00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:32 - Ephesians chapter three, Ephesians chapter three.
00:36 And we are still dealing with the prayers
00:45 that Paul has rendered.
00:49 Since prayer is that communication that we have with God,
01:02 it becomes extremely important that we get it right.
01:06 Because many times we, when we pray as James says,
01:14 we pray amiss.
01:17 Because our consciousness in prayer
01:21 is to act as if we have employed God for our benefit.
01:30 And many times we fail to understand
01:35 that we are his creatures.
01:40 Let me just switch lanes real quick.
01:46 And the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling
01:53 into a far country who calls his own servants
01:59 and gives them his gifts.
02:04 Now that would indicate to me that if he's calling
02:10 his own servants, then the servants don't belong
02:15 to themselves because he's calling his own servants.
02:25 And secondly, he turns around and he says,
02:28 and he gave them his goods.
02:31 Now notice how totally absent
02:36 is ownership of God.
02:46 He is calling his own servants
02:51 and they don't even have any goods.
02:55 So immediately then they have to answer to him
02:59 for their character and answer to him for their gifts.
03:04 If that is so, then it is indicative of the fact that
03:10 we are not sitting in this house to control God.
03:18 We're in this house for God.
03:24 To control us.
03:26 If that is so, then we need to get on the team.
03:40 And the team captain is gone.
03:47 I got news for you and since I'm meddling early,
03:53 (audience laughing)
03:56 most of us, if not all of us in some way or other,
04:03 whether minuscule, whether infinitesimally small
04:08 or in a gigantic way, most of us made a mess of our life.
04:20 It took God to straighten our lives out.
04:25 Anytime God gets involved, he has to be in charge.
04:39 God doesn't take a second seat to anybody.
04:47 And over the years we have distorted the scriptures
04:52 to the point where we have made it look as if
04:59 if you have enough faith, you can order God around.
05:04 And that has destroyed the way we pray.
05:15 Not only has it destroyed the way we pray,
05:17 it's also introduced a certain amount of frustration
05:22 because the God that we have conceived
05:29 based on what we were told
05:31 is not the God of the scriptures.
05:35 They told me when I got saved, everything would be all right.
05:44 (audience laughing)
05:47 I'm still waiting.
05:52 So Paul's prayers and him being the giant he is,
06:02 him having the revelatory experience that he had
06:05 becomes very significant to me
06:09 because now I can see how we approach God.
06:14 How we approach God, not only for ourselves,
06:17 but how we approach God for other people.
06:20 And as I said before, there is no prayer of Paul
06:26 where he's begging God for a lot of things.
06:31 Who's quiet now?
06:34 You hear a rat licking ice?
06:41 Somebody said walking on cotton.
06:43 Even in the Lord's prayer, you call it that,
06:49 but in the model prayer,
06:52 there is only one petition in the prayer
06:56 and it does not include just you.
07:03 When he said, "Give us this day,"
07:10 that means you don't need to eat in that prayer
07:15 and I don't eat.
07:16 Give us this day, our daily bread.
07:23 Did they ask for anything else?
07:24 Then of course you have to move to forgiveness
07:29 and forgive our debtors as we forgive,
07:33 you forgive us as we forgive our debtors
07:35 because forgiveness today, people are mean.
07:40 (congregation laughing)
07:42 Amen, they wanna look at you like they big and bad,
07:45 like they wanna let you know how they can't stand you.
07:48 But all it shows is a lack of connection to God
07:55 and somewhere their prayers have gone wrong.
08:00 So here is Paul.
08:04 He says now in verse 13 of chapter three of Ephesians,
08:09 "Wherefore, I desire that ye faint not
08:16 "at my tribulations for you,
08:21 "which is your glory."
08:25 Man.
08:28 God is the only one I know
08:34 who can take human beings
08:37 and fit them
08:40 to be blessing to other human beings.
08:44 God's the only one I know
08:46 who can reach into his creative pool
08:53 and take certain people out of that pool
08:58 and fit them to be a blessing to others.
09:03 - Amen.
09:04 - I can't give a human being as a gift,
09:08 but God can give a human being as a gift
09:13 in such a manner that
09:18 his tribulation
09:23 becomes their glory.
09:27 Maybe I'm dyslectic, but I'm seeing clearly here.
09:34 He is telling them, "Don't faint over what I'm going to.
09:37 "Don't back up."
09:42 And I can see it very clearly.
09:44 Here he is, designated power of God
09:53 in revelatory relationship with God.
