Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Chases 200 MPH in Europe - Epic Drives Episode 3

  • last year
On this episode of Epic Drives
00:00 I've known our Best Drivers car co-host Justin Bell for quite a few years now.
00:05 He's a Brit, I'm an Australian, and we've both having the time of our lives living
00:10 and working in America. Justin and I got talking a while back, swapping stories of
00:15 the epic drives we've both done over the years. Some of his drives have been a bit
00:19 more epic than mine, after all he won the GT2 class at Le Mans in a Dodge Viper
00:24 GTS-R in 1998. But ironically I've done more miles on Europe's great roads than
00:31 he has. In fact he mentioned he hasn't really done a European road trip since
00:36 he was a kid, back when his dad Derek, who drove for Ferrari in Formula One and
00:41 remains one of the winningest drivers in Le Mans history, used to take him along
00:45 to the European races. You know the last time I was here was when I was 17. Dad
00:50 had raced a Ferrari in Formula One... That I decided was something we had to fix. A
00:55 road trip from Munich, Germany to Maranello, Italy, with a couple of fun
00:59 detours along the way, seemed like the perfect solution. Good roads and great
01:05 scenery, but what to drive?
01:09 The ZR1 is the fastest ever production Corvette and in terms of performance can
01:20 proudly hold its head up high against her European rivals. And just like that
01:26 European sports car elite, the ZR1 benefits a huge amount from the
01:30 technology transfer from the race program to the road car. In fact they have
01:34 to detune this engine to conform to the Le Mans regulations. So with a supercharged
01:39 V8 producing 638 horsepower, a 0-60 in the 3.4 range and a top speed that'll
01:46 make you giddy, the ZR1 is indeed a very fast car. But in the words of Angus
01:52 McKenzie, when we were trying to find a car to bring on this European automotive
01:55 invasion, "You don't bring a knife to a gunfight." No you don't, you bring a ZR1.
02:11 You know I just realized something. What's that? Well it's quite odd, I know
02:16 these roads so well, but equally I know the ZR1. I mean I raced its sort of
02:21 predecessor, I've done so much track work in it, but I've never done the two
02:25 together. So it's this sort of odd juxtaposition of knowledge base but in
02:30 an unfamiliar sort of combination. What do you want me to drive then? Not bloody
02:34 likely. Christ, an Australian driving a Brit in an American car in Germany. What
02:41 a combination it sounds like, an international goulash of driving talents.
02:45 The world in harmony I would have thought. I don't know about harmony mate.
02:49 Well we certainly got some attention as we've been driving. Well I mean we're in
02:53 Porsche country here and we're the intruder. Back in the States
02:57 Corvettes are everywhere, but over here, you know spotting a Corvette on the road,
03:01 spotting a ZR1 on the road, it's like seeing a Lamborghini in Albuquerque.
03:05 It's not something you see every day. But the Corvette isn't necessarily a
03:08 complete fish out of water on European roads because we do have some
03:11 extraordinary roads that were purpose-built for extraordinarily fast
03:15 driving. I mean right now we're just working our way through the countryside
03:18 but I'm looking forward to finding something with a bit more sort of
03:21 opportunity you know to misbehave.
03:25 Behind me is a very small part of Germany's Autobahn network. It's the
03:31 third largest national highway system in the world behind China's and of course
03:35 the United States. And the US interstate system was in fact inspired by these
03:41 super fast roads, some of which were built in the 1930s. You see when Allied
03:46 commander Dwight D Eisenhower entered Germany after World War II, he realized
03:51 the strategic value of a connected national highway network. And the US
03:56 interstate system he had built is perhaps the most enduring legacy of his
04:02 presidency.
04:04 It's absolutely amazing you know we've been averaging between 120 and 150 miles
04:14 an hour for the past like 15 miles and now I'm doing 150 and actually I got
04:20 used to it it's extraordinary. Only 150? Yeah 150 is bloody fast. This thing will do
04:27 200 you know. It will really? Yep. An American car 200 miles an hour? You're in the
04:32 fastest Corvette ever made on the fastest roads on earth. What you saying
04:37 that like a bloody challenge all right?
