"PTI Chief ko kaha tha kirdarkashi nahi karen...," PP's Hasan Murtaza on current political situation

  • last year
"PTI Chief ko kaha tha kirdarkashi nahi karen...," PP's Hasan Murtaza on current political situation
00:00 Bilawal Bhutto's statement said that the King's party will face the same fate as it did in 2008.
00:09 Bilawal, who are you calling the King's party?
00:12 Are you calling the Pakistan Party or the Muslim League Noon?
00:17 Look, only Bilawal can tell us who he has called the King's party.
00:25 And if everyone is in their own little world, then we can find out who the King's party is.
00:32 It is not a request to know who Bilawal has called the King's party.
00:37 The request is that what is the need for political parties to become the King's party?
00:42 Be it the People's Party or the PMLN, they have seen very difficult circumstances.
00:47 The various events that took place with the PMLN were completely un-democratic.
00:55 They were un-democratic and they were victimised. There is no doubt about that.
01:01 You have seen what has been happening with the People's Party since the last half century.
01:07 There were extreme political and revengeful actions.
01:17 Various cases were filed.
01:20 The biggest injustice was the character assassination.
01:24 When the character assassination of the Pakistan People's Party was taking place,
01:28 we used to tell our friends that this time can come to you as well.
01:35 You should not do this.
01:37 No one agreed.
01:39 Then the PMLN saw that the same character assassination had started.
01:46 The same way of doing things, reducing their size, this became a big issue.
01:53 And then we used to tell Khan Sahib, both the parties, that Khan Sahib, you should be alert.
01:59 Politics is not this. Politics is about taking everyone along.
02:03 Give opposition its place. Give treary its place.
02:08 Don't do this.
02:10 But Khan Sahib did not agree.
02:12 There came a time when Khan Sahib also saw how the Jamaats are being made,
02:18 how they are being broken, how they are being put in a den.
02:23 We used to expect that Pakistan Muslim League, NUN, our alliance,
02:28 we have signed the COD, everything is in its place.
02:32 We do not demand anywhere that they do not go against their path of becoming PM
02:38 and to stop the PM of the Pakistan People's Party,
02:42 they do not take steps or do not improve their party.
02:47 We just tell them that our democracy should be systematic.
02:52 We do not need anyone.
02:54 We bow to the people of Pakistan, the democracy,
02:58 we lift it up and take whoever we want,
03:01 and the rest should play their role.
03:05 There is so much difference.
03:07 There is no difference at all apart from this.
03:10 If they try to work for their own ministry,
03:13 that we go to Sindh and work,
03:15 then they have full right, they are citizens of Pakistan,
03:18 they have the representation of Pakistan.
03:20 And the People's Party also has the same thing,
03:23 that if they can come to Punjab and do something,
03:26 or they can do it in other provinces,
03:28 then there is no restriction.
03:30 We have all these conditions,
03:32 we have come to the forefront through our Imam Sikhs,
03:36 we have such forces,
03:38 who have always tried to weaken the democracy,
03:43 why do we strengthen them by fighting among ourselves?
03:46 There is so much to say.
03:48 We will fight the rest of the elections.
03:52 Okay.
03:54 Mr. Daniyal Chaudhary,
03:56 Mr. Khursheed Shah was saying,
03:58 you must have heard it,
04:00 that if Mr. Mian had not been bailed,
04:02 he would have gone to jail,
04:04 he would have been in jail for 4 days,
04:06 then his political status would have increased.
04:08 Now he has not done all this, he has been bailed,
04:10 he has not gone to jail.
04:12 So, by not doing all this,
04:14 has his political status reduced in your opinion?
04:18 Look, Mr. Khursheed Shah, with all due respect,
04:21 the statement he has given is very unfortunate.
04:25 He himself is a seasoned politician,
04:27 and who does not know Mr. Mian,
04:29 that he left his wife on the deathbed,
04:33 and came to Pakistan with his daughter,
04:36 and to imprison himself in jail,
04:38 and stayed in jail for more than 1.5 years.
04:40 Mian Nawaz Sharif stayed,
04:42 Maryam Nawaz Sahiba stayed,
04:43 and faced the cases,
04:45 and went out under the law.
04:48 But what would have been the fun,
04:50 if Mr. Bilawal had left his personal politics behind,
04:53 and today we would have talked about
04:55 Farah Shehzadi and Imran Khan,
04:57 who brought this country to this point,
04:59 who are the root cause of this disease,
05:02 who kept building and increasing their foundations in Pakistan,
05:06 who increased their 4,520 million,
05:10 and their assets and their amounts,
05:15 and no statement was made on that,
05:17 and nothing is said on that.
05:19 And the people who he has worked with,
05:21 and who he has saved and played with,
05:23 here today's topic should be,
05:25 how in 2020,
05:27 he has spent 950 million rupees,
05:29 950 million rupees,
05:31 But Mr. Daniyal, the sequence of statements
05:33 is going from both sides,
05:35 if Imran Khan's statement is against the Noon League,
05:37 then the Noon League is not behind either.
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