09:59 Having sat at the feet of God
10:04 in a personal kind of a revelatory school
10:09 where for three years,
10:13 him and God.
10:16 So there's no question then about his anointing.
10:20 And there's no question about his spiritual fortitude
10:26 and his power.
10:29 And if you're waiting for me to whoop,
10:31 all that whoop,
10:34 you know, let me digress for a minute.
10:38 I am going to walk away from this monitor.
10:46 I'm going to pass the podium
10:50 and go to that other monitor.
10:53 That's what I'm saying.
10:56 (audience laughing)
10:59 Oh Lord.
11:04 I feel the power of the spirit.
11:09 I'm going to walk from this monitor
11:13 and pass the podium.
11:17 Touch your name.
11:19 So he's passing the podium.
11:25 Going to end up on the other monitor.
11:27 Now, well, y'all got to put me through all that.
11:31 Some great voices have never been heard
11:40 because they didn't have the style.
11:43 Hear me when I tell you, some great voices.
11:49 The man is
11:53 having extraordinary
11:58 revelatory experiences with God.
12:03 And yet still he's saying to the children in Ephesus,
12:10 the church in Ephesus,
12:12 he's saying that what you are visualizing is my tribulation.
12:21 And I don't want you to faint because of what I'm going.
12:26 Because the proclivity, the tendency,
12:30 maybe a stronger word, the predilection of the child of God
12:33 is never to associate tribulation with God.
12:40 Because we have a tendency to believe
12:46 and we judge others about it.
12:49 That if you're going through certain things
12:51 and God could not be with you.
12:53 Oh yes, we have that.
12:57 The only thing we see is what you were going through.
13:03 And we cannot see what you're going through
13:08 as a relationship with God.
13:11 And if it really gets tedious and it really gets laborious
13:18 and it's frequent and it's heavy,
13:20 then people just put you out of the church.
13:26 Let's talk about Job for a minute.
13:32 Everybody walked in and had all the negative things
13:35 to say about Job, all of the people around him,
13:39 when he was the more righteous of all of them.
13:41 The tendency is to say, well, if he's going through that
13:46 and he's supposed to be the man of God,
13:50 then maybe there's nothing to it.
13:53 But God is the only one I know
13:59 who can take individuals and break them
14:06 and break them and break them and break them
14:12 and break them until they can bless many people.
14:16 Some of us haven't been through enough to bless anybody.
14:23 And you cannot be a blessing
14:27 if you haven't been through something.
14:29 I feel like shouting.
14:31 I feel like dancing.
14:33 And if you've been broken enough,
14:36 God can use you more.
14:42 Let me just make it real simple.
14:44 If you break me twice, I can only feed two people.
14:48 If you break me three times, I can feed three.
14:50 If you break me four times, five times.
14:53 Some people can't deal with a lot of people.
14:58 They can only deal with certain types.
15:03 They can't build big churches
15:09 because if certain people come in their presence,
15:12 they're turned off.
15:15 Some people can talk to the president
15:20 and sit down and talk to the homeless
15:24 and not feel a difference between who they're dealing with.
15:28 Because I've been there and I've been there.
15:34 Some people can deal with folk
15:36 who have been through a plethora of different things
15:39 because they can identify with what other folk go through
15:44 because God put them through it.
15:46 Can I preach like I feel it?
15:48 God chose you before the foundation of the world,
15:53 which means when you were born, you were already his.
15:56 Some of you have hollered,
15:58 "The devil should have killed me when he had me."
16:01 But if God chose me before the foundation of the world,
16:04 the devil really didn't have me.
16:08 I acted like he had me.
16:10 I partied like he had me.
16:13 I doped up like he had me.
16:15 I drunk like he had me.
16:18 But if I was chosen before the foundation of the world,
16:21 he didn't really have me.
16:23 It was just God giving me experiences
16:26 in dealing with how Satan works
16:29 so I can bless somebody else
16:31 and pull somebody out of the situation.
16:34 I feel like shouting here.
16:38 You don't know nothing about somebody being on drugs.
16:41 How you going to pull them out?
16:43 You don't know anything about being drunk.
16:46 How you going to help the alcoholic?
16:48 You don't know anything about wife beating.
16:51 How you going to help somebody who beats on a woman?
16:54 You don't know anything about being abused.
16:57 You ain't got no sympathy for nobody.
16:59 That's why when you look at social media,
17:01 the folk ain't got no sympathy for anybody.