04:40 160
04:49 170. 180. 6th gear. 190. 190. 4. Oh someone pulled out in front of me. Bugger! I was getting there. I tell you keep
05:19 your attention though but but you know 195 is as fast as I have ever been in a
05:25 road car on the open road. That is amazing. Yeah but this thing will do 200
05:31 miles an hour. So you're saying you can do better? I'll give it a go.
05:37 You're on.
05:39 Oh look at you go.
05:53 5th gear at 160.
06:02 170
06:05 180
06:10 190
06:16 195. 6. 7. 8. 9. That's 200 miles an hour you bastard. Oh my god. I've got sweat
06:30 running down my face. There's nothing like that anywhere in the world. I mean I
06:34 have to come to Germany once a year just to go as fast as I can on the road. I almost have
06:40 nothing to say but I do. What was extraordinary about that was when you
06:45 went to 6th it kept on pulling all the way to the top. This thing has
06:49 unbelievable power and it really shows on a road like this. I mean there aren't
06:53 many cars in the world where you can get V max in top gear and this is one of the
06:59 few. It's a rocket ship. You know how happy I am for you? I'm actually pretty
07:04 aggravated too that it wasn't me. That was an experience. I'm all tingly. That was an
07:10 experience. That's the first time you've ever been 200 miles an hour on the road.
07:13 I wasn't driving. Brilliant.
07:18 Fantastic. Wow. Well do I get another go? No we've got to be in Italy for dinner.
07:26 Bad luck mate. I'm hungry.
07:31 See that squiggle running up the side of the mountain there? That's the famed
07:37 Stelvio Pass. Built in 1820 this narrow winding road takes you up and over the
07:43 Alps and into the heart of Italy. 48 hairpin turns in less than 10 miles.
07:48 Gradients of up to 1 in 9 and a summit of over 9,000 feet. But I think taking
07:55 638 horsepower of supercharged Corvette up this road is going to be a bit like
08:01 taking a howitzer to a turkey shoot.
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09:49 From the top of the Stelvio Pass it's a spectacular run down a narrow valley
10:02 into the heart of northern Italy and our final destination, Maranello.
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10:15 The ZR1 owns these narrow twisting roads. There's instant power when you want it,
10:26 Michelin Pilot Sport Cup tyres offer a ton of grip and the massive carbon brakes
10:31 barely raise a sweat on the steep descent.
10:37 The ZR1's not just a stunning supercar, it's a pretty good grand tourer too.
10:43 The rest stops here are like gastronomic compared to what we're used to.
10:53 I thought you just visit all the rest stops because you've got short range tanks,
10:56 you have to go for a pee every five miles.
10:59 Legendarily the Angus Mackenzie for Motor Trend does not like to stop for a pee,
11:04 which is why I choose to drive all the time because there's not all you can do about it.
11:08 You should only stop when the car needs gas.
11:11 So are you a good passenger? Generally? No.
11:15 So those moments when I think you're just being reflective and pondering the fate of the world
11:20 is actually discomfort?
11:23 Yes. That's enough!
11:27 Well, you didn't even need to say the yes.
11:32 Well, I've been to Ferrari's hometown a few times but I never thought I'd be here in a Corvette.
11:37 Me neither. It's quite ironic really when you think about it.
11:41 When I was racing for Corvette back in 2000, Ferrari were actually one of our main rivals.
11:47 I think I was last here for the launch of the 612 Scalietti.
11:51 Oh, that must be fun because I love that car.
11:53 But you know the last time I was here was when I was 17.
11:56 Dad had raced a Ferrari in Formula One and as the old man was getting old,
12:00 he wanted to come here one last time just to meet him.
12:03 So he brought me. I just started racing.
12:05 I remember so clearly his office, the big desk.
12:08 He was backlit as the light came through the window and this huge crystal prancing horse on the desk.
