U.S. trade gap widens in September

  • last year
U.S. trade gap widens in September
00:00 The U.S. trade deficit widened in September, exceeding expectations and making it less
00:04 likely that trade contributed to growth in the third quarter.
00:09 This deficit expanded by 4.9 percent to $61.5 billion, with imports of goods and services
00:16 rising by 2.7 percent to $322.7 billion.
00:22 Imports also increased with goods exports rising by 3.1 percent to $176.7 billion.
00:30 However the services surplus decreased slightly to $24.8 billion.
00:35 The data suggests that trade may have had a negative impact on the third quarter GDP
00:39 growth rate of 4.9 percent.
