• 2 years ago
Two rats had a game of tug-of-war on a live New York City subway track - over a slice of pizza.

Video filmed at the Easy Broadway station shows the rodents fighting for more than 30 seconds as commuters waited for the F train.

Witness Valentina DiGiacomo, 26, a stylist, said it is the first time she has seen a 'pizza rat' despite their notoriety.

She said: "I was in disbelief. I saw a rat eating a large pizza slice twice its size and wanted to take a video of it.

"To my surprise, I saw another rat run up and they began fighting over it, and then a third arrived and the match went on for about a minute.

"I know pizza rats are popular but have you ever seen a rat snatch something so huge from another."

The footage was captured on October 22.


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