United Nations: the world once again votes against the U.S. blockade of Cuba

  • last year
For the 31st time the world votes at the United Nations against the U.S. blockade of Cuba. teleSUR
00:00:00 Welcome to Tell Us Your English, and join us as we go live to the United Nations as
00:00:07 worldwide nations meet for a second day to discuss the need to end the US blockade against
00:00:12 Cuba.
00:00:13 Let's listen.
00:00:14 To continue the debate on the item, I would now give the floor to the distinguished representative
00:00:26 of Peru.
00:00:50 Mr. President, Peru aligns itself with the statement made by St. Vincent and the Grenadines
00:00:57 representing the community of Latin American Caribbean states, and by Azerbaijan on behalf
00:01:03 of an online movement, and that made by Uganda representing the group of 77 in China, and
00:01:09 we welcome the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodriguez Parilla.
00:01:15 Each year, this General Assembly reiterates its firm position on the need to end the economic,
00:01:21 commercial and financial embargo imposed against Cuba.
00:01:25 Last year, 185 countries, almost all member states of this organization, expressed the
00:01:33 strongest possible support for lifting the embargo.
00:01:37 This result reflects the collective and legitimate will which is in line with the basic norms
00:01:43 of international law of the General Assembly.
00:01:46 At the same time, it was a clear and evident signal that it's necessary to put an end to
00:01:51 this type of unilateral measure so that Cuba can advance on the path of development, meeting
00:01:58 the sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda.
00:02:03 Mr. President, from the most recent report of the Secretary General, I would like to
00:02:08 highlight the response provided by the Office of the United Nations High Commission of Human
00:02:14 Rights.
00:02:15 It concludes that the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed on Cuba continues
00:02:21 to negatively impact the enjoyment of human rights by the country's population, particularly
00:02:28 the most vulnerable people, and reiterates that when unilateral sanctions are directed
00:02:35 against an entire country or entire economic sectors, it is the most vulnerable people
00:02:41 in that country, the least protected, who will probably be most harmed.
00:02:47 It also specifies that the population of those countries are in no way responsible for the
00:02:53 policies that are the target of those sanctions and, to a greater or lesser extent, have already
00:02:58 been living in a precarious situation for a long time and are not responsible for that.
00:03:04 Also, the Office of the United Nations High Commission of Human Rights gives examples
00:03:10 that illustrate how the embargo particularly affects the rights to health, adequate nutrition,
00:03:18 adequate education of the Cuban people.
00:03:23 Mr. President, Peru does not agree with the imposition of unilateral sanctions of any
00:03:27 kind.
00:03:28 The only legitimate sanctions are those adopted by the Security Council in the context of
00:03:34 the exercise of its powers for the maintenance of international peace and security, in accordance
00:03:40 with Chapter 7 of the Charter.
00:03:43 And even in those cases, such sanctions are clearly delimited.
00:03:49 For example, a couple of weeks ago, the Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 2700,
00:03:57 renewing the sanctions regime against Haiti.
00:04:01 In its preamble, it specified once again that the measures imposed by this resolution are
00:04:07 not intended to have adverse humanitarian consequences for the civilian population and
00:04:14 that their relevance will be examined on an ongoing basis.
00:04:18 The unanimous adoption reflects that for all members of the Security Council, including
00:04:23 its permanent members, it is important to consider the adverse humanitarian consequences
00:04:30 for the civilian population.
00:04:33 That should be a consideration that applies in the case of every state, without any distinction.
00:04:41 In the context of the multiple crises that we are experiencing, any action that affects
00:04:45 directly people's living conditions generates consequences on various levels, and its impact
00:04:56 can be structural, multidimensional, cross-cutting, or can be a multiplier of underlying causes.
00:05:04 Therefore, any measure that has adverse humanitarian consequences for the population of any state
00:05:10 or any nation must be eliminated or suspended immediately.
00:05:16 Mr. President, Peru shares the view of practically the entire international community in considering
00:05:24 that the embargo on Cuba is against the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter,
00:05:30 as well as against international human rights covenants.
00:05:34 Consequently, Peru once again expresses that it will vote in favor of the draft resolution
00:05:41 entitled "The Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo Imposed
00:05:46 by the United States of America against Cuba" as part of a state policy that we have followed
00:05:51 without interruption for more than 30 years.
00:05:54 Thank you very much.
00:05:55 I would like to thank the distinguished representative of Peru and now invite the distinguished representative
00:06:04 of Chile to take the floor.
00:06:18 Mr. President, allow me to begin by congratulating the delegation of Cuba, headed by the Minister
00:06:26 of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Bruno Rodríguez.
00:06:29 I also wish to express my gratitude for the presentation of draft resolution A/78/L.5
00:06:38 on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial, and financial embargo imposed by the United
00:06:47 States of America against Cuba.
00:06:51 In previous years, this resolution has enjoyed the support of the majority of the United
00:06:58 Nations Member States.
00:07:00 Chile is committed to effective multilateralism and, as such, reaffirms its staunch support
00:07:06 for the purposes and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter and international
00:07:12 law.
00:07:13 These principles include the sovereign equality of states, non-intervention and non-interference
00:07:19 in internal affairs, and the freedom of international commerce and navigation.
00:07:27 For more than 30 years in a row, the General Assembly has been adopting, by an overwhelming
00:07:33 majority, resolutions which call for an end to the economic, commercial, and financial
00:07:41 embargo imposed by the United States.
00:07:44 Chile wishes to reaffirm its conviction that the implementation of unilateral, coercive
00:07:51 measures runs counter to international law.
00:07:55 Chile does not agree with the imposition of unilateral sanctions of any kind.
00:08:03 The only legitimate sanctions are those adopted by the Security Council in the exercise of
00:08:10 its authority for the maintenance of international peace and security in accordance with Chapter
00:08:18 7 of the United Nations Charter.
00:08:22 The embargo has created and continues to create shortages, hardship and suffering for all
00:08:31 of the Cuban people.
00:08:32 It stymies and erodes economic and social progress and hinders the fulfillment of development
00:08:39 goals, including those of sustainable development.
00:08:42 Consequently, we lament the fact that the embargo imposed unilaterally against Cuba,
00:08:49 which has remained in force for more than half a century, is still in force today.
00:08:56 With that in mind, the Office of the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations for Operational
00:09:03 Activities in the Development of Cuba in its report dated April 18, 2023, indicated that
00:09:11 the exclusion of Cuba from international financial institutions may constitute its most significant
00:09:19 obstacle to its development and the achievement of the 2030 goals.
00:09:25 Moreover, in accordance with the United Nations Development Programme report dated March 29,
00:09:32 2023, the embargo is having an impact on the most vulnerable groups of the population and
00:09:40 on human development in general.
00:09:42 According to official estimates, the direct and indirect losses that the blockade on the
00:09:49 Cuban economy has inflicted between 1960 and 2022 stand at some $154 billion in current
00:10:01 prices.
00:10:04 Chile is staunchly convinced that it is only through direct dialogue and using multilateral
00:10:11 mechanisms and international law that it will be possible to settle differences between
00:10:18 states.
00:10:19 With this in mind, we reaffirm the need to put an end to the blockade on Cuba, as well
00:10:24 as to the implementation of extraterritorial measures associated with this policy.
00:10:29 We must also end Cuba's inclusion on the list of countries that supposedly sponsor
00:10:36 terrorism.
00:10:37 The listing there exacerbates the impacts of the blockade.
00:10:41 Mr. President, it has clearly emerged over the last 60 years of the implementation of
00:10:46 unilateral coercive measures against Cuba that the Cuban people can still survive.
00:10:53 Thanks to their dignity, perseverance and hope, the economic embargo is an anachronism
00:10:59 from a bygone age and must be ended now once and for all.
00:11:04 Chile will vote in favour of the draft resolution being presented, once again as an expression
00:11:08 of its belief in commitment to the Cuban people.
00:11:12 Thank you.
00:11:13 I would like to thank the distinguished representative of Chile for her statement.
00:11:20 I now give the floor to the distinguished representative of Brazil.
00:11:25 Mr. President, distinguished colleagues, Brazil aligns itself made by St. Vincent of the Grenadines
00:11:46 on behalf of the economic community of Latin American Caribbean states and that made by
00:11:51 Uganda on behalf of the group of 77 in China.
00:11:57 We present this in our national capacity.
00:11:59 I welcome the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, His Excellency Mr. Bruno Rodriguez
00:12:02 Parilla, and I would like to thank the Secretary General for his report A/78/84 on this theme.
00:12:11 My delegation reiterates its firm opposition to the economic, commercial and financial
00:12:16 embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba and the application of extraterritorial
00:12:25 national commercial laws that are discriminatory.
00:12:27 We do not agree with the imposition of unilateral sanctions of any kind.
00:12:31 The only legitimate sanctions are those which are adopted by the Security Council in the
00:12:37 context of its exercise of its competence in regard to maintenance of international
00:12:42 peace and security and in conformity with Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter.
00:12:50 Over many years, we have been asking for the normalization of relations with Cuba by the
00:12:54 government of the United States of America.
00:12:57 Our objection of the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United
00:13:02 States of America against Cuba since 1962 is almost of international consensus.
00:13:10 The sanctions imposed against Cuba have not just generated significant losses for the
00:13:14 country in monetary terms over the last 60 years.
00:13:18 In qualitative terms, it has also affected, without doubt, and continues to affect, the
00:13:23 full enjoyment of the rights of the Cuban people.
00:13:28 It prejudices the poorest people who are affected by these unilateral measures through unemployment.
00:13:38 The embargo is also an obstacle for Cuba's efforts to achieve sustainable development
00:13:44 goals.
00:13:45 Mr. President, the inclusion of Cuba on a list of states sponsoring terrorism of the
00:13:50 United States on January 12, 2021, worsens the impact of the economic embargo.
00:13:58 Putting them on this list lacks any justification, and therefore we call for Cuba to be removed
00:14:04 from this list.
00:14:08 It is the right path to be followed by all countries that are interested in supporting
00:14:12 the development of this island and improving the living conditions of millions of Cuban
00:14:17 citizens.
00:14:20 President Lula, in his opening statement at the 78th General Assembly, said on September
00:14:28 19 that Brazil will continue to denounce any measures that are not supported by the United
00:14:33 States, such as the economic and financial embargo against Cuba and the intention to
00:14:38 list that country as a state co-sponsor of terrorism.
00:14:44 This statement today enhances this important and urgent appeal.
00:14:49 Mr. President, in conclusion, Brazil will vote in favor of the draft resolution 78L5.
00:14:55 Thank you very much.
00:14:56 I would like to thank the distinguished representative of Brazil, and I now invite the distinguished
00:15:03 representative of Barbados to take the floor.
00:15:19 Mr. President, Barbados aligns itself with the statements delivered by Uganda on behalf
00:15:24 of the Group of 77 in China, by Saint Lucia on behalf of the Caribbean community, and
00:15:30 by Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on behalf of CELAC.
00:15:34 The purposes and principles of the United Nations are founded on the respect for sovereign
00:15:40 equality of states, noninterference in their internal affairs, the rights of peoples to
00:15:45 self-determination, the peaceful settlement of disputes, and the maintenance of friendly
00:15:50 relations among states.
00:15:53 The peaceful coexistence of our states and the sustainable development of our peoples
00:15:59 require us all to abide by these principles.
00:16:04 For these reasons, Barbados opposes the imposition of unilateral punitive measures, especially
00:16:11 when they involve the extraterritorial application of legislation that violates international
00:16:17 law and restricts freedom of trade and navigation and the sovereignty and freedom of states.
