Why is Asif Ali Zardari silent in current political situation?

  • last year
Why is Asif Ali Zardari silent in current political situation?
00:00 And the people have to decide on the basis of which ground they have landed, what are their policies and activities,
00:08 on which basis they should support you and vote for you.
00:13 In all these circumstances, I was listening to their discussion,
00:17 so to get the anti and pro vote of Katta Nazar, this is a very difficult task.
00:28 Because they know that the PTI vote bank in Punjab, which is not available to the Noon League,
00:40 the PPP wants to make anti-Noon League statements and get it to that vote.
00:47 And we are only getting to see that Noon League till the third election.
00:51 And the space that is being discussed, is that space available to the party parties in Sindh?
00:57 Is it GDX, MQM, all the political parties in Sindh,
01:05 are they really demanding a PPP in Pakistan or are they giving the facilities to the other parties in Sindh?
01:18 The answer is no.
01:19 Because in their own grounds, some are in Punjab, some in Sindh, and overall in different pockets.
01:30 In Punjab, tell me, Mr. Shardos Ashik Awan, what is your assessment?
01:36 At the moment, Noon League is a strong party, and when we talk to the leaders of your party,
01:42 they say that the People's Party does not have its roots in Punjab.
01:47 They do not consider the People's Party as a competition.
01:50 So if Noon League is a competition, would you like to unite or compete with them?
01:56 Look, the current situation and ground realities,
02:01 did the People's Party not put the slogan of Pakistan Khappe?
02:05 No one is denying this.
02:07 When the time came for Pakistan to stand up, the People's Party stood up.
02:12 I am upset that today, when Pakistan is bleeding,
02:18 and today Pakistan's existence is wounded after 9th May,
02:21 and today, Pakistan's breath and the terror that is being spread,
02:26 the country is inflating, and you see how the people are breathing in the IMF.
02:35 At this time, a long-term, consistent economic roadmap is needed.
02:41 And that roadmap is not from polarization,
02:44 which is distributed in groups on the political and religious forums.
02:50 The People's Party claims that we are a Federation Jamaat.
02:54 So, the Federation Jamaat wants to go to the distributors of this country,
03:03 wants to increase in that trend,
03:06 wants to take the politics of corruption and collusion forward,
03:11 and wants to make Pakistan more difficult.
03:13 So, the answer is no.
03:15 This is a political test of every Jamaat,
03:20 that at this time, they have come out of political and personal issues,
03:24 and have come to the issues of the community.
03:26 As far as the ground of Punjab is concerned,
03:29 the Pakistan Party, under the leadership of Jahangir Tareen and Ali Khan,
03:36 is standing in the field with the mark of Shaheen and the determination of high flight.
03:42 And we think that the people who are affected by the Jormun League,
03:48 the victims of these Jamaats,
03:50 should be given space and ownership as a counter-adoption,
03:56 and should be given a new Pakistan, a changed Pakistan,
04:02 and a development of Pakistan.
04:04 Now, let me take the answer from Mr. Taimur.
04:08 And this is the time to accept it.
04:10 Which Jamaat of Mr. Sati has been allied with?
04:14 Because the election schedule has not yet been announced.
04:18 Okay, we will talk further on this.
04:20 Mr. Taimur Talpur, you have heard in detail,
04:24 Mr. Taimur, Mr. Firdaus Ashik Abaan has raised very important points.
04:28 But it is obvious that at this time,
04:30 one thing is that it will not be an easy moment for anyone in the future.
04:34 So, in the case of People's Party,
04:36 one, aggressive statements are coming from Mr. Bilawal,
04:39 but the second thing we are seeing is that Mr. Asif Ali Zardari is silent in this situation.
04:43 There are not so many statements coming from his side,
04:45 nor are there any harsh statements.
04:47 So, what should we understand from this?
04:49 Mr. Taimur?
04:51 First of all, I would like to thank my sister, Mr. Firdaus Ashik Abaan,
04:57 that after three elections,
04:59 and if the party leadership gave a ticket for the fourth time,
05:01 and God is pleased,
05:03 then we will win the fourth time as well.
05:05 And we have also kept a lot of different pens,
05:07 but we are still young,
05:09 so we are very happy that this is what happens.
05:13 And our sister also knows the People's Party very well.
05:17 This is a compliment.
05:19 I am very thankful to her.
05:21 I am sure Mr. Muhammad Ali,
05:23 Mr. Aliwar would have also liked the compliment.
05:25 I am sure his smile was also there.
05:27 So, basically, your sister has been with us in the People's Party.
05:31 She was also very close to my leadership.
05:33 And she knows the People's Party.
05:35 The slogans of Pakistan Khappa that we used to raise earlier,
05:37 we still raise them today.
05:39 And every leader of the People's Party
05:41 will continue to raise the slogan of Pakistan Khappa until his last breath.
05:45 I don't understand that my sister,
05:47 being a senior politician,
05:49 how did she go to the PTI.
05:51 But I am happy that she saw at the right time
05:53 that this man's truthfulness is not with the country,
05:55 but with himself and his family.
05:57 And she left the party.
05:59 Look, you know that Sadr Zardari is the king of mutual understanding.
06:05 And I think that if the role of Sadr Zardari
06:09 was not in the role of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif,
06:11 then that would also not have been possible.
06:13 So, obviously,
06:15 he is a history professor, Sadr Zardari.
06:21 So, we all try to do this.
06:25 And Bilawal is also a young man, active.
06:29 And I think that his entire mentor
06:31 and all his policies
06:33 are made by both of them.
06:35 So, I think if there is any difference in your opinion,
06:37 then the difference of opinion should be corrected.
06:39 Mr. Dabur, obviously,
06:41 some statements had come up about this before.
06:43 On one page, Bilawal and Aswali Zardari are on the same page.
06:47 Or does Mr. Zardari want to keep the policy of mutual understanding,
06:49 of wait and watch,
06:51 and Bilawal is obviously in a little aggressive tone.
06:55 Look, everyone is aggressive in elections.
06:59 In elections, we have to talk about our rights.
07:01 In elections, when you see that
07:03 there is a separate law for you
07:05 and a separate law for someone else,
07:07 then you have to be aggressive.
07:09 You are the only party,
07:11 the only party, Pakistan People's Party,
07:13 which was asking for the date of election again and again.
07:15 Finally, we got the date.
07:17 But that too after the court's intervention.
07:19 Why didn't we get it earlier?
07:21 Who was waiting? These things are there,
07:23 which are really aggressive.
07:25 But they were on the same page,
07:27 Mr. Zardari and Chairman Bilawal.
07:29 And God willing, they will be on the same page.
07:31 And this is their final decision.
07:33 It is their effort.
07:35 It is their prayer that Bilawal Bhutto becomes the Prime Minister of this country.
07:37 And I think that whenever Mr. Zardari
07:39 has tried,
07:41 used his credibility,
07:43 we have always got it.
07:45 And even today, Chairman Bilawal has said that
07:47 we should not have hate politics.
07:49 We have to end this hate politics.
07:51 We have to think for the betterment of this country.
07:53 And wherever we have to sit with anyone,
07:55 for the economic stability of this country,
07:57 for the betterment of this country, we will definitely sit.
