Alabama has started slow on offense this season

  • last year
Alabama has started slow on offense this season
00:00 What have you seen from the little bit of the struggles on opening drives from your team?
00:03 What is went wrong on those?
00:05 Like the same thing that goes wrong on anything that doesn't work.
00:14 Don't execute very well.
00:18 Sometimes maybe they do a little bit something different on defense or maybe what you thought they were going to play.
00:25 They didn't play.
00:26 And as you get into the flow of the game and see what they're playing, you know, guys execute a little better.
00:32 So it all comes down to execution, whether it's offense, defense or special teams.
00:38 Just like we gave up a touchdown on the first drive last week because we busted a coverage.
00:42 Wasn't because it was the first drive, it was because we busted a coverage.
00:46 I mean, it had scored in the fourth quarter with one minute to go if we had played like that.
00:50 So it always comes down to how do you execute what you do?
00:55 And all 11 guys got to do their job.
00:57 And that's the key to having success.
01:01 And, you know, it's great to start fast and it's great to finish strong.
01:06 So to do both those things is something that we've been trying to focus on all year long.
01:11 And, you know, we probably did a little better job of that this past game than we have all year.
01:17 Thank you.
01:19 Thank you.