00:16:24 Barbados views the continued imposition of the economic, commercial, and financial embargo
00:16:30 against the Republic of Cuba to run counter to both the letter and the spirit of the UN
00:16:37 Charter.
00:16:38 Mr. President, the annual report of the Secretary General presents an impressive catalog of
00:16:43 submissions by member states.
00:16:46 These highlight a shared perspective of opposition to the efforts to isolate Cuba, which ultimately
00:16:53 inhibits the development of normal economic and cultural relations, distorts trade and
00:16:58 investment, and impedes legitimate business opportunities among neighboring states.
00:17:05 When my Prime Minister, the Honorable Mia Mor-Motley, delivered her remarks at the recent
00:17:09 G77 and China Summit, which took place in Havana in September of this year, she observed
00:17:17 that the indomitable Cuban spirit continues to shine in spite of 60-plus years of a callous,
00:17:25 cruel, and crippling economic blockade.
00:17:29 Indeed, as part of its submission to the Secretary General's report, the government of Barbados
00:17:34 acknowledged with deep appreciation that, in spite of the blockade, Cuba has provided
00:17:40 invaluable support to the National Health Service of Barbados, including sending under
00:17:45 contract agreement medical personnel to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
00:17:51 Cuba remains a beacon for South-South cooperation.
00:17:56 Mr. President, the combination of all that I have said so far, together with the multiple
00:18:01 times that we and others have expressed these very sentiments both within and outside of
00:18:09 this Assembly, leaves Barbados with no other option than to reiterate, once again, its
00:18:17 call for Cuba to be freed from these harsh and debilitating measures, as well as the
00:18:23 removal of Cuba from the State Department's list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism,
00:18:29 which is equally, if not more, debilitating.
00:18:34 Barbados continues to maintain excellent relations with the United States of America and Cuba.
00:18:40 In this spirit, too, we further urge the government of the United States to engage in a constructive
00:18:46 dialogue with the government of Cuba aimed at normalizing relations.
00:18:52 Such a step would remove a source of tension and conflict and improve the prospects for
00:18:58 peace, development, and cooperation in our region.
00:19:03 In support of these principles of international law and the United Nations Charter, Barbados,
00:19:08 as in previous years, fully supports the draft resolution before the General Assembly entitled
00:19:14 Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United
00:19:20 States of America against Cuba.
00:19:23 We will vote in favor of the adoption of the draft resolution before the General Assembly.
00:19:29 I thank you.
00:19:30 I should like to thank the distinguished representative of Barbados, and I now invite the distinguished
00:19:38 representative of Belize to take the floor.
00:19:46 Mr. President, Belize aligns itself with the statements made earlier by Saint Lucia on
00:20:00 behalf of the Caribbean community, El Salvador on behalf of SICA, and Saint Vincent and the
00:20:06 Guernardines on behalf of the community of Latin American and Caribbean states, as well
00:20:11 as the statements made by Uganda on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and Azerbaijan
00:20:17 on behalf of the Non-Allied Movement.
00:20:19 And we welcome the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, His Excellency
00:20:25 Bruno Rodriguez.
00:20:27 Belize registers again its unequivocal condemnation of the economic, commercial, and financial
00:20:34 embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.
00:20:38 For over three decades, the General Assembly has consistently and with near unanimity called
00:20:44 for the end of the legal, immoral, and unjustified financial, commercial, and trade embargo imposed
00:20:51 on Cuba.
00:20:52 And yet the embargo continues to not only be imposed but intensified by the United States
00:20:58 against Cuba in audacious defiance of the Charter of the United Nations, international
00:21:03 law, and the resounding call of this General Assembly through 30 successive resolutions.
00:21:10 Mr. President, all members of the United Nations have a duty to respect and adhere to the purposes
00:21:16 and principles of the UN Charter, including respect for sovereignty, noninterference,
00:21:22 the peaceful settlement of disputes, and the maintenance of friendly relations among states.
00:21:28 There are no exceptions for violations of international law, and there is no member
00:21:32 state above the law.
00:21:35 The unilateral economic, commercial, and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America
00:21:41 is a clear violation of the Charter and international law.
00:21:45 Extraterritorial applications of third state laws is contrary to the letter and spirit
00:21:51 of the provisions of the Charter and undermines the principles of multilateralism to which
00:21:56 we are all committed.
00:21:58 We furthermore reject the designation of the United States of Cuba on its list of state
00:22:05 sponsors of terrorism, a measure which only serves to exacerbate further and compound
00:22:10 the inhumane consequences of the embargo.
00:22:13 Mr. President, the Secretary General's report A. 7881-84 documents in harrowing details
00:22:21 the impact and cost of the embargo on Cuba.
00:22:24 In one year, the embargo caused estimated losses of over $4.8 billion to the Cuban economy.
00:22:32 The embargo has had the deliberate effect of hindering Cuba's recovery from COVID-19,
00:22:38 frustrating its sustainable development, and isolating it from the international trade
00:22:42 and financial system.
00:22:44 Even more unconscionable were the attempts to deny Cuba access to medical supplies during
00:22:49 the pandemic itself.
00:22:51 Notwithstanding the toll that the embargo has caused Cuba, the Cuban spirit of resilience,
00:22:56 ingenuity, generosity, and brotherhood has characterized its engagement with Belize and
00:23:01 developing countries globally.
00:23:04 Cuba continues to be a force for goodwill and development in our region.
00:23:09 Cuban doctors are an integral part of Belize's health care system.
00:23:13 Many Belizean students receive scholarships for professional training in Cuba in areas
00:23:17 as diverse as medicine, physical education, computer science, mathematics, and veterinary
00:23:23 medicine.
00:23:24 And Cuba continues to provide technical assistance in critical areas, including climate change,
00:23:31 response, and agriculture.
00:23:33 Belize stands in solidarity with Cuba and will vote in support of Resolution L.5.
00:23:39 We reiterate our call for the United States to immediately and unconditionally lift the
00:23:44 embargo it has illegally imposed on Cuba.
00:23:47 I thank you.
00:23:50 I thank the distinguished representative of Belize, and I now invite the distinguished
00:23:55 representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to take the floor.
00:24:09 In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful, Mr. President, I would like to begin
00:24:14 by warmly welcoming His Excellency Bruno Rodriguez Parilla, Honorable Minister for Foreign Affairs
00:24:22 of the Republic of Cuba, to this important meeting.
00:24:26 Iran associates itself with the statement made on behalf of the Group of Friends in
00:24:32 Defense of the Charter of the United Nations, the Group of 77, and China, as well as the
00:24:37 Non-Allowed Movement countries.
00:24:41 We would also like to express our appreciation to the Secretary General for his report which
00:24:47 presents the views of member states condemning the unilateral and extraterritorial economic,
00:24:54 commercial, and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America on Cuba.
00:25:02 Distinguished colleagues, it has been more than 60 years since the United States unilaterally
00:25:08 imposed an illegal and immoral embargo on Cuba.
00:25:13 Its efforts continue to limit the possibility for Cuba's economic growth, curb foreign investment,
00:25:20 hinder trade relations with third countries, and create the maximum possible barriers to
00:25:27 banking and other financial operations.
00:25:31 For all these decades, the blockade paradigm has benefited no one, the governments and
00:25:38 people of Cuba through its decisive vote in favor of the resolution calling for the removal
00:25:47 of the U.S. embargo against the Republic of Iran.
00:25:51 Despite repeated calls by the General Assembly to all states to refrain from promulgating
00:25:57 and applying laws and measures contrary to the purposes and principle of international
00:26:04 law, including the UN Charter, and despite the call to respect the sovereignty of states,
00:26:18 non-intervention, non-interference, and freedom of international trade and navigation, Cuba
00:26:24 is still subject to an illegitimate and immoral embargo that violates its inalienable rights
00:26:32 to development.
00:26:33 Mr. President, the Islamic Republic of Iran categorically opposes the application of any
00:26:40 unilateral restrictive measures against sovereign state members of the United Nations, and would
00:26:47 like to reiterate its position that imposition of such measures runs contrary to the goals
00:26:55 and principles enshrined in the UN Charter.
00:26:59 Further, the extraterritorial extension of those restrictive measures is in direct violation
00:27:05 of legitimate right of other states to fully cooperate with Havana.
00:27:12 Iran has been the target of the United States' unlawful and inhuman sanctions since 1979.
00:27:20 In the past four decades, the rate of unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Iranian people
00:27:27 has potentially increased to the extent that the U.S. has even targeted the import of the
00:27:34 medication and medical equipment.
00:27:37 In addition to the imposition of this unilateral illegal sanction against Iran in gross violation
00:27:44 of its obligation under the UN Charter, as well as the Security Council Resolution 2231/2015,
00:27:53 the U.S. brazenly continues to threaten other states to either violate the said resolution
00:28:00 or face punishment.
00:28:02 The response to the unilateralism lies in heightened solidarity and taking greater collective
00:28:09 action.
00:28:10 Iran will continue working with its partners to create a new environment in which self-respecting
00:28:17 nations can pursue their own interests and fulfill their international obligations.
00:28:23 We will continue to work to offset unlawful U.S. sanctions and irreversibly eliminate
00:28:32 the stabilizing phenomenon of extraterritorial application of its domestic legislation.
00:28:39 The world must find solutions to counter such destructive interventions and unilateralism.
00:28:47 Mr. President, since 1992, when Cuba first introduced this draft resolution to the General
00:28:52 Assembly, the support of people all around the world for the legitimate claims of the
00:28:57 Cuban people has been continuously growing.
00:29:03 In this regard, my country once again expresses its unwavering solidarity with the people
00:29:09 and the governments of Cuba and joins the global call on the United States to immediately
00:29:16 and fully comply with its international obligations as well as to alleviate the application and
00:29:23 enforcement of unilateral coercive measures.
00:29:26 I thank you.
00:29:27 I should like to thank the distinguished representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and I now
00:29:35 invite the distinguished representative of Congo to take the floor.
00:29:40 Thank you, Mr. President.
00:29:57 Congo aligns itself with the statement made by the representative of Uganda on behalf
00:30:03 of G77 in China, as well as that made by Zambia on behalf of the African group.
00:30:08 We wish to make a number of comments in our national capacity.
00:30:12 Mr. President, at the outset, allow me to recall the remarks made from this very rostrum
00:30:20 by Ambassador Hidalgo Basulto, former permanent representative of Cuba, shortly before the
00:30:26 adoption of the first resolution on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial, and financial
00:30:34 embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba on the 24th of November 1992.
00:30:42 He said the embargo is the most serious of the myriad forms of aggression perpetrated
00:30:48 against Cuba by the government of the United States.
00:30:52 The embargo is immoral and unethical.
00:30:55 It is an act which strives systematically to reduce an entire people to hardship and
00:31:00 famine in flagrant violation of their human, political, and social rights.
00:31:08 Almost 31 years later, such remarks still apply as we consider agenda item 38 of the
00:31:19 78th regular session of the General Assembly.
00:31:22 It is devoted to considering this embargo.
00:31:26 Mr. President, it is vital that the interminable embargo imposed on Cuba by the United States
00:31:34 of America be lifted.
00:31:35 It has been in place since the middle of last century, and it needs to be lifted, as was
00:31:41 recognized by the Secretary General himself in the Report A/78/84 that my delegation welcomes.
00:31:49 Indeed, this report states that the continued presence of the financial and commercial embargo
00:31:56 imposed on Cuba by the United States of America, which has now been in force for 60 years,
00:32:01 and Cuba's placement on the list of states that sponsor terrorism, are both incompatible
00:32:07 with an international system based on the rule of law.