17:04 Everybody's blasting everybody.
17:07 Everybody's hating on everybody.
17:09 But when you go through something
17:11 and you've been through something,
17:15 it takes the fake out of you.
17:17 I feel like dancing.
17:21 Look at the contrast.
17:30 Look how antithetical the presentation is.
17:36 I don't want you to faint
17:38 because of the pain and trials you see me going through.
17:43 I have discovered this.
17:49 Anytime God has anointed you heavily,
17:52 there's going to be tribulation.
17:56 Why?
17:58 Because somebody ain't going to like it.
18:04 People get upset when you shout.
18:06 She ain't got no business shouting.
18:15 She hurt my feelings yesterday.
18:19 She ain't got no business shouting.
18:21 He's such a liar.
18:22 How can he be shouting?
18:24 Now, the truth is, if you're sitting in church
18:27 and you know the hypocrite is shouting
18:30 and you not a hypocrite,
18:34 why are you sitting there with your non-hypocritical self
18:37 fighting fault with the hypocrite who's shouting
18:40 when God is right there with you?
18:44 I think you ought to get up and shout right beside
18:48 the hypocrite and get your dance on.
18:53 I'm not shouting because of the hypocrite.
18:56 I'm shouting because I'm not a hypocrite
18:59 and God is good to me.
19:01 God did not send me into the house of God to judge anybody
19:06 because he himself said,
19:08 "I came not into the world to judge the world
19:12 that the world through me might have life."
19:15 God is giving life to people you don't like.
19:19 God is blessing people you can't stand.
19:22 God is elevating people you don't want to be around
19:27 because he's not your God to tell him what to do.
19:31 He'll do what he wants to do with whoever he wants to do
19:35 and I'm so glad that God didn't ask anybody's permission
19:40 to save me.
19:41 [audience cheering]
19:44 You don't have to like me as long as God likes me
19:53 and as long as God is my God,
19:57 I don't need anybody's confirmation.
20:00 I don't need a pat on the back
20:02 because all glory belongs to God.
20:05 [audience cheering]
20:09 Tribulation.
20:12 What I'm going through is for your glory.
20:22 Lord have mercy.
20:28 Can you imagine the deduction,
20:31 the intellectual capacity and great word Bishop, I heard you.
20:36 [audience cheering]
20:40 Can you imagine the psychological amelioration,
20:48 the psychological betterment
20:57 enhancement that comes from realizing
21:02 that what you're going through
21:07 has a beneficial effect
21:14 on someone who cares so much about you
21:23 that they will back up
21:27 because of what you're going through.
21:31 Now what he's explaining to them is,
21:33 you have to understand that my tribulation
21:38 is not for you to quit.
21:41 Let me put it another way, let me put it another way.
21:46 Sometimes when people love you,
21:50 [audience member coughing]
21:54 you can't tell them everything other people put you through.
22:00 [audience cheering]
22:03 Amen.
22:07 Sometimes when people really care about you,
22:11 now let me make it even more intense.
22:18 Sometimes when people really care about you
22:21 and you are less revengeful or retributive than they are,
22:27 you are more forgiving than they are.
22:39 And what causes them to lose that capacity
22:46 for forgiving somebody quickly is how much they love you.
22:49 When people love you, they can't stand
22:59 when other people misuse you.
23:02 [audience cheering]
23:05 I wanna see the white of your eyes.
23:12 [audience laughing]
23:15 And when you, because God has given you
23:21 a strength to forgive,
23:24 many times they feel betrayed
23:31 because you back with the person.
23:42 [audience laughing]
23:45 I'll talk to some real people in here today.
23:48 [audience laughing]
23:50 You taking their calls.
23:52 You still hanging out with them.
23:57 And they're looking at you like,
24:00 you betrayed me because I want them dead.
24:10 And you still hanging with them and you ain't forgave them
24:12 and they back taking your money back to using you,
24:16 back talking with you.
24:18 I'm sick of that.
24:19 What Paul is saying to them is,
24:25 with the revelatory experience that I have,
24:29 I understand how God uses me.
24:35 Now, the implication here is so powerful.
24:40 I mean, I understand how God uses me
24:46 and this tribulation that I'm going through
24:51 and this ostracism, this criticism,
24:54 the way I'm being treated
24:56 because I'm standing up for the gospel.
24:59 I don't want you to think because you might be thinking
25:02 that I shouldn't be in that state.
25:04 I'm in that state for your glory.
