• 2 years ago
新闻报报看 | 过去这几天,云顶赌场内的高级私人赌厅,被揭发总值460万令吉的赌场筹码被偷走。贼党疑似出动了千门八将在赌场各司其职,成功干下这宗巨额筹码偷窃案。据消息透露,部分筹码已兑换成了现金,不过贼党至今仍存有大部分筹码。(主播: 颜江瀚、庄文杰)


00:00 In the past two days, China Daily has published many exclusive reports,
00:03 which revealed that a high-end private gambling house in Yunding, a famous gambling house in China,
00:08 had a case of a total of 4.6 million yuan gambling chip being stolen.
00:14 Today, the Pengheng police said they were actively investigating,
00:18 and successfully arrested 10 suspects involved in the case.
00:22 The case of theft, which has also caused a hot debate,
00:25 has gradually come to light.
00:27 According to the picture shown by the Yunding casino monitor,
00:30 two men broke into the high-end private gambling house at the time,
00:35 and took away the 4.6 million yuan chip on the table.
00:39 Of the 10 suspects,
00:42 most of them are so-called casino agents who arrange gambling for VIP guests.
00:50 According to China Daily,
00:52 if you want to convert the 4.6 million yuan chip into cash in a short time,
00:57 it's not an easy thing.
00:59 But if the thief cooperates with the casino agents,
01:05 they can use the fastest speed to distribute the stolen chips to the casino,
01:11 and then convert it into cash in this way.
01:15 Because in Yunding,
01:16 ordinary gamblers can only bet on the table after they change the chips in the casino.
01:22 But VIP gamblers are different.
01:26 They are directly arranged by the agents to arrange the game.
01:29 And the agents will also prepare all the chips for these gamblers.
01:33 So, the chips stolen by those "shadows"
01:36 may be cleared through the use of other VIP gamblers' chips.
01:42 In order to successfully solve the case of the casino giant chip theft,
01:46 a group of people must work together to complete the task.
01:55 According to the source,
01:56 the suspect included at least one casino staff.
02:00 He is familiar with the location and number of the chips.
02:05 Maybe he is the planner of this case.
02:08 After the other two members get familiar with the environment of the casino,
02:10 they will go to the casino to steal the chips according to their plan.
02:14 Once the chips are taken from the casino,
02:17 they will be handed over to the other members.
02:19 Then, they will distribute the chips through multiple channels.
02:23 Only by doing this can they exchange the cash
02:26 and let the chips flow into the hands of the gamblers to cover up the process of the crime.
02:31 According to the report of the Chinese newspaper,
02:33 the source of the news said that
02:35 some chips were already stolen by the thieves
02:38 through multiple channels.
02:44 However, because the thieves were worried that
02:46 if they acted too aggressively at such a sensitive moment,
02:49 they would be detected by the casino,
02:51 so they still believe that they still have most of the chips.
02:56 And maybe they will find a chance to exchange the chips
02:59 after the situation gets worse.
03:02 Anyway, the director of the Wendong Police Station, Zai Han, was asked
03:04 whether the stolen chips had been distributed to other gamblers
03:08 or whether they had been exchanged for cash.
03:12 He used the case as a reason to refuse to reveal the details at this stage
03:18 and the police's investigation progress.
03:21 (Music)