00:32:11 Both acts are a clear expression of the wielding of political and economic clout which gravely
00:32:18 undermines human rights, including the right to development.
00:32:23 The harmful effects of these measures are as patently clear as they are unacceptable
00:32:28 under the United Nations Charter and under principles of international law.
00:32:35 Moreover, in addition to the effects aforementioned, the embargo is affecting the crisis following
00:32:43 the COVID-19 pandemic and is exacerbating current economic, financial, and climate crises.
00:32:54 And all of these are placing the well-being of the Cuban people under additional strain.
00:33:00 Mr. President, Congo reiterates its desire to promote stringent adherence to the purposes
00:33:09 and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter.
00:33:12 We call once again for the unconditional lifting of the economic, commercial, and financial
00:33:19 embargo imposed on Cuba by the United States of America.
00:33:23 I thank you.
00:33:24 UNDER SECRETARY GENERAL LUKE CARRINGTON I should like to thank the distinguished representative
00:33:28 of the Congo, and I now call on the distinguished representative of Jamaica to take the floor.
00:33:35 UNDER SECRETARY GENERAL LUKE CARRINGTON Mr. President, let me first express my delegation's
00:33:55 warm welcome and best wishes to His Excellency Mr. Bruno Rodriguez-Padilla, Minister of Foreign
00:34:02 Affairs of the Republic of Cuba.
00:34:06 Jamaica aligns itself with the statements delivered by Saint Lucia on behalf of the
00:34:10 Caribbean community and by Uganda on behalf of G77 and China on the necessity of ending
00:34:18 the economic, commercial, and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against
00:34:25 Cuba.
00:34:27 My delegation thanks the Secretary General of the United Nations for his regular reports
00:34:31 on this important issue and for maintaining a forum for UN member states to articulate
00:34:37 their perspectives on this unilateral policy, which Jamaica continues to believe is in violation
00:34:44 of international law and contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter.
00:34:53 Jamaica values the significance of participating in the discussions under this important agenda
00:34:58 item and continues to join the international community in expressing its unwavering solidarity
00:35:06 with the government and people of the Republic of Cuba on this call for the removal of this
00:35:11 irrelevant and decades-old blockade on Cuba.
00:35:17 The embargo has not only inflicted unnecessary wounds to the Cuban economy but also stifles
00:35:23 the development aspirations and the growth potential of the Cuban people.
00:35:29 Mr. President, Jamaica considers this prolonged blockade against Cuba to be contrary to the
00:35:34 norms and ethos governing friendly relations among states, international trade, and navigation.
00:35:41 It continues to be the main obstacle to the prosperity and to the realization of the genuine
00:35:47 aspirations of the Cuban people.
00:35:50 This blockade has hindered progress on Cuba's national plan for economic and social development
00:35:56 and impeded Cuba's implementation of Agenda 2030 and her attainment of the Sustainable
00:36:02 Development Goals.
00:36:04 The embargo has frustrated efforts by the government of Cuba to contribute to the global
00:36:09 fight against climate change, transnational crime, and poverty.
00:36:14 It has also hampered initiatives aimed at women's empowerment, social protection for
00:36:19 the most vulnerable, and transformation of the economy and society in a constantly changing
00:36:25 global environment.
00:36:28 The embargo against Cuba has stymied economic, commercial, and financial activities, thereby
00:36:34 hindering regular access to bilateral trade, importation of goods, and access to financial
00:36:40 mechanisms through formal and institutional channels.
00:36:44 The embargo has deterred Cuba's effective response to exogenous shocks, including the
00:36:51 impact of health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and global food,
00:36:59 energy, and health crises.
00:37:02 Such crises have had significant negative and lasting effects on women, children, the
00:37:07 elderly, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups in Cuba.
00:37:14 The unmerited inclusion of Cuba on the United States' list of state sponsors of terrorism
00:37:21 further restricts entities from conducting legitimate business with Cuba and deepens
00:37:26 the challenges for third states' engagement with Cuba on trade, investment, developmental
00:37:32 aid, and international cooperation on transnational organized crime and provision of technical
00:37:38 assistance.
00:37:40 Therefore, we continue to express our concerns about the impact of continuing the blockade
00:37:46 and the grave systemic implications of the extraterritorial application of the United
00:37:52 States of America laws regulating transactions, directly or indirectly.
00:37:59 For far too long, the people of Cuba have suffered in an unjustified and undignified
00:38:04 manner as a result of this embargo.
00:38:07 The undue hardship imposed has impacted and affected every facet of life and livelihood
00:38:13 of the Cuban people.
00:38:16 So President, the international community has been seized of this matter since the first
00:38:20 tabling of this resolution at the 46th session of the United Nations General Assembly in
00:38:26 1991.
00:38:28 Every year since 1992, the international community has consistently, profoundly, and resoundingly
00:38:36 expressed support, as is evidenced in the favorable voting outcomes, for the need to
00:38:42 end this blockade against Cuba.
00:38:45 As a peaceful member and development advocate within the international community, Jamaica
00:38:50 welcomed the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States
00:38:55 in 2015, which has served to ease restrictions in a number of areas.
00:39:00 But notwithstanding this positive step in the right direction, we have seen reversals
00:39:05 in the more recent past.
00:39:07 In any event, even those measures were not far-reaching enough and cannot be a substitute
00:39:14 for the lifting of the embargo to allow the Cuban people's access to critical financial
00:39:19 resources, health products and services, inputs for industrial activities, and, importantly,
00:39:27 their right to development.
00:39:29 Mr. President, I will close by reiterating Jamaica's calls for advancing dialogue between
00:39:36 Cuba and the United States.
00:39:39 Jamaica reaffirms its commitment to stand in solidarity with the government and people
00:39:42 of Cuba in concerted efforts with the majority of the members of the United Nations and call
00:39:48 for the removal of the embargo and for the full inclusion of the Republic of Cuba in
00:39:53 the international community.
00:39:55 The benefits and cycle of international development cooperation are upended as long as a member
00:40:02 of the international community is unreasonably deprived of opportunities to contribute to
00:40:07 our collective vision of a safe, just, sustainable, prosperous and progressive world.
00:40:16 Jamaica will therefore vote in favor of the resolution.
00:40:20 I thank you.
00:40:22 I thank the distinguished representative of Jamaica for his statement, and I now invite
00:40:28 the distinguished representative of Egypt to take the floor.
00:40:37 FOREIGN MINISTER AL-JUBEIR, EGYPT (Via interpreter): Mr. President, distinguished delegates, member
00:40:59 states, I would like to align my country with a statement delivered by Uganda on behalf
00:41:03 of the Group of 77 and China.
00:41:06 The statement delivered by Zambia on behalf of the African Group, as well as the statement
00:41:12 delivered by Azerbaijan on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, and the statement of Mauritania
00:41:18 on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
00:41:21 I would like to thank His Excellency the Secretary General for his report on the importance of
00:41:28 the necessity of ending the economic, commercial, and financial embargo imposed by the United
00:41:32 States of America against Cuba.
00:41:35 I would like to reaffirm the steadfast position of Cuba in support of the people and government
00:41:42 of Cuba.
00:41:43 The unilateral coercive measures and the embargo affect negatively and in a very direct manner
00:41:51 very vital sectors of the economy.
00:41:54 These measures have very profound repercussions on the economic and social life of the Cuban
00:42:01 people.
00:42:02 They have a difficulty to access food, medicine, education, and advanced technology.
00:42:09 In this regard, Egypt reiterates the importance of respecting and upholding the principles
00:42:16 and objectives of the Charter of the UN, as well as the international law, and we call
00:42:21 for the respect of the many resolutions of the General Assembly in this regard.
00:42:25 We repeat that the continuity of this embargo is not going to discourage the international
00:42:32 community, which will keep calling for lifting those measures.
00:42:37 In conclusion, we call upon the international community and encourage for the complete lifting
00:42:45 of the sanctions immediately and enable the Cuban people to achieve the objectives of
00:42:51 the sustainable development.
00:42:53 Thank you.
00:43:01 (Applause.)
00:43:29 Mr. President, the Philippines aligns itself with the statements delivered by Singapore
00:43:36 on behalf of ASEAN, by Azerbaijan on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, and by Uganda
00:43:43 on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
00:43:47 For the 31st year, we are witnessing today clear expressions of solidarity with the Cuban
00:43:54 people through an overwhelming support for the resolution on the necessity of ending
00:44:01 the economic, commercial, and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against
00:44:08 Cuba.
00:44:10 The report of the Secretary General clearly shows that the international community once
00:44:16 again supports strongly an end to the six-decade embargo and unjustified sanctions policy.
00:44:26 It is also the 31st consecutive year that the Philippines will support the resolution.
00:44:34 Mr. President, the blockade presents a main obstacle for Cuba's socioeconomic development,
00:44:41 as observed by various UN agencies in the Secretary General's report.
00:44:48 It also poses a serious challenge for Cuba's implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
00:44:55 Development.
00:44:58 It violates international law.
00:45:01 It is contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter.
00:45:08 With cultural and economic ties dating as far back as the Manila-Acapulco-Gallon trade
00:45:15 in the early 16th century, Cuba and its people will always have the support of the Philippines.
00:45:23 The United States should lift the embargo against Cuba unconditionally once and for
00:45:28 all.
00:45:29 Thank you, Mr. President.
00:45:30 I now offer the floor to the Distinguished Representative of Pakistan.
00:45:58 Thank you very much, Mr. President.
00:46:00 At the outset, let me acknowledge the presence of His Excellency, Mr. Bruno Eduardo Rodriguez-Pereira,
00:46:06 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba.
00:46:08 My delegation aligns itself with the statement delivered on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement
00:46:14 and the Group of 77 in China.
00:46:17 Pakistan has an abiding faith in multilateralism.
00:46:20 We believe in the fundamental principles of sovereign equality, non-interference, and
00:46:25 non-intervention as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
00:46:30 We consider that the imposition of unilateral economic measures is counterproductive and
00:46:36 inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international
00:46:41 law.
00:46:42 Both the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly recognize that people should not
00:46:48 be deprived of their own means of subsistence, especially food and medicine.
00:46:53 They also recognize that the extraterritorial application of law, including unilateral coercive
00:46:59 measures that affect international humanitarian law and international human rights law, is
00:47:04 inadmissible.
00:47:06 Such measures are also in contravention of our pledge in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
00:47:12 Development to leave no one behind.
00:47:15 The economic, financial, and commercial embargo severely impacts the lives of all Cuban citizens.
00:47:22 In that regard, we also take note of the report of the Secretary General, which raises similar
00:47:27 concerns.
00:47:28 Ending the embargo would be a significant step towards ameliorating the quality of life
00:47:34 of the Cuban people.
00:47:36 I thank you very much.
00:47:49 >> Mr. President, I would like to thank you for the leadership that you are demonstrating
00:48:03 in the work of this General Assembly, and you could enjoy the support of my country.
00:48:10 My country aligns itself with the statements made by Uganda on behalf of the G77 and China,
00:48:16 and the African group in Zambia, and the statements made by the other groups that we are a member
00:48:25 of.
00:48:26 Mr. President, Gabon is still concerned about the ongoing commercial, economic, and financial
00:48:34 embargo imposed on Cuba by the United States of America.
00:48:39 The scale of its impact is more and more harmful to the Cuban people.
00:48:46 This economic blockade, which has been going on for more than 61 years, is clearly a hostile
00:48:52 act to regional and continental cohesion, and it threatens the Pacific coexistence between
00:49:01 states.
00:49:02 These measures go against international law, the United Nations Charter, and the norms
00:49:09 and principles that govern the peaceful relations between states.