25:08 Everything I'm learning is going to help you to be stronger.
25:13 Oh God, I feel it here.
25:15 You know, sometimes children of God,
25:17 we argue about being used.
25:19 I'm sick of being used.
25:24 I hate being used.
25:33 Everybody in here who is useful
25:38 is going to be used.
25:41 Now, if you don't want to be used, be useless.
25:47 Amen.
26:03 Well, can I put it another way?
26:05 God gives us power to be used.
26:09 Because most of us, when we're being used,
26:16 think we're being used by individuals.
26:19 No, we're being used by God
26:22 because we do good to them that despite...
26:25 (congregation cheering)
26:28 (man grunting)
26:45 The psychological amelioration,
26:55 the psychological enhancement,
26:57 that you're in the middle of something that is awful,
27:01 and yet still you can write to somebody
27:03 and be completely conversant
27:09 and completely comfortable
27:13 with the fact that what you're going through
27:17 is going to glorify somebody.
27:22 (congregation cheering)
27:25 You take it with a different attitude
27:28 because in the middle of that trial,
27:34 you're not seeing yourself.
27:38 You're seeing the benefit for others.
27:44 In the middle of what you're going through.
27:49 (man grunting)
27:52 I think I can make it plain.
27:53 Which mother in here
27:59 who carried a child for nine months
28:03 is going to spend a lot of time grumbling
28:09 while they fulfill the child's needs?
28:18 Come on now, mom.
28:19 Now,
28:20 let me qualify.
28:25 There's a difference when a child is grown
28:31 and can't stand up on their two feet.
28:37 And partially, if that's the problem
28:43 you're having with your kids,
28:46 you gotta take some ownership.
28:48 Mm-hmm.
28:53 You gotta take some ownership.
28:57 There's no problem in being born poor.
29:02 Ain't no problem being born rich.
29:04 The problem is not being raised right.
29:08 (congregation cheering)
29:16 Now,
29:17 there is a natural,
29:20 and the Bible said in these last days,
29:23 they would be a storge on unnatural affection.
29:28 The two women who had the babies in Solomon's time,
29:34 the two prostitutes, and the child died
29:37 and Solomon had to figure out which one was which
29:40 because there were no witnesses.
29:43 So what he went with was natural affection.
29:46 He said, "Bring the sword, let me divide."
29:49 And the real mother said, "Don't kill the child."
29:55 The one who wasn't the mother said, "Kill the child."
29:59 The one who was real said, "Give her my child."
30:04 But I want my child to live.
30:06 Solomon said, "That's the one who died."
30:09 You see, when people will go into tribulation for you,
30:14 they are being used by God, not being used by you.
30:20 And never, and stop complaining about your strengths.
30:25 I gotta come talk to you now.
30:31 Stop complaining about your strengths.
30:38 (congregation laughing)
30:42 It goes like this.
30:44 I'm very tired.
30:46 My family, they call me on everything.
30:51 When they have nothing, they call me
30:56 and I have to supply the money.
30:58 When there's a rift in the family,
31:01 I gotta go and straighten out the situation.
31:06 Oh, I'm so tired.
31:08 I'm so tired.
31:09 I wanna ask you a question.
31:11 Do you wanna be the one asking for the money?
31:13 Do you wanna be the one who is making the fuss
31:20 and the confusion for somebody to come and settle down?
31:25 Stop complaining about your strength.
31:28 God put you in that family, fortified you,
31:32 and every time there's a problem,
31:34 you have the fortification and the strength to work it out.
31:38 When they are in trouble, they call you
31:41 because they know you call God
31:43 to help them out of their trouble.
31:46 When they're sick, they call you
31:48 because they know you can call God
31:51 and heal them out of their problem.
31:53 When they're broke, they call you
31:55 because they know God will provide.
31:58 (congregation cheering)
32:01 (congregation applauding)
32:05 Give Him glory when they call you.
32:10 You are an ambassador of the Lord.
32:14 They call you because you represent Him in the world.
32:18 They call you because they know
32:20 when you get down on your knees
32:22 and start hollering, "Devil, get out of here.
32:25 "Demons, get out of here," things begin to tremble.
32:28 They call you because they don't have
32:31 the connection you have with God.
32:34 (congregation cheering)
32:38 Stop complaining.
32:50 I didn't mean to stay there that long.
