The Jets Gear Up for a Tough Game Ahead Against Buffalo

  • last year
00:00 [upbeat music]
00:02 - The Jets are the team that will face the Bills next, Joe.
00:06 That will be Sunday in Buffalo, of course,
00:09 as the Bills, we've discussed them a lot today.
00:11 After the loss last night,
00:13 the Jets will be their next opponent.
00:15 Is Robert Sala ready to maybe switch quarterbacks,
00:18 get off the Zach Wilson train?
00:20 They really haven't scored many touchdowns, Joe,
00:23 over the last several weeks,
00:24 but Sala says, "No, no, no, no, no.
00:26 "We're gonna stick with Zach."
00:29 - You know, when speaking about Zach,
00:31 you know, I get it.
00:33 You know, there's a yearning for more, or whatever it is,
00:36 but I feel like he played a good game yesterday.
00:39 You know, he-- - He looks like
00:41 he's starting to get emaciated.
00:43 - Obviously, he wants to-- - Is he not eating?
00:44 - He'll admit that he'd want that interception back,
00:46 but it is hard to make changes just to make changes,
00:51 just to pacify something,
00:53 especially when someone's not deserving.
00:56 If he was deserving of it, I gotcha.
00:59 Like, let's change something.
01:00 - Bring Brecks!
01:01 - And that's really for every position.
01:02 That's a coach, that's a player, that's defensive player.
01:07 It doesn't matter.
01:08 You're always trying to look at ways to make sure
01:10 that everyone is operating at full go,
01:12 and to say that one person is the reason
01:16 for everyone failing, I don't think that's fair.
01:18 I don't think that's right,
01:19 but again, that's one man's opinion.
01:22 - That's why he's head coach. - Joe, I mean,
01:24 I don't know why he's, you know,
01:25 it's hard for him to sit up there and say that,
01:27 that he thought he played well the other night.
01:31 Like, I mean, I don't know, Joe.
01:33 Like, he was 23 of 39 for 263 in a pick.
01:38 I mean, I guess it's not the worst game he's ever played.
01:42 Joe, Joe, they have one touchdown
01:46 in their past three games.
01:47 - Carver. - They've scored one touchdown
01:49 in their past three games.
01:50 - But he's another coach.
01:52 Look at him, he's up at the podium.
01:53 He's just, yeah, it's all right, man.
01:56 Take a ride, check it out.
01:57 We, you know, we lost the game.
01:59 - You don't like that he's growing that beard out full.
02:02 You like the beard that he's growing there.
02:04 He's got the big beard that he's starting to grow.
02:06 - He used to have all the muscles.
02:09 He was in the gym.
02:10 He's starting to, he's starting to stress now.
02:11 - Well, I mean, it's sweatshirts, Joe.
02:13 It's a little cold outside.
02:15 I mean, he's not walking in with the muscle tees anymore.
02:17 You know, he's got, he's got where,
02:19 he's got the work, he's got the cold gear on now.
02:22 I mean, you're not gonna see as much, Joe.
02:24 That's what happens, he's not eating.
02:26 He's not up to 5,000, 7,000 calories a day.
02:29 He's probably down to, you know,
02:31 a couple of cigarettes and a pot of coffee.
02:33 - Let me ask you this,
02:35 'cause this is a very interesting line for this Sunday.
02:40 You have a bill team that we've already gone pillar to post
02:44 about all the problems that they've had.
02:46 They fired the offensive coordinator this morning.
02:48 They can't score points.
02:49 And you combine that with,
02:52 they've had problems with this Jet defense,
02:55 with Robert Salah the last couple of years.
02:57 They beat them in week one.
02:58 They made a lot of mistakes in that game.
03:00 The game that Rodgers got hurt last year.
03:02 They gave Alan some problems,
03:03 even in the game that the Bills won.
03:05 And the Jets can't score points either.
03:07 The Jets are getting seven right now in Buffalo, Joe,
03:11 on Sunday, 4/25.
03:12 - You're shocked?
03:14 You're shocked?
03:15 They laid seven last night to Denver.
03:18 I mean, come on.
03:19 I mean. - Right.
03:20 They're not covering these big numbers, Joe.
03:22 They're not covering. - Yeah, but it's the Jets.
03:24 Think about last year when the Jets went in there
03:27 with Mike White.
03:28 They got absolutely smacked around.
03:28 - Yeah, but last night was the Broncos,
03:30 and then it's the Jets.
03:31 And then it's like, it's.
03:33 - They got smacked around.
03:34 - They don't cover big numbers, Joe.
03:36 They just don't.
03:37 - They're four and one straight up at home.
03:39 It's back to back road games for the Jets.
03:42 West Coast, and now, even though it's in state
03:45 for the most part, all right,
03:47 out of state, Jersey to New York.
03:49 But still, I mean, come on.
03:51 - Allen and the Bills. - They should lose this ball
03:53 in a couple of digits.
03:54 - Allen and the Bills, one and four ATS
03:58 when they're laying seven or more points this year.
04:00 One and four. - However, this is absolutely.
04:01 - Against the number.
04:02 - If your team doesn't step up against this team,
04:07 they're going to. - I thought that last night.
04:09 - No, last night was terrible. - I thought that last night.
04:10 - That was terrible.
04:11 It was horrible. - Okay, well, last night.
04:13 Why can't Sunday be terrible too?
04:15 What if Sunday's terrible also?
04:15 - 'Cause it's the Jets.
04:17 - Joe Brady's gonna ring the bell?
04:19 Joe Brady gonna ring the bell for Josh this week?
04:22 - No, 2019 LSU all over again.
04:26 - I know this.
04:27 This should be a week where if they score 22 points
04:30 like last night, they should win.
04:31 I don't know if they'll cover,
04:33 but if they score 20 or more this week,
04:34 you would like to think that they're gonna win
04:36 the football game.
04:37 (upbeat music)
04:39 (upbeat music)
