BPS: Ekonomi Indonesia Tetap Terjaga

  • last year
Meski capaian pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional pada Kuartal III-2023 di bawah 5%. Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani optimis, perekonomian nasional akan tetap terjaga di tengah ketidakpastian global. Pertumbuhan ekonomi di akhir tahun diperkirakan berada di angka 5,1%.


00:00 Despite the national economic growth in the third quarter below 5%,
00:04 Finance Minister Sri Mulyani is optimistic that the national economy will remain in the midst of global uncertainty.
00:10 Economic growth at the end of the year is estimated to be at 5.1%.
00:15 According to Sri Mulyani, the private sector consumption will still grow strongly,
00:19 in line with the confidence of consumers who are still high,
00:22 and the control of inflation and election fraud activities.
00:27 Meanwhile, the strengthening of the role of the APBN as a shock absorber
00:30 is expected to be able to boost government consumption and maintain the purchasing power of the people.
00:35 Nevertheless, the government remains vigilant against the economic weakening trend
00:39 experienced by a number of trade partners that will affect national export activities.
00:44 The acceleration of APBN spending is also expected to boost government consumption
00:55 and maintain the purchasing power of the people.
01:00 Construction and non-construction investment
01:06 are entering an increase trend
01:10 in line with the progress of the completion of the national strategic project.
01:19 On the other hand, as experienced by many countries,
01:25 national export activities are experiencing weaknesses in line with the weakening of the global economy.
01:37 Nevertheless, the future national economic growth is expected to remain strong.
01:49 The economic growth for 2023 is expected to be at 5.1%.
02:00 Thank you for watching.