32:55 He says, "For this cause,
33:00 "I bow my knees unto the Father
33:03 "of our Lord Jesus Christ,"
33:04 he's going into prayer,
33:05 "of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
33:09 "that He would grant you
33:11 "according to the riches of His glory
33:16 "to be strengthened with might,"
33:22 oh my God,
33:25 "by His Spirit
33:28 "in the inner man."
33:31 Now, the difference with this prayer
33:35 and praying for things
33:39 is that you pray for things
33:45 to either put on your body clothes,
33:48 put on your feet shoes,
33:51 to get in a car,
33:55 get in a house,
33:59 and all of those things
34:02 are external.
34:05 Stay with me now.
34:09 I'm gonna sit like Bishop Odom,
34:12 I'm gonna talk to this side.
34:14 All of those things
34:20 are temporal,
34:26 and all of those things ultimately become
34:29 vanity and vexation of spirit.
34:33 How many times in your life have you
34:38 had to deal internally, psychologically,
34:43 with what was going on around you externally?
34:48 How many times have you had to deal
34:55 with what you thought would give you some kind of joy?
34:59 We were in Houston last night,
35:04 and the dentist, he drove me back
35:08 to the airport this morning,
35:09 and I said to Kauan,
35:13 I said, "What we need is a professional driver.
35:15 "We need somebody who drives for a living."
35:19 A dentist is smart, but he ain't no professional driver.
35:24 (audience laughing)
35:26 So after we went round and round and round,
35:30 and almost missed the plane,
35:33 'cause he had to put on his phone
35:39 the GPS,
35:43 and I said, "Man, you're driving an AMG,
35:45 "Mercedes, what's got the tall,
35:50 "a G-Wagon?"
35:53 I said, "Why don't you punch it in there?"
35:56 'Cause he's holding the phone.
36:00 Then when he looked down at the phone,
36:06 he missed the turn.
36:08 Wonderful, isn't it?
36:20 And we barely made the plane.
36:22 (audience laughing)
36:24 You know how we made the plane?
36:26 I got in a wheelchair.
36:29 (audience laughing)
36:32 (audience applauding)
36:35 He showed me, in all of that traveling,
37:01 (audience laughing)
37:03 during the scenic route,
37:05 he showed me a $175,000 Range Rover
37:11 that he waited a year for,
37:14 that burned up and burned his house down.
37:21 So now a Range Rover is being sued,
37:29 of course, you know how that works.
37:32 But my point is,
37:34 you wait for something for a whole year,
37:39 you pay $175,000 for it,
37:44 and it burns your $3 million house down.
37:48 Now you gotta find some wealth,
37:56 because you cannot place any real authority
38:01 or place any real settled peace on things.
38:12 His prayer is not about anything external,
38:23 because he realizes if any one of us are gonna make it,
38:27 we're not gonna make it by external things.
38:32 We make it by internal fortitude.
38:37 I wish somebody would understand this thing.
38:41 My prayer is not that you're rich on the outside.
38:47 My prayer is that you're rich on the inside.
38:52 And to be rich on the inside is to be strengthened
38:56 with all the might of God according to his riches.
39:01 Oh, I feel like shouting here.
39:03 You know you rich when you can walk into a place
39:08 where everybody thinks nothing of you,
39:11 and you can preach and teach and bless them
39:14 in spite of how they feel about you.
39:17 You know you rich when somebody's talking about you
39:20 every day, and you don't feel nothing negative
39:24 when you walk in their place.
39:25 You may be my enemy, but you're not going to make
39:29 an enemy out of me.
39:31 I feel like preaching here.
39:32 You're not gonna stop me from going into a restaurant
39:36 because you're there.
39:38 That's limiting my freedom,
39:41 because you're not gonna stop me from coming to church
39:44 because you showed up at my church.
39:46 That's limiting my praise.
39:48 That's limiting my worship.
39:50 I gotta avoid you to live my life.
39:53 The devil is a liar.
39:55 My strength is not coming from you.
39:57 My strength is coming from God, and it's in here.
40:01 And can't no devil get it out.
40:04 You can mess up my car.
40:07 You can tear up my house.
40:08 You can burn down my everything.
40:12 But you can't move my joy.
40:14 You can't take my peace.
40:17 You can't take the power or the anointing that God gave me.
40:22 I might as well preach just for a minute.
40:25 Give somebody a high five.
40:27 So you can take the house.
40:29 You can take the car.
40:30 You can take the clothes, but you can't take my joy.
40:34 That's why I heard David when he said,
40:37 he said, "Lord, Lord, take everything from me,
40:43 but take not the Holy Spirit."