00:49:14 The embargo against Cuba prevents the economic, cultural, and social development of the island,
00:49:22 and it has a negative impact on many sensitive sectors, such as public health, and it affects
00:49:30 the well-being of the Cuban people, and it imposes on these people unacceptable suffering.
00:49:38 This embargo is the main obstacle to the social and economic development of Cuba and to the
00:49:44 implementation of its national development plan, including the development program for
00:49:50 2030.
00:49:51 Gabon reasserts its appeal for the full implementation of United Nations resolutions in favor of
00:50:00 the lifting of the economic, commercial, and financial embargo that has been imposed on
00:50:05 Cuba by the United States of America.
00:50:08 In the same spirit, Gabon calls on the international community to continue in its efforts to support
00:50:14 the normalization of the relations between the two countries.
00:50:18 We are convinced that only the principles of dialogue, cooperation, and solidarity will
00:50:25 contribute to establishing a climate of trust and peace and will promote significant progress
00:50:32 on this issue.
00:50:34 We reiterate our appeal for the unconditional lifting of the economic, financial, and commercial
00:50:40 embargo imposed upon Cuba, and we will support the draft resolution we have before us.
00:50:46 Thank you very much.
00:50:47 I would like to thank the distinguished representative of Gabon for her statement, as indeed for
00:50:56 her sentiments, and I now wish to offer the floor to the plurinational state of Bolivia
00:51:04 for their statement.
00:51:05 Thank you very much, Mr. President.
00:51:23 Allow me to thank the presidency for convening this meeting, which is of interest to the
00:51:31 entire international community.
00:51:33 We welcome to this meeting the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, Bruno
00:51:41 Rodriguez Barria, and we welcome the presence of the entire delegation.
00:51:47 Bolivia aligns itself with the statements made by Uganda on behalf of G77 and China,
00:51:52 by Azerbaijan on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, by St. Vincent and the Guernardines
00:51:58 on behalf of the community of Latin American and Caribbean states, and by Eritrea on behalf
00:52:05 of the Group of Friends in Defense of the United Nations Charter.
00:52:10 We wish to make the following comments in our national capacity.
00:52:14 President, Excellencies, colleagues, allow me at the outset to thank the sister Republic
00:52:23 of Cuba for their unwavering solidarity to the most noble causes of humankind.
00:52:31 Its health, education, and humanitarian aid brigades have been selfless and have been
00:52:40 deployed across the globe.
00:52:43 The peoples of the world have witnessed how 60 years have not been enough to punish a
00:52:51 people united in solidarity.
00:52:53 Moreover, we're seeing the ratcheting up of the economic, commercial, and financial
00:52:59 embargo imposed by the United States of America.
00:53:03 Just think how many lives could have been saved if Cuba had had the freedom and the
00:53:08 opportunity to share with the rest of the world the vaccines which were successfully
00:53:14 developed in Cuban laboratories.
00:53:18 Mr. President, myriad reports from specialized agencies and the report of the Secretary General
00:53:26 demonstrate that the embargo has been the greatest impediment to Cuba's achievement
00:53:31 of the SDGs.
00:53:32 Moreover, the report confirms the international consensus that exists around the need to put
00:53:38 an end to this economic, commercial, and financial embargo which has been illegitimately and
00:53:45 illegally imposed against Cuba.
00:53:47 However, in spite of this international consensus and in spite of the support of the overwhelming
00:53:54 majority of this General Assembly, the aggressor country prefers to ignore and flout the decisions
00:54:00 and resolutions adopted year after year.
00:54:03 This is one more demonstration of the double standards of certain states.
00:54:08 While some countries comply with and uphold international law and multilateralism, others
00:54:14 treat this General Assembly in a disgraceful way.
00:54:18 Mr. President, it is inconceivable and contradictory that the most solidarity-driven country in
00:54:25 the world be included unilaterally and outside the perimeters of international law on the
00:54:32 list of state sponsors of terrorism drawn up by the United States.
00:54:36 This is a flagrant aggression against the Cuban people, an act whose only goal is to
00:54:45 create further suffering through unjust and inhumane sanctions.
00:54:49 There is no valid argument for Cuba's placement on this list.
00:54:53 As such, the plurinational state of Bolivia demands Cuba's immediate removal from this
00:54:58 list.
00:54:59 That will rectify a historic mistake and serve to remedy perhaps irreparable damage against
00:55:06 the Cuban people.
00:55:08 Mr. President, Bolivia is a country that seeks to build a sisterly relationship and cooperation
00:55:12 between peoples and governments, with a view to contributing to mutual understanding, comprehensive
00:55:18 equitable development, the promotion of intercultural coexistence, and all of this with full respect
00:55:23 for the sovereignty of peoples and the independence of states.
00:55:26 It is precisely for this reason that we roundly condemn and reject the implementation of any
00:55:33 policy based on interference or interventionism, and we impose the application of any unilateral
00:55:39 coercive measures which violate the sovereignty, independence, or territorial integrity of
00:55:44 any states.
00:55:46 With this in mind, my country intends to deepen its cooperation with Cuba and other countries
00:55:50 of the world to strengthen sustainable development in all its facets.
00:55:55 As part of that policy, Bolivia's national airline and the strategic public business
00:56:03 that is Bolivian aviation has this week inaugurated commercial flights, direct commercial flights
00:56:12 indeed between Santa Cruz in Bolivia and Havana, Cuba to promote trade, integration, and cultural
00:56:18 exchange between our peoples.
00:56:19 Finally, Mr. President, for the aforementioned reasons, Bolivia supports the resolution that
00:56:24 will be adopted today.
00:56:26 That will add to more than 30 resolutions that have not yet succeeded in putting an
00:56:31 end to the ongoing act of aggression that the brave Cuban people have weathered.
00:56:37 We reaffirm our commitment to continue to work to ensure that sooner rather than later
00:56:42 this aggression against Cuba is put to an end, because nothing weakens multilateralism
00:56:48 more than the fact that a state is able to violate with impunity the human rights of
00:56:53 an entire people.
00:56:55 That act is grounded in military and economic might.
00:56:59 Peoples will never be vanquished when the causes that they fight for are justice, the
00:57:05 defense of life, and the defense of dignity.
00:57:07 Thank you, Mr. President.
00:57:08 I should like to thank the distinguished representative of Bolivia, and I now invite the distinguished
00:57:18 representative of Nicaragua to take the floor.
00:57:37 Thank you very much, Mr. President.
00:57:42 We align ourselves with the statements made by the representatives of Cuba on behalf of
00:57:49 the G77 in China, Azerbaijan on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, and San Vincente
00:57:56 and the Grenadines on behalf of the community of Latin American states, El Salvador on behalf
00:58:03 of the Central American integration system, and that made by Venezuela on behalf of the
00:58:09 group of friends in defense of the United Nations Charter.
00:58:12 We recognize and we thank the foreign minister of Cuba for being with us, Brother Bruno Rodriguez.
00:58:22 The imperialist powers continue to maintain and worsening the unilateral, illegal, coercive,
00:58:28 and arbitrary policy against sovereign peoples and governments, imposing their hegemonic
00:58:35 interests over the priorities of the international community.
00:58:40 They foment wars, blockades, sanctions, and defamatory campaigns.
00:58:47 These are contrary to international law, to the United Nations Charter, and the most basic
00:58:53 principles that should guide the relations of mutual respect, solidarity, dialogue, and
00:58:59 cooperation between states.
00:59:01 The peoples of the entire world have the right to exercise our national sovereignty, our
00:59:07 independence, moving forward in building and developing our own model of political, economic,
00:59:13 social, and cultural development, free from any interventions, threats, or aggressions
00:59:21 from abroad.
00:59:23 In the face of these perverse practices, our developing people are moving towards multipolarity,
00:59:30 confronting the destructive imperialism and neocolonialism that tries to dominate the
00:59:36 planet and humanity.
00:59:39 Thus it is that humanity is creating the conditions to put an end to imperial hegemony.
00:59:45 In this spirit, with its own voice, its own identity, dignity, and shared values, the
00:59:51 international community should move forward to better integration, rejecting and denouncing
00:59:57 all remnants of colonialism.
00:59:59 We are referring to the criminal, economic, commercial, and financial embargo which has
01:00:05 been imposed for more than 60 years on the Brotherhood Republic of Cuba and its unjustified
01:00:11 inclusion in the list of state sponsors of terrorism, and it should be removed from that
01:00:16 list.
01:00:17 The U.S. hegemony has imposed on the heroic people of Cuba an illegal blockade.
01:00:26 This heroic revolutionary brother has resisted for more than 60 decades and is continuing
01:00:32 to resist this corrosive blockade which violates its state institutions, limits its access
01:00:38 to financing for development, weakens its economy, and affects the full enjoyment of
01:00:45 all fundamental rights of an entire people.
01:00:49 Nicaragua, along with all developing countries and the international community as a whole,
01:00:57 rejects these illegal, unilateral, and coercive measures.
01:01:03 This dangerous and stifling blockade of Nicaragua condemns all the hostile policies imposed
01:01:08 by the United States of America against Cuba, the tracking down of financial transactions
01:01:15 and commercial transactions, and the impossibility to issue non-immigrant visas in Havana, intimidation
01:01:22 against companies that provide fuel to the island, and the attempts to frustrate recovery
01:01:29 of the tourist sector following the COVID-19 pandemic, and the campaign to discredit programs
01:01:36 of medical cooperation of Cuba.
01:01:39 Just to mention a few, Cuba has demonstrated that since the 1st of March 2022 to the 28th
01:01:47 of February 2023, the blockade has caused damage to Cuba estimated to be $4.8 billion.
01:01:58 This represents an impact of more than $505 million per month, more than $13 million a
01:02:05 day, and more than $550,000 every hour of this blockade.
01:02:13 The accumulated damage over six decades of this policy has reached $150 billion, $84.3
01:02:22 million.
01:02:24 But even so, in the worst circumstances and the most criminal pressure, Cuba has been
01:02:29 able to overcome the severe COVID-19 pandemic with its own efforts and talents.
01:02:37 It is admirable that Cuba, thanks to its awareness and its fighting revolutionary spirit and
01:02:44 its socialist conviction and commitment with the world, and its unequaled example of international
01:02:50 solidarity, has supported 42 countries and territories in the pandemic since the COVID-19
01:03:00 pandemic was declared in May of 2020 until September 2022.
01:03:05 Fifty-eight Henry Reid specialized Cuban aid brigades worked, and their members joined
01:03:13 more than 28,000 Cuban health professionals who were working in 66 nations as part of
01:03:21 the cooperation medical brigades sent by this brotherly country.
01:03:26 Cuba has been able to resist and establish initiatives so that its own efforts, together
01:03:34 with brother peoples in solidarity, can win this battle, because Cuba's battle is our
01:03:40 battle.
01:03:41 Cuba's victory is our victory.
01:03:45 We also congratulate our Cuban sisters and brothers for an excellent chairmanship of
01:03:52 the group of G77 in China.
01:03:55 134 countries make up this group of countries of the global south.
01:04:01 This is more than two-thirds of the member states of the United Nations, in which 80
01:04:08 percent of the global population lives.
01:04:14 And indeed, at the recent summit of the G77 in China, held in Havana, showed that they
01:04:20 have not been able to kill these imperialists and colonists of the world, have not been
01:04:27 able to kill the fighting spirit and the dignity of the peoples of the world.
01:04:32 Mr. President, the universal consensus of the peoples and government of the world has
01:04:36 demanded an end to this inhuman, illegal, and criminal blockade, which is cruel and
01:04:42 genocidal in nature.
