Four Wheeler TV: Episode 2, Part III Video - Inside Bravo Company

  • last year
The history of the Abrams tank and its amazing specs.
00:00 For armored units, the Abrams is the crown jewel of the military.
00:06 While it's seen various generations employed since it was introduced decades ago, the Abrams
00:11 continues to rattle those that go up against her.
00:14 And for the men who have made the grade to tank corps, the Abrams is the last word in
00:18 ground combat.
00:20 The M1A1 and newer M1A2 are the namesake of the late General Creighton W. Abrams, former
00:26 Army Chief of Staff Commander of the 37th Armored Battalion.
00:30 It is the backbone of the armed forces of the United States military and continues to
00:34 serve our troops today in the Middle East.
00:37 The M1A1 measures 32.25 feet in length and is 12 feet wide and 8 feet tall and has a
00:44 top speed of 41.5 miles per hour with a tactical range of 275 miles.
00:50 The M1A1 tips the scales at a mere 67.6 tons and carries a 120 millimeter smooth bore cannon
00:58 on its turret, a .50 caliber Browning M2 machine gun at the commander's station, and a crew
01:04 of four, the gunner, driver, commander, and navigator.
01:08 It is capable of engaging the enemy in any weather, day or night, on a multidimensional,
01:12 non-linear battlefield using its firepower, maneuverability, and shock effect.
01:18 While Marine officers serve as mentors in the field, it is the enlisted men who sleep,
01:23 breathe, and eat tanks.
01:25 Seldom strained very far away from the Abrams, a home away from home for those who serve
01:29 in Bravo Company.
01:31 One of the Marines spoke to us on camera.
01:33 You guys, this is your home.
01:34 Yes, it is.
01:35 So you guys sleep on top of it.
01:36 We sleep on it.
01:37 We do everything, chow, water, clothes, sleep, we do everything on this tank.
01:43 And this is hot.
01:44 You were saying that when it's cold out you sleep on the back.
01:47 We traverse it around the side, lay it right on the back deck, and we've got to heat it
01:50 bed all night.
01:51 That's excellent.
