• 2 years ago


00:00 You see, Swiper?
00:03 There he is!
00:06 Swiper!
00:08 You're too late!
00:11 I swiped three things!
00:14 You'll never find them now!
00:16 Ha ha ha!
00:18 Mmm... falta algo.
00:21 Will you help us figure out what's missing?
00:25 What's missing from Boots?
00:28 Boots!
00:30 Right! Boots is missing a boot!
00:39 Do you see Boots' boot?
00:42 Thanks!
00:53 Falta algo. What am I missing?
00:58 My sock! Right!
01:01 Do you see my sock?
01:04 Thanks for finding my sock!
01:13 Falta algo.
01:16 Dora, you're still missing something!
01:20 What else am I missing?
01:23 What else am I missing?
01:27 Backpack?
01:32 Oh no! Can you find my backpack?
01:36 Backpack!
01:45 Mochila!
01:47 Dora!
01:48 Gracias!
01:52 Did we find three missing things?
01:56 Yes! We found Boots' boot, my sock, and backpack!
02:03 Excelente!
02:05 Come on! Vamonos!
02:07 Let's go find my magic wand!
02:11 Hey look! There's Tico and his little yellow car!
02:16 Maybe Tico will give us a ride to the red tunnel!
02:22 Hola Tico!
02:23 Hola!
02:24 Tico, nos puedes llevar en tu carro?
02:27 Si, con mucho gusto! Pero...