01:04:44 It violates the human rights of an entire people, undermining the efforts of the courageous
01:04:50 Cuban people to implement their national plan of economic and social development for 2030,
01:04:58 as well as achieving the 2030 agenda and the sustainable development goals.
01:05:05 The government of the United States, by failing to implement the 30 resolutions of the General
01:05:11 Assembly, demonstrates its disrespect for international law, the United Nations Charter,
01:05:17 and the political will of the universal consensus of the international community, which demands
01:05:23 an end to this outdated policy against Cuba.
01:05:27 The clear objective of the empire has been to destroy Cuba, to destroy the socialist
01:05:33 model, which is fair, based on solidarity with its people and with the peoples of the
01:05:39 world.
01:05:40 The United States should begin a respectful dialogue to resolve the bilateral issues outstanding
01:05:47 with Cuba on the basis of the equality of states, reciprocity, respect for the sovereignty
01:05:53 and independence of Cuba.
01:05:56 Mr. President, we are fully convinced that international solidarity with Cuba will continue
01:06:03 to be effective and that the General Assembly will condemn today, once again, this criminal
01:06:08 embargo and all the extraterritorial measures which are being implemented against the dear
01:06:18 people of Cuba.
01:06:19 We hope that, once again, there will be the end of the double standards in this General
01:06:24 Assembly and that there will be respect for and implementation of the various UN resolutions
01:06:31 on this issue, that we put an end to this inhuman blockade against Cuba.
01:06:37 Nicaragua, as in previous years, will vote in favor of draft Resolution A78/L5.
01:06:44 And today, this General Assembly will approve universally this resolution submitted by Cuba.
01:06:51 And in that way, we'll be defending multilateralism, the United Nations Charter, seeking to find
01:06:58 understanding, peaceful coexistence between nations, and promoting a culture of peace
01:07:05 that we all talk about and desire.
01:07:07 Thank you very much, Mr. President.
01:07:09 I should like to thank the distinguished representative of Nicaragua for his statement.
01:07:19 I now give the floor to His Excellency Bruno Eduardo Rodriguez Paria, the Minister of Foreign
01:07:26 Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, to introduce the draft Resolution A/78/L5.
01:07:35 Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, the embargo violates the right
01:07:56 to life, the right to health, the right to education, and the well-being of all Cuban
01:08:06 men and women.
01:08:10 Our families feel the effects of this blockade through the fact that shops are lacking goods
01:08:17 and there are long queues, there are excessively high prices, and salaries are devalued.
01:08:23 These are all effects of the blockade.
01:08:25 The Government is making great efforts to ensure that all families are provided with
01:08:32 the basic family food basket of rations.
01:08:35 This is not enough to meet all needs, but it is crucial to the survival of all households.
01:08:43 All families receive this basket, with no exception, at heavily subsidized prices.
01:08:51 This year, to cover the costs of this basket, the Government will have to invest more than
01:08:57 $1.6 billion.
01:08:58 With only one-third of the value of the losses caused by the embargo between March 2022 and
01:09:05 February 2023, these expenses would have been covered.
01:09:14 The blockade deprives our national industry of the funds required to procure agricultural
01:09:21 machinery, animal fodder, parts and spare parts for equipment and the industry as a
01:09:29 whole, as well as other inputs necessary for food production, which is being severely compromised.
01:09:39 Under strict licenses, Cuba is allowed to commercially procure agricultural products
01:09:47 in the United States, but this is subject to draconian and discriminatory limitations
01:09:54 that violate the universally accepted rules of international trade, as well as the freedom
01:10:01 of travel and navigation.
01:10:03 Cuba is forced to buy those products by paying for them in advance and by shipping them on
01:10:09 board of vessels belonging to that nation, which are required to return empty to their
01:10:15 ports of origin.
01:10:18 While across the world, trade is a two-way operation, it flows in two directions.
01:10:29 Cuba is prevented from exporting to the United States and cannot access credit, be these
01:10:36 from private institutions or granted by multilateral financial institutions.
01:10:43 Cuban families suffer blackouts, which at times have been overwhelming.
01:10:53 Where the energy and mining sector is concerned, the damage over the last year exceeds $491
01:11:03 million.
01:11:05 The primary source of those losses lies in the national electricity sector.
01:11:18 They have weathered more than $200 million in losses.
01:11:23 We could have guaranteed the supply and vital spare parts to avoid blackouts and guarantee
01:11:35 the functioning of our electric industry and our power plants.
01:11:41 Public people, including children, elder persons, pregnant women, are damaged by the lack or
01:11:52 choppy supply of medicines and doctors.
01:11:57 They are deprived from chemotherapy and treatment for heart disease.
01:12:02 People face difficulties on a daily basis to acquire insulin, antibiotics, painkillers,
01:12:12 hypertensive medication and other primary medications.
01:12:17 Our country is able to produce more than 60% of its core medications.
01:12:28 These levels of production have not been guaranteed during this period in which we have seen the
01:12:37 blockade ratcheted up because of the cunning blow dealt to our finance sector.
01:12:43 Cuba is presented with equipment, technologies, medical devices and end-use pharmaceuticals
01:12:57 and is forced to acquire them at exorbitant prices by intermediaries or to replace them
01:13:07 with less effective generic drugs, even for newborns and sick children.
01:13:15 With the consent of the family, I share with you the deep sorrow of the situation facing
01:13:26 Maria, a Cuban girl of only six years old.
01:13:33 She had to undergo surgery for the partial removal of an intracranial grade 4 tumour.
01:13:46 She has received the alternative chemotherapy treatment required to shrink the tumour, but
01:13:55 it was impossible to treat her with limustine, a US-manufactured drug which Cuba cannot access
01:14:02 due to the blockade.
01:14:05 This and other medications are first-line treatments for these high-grade tumours that
01:14:15 affect the central nervous system, but limustine is the most effective treatment among them
01:14:20 and Cuba cannot access it.
01:14:22 Right now, this young patient is in relapse and is now being subjected to a so-called
01:14:32 rescue chemotherapy treatment.
01:14:34 For her, as for other Cuban children, the blockade continues to mark the difference
01:14:39 between life and death.
01:14:44 Yadier and Abel are two 14-year-old teenagers.
01:14:50 They suffer from cerebral palsy.
01:14:55 This condition causes spasticity that impairs their motor function and causes involuntary
01:15:04 movements which they cannot control and that makes their everyday life difficult.
01:15:14 The dedication of their teachers and of the other professionals who have supported them
01:15:20 over all these years has allowed these teenagers to recover their motor, intellectual and communication
01:15:30 skills as far as possible and they have been fully integrated into society.
01:15:35 However, how different could the lives of Yadier and Abel have been if Cuba were not
01:15:43 prevented from directly acquiring on the US market the type A botulinum toxin, an injectable
01:15:52 drug that would prevent their spasms?
01:15:55 It has encouraging results in this type of patients.
01:16:02 As occurs in many other similar cases, these teenagers became direct victims of the merciless
01:16:09 harassment of Cuba.
01:16:12 The US government is lying when it asserts that the blockade does not prevent access
01:16:21 to medicines or medical equipment.
01:16:25 At the most difficult points of the COVID-19 pandemic, when cases peaked and our intensive
01:16:34 care units were overcrowded and exceeding capacity, Cuba was not allowed to import ventilators
01:16:45 on the pretext that European companies supplying those machines were subsidiaries of US companies.
01:16:56 That fact is without a doubt a cruel and inhumane act and a gross violation of the rules of
01:17:06 commerce and international law.
01:17:10 Cuba therefore had to develop its national production of ventilators using prototypes.
01:17:18 It itself had developed.
01:17:20 The extreme cruelty of the blockade was laid brutally bare when our main medical oxygen
01:17:30 plant went out of order, when the number of COVID-19 cases in our country was peaking.
01:17:43 Two US companies tried to supply medical oxygen to Cuba, and that demonstrated that there
01:17:51 was a need for the US government to grant a special license for that transaction, even
01:17:57 during the pandemic.
01:18:01 Cuba also has evidence proving the machinations of the US government designed to prevent companies
01:18:11 of two Latin American countries from selling medical oxygen to our country.
01:18:18 The blockade created difficulties with and delayed the import and arrival in Cuba of
01:18:26 other inputs and medical equipment vital to tackle the COVID-19 virus and vital particularly
01:18:38 for scaling up the production of Cuban vaccines.
01:18:41 During the pandemic, the US government applied temporary humanitarian exemptions to countries
01:18:49 that are victims of its unilateral coercive measures and other sanctions.
01:18:54 I ask you now, why was Cuba excluded from that temporary humanitarian relief?
01:19:03 The truth is that the US government opportunistically used COVID-19 as an ally in its hostile policy
01:19:15 against Cuba.
01:19:17 The blockade can constitute, indeed constitutes, a crime of genocide in accordance with the
01:19:28 Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of this Offence, as clearly established under
01:19:33 Articles 2B and C. The wicked decision to ratchet up the blockade to unprecedented levels
01:19:40 at that particular time during the pandemic and to take advantage of the global economic
01:19:46 crisis resulting from the pandemic to promote destabilization in the country clearly reveals
01:19:55 the profoundly cruel and inhumane nature of that policy.
01:20:03 The feat of saving and preserving the lives of our compatriots under such difficult circumstances
01:20:10 was only made possible by the efforts deployed by the government and all of our people over
01:20:20 decades to build a robust health and science system.
01:20:27 This system is profoundly humanist in vocation.
01:20:30 It's high quality and accessible to all Cuban men and women at no cost.
01:20:37 Despite the fact that caring for human beings has been and will continue to be the highest
01:20:44 priority of the Cuban government, it cannot be denied that the blockade is having a huge
01:20:51 impact on the quality of life and services offered to the people.
01:20:57 Mr. President, for more than six decades, Cuba has resisted a ruthless economic, commercial
01:21:07 and financial blockade.
01:21:09 More than 80% of our current population has known nothing other than a Cuba under blockade.
01:21:19 The U.S. government has not let up in its efforts to deprive our country from the crucial
01:21:29 financial revenues they require.
01:21:31 They have not ceased to lower the living standards of our people or to impose a continued shortage
01:21:38 of foodstuff, medicines and other basic inputs.
01:21:41 They have not let up in efforts to bring about an economic collapse.
01:21:45 Viciously and with surgical precision, the U.S. government is attacking the most delicate
01:21:51 sectors of the economy.
01:21:54 It deliberately intends to inflict the greatest possible damage on Cuban families.
01:21:59 The blockade is an act of economic warfare in times of peace.
01:22:05 It aims to lay waste to the government's capacity to meet the needs of its people.
01:22:12 It aims to create a situation of ungovernability and to destroy the constitutional order.
01:22:21 These objectives were clearly described in the infamous memorandum written by the Deputy
01:22:30 Assistant Secretary of State, Lester Mallory, on April 6, 1960.
01:22:35 That memorandum was declassified several years later.
01:22:39 Now I quote, "Every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic
01:22:46 life of Cuba, denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages,
01:22:55 to bring about hunger, desperation and to overthrow the government."
01:23:04 That is the nature of and those are the goals pursued by the economic coercion and maximum
01:23:15 pressure policy being implemented by the current U.S. administration against Cuba.
01:23:21 Those have been its goals since the very beginning.
01:23:24 The conduct of the United States is absolutely unilateral and unjustified.
01:23:30 There is no single measure or action being taken by our country to damage the United
01:23:36 States or to harm its powerful economy or its commercial activity.
01:23:45 There is not one action being taken by Cuba which jeopardizes the independence of the
01:23:52 United States or its national security.
