City of Buffalo unveils new winter snow plan after last year's deadly blizzard

  • last year
Mayor Byron Brown says new equipment, shelters, and especially communication plans will help ensure Buffalo, New York, is better prepared in the case of a blizzard like the one that buried the town in 2022.
00:00 Well, this week, the city of Buffalo
00:01 announced a new winter snow plan.
00:04 This comes after the city's historic
00:05 and deadly late December blizzard,
00:08 where more than 30 Buffalo residents sadly died last year.
00:12 Joining us now is Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown.
00:15 Mayor Brown, thanks so much for making time for us.
00:17 - Good to be with you.
00:19 - Oh, it's good to be with you as well.
00:20 What lessons were learned from last year's storm
00:23 that is reflected in this new winter snow plan?
00:26 - Number of lessons.
00:28 Probably the biggest was communication,
00:31 being able to communicate directly with the residents,
00:35 making sure that the communication
00:37 fit the magnitude of the storm.
00:40 We had two historic storms last year
00:43 in November and December.
00:45 The December blizzard called
00:47 a once-in-a-generation blizzard.
00:49 We needed to be more emphatic in letting people know
00:53 that if they went out in those weather conditions,
00:57 it could cause serious injury or death.
01:00 We have upgraded our plan
01:02 to have three phases of storm response,
01:06 the third phase being a response to blizzards,
01:10 and really communicating in a variety of different ways
01:14 with residents the magnitude of the storm
01:17 that they will be facing.
01:19 - And what do you see as the most important change
01:22 heading into the winter snow season?
01:25 - We have more equipment.
01:27 We have emergency shelters
01:30 in every one of our city council districts.
01:34 We have an IPAWS system
01:38 working with county, state, and federal government
01:40 where we will push out extreme weather alerts
01:45 to people with mobile devices.
01:47 So those are some of the major changes
01:50 that we've made to the snow plan.
01:52 - That all makes great sense.
01:53 We wish you the absolute best
01:55 through the upcoming winter season.
01:57 Mayor Byron Brown from Buffalo, New York.
01:59 Thank you, Mayor Brown.
02:01 - Thank you very much.
