Blinken assails Moscow-Pyongyang military ties as 'growing and dangerous'

  • last year
Blinken assails Moscow-Pyongyang military ties as 'growing and dangerous';

UK Interior minister draws flak for arbitrary claim of police being too lenient on pro-Palestinian marches;

APEC Summit next week to convene amid a world in turmoil#PTVNewsNow | November 9, 2023, 8:00p.m.

Blinken assails Moscow-Pyongyang military ties as 'growing and dangerous';

UK Interior minister draws flak for arbitrary claim of police being too lenient on pro-Palestinian marches;

APEC Summit next week to convene amid a world in turmoil
00:00 Nightly greetings one and all. Proud Filipina Sharm Zespina here and this is PTV News Now.
00:07 While Israel`s war against Hamas in Gaza has grabbed and gripped the entire planet,
00:13 quietly Russia and North Korea are going about their sneaky and stealthy ways,
00:18 beefing up their arsenal of weapons and strengthening military ties.
00:22 This according to a wary U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.
00:26 The United States, Japan and South Korea have time and again scored Pyongyang and Moscow`s collaboration
00:32 in helping the latter in its war versus Ukraine with hardware and war material in exchange for assistance in space technology.
00:40 This rather unholy alliance is forged and fueled by both countries utter disdain over sanctions imposed by the United States
00:48 for Moscow`s nefarious plans to invade and retake Ukraine`s and Pyongyang`s unfettered nuclear weaponry,
00:55 advances and ballistic missile launches.
00:58 And the U.S. is prodding the third and silent partner in the equation, China,
01:03 to reign them and give it its power and influence over them.
01:07 Last month, Vladimir Putin flew to Beijing for the third Belt and Road Forum
01:11 and joined in the grand celebration of the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping`s brainchild.
01:17 In September, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un took a highly secretive train ride to Russia
01:23 to meet with Vladimir Putin and whatever else in the confidential agenda.
01:28 Blinken`s warning earlier today comes amidst a meeting of G7 nations in Tokyo.
01:34 And the meantime, British Interior Minister, Sowellia Braverman, expressed disdain
01:40 over what she perceived was too much leniency allowed on the latest protesters supporting Gaza,
01:46 civilian casualties and victims on Armistice Day, which she dubbed pro-Palestinian mobs.
01:53 Braverman described today`s protest action in support of Palestinians as hate marches
01:58 and insisted the march was not a mere cry for help for Gaza
02:02 and accused senior police officers of playing favorites on protesters.
02:07 A former police watchdog chief, Tom Winsor, assailed Braverman`s rather arbitrary claim
02:13 and said it ran counter to the principle of police independence.
02:18 London has also seen mass demonstrations over four weeks in a row
02:22 on a growing worldwide pushback against Israel`s wanton bombardment of Gaza
02:28 and the unnecessary slaughter of innocent civilians that has reached over 10,300 of late.
02:35 The annual Asia-Pacific Economic Operations Summit kicks off Wednesday next week
02:41 against a backdrop of a world in turmoil.
02:45 Though discussions and deals are amongst themselves and not binding on others,
02:49 they lay the foundation for other fora that culminate in written pacts or agreements.
02:54 VOA`s Elizabeth Lee has more on the APEC`s agenda this year in this report.
02:59 From the Israel-Hamas conflict to war in Ukraine,
03:04 this year`s APEC meeting of world leaders is unlike any other in recent history.
03:09 It`s significant and arguably unprecedented.
03:12 We have systemic instability right now, the likes of which we probably haven`t seen since the end of the Cold War.
03:17 There are also the potential economic ripple effects of these conflicts.
03:21 There`s an arc of instability and it`s an arc of instability that connects regions through supply chains,
03:26 that connects regions through a variety of other channels.
03:29 And it`s important to keep in mind, for all the talk about decoupling, de-risking,
03:33 the global economy does remain substantially interdependent.
03:36 The 21 members of APEC not only differ in their opinions about the conflicts,
03:41 there are also other sources of friction.
03:44 There are territorial disagreements in the South China Sea
03:47 and tensions continue between the U.S. and China.
03:51 Against this backdrop, countries will try to find common ground
03:55 and discuss non-binding topics with an agenda set by the host country.
04:00 We`ve really focused on things like advancing a just energy transition in the Asia-Pacific,
04:06 advancing sustainable agri-food systems in the Asia-Pacific,
04:10 looking at sustainable and inclusive trade across the region.
04:13 Another area of concern, how to reduce supply chain risks,
04:17 with lessons learned from the breakdown during the pandemic.
04:20 I think what you will see is about sort of resilience, redundancy,
04:25 to make sure that there`s no one point of failure in the event of a pandemic.
04:30 For example, while the U.S. has been importing more goods from countries including Vietnam --
04:35 Ultimately, many of the raw materials and also the components, they`re still made in China.
04:41 China-U.S. relations will continue to be watched by APEC members,
04:45 even after the APEC leaders meeting,
04:47 at a time when public perception in many countries tend to skew toward the U.S.
04:53 And the U.S. is seen to intervene more in other countries affairs than China,
04:57 according to surveys conducted by Pew Research.
05:00 The U.S. is also largely seen to take into account the interests of other countries more than China,
05:06 and to be more likely to contribute to global peace and stability.
05:09 The United States and China are going to have to find a way to coexist.
05:12 Unlike the Cold War, which ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union,
05:16 Washington isn`t going anywhere, Beijing isn`t going anywhere,
05:19 the competition, it`ll have its oscillations.
05:21 But it`s a competition that isn`t going to have some definitive end.
05:25 In addition to China and the U.S.,
05:27 APEC economies make up approximately half the global trade and 60 percent of the world`s economy.
05:34 And in an interconnected world, observers say leaders will need to transcend differences
05:40 to combat issues such as climate change and food insecurity.
05:45 Elizabeth Lee, VOA News, Washington.
05:49 And now, let`s turn it over to our colleague in the beautiful and cool Pine City
05:55 for what`s cooking lately in the Cordilleras. Ala?
05:58 (In Filipino)
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06:53 (In English)
06:58 She understands the needs of students.
07:01 That is why she is continuously fighting and doing efforts
07:10 to open opportunities for the youth.
07:15 (In Filipino)
07:32 (Explosion)
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08:19 And that`s a wrap for tonight.
08:22 We hope you all join us tomorrow night, same time, same channel
08:25 for what`s breaking lately all around the planet.
08:28 This has been Sharmza Spina urging you to keep fit and stay aware.
08:32 Be kind and give thanks and catch the news right here. Good evening.