01:23:55 There's no single action being taken by Cuba which undermines its sovereign rights, which
01:23:59 seeks to interfere in its internal affairs or which aims to damage the well-being of
01:24:04 its citizens.
01:24:05 It is neither legal nor ethical for the government of a major power to subject a small nation
01:24:12 for decades to ceaseless economic warfare in the interest of imposing a political system
01:24:20 on it which is alien to it and to once again take hold of its resources.
01:24:25 It is unacceptable to deprive an entire people of the right to peace, self-determination,
01:24:32 development and human progress.
01:24:37 The Cuban people is not the only people suffering the terrible consequences of an illegal, cruel
01:24:47 and inhumane policy.
01:24:49 There are many others in this world who are also the victims of this injustice and of
01:24:57 the philosophy of dispossession which leads to the philosophy of war, as was denounced
01:25:04 by our Commander-in-Chief, Fidel Castro Ruiz, from this rostrum in 1960.
01:25:11 At this tragic juncture, I reiterate Cuba's full support for and solidarity with the brotherly
01:25:20 people of Palestine currently being massacred on their own illegally occupied land.
01:25:31 But these barbaric acts must stop.
01:25:35 The US authorities have tried to sow the idea that the Cuban government is ineffective and
01:25:44 that our system is failing.
01:25:48 They have cynically claimed that they support the Cuban people and they intend to make others
01:25:55 believe that the unilateral coercive measures that they impose do not affect families.
01:26:03 They intend to make people believe that they are not a significant factor in the difficulties
01:26:07 faced by Cuba's national economy.
01:26:10 It is clear that the blockade is not responsible for all the problems today facing our country.
01:26:17 That has been stated by President Miguel Diaz-Canel.
01:26:22 But anyone denying its very serious effects or failing to recognize that it is the main
01:26:31 cause of the desperate deprivation, scarcity and hardships suffered by the Cuban families
01:26:37 would be failing to tell the truth.
01:26:41 Those who deny that the blockade is a massive, flagrant and systematic violation of the human
01:26:46 rights of our people, as well as the biggest obstacle to our development, would be lying.
01:26:54 Let us look at facts and review some data.
01:27:00 Between March 1, 2022 and February 28, this year, the damage caused by the blockade has
01:27:11 been estimated by conservative calculations to stand at $4.867 billion.
01:27:19 That figure accounts for damages that are higher than $405 million a month, and that
01:27:27 amounts to more than $13 million in losses per day.
01:27:31 Had the blockade not existed, Cuba's GDP would have grown by 9% in 2022.
01:27:39 At current prices, the accumulated effects of the blockade after more than 60 years now
01:27:47 surpass $159 billion.
01:27:51 If we base these calculations on the value of gold, the figure amounts to some $1,337,000,000,000.
01:28:04 These are figures extraordinary for any economy in the world, and even more extraordinary
01:28:10 for a small island-developing nation such as ours.
01:28:15 What would Cuba be like today if it had been able to use these resources?
01:28:21 As of the second half of 2019, the U.S. government has strengthened the siege around our country
01:28:31 to an extreme measure.
01:28:33 It's more perverse and harmful.
01:28:36 It's adopted wartime measures to try to prevent fuel supplies for arriving in Cuba.
01:28:44 It strengthened the attacks against Cuba's international medical cooperation.
01:28:49 It's increased the persecution of Cuba's commercial and financial transactions in other
01:28:55 markets, and it's tried to threaten investors and commercial entities in the third countries
01:29:04 with the extraterritorial implementation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act.
01:29:13 There is also a list of Cuban restricted entities which affect most of our companies, and curiously,
01:29:25 there is a list of prohibited accommodations among many other prohibitions and restrictions.
01:29:36 In a globalized international economy, it's not just absurd, but it's also criminal to
01:29:42 continue to prohibit the export to Cuba of articles manufactured in any country containing
01:29:51 at least 10% of U.S. components, and also to prevent the import into the United States
01:30:00 of products manufactured in third countries if they contain some raw materials, intangible
01:30:10 or components that come from Cuba.
01:30:15 What would have happened to other economies, including in rich countries, if they had been
01:30:23 subjected to similar conditions?
01:30:29 Mr. President, the United States is strengthening its mechanisms to harass Cuba in the banking
01:30:35 and financial sectors.
01:30:37 It maintains the prohibition to use American dollars and the ceaseless and obsessive tracking
01:30:45 of financial and commercial transactions in other currencies, in areas such as trade and
01:30:52 investments.
01:30:53 The persecution has been further strengthened after the arbitrary inclusion of Cuba in the
01:31:01 State Department's unilateral list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism.
01:31:09 This was a lethal measure imposed by the former Republican administration only nine days before
01:31:18 leaving the White House.
01:31:20 The current president could have amended that just tomorrow with a signature.
01:31:31 The U.S. government is lying and is severely hampering international efforts to combat
01:31:39 terrorism when it accuses Cuba, without any grounds for doing so, of being a country that
01:31:47 sponsors that scourge.
01:31:48 There isn't a single valid or reasonable argument to keep Cuba on that spurious list.
01:31:56 It's an inadmissible action against a specific nation that has been itself a victim of terrorism
01:32:03 and that is still suffering today the incitement to violence and terrorist acts from the U.S.
01:32:12 territory and whose behavior of firmly rejecting and persecuting all forms of manifestations
01:32:20 of terrorism is impeccable and should be recognized.
01:32:26 The effects of this are particularly harmful in the context of a global economy that is
01:32:34 becoming more and more interconnected, interdependent, and more than anything else, subject to the
01:32:41 dictates of the powerful financial centers that are controlled by Washington.
01:32:49 Based on this arbitrary accusation, the U.S. authorities are extorting hundreds of banking
01:32:56 and financial entities all over the world and they force them to make the choice between
01:33:03 continuing to maintain relations with the United States or maintaining their relations
01:33:07 with Cuba.
01:33:10 Between January 2021 and February 2023, there was a total of 909 actions reported by foreign
01:33:20 banks that had refused to offer their services to our country.
01:33:28 Dozens of Cuban diplomatic missions abroad have lost contact with their traditional banks
01:33:36 and currently they do not have any bank account nor do they enjoy any financial services.
01:33:42 This has occurred even in countries that develop friendly and cooperative relations with our
01:33:49 country and which have consistently rejected the economic blockade but have become victims
01:33:57 of the extraterritorial power of U.S. hostility, its harmful and disproportionate influence
01:34:05 on the international financial system, and its determination to undermine the Cuban economy.
01:34:16 Falsely qualifying Cuba in this way, which says that it's a so-called risk, is forcing
01:34:22 Cuba to pay as much as twice the cost of any commodity on the world market.
01:34:32 Cuban entrepreneurs, whom the United States cynically claims to support, are often denied
01:34:41 access to platforms of e-commerce and payment platforms, including PayPal and Airbnb.
01:34:49 They are not even allowed to open personal bank accounts just for being Cuban.
01:34:57 In third countries, they have met banking restrictions and have suffered discrimination
01:35:04 as a result of the effects of the blockade.
01:35:12 Not even academic scientific training escapes the effects of this absurd policy.
01:35:21 Evelio is a 25-year-old Cuban youth. He's currently studying information science engineering.
01:35:34 With the support of his university, he was ready to share with students from other countries
01:35:41 the results of his scientific research, and he decided to attend in person the World Congress
01:35:51 on Undergraduate Research. This is an international scientific event, and it was held from the
01:35:58 4th to the 6th of April of 2023 at the University of Warwick in the UK.
01:36:08 He was admitted as a participant due to the quality of his research. However, shortly
01:36:15 afterwards the organizers of the event informed him that given Cuba's inclusion in the list
01:36:22 of countries under sanctions, the funding for his in-person attendance would be withdrawn.
01:36:33 He hoped to see an end to the blockade because, as is the case with thousands of other Cuban
01:36:39 youths, this policy excludes and discriminates him, and they prevent them from interacting
01:36:45 on an equal footing in academic and scientific communities.
01:36:54 Athletes and artists from Cuba who suffer from discrimination and sometimes abuse should
01:37:05 receive the same income that go along with their medals and prizes.
01:37:13 Mr. President, the blockade restricts the rights of Cubans residing in the United States.
01:37:22 It hampers family reunification by means of regular mechanisms and visas. It does not
01:37:29 allow traveling visas to be granted in Cuba and hinders the sending of remittances. It
01:37:38 also provokes uncertainty when people are seeking personal development in other countries,
01:37:48 including the families of young people who are highly qualified. However, the increase
01:37:57 of Cuban migration, with its painful cost for families and adverse demographic and economic
01:38:06 consequences for our nation, is directly linked to the tightening of the blockade and also
01:38:17 the privileged treatment given for purely political reasons to Cuban migrants who arrive
01:38:24 on the U.S. borders regardless of how they reach that border.
01:38:32 It is impossible to understand the nature of the migratory flows of Cuban citizens in
01:38:39 countries of the region heading for the United States without considering the importance
01:38:45 of these factors, which are being used for the purpose of destabilization, brain drain
01:38:53 and bringing about discredit for Cuba. Its unfavorable impact on some countries in our
01:39:01 area is also clear when we see that the Cuban migrants are considered as irregular migrants
01:39:09 and use unsafe and dangerous routes or become victims of organized crime. Cuba will also
01:39:17 always advocate for a regular, safe and orderly migration. It is up to your government, the
01:39:27 U.S. government, to modify the structural causes of much of Cuban migration, whether
01:39:35 it be regular or irregular. However, the blockade hampers the U.S. citizens' freedom to travel
01:39:48 to Cuba. It interferes with their right to freedom of information and to form their own
01:39:57 opinion. It also discriminates against, intimidates and deprives the automated visa system known
01:40:08 as ESTA to citizens from other countries who enjoy that privilege simply because they had
01:40:18 visited Cuba. Mr. President, the tightening economic siege has been accompanied by a sustained
01:40:31 communication and information media campaign against Cuba. New information technologies
01:40:39 and other digital platforms are being used to try to capitalize on the shortages caused
01:40:45 by the blockade and portray an absolutely false image of the reality in Cuba. And it's
01:40:52 seeking to destabilize and discredit the country. The media crusade, particularly from toxic
01:41:01 platforms funded and based in the U.S. territory, is aimed at encouraging discontent, creating
01:41:12 the perception of a domestic political crisis, discrediting government institutions and minimizing
01:41:21 the huge efforts made by the country to cope with the challenges of an economy under blockade.
01:41:31 This is a non-conventional cognitive warfare to which the United States publicly and notoriously
01:41:40 allocates funds that are worth millions from the federal budget and also using other undercover
01:41:48 funds. It is a perverse plan. It's incompatible with democracy, freedom and the right to information
01:41:59 that they supposedly advocate. Mr. President, the current United States government is ensuring
01:42:10 the continuity of the humane policy established under the administration headed by President
01:42:16 Donald Trump and paradoxically has embraced that policy. In fact, they have maintained
01:42:23 intact and imply severely the laws and regulations that support this policy, including the most
01:42:34 hostile and inhumane. The blockade has reached extreme levels and continues to be the central
01:42:43 element defining U.S. policy towards Cuba. The extraterritorial impact of the blockade
01:42:53 harms the sovereignty of the countries that you, you all represent, distinguished delegates.
01:43:02 It infringes upon your national legislations. It submits you to the decisions of U.S. courts.
