We speak to NE1 to see what their plans are for the next 5 years in Newcastle

  • last year
NE1 have successfully renewed their bid to continue their work with businesses in Newcastle. They have set out a plan for the next 5 years in the city and it includes some big events that will be coming through Newcastle. We spoke to them to see what the next 5 years looks like.


00:00 So because of the type of business that anyone are, we have to be renewed by the businesses
00:07 of the city every five years.
00:09 Each business gets a vote and if 50% or more vote yes, then we're renewed for another five-year
00:15 term.
00:16 Thankfully, we had 93% of the businesses that took part voted yes for anyone, so we have
00:21 been given that five-year term.
00:23 I think it's that idea of a company that are really focused on the heart of the city, on
00:27 making sure that it's clean, that it's welcoming, that there are reasons to visit.
00:31 And that will benefit businesses and people who don't necessarily know exactly what anyone
00:36 do, but just general consumers coming into the city, they'll have a more enjoyable, more
00:42 pleasant experience and they'll have more reasons to visit thanks to anyone over that
00:46 term.
00:47 Anyone will be sticking around in Newcastle for another five years.
00:51 The company helped give a boost to the city and walking around Newcastle, you may have
00:55 seen a few of their projects and events.
00:59 The Street Rangers and Clean team are a huge part of keeping Newcastle clean and safe.
01:04 And Anyone also put on many events each year, including the popular restaurant weeks throughout
01:09 the year.
01:10 Now, they can continue that work thanks to the businesses that voted to keep them.
01:14 This means that millions of pounds will be invested into Newcastle over the next five
01:19 years.
01:20 Well, you know, over the course of the next five years, Anyone will now be able to invest
01:26 over £11 million in the city centre and the successful vote has guaranteed that.
01:31 So that's why we're delighted and we think that it will make a significant impact for
01:35 the city's businesses and for people coming to visit the city.
01:38 That money will be reinvested in the heart of Anyone, which is a really exciting prospect.
01:45 Of course, the next five years in Newcastle are looking really busy with the Euros coming
01:50 to St James' Park and many other improvements to the city.
01:54 What do the next five years look like?
01:56 Yeah, there's a bit of short term stuff and a bit of long term stuff, let's say.
02:01 So continuing with the really important things that happen day to day in the city, like cleaning,
02:06 like making sure that the streets are welcoming, making sure that we're continuing to push
02:11 businesses day in, day out on our social channels through the magazine, but also longer term
02:15 things around the future of the city and how it's going to look and how it's going to develop.
02:20 So major works on Pilgrim Street in the heart of the city's retail core and on the quayside.
02:26 We'll be getting involved in all of those to make sure that Newcastle keeps pushing
02:29 forward over the next five years.
02:33 Anyone have said their priorities for the next five years include providing a stronger
02:37 voice for businesses through lobbying on strategic and operational issues, attracting and promoting
02:43 the city and celebrating its diverse community and getting the basics right, including making
02:49 sure people's experiences in the city are as good as they can be.
02:54 So we will have to see how anyone continue their work in the city of Newcastle over the
02:59 next five years.