12:13 I didn't realise it at the time but obviously got to appreciate it as I got older.
12:17 Quite how lucky I was.
12:19 Look, I'm not going to be able to top that story but just pull up here. Just hang on.
12:24 Here? Yeah, just here.
12:26 Alright, here I am.
12:27 Wait there.
12:29 Don't go away.
12:30 Don't know what he's up to but seeing as where we are, it could be good.
12:37 Now what next?
12:47 I know a road somewhere. Follow me.
12:49 That's actually really cool.
12:54 One of my childhood dreams has not just been met but blown up in a good way.
13:00 Angus managed to blag this brand new Ferrari 458 Italia from right inside the Maranello factory Ferrari gates itself,
13:08 which in my opinion has just made this road trip get even more exciting.
13:13 Now back in the States, I've been lucky enough to spend quite a lot of time behind the wheel of the 458,
13:18 both on the road and the racetrack and I can emphatically tell you that that is one of the best sports cars ever built.
13:26 And not only does it look sublime, it has performance levels that will blow your mind.
13:31 A 4.5 litre V8 that revs to 9,000 and produces 562 horsepower.
13:38 And inside the story is just as exciting.
13:40 This one has red carbon fibre.
13:42 But I've got to share the steering wheel with you, designed by Michael Schumacher to make you feel like Michael Schumacher.
13:48 Guess what? It does its job.
13:50 But perhaps the thing I'm most excited to see when we get our white ZR1 on the same Italian roads as this flaming red 458
13:57 is that they actually share very similar top end performance levels.
14:01 Zero to 60 in 3.4 seconds and a shade over 200 miles an hour, which in my opinion makes them both super duper cars.
14:09 And did I mention that we actually got the keys to this from inside the Ferrari factory, just feet from where they made it?
14:15 That my friends is a memory.
14:17 I almost feel as though my hair is thicker, my chest is larger when I drive this car.
14:36 It's definitely a manly moment.
14:39 Oh no, he's got my car!
14:45 That's what happens when you sleep on the job.
14:48 Paddle shifts rule.
15:03 I'm a little bit old school most of the time in that I really think that to be a real man you have to use a six speed.
15:10 But this seven speed gearbox would have been exactly what I need on the Estelvio Pass.
15:16 Oh, it's hot.
15:18 Oh.
15:19 [Engine revving]
15:47 These two cars truly are super cars.
15:50 And you know what you said earlier, you're absolutely right.
15:52 They arrive at the same place through very different routes.
15:55 To me they're extensions of the people who build them.
15:58 When I'm driving the Ferrari up through these Italian mountains,
16:01 I can feel through every nut and bolt and strand of red carbon fibre,
16:07 the passion, lust and zest for life of the Italian people.
16:10 It's truly amazing.
16:11 And the ZR1 is all American shock and awe.
16:16 Don't get in its way.
16:17 Thinking back though, from start to finish, this has been a journey of great experiences.
16:22 Just having the opportunity to take that ZR1 at full speed on the autobahn.
16:27 Well I'm not going to forget taking you to 200 miles an hour on the autobahn.
16:31 I have a sneaky suspicion that you're never going to let me forget that.
16:34 But you were really good and the car was magnificent.
16:36 Where else in the world could we do that?
16:38 If you do a road trip to Europe you must drive on the autobahn.
16:42 It's one of the seven wonders of the automotive world.
16:44 That's a great way to put it. And I guess I did kind of hog the car from that point on.
16:48 Well, have your arms recovered from Stovio yet?
16:50 48 hairpins in less than 10 miles.
16:54 I haven't actually worked that hard without a race helmet on in my life.
16:59 And then when we came across the top and the magnificent Alps views,
17:03 and coming down into Italy, it really brought back the best childhood memories I have
17:07 of road trips on the way to international races with my dad.
17:11 But however much fun this has been, I actually have to go. Time to go to the airport.
17:15 How far is Milan?
17:17 It's about 150 miles and we don't have a lot of time.
17:22 [Engine revving]
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