01:43:10 It affects the interest of your companies and sanctions your entrepreneurs and restricts
01:43:18 the freedom of your citizens. And all this is in violation of international law. More
01:43:28 than six decades have elapsed since the time when this General Assembly annually has been
01:43:34 calling for an end to the blockade on Cuba. However, the express will of the international
01:43:42 community is disrespected. It's unheeded by the government of the biggest economic, financial
01:43:49 and military power. It's unacceptable, not permissible to ignore with impunity the successive
01:43:59 resolutions of this body, which is the most democratic and representative, the United
01:44:05 Nations. On behalf of the Cuban people, I appreciate the statements against the blockade
01:44:13 made by heads of state and government, as well as high dignitaries from 44 countries
01:44:21 during the general debate of this session. Twenty-one of those countries explicitly condemned
01:44:29 Cuba's arbitrary inclusion in the unilateral and fraudulent list of state sponsors of terrorism.
01:44:41 We express our appreciation and gratitude to the many delegations who expressed that
01:44:48 position in yesterday's and this morning's sessions. I also deeply appreciate the statements
01:44:57 of fraternal assistance from our compatriots, from the broad and universal movement in solidarity
01:45:04 with Cuba and the many friends we have in various latitudes. We are encouraged to enjoy
01:45:13 the growing support of persons of goodwill who throughout the world are demanding that
01:45:19 an end be placed to this blockade. Despite the hostility of the U.S. government, we will
01:45:29 continue to build bridges with the people of the United States, as we do with all peoples
01:45:36 of the world. We will strengthen more and more our links with Cuban emigres residing
01:45:44 abroad. We will soon host the fourth national immigration conference that will contribute
01:45:53 to strengthening the dialogue between the Cuban government and our compatriots. Mr.
01:46:01 President, the colossal challenges that we face do not frighten us. The Cuban people
01:46:08 will never cease in their efforts to honor, exalt, and defend their free and sovereign
01:46:17 homeland. We will continue our efforts, which is transformative and revolutionary, seeking
01:46:25 way outs of the siege imposed by U.S. imperialism, as well as ways to achieve towards prosperity
01:46:34 with social justice and support the transformation of our communities and support and broaden
01:46:43 our social programs. We will continue to guarantee the increased participation of our young people
01:46:52 and all our citizens in the political, economic, social, and cultural processes of our nation.
01:47:03 No other people has been forced to engage in a development project in such conditions
01:47:10 and such systematic and long-lasting hostility by a superpower. But Cuba will continue to
01:47:20 renew itself. It will build a sovereign, independent, socialist, democratic, prosperous, and sustainable
01:47:32 nation. Mr. President, Your Excellencies, Distinguished
01:47:38 Delegates, In short, upon exercising your vote, you will not just be deciding a matter
01:47:45 of vital interest for Cuba and each Cuban family. Your vote in favor of the draft resolution
01:47:55 that has been presented will also be an expression in support of reason and justice, and it will
01:48:04 be an act of support to the United Nations Charter and to international law. On behalf
01:48:12 of our noble, dignified, and fraternal people who, for a long time now, decided to become
01:48:20 masters of their own history and their future, on behalf of the millions of Cuban men and
01:48:26 women who resist and create on a daily basis against the most cruel and long-lasting unilateral
01:48:37 coercive measures system ever applied against any country and which should be abolished
01:48:43 once and for all, for the good of all, I respectfully ask you to vote in favor of draft resolution
01:48:51 A/R/78/L5 entitled "The Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo
01:49:05 Imposed by the United States of America against Cuba." We are better without a blockade.
01:49:13 We are better without genocidal blockade. Let Cuba live without blockade. Thank you
01:49:19 very much.
01:49:20 (Applause)
01:49:39 I should like to thank the distinguished Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba for his statement.
01:49:49 We have heard the last speaker in the debate on this item. The Assembly will now take a
01:49:57 decision on draft resolution A/78/L5 entitled "Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial,
01:50:11 and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America against Cuba." A recorded
01:50:20 vote has been requested. We shall now begin the voting. Those in favor of draft resolution
01:50:31 A/78/L5, please signify. Those against, abstentions.
01:50:47 The General Assembly is now voting on draft resolution A/78/L5 entitled "Necessity of
01:50:59 Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America
01:51:06 against Cuba." Will all delegations confirm that their votes are accurately reflected
01:51:12 on the screen?
01:51:21 The voting has been completed.
01:51:26 You're watching live the plenary session of the UN General Assembly as the voting is
01:51:32 now underway on the session that is focused on the need to put an end on the US embargo
01:51:40 on Cuba. We witness today an overwhelming majority of the nations represented at the
01:51:46 organism who have expressed themselves in favor of the resolution to end the unilateral
01:51:53 embargo, and we now have the voting results. At the images, we have 187 countries who have
01:52:05 voted in favor of lifting the US embargo on Cuba. This is, of course, the result of the
01:52:16 overwhelming majority of countries who have expressed throughout the day and yesterday
01:52:22 as well at this UN plenary session the need to lift this coercive unilateral measures
01:52:32 who have been imposed on the island nation for over 60 years. Let's recall we are now
01:52:44 witnessing the vote has already been had on the need to lift the US embargo on Cuba. This
01:52:55 is a draft presented by the Cuban nation and 187, an overwhelming majority of the countries
01:53:03 have voted in favor of lifting the blockade with only two countries voting against and
01:53:14 one country abstaining from the vote. Earlier today and yesterday, representatives from
01:53:27 worldwide nations expressed their rejection of the unilateral measures against Cuba and
01:53:33 the Cuban people which they deemed arbitrary and hypocritical.
01:53:38 >> We are inviting our students to study in Cuba and sending doctors and specialists to
01:53:46 work in our country's health centers. In addition to the health sector, we have also had in
01:53:54 place a cooperation project in the area of youth sports, art and culture which allows
01:54:03 us to send our students and sports athletes for training and to study in Cuba. Mr. President,
01:54:12 the vote we cast today in support of this draft resolution represents our great concern
01:54:18 over the adverse effects of this embargo on the well-being of the peoples of Cuba. We
01:54:27 are of the view that the embargo prevents the peoples of Cuba from fully enjoying their
01:54:32 human rights, including the rights to development as it undermines the efforts of Cuba in achieving
01:54:41 the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Mr. President, as described in the report
01:54:48 of the UN Secretary General on the draft resolution, the embargo has affected the full potential
01:54:55 of Cuba to be a more active actor in international trade and development and international cooperation.
01:55:04 In addition, we have also come to the understanding that the embargo has directly and indirectly
01:55:11 affected the critical sectors of the Cuban economy, including public health, nutrition,
01:55:18 agriculture, as well as investment, tourism and banking. Therefore, Timor-Leste joins
01:55:26 all the delegations here in calling for the lifting of the embargo, which will help the
01:55:32 peoples of Cuba to fully enjoy their human rights, including the right to development
01:55:38 in accordance with the UN Charter and the international law. I thank you, Mr. President.
01:55:44 The Vice President (Mr. Blinken) I would like to thank Timor-Leste.
01:55:52 And I now give the floor to the delegation of Sri Lanka.
01:55:56 Sri Lanka voted in favor of the draft resolution A/78L5 entitled "The Necessity of Ending
01:56:09 the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo" imposed by the United States of America against
01:56:14 Cuba. In keeping with past practice, this Assembly adopted, with an overwhelming majority,
01:56:21 the call to lift the blockade against Cuba. It is not difficult, Mr. President, to discern
01:56:26 the rationale. A cursory perusal of the United Nations Secretary General's report, A/78/84,
01:56:35 provides the answers. For 30 years, the General Assembly has been calling for an end to the
01:56:41 economic embargo the United States has imposed on Cuba since 1962. If sanctions have only
01:56:48 created hardships and collective suffering to a population, what justification, we ask,
01:56:54 can there be to continue a policy of repression?
01:56:58 Mr. President, it is said that universal coercive sanctions can have unintended consequences
01:57:05 and negative humanitarian impacts. As clearly seen in the Cuban scenario, universal coercive
01:57:11 sanctions harm the civilian population more than the intended targets, leading to increased
01:57:18 poverty, unemployment, and a lack of access to essential goods and services. It is also
01:57:24 said that sanctions can undermine diplomatic efforts and hinder dialogue, making it more
01:57:31 difficult to find peaceful resolutions to a conflict. Mr. President, unilateral sanctions
01:57:37 and secondary sanctions aimed at universalizing the sanctions regime have been the most difficult
01:57:43 aspects of any sanctions regime, aimed at alleviating such sanctions to one of collective
01:57:49 sanctions. Unilateral sanctions have never achieved the same status as collective sanctions
01:57:55 without exaggerated claims to jurisdiction. It is a fact that countries perceive the implications
01:58:01 of sanctions regimes differently from one another. If one looks at the bigger picture
01:58:07 carefully, unilateral sanctions have not had their desired effect. It is, therefore, time,
01:58:14 we say, to reexamine the continuation of the sanctions against Cuba and withdraw them.
01:58:19 We call on all those concerned to lift the imposition of unilateral coercive measures
01:58:25 that are not authorized to relevant organs of the United Nations and are inconsistent
01:58:30 with the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. My delegation
01:58:36 is of the considered view that the potential drawbacks of these sanctions outweigh the
01:58:41 intended objectives. It must also be observed that the target entities find ways to circumvent
01:58:48 the sanctions or find alternative allies which renders New Guettari the very purpose of imposing
01:58:54 such sanctions. Mr. President, we must all remind ourselves of the fact that the imposition
01:59:00 of universal coercive sanctions have been of little help and relatively ineffective
01:59:06 in maintaining a conducive global order, improve the respect for human rights, and prevent
01:59:13 the escalation of conflicts globally. The continued sanctions on Cuba against this backdrop
01:59:19 appears misplaced and irrational. It is, therefore, time, we say, to revisit the continuation of
01:59:26 the sanctions against Cuba with a view to their final withdrawal. I thank you, Mr. President.
01:59:33 I should like to thank the distinguished representative of Sri Lanka and now invite the distinguished
01:59:42 representative of Solomon Islands to take the floor.
01:59:47 Mr. President, at the outset, my delegation acknowledges the presence of the Minister
01:59:52 of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Mr. Bruno Rodriguez-Pereira, and thank the Secretary General for the report
01:59:58 on Cuba, highlighting the impacts of the embargo on Cuba. My delegation aligns itself with
02:00:05 the statement made by the distinguished delegate of Uganda on behalf of the Group of 77 in
02:00:12 China.
02:00:13 Mr. President, Solomon Islands voted in favour of the resolution as a reaffirmation of our
02:00:19 support for Cuba and the cessation of the economic, commercial, and financial embargo
02:00:25 on Cuba. The embargo on Cuba is not in the spirit of the United Nations and goes against
02:00:33 the principles of the United Nations Charter. As member states, we are duty-bound to uphold
02:00:39 the commitment to the purposes, principles, and the spirit of the Charter of the United
02:00:44 Nations, particularly regarding the sovereign equality of states, non-interference in states'
02:00:51 internal affairs, and freedom of international trade and navigation.
02:00:56 Mr. President, the unilateral embargo on Cuba over six decades denies Cubans the right to
02:01:02 trade, access to goods, critical and medical supplies, and violates Cuba's inalienable
02:01:08 right to development. Nor does it reflect our unified aspirations to achieve the 2030
02:01:15 Agenda or the Sustainable Development Goals, which we collectively pledge not to leave
02:01:21 anyone behind.
02:01:23 Mr. President, Solomon Islands does not support the imposition of unilateral action or measures
02:01:29 that perpetuate negative impact on the well-being of the people of another state. We therefore
02:01:35 join the UN community in calling for the immediate removal of the embargo to restore faith in
02:01:42 observing international law and the respect for United Nations principles.
