-que/kevin-connelly


Kevin Connelly ha vivido rodeado del surf durante toda su vida. Su padre también surfeó en algún momento. La conexión con el mar, cuando lo vio por primera vez, fue instantánea. El contacto con las olas lo coloca en un estado de paz consigo mismo, es algo que le hace bien a su espíritu –y probablemente a todos los espíritus humanos–. Practicó profesionalmente y ahora produce tablas de manera artesanal, pero con toda la calidad y la seguridad que una herramienta deportiva requiere.

Cuando descubrió que el surf era algo que amaba, que lo ponía feliz, decidió ligar su vida y su modo de vivir a esta industria. Cuando tenía trece años hizo su primera tabla, para él mismo. Sus clientes llegan con una idea y le permiten explotar su creatividad para entregar un producto que también lo deje contento a él. El surf es algo constante en su vida y no planea dejarlo en ningún momento.

Y Tú Qué presenta a humanas y humanos apasionados por su quehacer, su conocimiento y su camino de vida, para inspirar y motivar a otros a hallar su propia pasión.

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00:02 My name is Kevin Connolly.
00:18 I'm a professional surfer and surfboard manufacturer
00:21 in San Diego, California.
00:22 I'm 39 years old, and I love my job.
00:30 [APPLAUSE]
00:33 My brand is Kevin Connolly Surfboards.
00:37 My business here is Magic Plastics Unlimited.
00:41 Magic Plastics Unlimited basically
00:43 is a derivative of my nickname in the industry
00:46 for my whole life, which was Magic Feet.
00:48 So it was more of making magic out of plastic kind of idea.
00:58 I was born outside of California,
01:00 so what brought me to California was my father, who grew up here.
01:05 He wanted to always get back in the ocean
01:07 because he was a surfer.
01:08 So we lived in Oklahoma at the time,
01:12 and his parents were here, so my grandparents were here.
01:15 And my grandmother's house, where my dad grew up
01:18 when he was a kid, had a big old longboard.
01:22 And it was something that when I always
01:24 came to visit my grandparents in California
01:27 when I was little, that was my image of surfing.
01:30 So I grew up as a shortboarder when I started surfing.
01:35 But as soon as I started riding a longboard,
01:37 that kind of brought me back to this little kid's feeling
01:41 and era, and that's what hooked me on making longboards
01:45 and surfing longboards.
01:54 What I love about surfing so much and the ocean
01:57 is the fact that you can have anything on your mind,
02:01 any stresses, and go out in the ocean,
02:04 even if the waves are bad.
02:06 Get the salt water on your body.
02:09 Only be with you and nature in the ocean.
02:12 It's between you and the waves.
02:13 It has nothing to do with anything else.
02:15 You kind of forget about anything and everything,
02:18 and/or you work things out in your head
02:21 while you sit out there and you wait for waves.
02:23 And it's a great peaceful aspect to life.
02:27 And you come in, you sleep good at night
02:30 because you're tired because you paddled around,
02:33 and you feel good.
02:35 It's a common saying in the surf industry
02:37 is like, only a surfer knows the feeling.
02:41 But it's something that's good for your soul,
02:43 I think, that helps you live a happy life.
02:47 Surfing drives surfing, and I think
02:52 that's why I've been in the industry for my whole life.
02:56 Made surfboards, whether there was money there to be made
02:59 or not.
03:01 I met my wife at the beach.
03:04 So we're beach people, raising the kids at the beach.
03:08 Becoming a father had a lot of--