Met Office Evening Weather Forecast 13/11/23 - Remaining unsettled, showery for many

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Storm Debi clearing to leave showery conditions, with a heavy, thundery, and squally band pushing eastwards across southern coastal counties early Tuesday morning – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the evening of 13/11/23. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Alex Deakin.


00:00 Hello, Storm Debbie may be drifting out into the North Sea,
00:03 but we're not done with the wet and windy weather.
00:06 This was the picture on Monday afternoon
00:08 as the storm system headed across Scotland.
00:11 The strongest winds on its southern flank
00:13 damaging gusts in places and plenty of rain
00:16 wrapped around that low pressure.
00:18 Still feeding in this evening into eastern Scotland.
00:21 Met Office warning in place here,
00:22 but the strongest winds are clearing away.
00:25 It's not going to be a calm night,
00:26 still pretty blustery and gusty across the south,
00:29 but the winds will ease across northern parts of Scotland
00:31 as the rain clears away here.
00:33 A few showers will come and go,
00:35 but some clearer spells over the Midlands,
00:37 East Anglia and the Southeast.
00:39 Temperatures holding up though in the south,
00:40 pretty mild night here.
00:41 Some places staying in double digits,
00:44 a little colder further north.
00:45 With lighter winds clear skies,
00:46 maybe not too far off freezing
00:48 in rural parts of northern Scotland.
00:51 Down to the southwest though,
00:52 more wet and windy weather is on the way.
00:54 A band, a narrow band of heavy rain and thunderstorms
00:58 drifting into southern parts of England.
01:00 Initially in the southwest,
01:01 but then spreading along the south coast.
01:04 So say some pretty lively downpours,
01:06 hail, thunder, lightning all mixed in,
01:09 a lot of spray and surface water.
01:11 And as this band moves through,
01:12 it will suddenly pick up the wind.
01:14 So it could get very nasty indeed, very blustery,
01:17 not lasting too long,
01:18 but a short spell of pretty intense rain
01:21 moving across southern counties during Tuesday morning.
01:24 Elsewhere, it'll be a case of watching the showers once more,
01:26 plenty of them across Western Scotland,
01:28 Northern Ireland and Northern England.
01:31 Some thing a little dry,
01:32 maybe across Northern Scotland
01:34 and across the Midlands, Wales,
01:36 good part of the day looking dry,
01:37 some sunny spells developing in the south
01:39 once that band of heavy showers has cleared through.
01:42 Temperature wise, well, not far off Monday's values.
01:46 So high single figures across Northern Scotland,
01:48 10 to 13 generally, maybe 14 along the south coast,
01:52 but it'll feel cooler with that fairly brisk wind,
01:55 which will continue to feed more showers
01:57 in particular to Northern Ireland
01:58 and Western Scotland during Tuesday evening.
02:00 In fact, all of Scotland could be pretty wet
02:02 as we head into Wednesday morning,
02:04 bit more snow likely over the tops of the mountains
02:06 in Scotland.
02:07 Again, nothing unusual about that.
02:09 Further south though, something a little clearer
02:11 and actually across much of England and Wales,
02:14 a good part of Wednesday will be dry and bright.
02:16 Yes, a few scattered showers in the southwest.
02:18 There'll be some showers across Northern England
02:20 feeding in on this line,
02:21 perhaps coming into Southwest Scotland
02:23 and Northwest England.
02:24 That could bring some pretty wet conditions here,
02:27 but say for many, actually Wednesday looking
02:30 largely dry and fine.
02:31 And the winds certainly across the south a little lighter,
02:34 but temperatures, well, still around or touch below average,
02:36 perhaps in places, mostly single figures
02:39 across the far north, 10 to 12 or 13 further south.
02:43 As for the outlook, well, you can just about make
02:45 a little bump here, a little ridge of high pressure,
02:49 and that will bring many places some fine weather
02:52 on Wednesday and Wednesday evening.
02:54 But down to the southwest,
02:55 there is another area of low pressure developing.
02:58 Bit of a question mark about how intense this gets
03:00 and whether it comes across the UK or steers further south.
03:04 Alex Berkel has more on that in this week's weather
03:08 for the week ahead, and you can catch that on YouTube.