40:48 I can make it without a car.
40:50 I can make it without a house.
40:52 I can make it without some clothes,
40:55 but I can't not make it without the Holy Ghost
40:59 that's in my soul.
41:02 Fill me up 'til I overflow.
41:04 Fill me up 'til the devil can't touch me.
41:10 Fill me up 'til joy, pain are ringing in my soul.
41:15 Fill me up.
41:17 Somebody ought to give him some praise.
41:22 Fill me up.
41:23 Fill me up.
41:27 I'm getting ready to close.
41:29 Give somebody a high five for the last time
41:32 and say, "Neighbor, greater is he that's in me."
41:40 Greater is he that's in the world.
41:42 How come you think I'm still here?
41:44 Greater is he.
41:45 How come you think I'm still praising him?
41:47 Greater is he.
41:49 How come you think I'm still rejoicing?
41:51 Greater is he.
41:52 How come they've got my enemies under my feet?
41:56 Because greater is he.
41:58 Woo!
42:07 I need you to touch somebody for the next service
42:10 and say, "Neighbor, do you know how strong you are?
42:15 And if you don't know how strong you are,
42:18 pray for the strength in the inner man."
42:22 (audience applauding)
42:25 The inner man is gone.
42:30 Woo!
42:32 (audience applauding)
42:35 I gotta close.
42:38 I gotta close.
42:41 You buy insurance on the house and the car.
42:46 You gotta buy all kinds of insurance
42:50 'cause anything can happen.
42:52 Gotta have earthquake insurance, anything can happen.
42:55 But there is an insurance.
42:57 There is an insurance.
42:59 (audience applauding)
43:03 That salvation brings.
43:08 But if I take it just a little further,
43:13 you have an insurance to the blood of Christ Jesus
43:17 and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
43:23 But you don't only have an insurance,
43:26 you have an assurance
43:28 (audience applauding)
43:31 that he's going to see you all the way through.
43:34 Blessed are sure, Jesus is mine.
43:39 ♪ Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine ♪
43:48 ♪ Heir of salvation purchased by the Lord ♪
43:55 ♪ Oh, wonderous Savior, my Savior ♪
44:00 ♪ This is my story, this is my song ♪
44:08 ♪ Praise him, my Savior, Lord of all ♪
44:19 ♪ This is my story, this is my song ♪
44:24 ♪ Praise him, my Savior, Lord of all ♪
44:32 One more time.
44:34 ♪ This is my story, this is my song ♪
44:39 ♪ Praise him, my Savior, Lord of all ♪
44:48 ♪ This is my story, this is my song ♪
44:53 ♪ This is my story, this is my song ♪
45:01 ♪ Praise him, my Savior, Lord of all ♪
45:05 The Lord is calling somebody.
45:13 The Lord is reaching for somebody in this building
45:17 and we say being born again,
45:20 the Bible makes it very clear
45:23 that you'll be born of the water and of the Spirit.
45:28 We believe in baptism.
45:30 We believe in repentance
45:32 and baptism in water.
45:35 In the name of Jesus,
45:39 we believe in the infilling of the Holy Spirit
45:45 and God fills with the host
45:48 and he becomes that host in you.
45:53 He becomes that power in you through his Spirit.
45:58 We believe that there is no sin in your life
46:04 that coming and accepting and receiving God in your life.
46:12 We believe that there's nothing that his blood can't handle.
46:17 He died that you might be able to come.
46:22 Come as you are.
46:24 Don't tell me that I gotta get right to come.
46:26 No, you get right after you come.
46:30 Come on, come on.
46:33 Every head bowed all over this place.
46:37 This is my story.
46:42 This is my song.
46:45 Praising the Savior all the day long.
46:52 Father, we thank you for your presence.
46:55 We thank you for this young man
46:58 who has stepped out, headed this way.
47:03 And as we minister to him, I pray God that
47:06 that drawing power of the Holy Ghost
47:09 will bring him through.
47:12 I pray God that this word has generated faith
47:17 in your children and that what we have received from you today
47:21 will be indelibly planted in our hearts.
47:25 As we go from this place, we pray that we go with joy,
47:31 that we go with expectation of wonderful things,
47:35 that we go loving one another,
47:39 putting things behind us that are totally unnecessary to carry.
47:44 And I speak it now in the name of Jesus.
47:47 May the blessings of the Lord be upon you.
47:50 May God's love be upon you.
47:53 [Music]