• 2 years ago


00:00 Oh, no! It's locked!
00:02 Ark!
00:06 Look! Pinguino got the keys to unlock the boat!
00:10 Yay, Pinguino!
00:13 Uh-oh! That sounds like Swiper the Fox!
00:18 That sneaky fox is always trying to swipe our stuff!
00:21 He'll try to swipe the keys!
00:23 If you see Swiper, yell "Swiper!"
00:28 You see Swiper?
00:30 Where?
00:35 Yeah, there he is!
00:37 Swiper, no!
00:40 Swiping!
00:45 You're too late! You'll never find your keys now!
00:54 Oh, no! Those keys are lost for sure!
00:59 Hey, what's he doing?
01:03 Ark! Ark!
01:05 Pinguino is diving for the keys!
01:08 Will he be okay?
01:10 No problem, Boots! Penguins are awesome deep-sea divers!
01:14 Will you help Pinguino find the keys?
01:17 Great!
01:22 Did you see the keys?
01:24 Yeah! There they are!
01:30 To tell Pinguino to go down, we say "abajo."
01:35 Can you say "abajo"?
01:38 Say "abajo!"
01:42 Again!
01:45 Abajo!
01:48 Louder!
01:52 Abajo!
01:54 Yay!
02:02 Way to go, Pinguino!
02:13 Thanks for helping Pinguino find the keys!
02:16 Pinguino finds the keys!
02:18 Here we go!
02:29 Ark! Ark!


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