02:01:48 With the near-unanimous support by the General Assembly on the resolution again today, we
02:01:56 encourage the United States to reconsider its decision on the embargo in the spirit
02:02:01 of goodwill and engage in enhanced dialogue and constructive consultation with Cuba.
02:02:09 Mr. President, Solomon Islands acknowledges with sincere appreciation Cuba's partnership
02:02:14 and commitment to South-South cooperation and its contribution to the international
02:02:18 community despite these imposed measures. As a close bilateral partner, Cuba has trained
02:02:25 more than 100 of our medical doctors that are now saving lives around the country.
02:02:31 We remain resolved in our stand with Cuba, as we have done in the past, until the ending
02:02:36 of the economic, commercial and financial embargo on Cuba.
02:02:41 I thank you, Mr. President.
02:02:42 I should like to thank the distinguished representative of the Solomon Islands, and I now invite the
02:02:49 distinguished representative of Indonesia to take the floor.
02:02:55 Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. President, Indonesia reiterates its opposition
02:03:02 to the unilateral coercive measures with external effect on the sovereignty of other states
02:03:09 and reiterates the legitimate interests of entities or persons under their jurisdiction
02:03:16 and the freedom of trade and navigation. The prolonged imposition of the unilateral
02:03:23 economic, commercial and financial embargo by the United States against Cuba clearly
02:03:30 violates the UN Charter principles of sovereignty of states, non-interference and non-intervention.
02:03:40 It also violates international law. In this regard, Indonesia rejects any measure
02:03:45 aimed at further strengthening the unilateral embargo against Cuba.
02:03:51 This includes the inclusion of Cuba in the United States' list of state-sponsored terrorism,
02:03:56 especially on the basis of inconsistent arguments and without proper evidence.
02:04:03 Mr. President, we are at a crucial time where unilateral acts are increasing and it's becoming
02:04:11 more unacceptable. So let me highlight a few points.
02:04:16 First, we are at the midpoint of the 2030 Agenda with the risk that our SDG progress
02:04:24 is being stalled by the current post-pandemic global economic uncertainty, conflicts and
02:04:29 climate crisis. Cuba has the right to fulfill their economic
02:04:34 and social development and it is intolerable to further impede this while we are collectively
02:04:42 fighting to bring the SDG back on track and advocating to leaving no one behind.
02:04:49 Second, the unilateral act undermines our efforts to restoring trust in multilateralism.
02:04:58 There is nothing that speaks more than this, than a consecutive resolution which consistently
02:05:05 and overwhelmingly receives favorable votes from the UN member every year, yet there is
02:05:11 no significant effort to be made to address the problem.
02:05:16 Third, humanity should always be put first beyond any political agenda, let alone a single
02:05:22 country's political agenda. The Secretary General's report clearly highlights
02:05:27 the declining of life quality of the people of Cuba, particularly vulnerable groups such
02:05:34 as children, women and elderly people. Increasing infant mortality rate, deteriorating
02:05:41 health system and difficulty to access basic food and medicines.
02:05:45 Children deprived from their rights to education are unacceptable.
02:05:51 Therefore Indonesia urges for the immediate implementation of this resolution and continues
02:05:56 to underline the importance of an enhanced and constructive dialogue to this aim.
02:06:01 Thank you, Mr. President.
02:06:02 I thank the distinguished representative of Indonesia and I give the floor to Spain on
02:06:13 behalf of the European Union.
02:06:17 Thank you very much, Mr. President. I have the honor to speak on behalf of the
02:06:21 European Union and its member states. The candidate countries, North Macedonia,
02:06:26 Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Serbia align themselves
02:06:32 with this statement. I reiterate today our conviction that the
02:06:37 economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba has a
02:06:43 damaging impact on the country's economic situation and negatively affects the living
02:06:49 standards of the Cuban people. We should not forget that external trade and
02:06:54 foreign investment can play a crucial role in setting the country on a path towards modernization,
02:07:01 reforms and sustainable growth and help it to overcome the economic hardship caused by
02:07:07 external events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which continues to affect the island, or regular
02:07:16 meteorological and climate change-related hazards. Consequently, the EU believes that
02:07:24 lifting the embargo could make economic reforms more effective and facilitate the opening
02:07:30 of the Cuban economy for the benefit of the Cuban people.
02:07:35 We remain concerned about the human rights situation in Cuba, in particular following
02:07:41 the events on July 11 and 12, 2021, following the severe rulings handed down by Cuban courts
02:07:48 hitherto as regards civil and political rights. Consequently, we reiterate our appeal to the
02:07:56 Cuban government to fully grant its citizens internationally recognized civil, political,
02:08:04 and economic rights and freedoms, including freedom of assembly, freedom of expression,
02:08:10 and free access to information. We call upon Cuba to release all political
02:08:16 prisoners, to ratify the UN Covenant for Civil and Political Rights and the Covenant for
02:08:22 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and we call upon Cuba to extend a standing invitation
02:08:27 to all UN special procedures to visit Cuba. We strongly insist upon the importance of
02:08:36 upholding the UN Charter and of respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial
02:08:41 integrity of all UN members. And we urge Cuba to stand in full solidarity with these fundamental
02:08:50 principles and to work together to defend them.
02:08:53 Moreover, we firmly believe that empowering civil society is vital for the promotion and
02:08:59 protection of all human rights, and we call upon the Cuban government to open spaces for
02:09:05 constructive and inclusive dialogue without preconditions with the full spectrum of the
02:09:11 island's civil society. A broad spectrum of civil society, both Cuban and European,
02:09:17 should also be involved in the implementation of the EU-Cuba Political Dialogue and Cooperation
02:09:25 Agreement, the PDCA. The EU believes that the path to positive change in Cuba is closer
02:09:33 engagement on all levels, government, economy, civil society, but positive change can also
02:09:40 be brought about through people-to-people exchanges. Consequently, we welcome the measures
02:09:44 announced by the US administration last year to ease restrictions on family remittances
02:09:50 and travel to the island, and to fully resume consular services.
02:09:56 However, the redesignation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism by the previous US administration
02:10:04 without the presentation of any new facts, and Cuba's maintenance on the list without
02:10:10 obvious justification,
02:10:11 and the economic interests of the European Union. We have firmly and continuously opposed
02:10:26 any such measures due to their extraterritorial application and their impact on the European
02:10:31 Union, and this in violation of commonly accepted rules of international trade. We cannot accept
02:10:39 such measures impeding our economic and commercial relations with Cuba. The EU strongly rejects
02:10:46 the US's activation of Titles III and IV of the Helms-Burton Act in April 2019. This
02:10:54 activation breaches the commitments made by the US in the US-EU agreements of 1997 and
02:11:01 1998. We will avail ourselves of all appropriate measures to address the effects of the Helms-Burton
02:11:10 Act, including in relation to our WTO rights and through the use of the EU blocking statute.
02:11:19 That statute protects against the extraterritorial application of those US sanctions to US citizens,
02:11:26 businesses and NGOs operating in Cuba. Mr. President, for the European Union, international
02:11:33 cooperation, dialogue and closer, even critical engagement are the way to go where Cuba is
02:11:40 concerned. The provisional application of the EU-Cuba political dialogue and cooperation
02:11:45 agreement, the PDCA, is now in its sixth year. The agreement has put our bilateral relationship
02:11:51 on new and solid legal footing. It sets forth an agenda of critical engagement with Cuba
02:11:57 that will also allow us to support and accompany Cuba on its path of reform and modernization.
02:12:04 We are enhancing dialogue and cooperation also on issues on which we still have fundamental
02:12:10 differences. To this end, the aforementioned PDCA has established a human rights dialogue
02:12:16 as a key pillar of our relationship. The fourth formal meeting of the dialogue is scheduled
02:12:21 to be held on November 24. Following the adoption of the country's new constitution and in
02:12:27 order to overcome the current economic and social crisis, we call upon Cuba to ensure
02:12:33 that its reform agenda extends economic, judicial and social reforms and to ensure that it is
02:12:39 implemented in a manner that addresses the key concerns of the Cuban people. Moreover,
02:12:45 its implementation must meet the legitimate democratic aspirations of the Cuban people
02:12:50 for more opportunities to participate in shaping the country's future. The PDCA is an agreement
02:13:01 that allows the EU to offer Cuba a consistent and reliable partnership to support Cuba as
02:13:08 it seeks to reform its political and social -- political and economic model, to pursue
02:13:12 sustainable development and to find common solutions to global challenges. While continuing
02:13:18 to advocate democracy and for the respect of human rights in the interests of all human
02:13:23 citizens, it is our considered view that the U.S. embargo does not contribute to promoting
02:13:29 these aims. On the contrary, it hinders their achievement. Against this backdrop, the member
02:13:34 states of the European Union voted unanimously in favor of the draft resolution. Thank you.
02:13:41 I thank the delegation of Spain on behalf of the European Union, and I'll give the floor
02:13:50 to the United States.
02:13:54 Thank you, Mr. President, and thank you, members of the General Assembly. The United States
02:14:00 stands resolutely with the Cuban people. We strongly support their pursuit of a future
02:14:07 with respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Approximately 1,000 political prisoners
02:14:18 remain behind bars in Cuba, more than at any point in Cuba's recent history. Nearly 700
02:14:28 of those detentions owe to the historic July 11, 2021 protests during which members of
02:14:37 civil society, including human rights defenders as well as minors of age, exercised their
02:14:44 freedom of expression and right of peaceful assembly. We share the Cuban people's dream
02:14:53 of democracy in Cuba and join international partners in calling for the Cuban government
02:14:59 to immediately release all those unjustly detained.
02:15:06 Despite Cuba's membership in the UN Human Rights Council, the Cuban government has delayed
02:15:12 responding to requests to send independent experts to Cuba who would help advance respect
02:15:19 for human rights, including freedom of expression, freedom of religion or belief, and the freedom
02:15:26 to assemble peacefully. Some of these requests have remained pending for 10 years. Sanctions
02:15:36 are one set of tools in our broader effort toward Cuba to advance democracy and promote
02:15:43 respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cuba. We therefore oppose this resolution.
02:15:52 We recognize the challenges the Cuban people face. That is why U.S. sanctions include exemptions
02:15:59 and authorizations relating to the exports of food, medicine and other humanitarian goods
02:16:07 to Cuba. The United States remains a significant source of humanitarian goods to the Cuban
02:16:16 people and one of Cuba's principal trading partners. In 2002 alone, U.S. companies exported
02:16:25 over $295 million worth of agricultural goods to Cuba, including food, to help meet the
02:16:35 needs of the Cuban people. The United States opposes this resolution. We encourage this
02:16:42 body to urge the Cuban government to adhere to its human rights obligations and listen
02:16:50 to the Cuban people and their aspirations to determine their own future. Thank you,
02:16:56 Mr. President.
02:16:57 We have had the last speaker in explanation of vote after the vote. The exercise of right
02:17:12 of reply has been requested. May I remind members that statements in exercise of the
02:17:19 right of reply are limited to 10 minutes for the first intervention and five minutes to
02:17:25 the second intervention and should be made by delegations in their seats. I call on the
02:17:33 representative of Cuba to exercise that right.
02:17:43 Thank you, Mr. President. I use the right to reply in light of the statement made by
02:17:49 the representative of the United States. With old and new pretexts, the U.S. government
02:17:56 is trying to justify a policy that is illegal and morally unsustainable, even when in an
02:18:03 overwhelming way the General Assembly has confirmed over more than three decades an
02:18:09 unequivocal message that the international community recognizes the urgency of putting
02:18:15 an end to the economic and commercial embargo against Cuba. The United States is imposing
02:18:21 the most serious siege and with the greatest impact in terms of the coercive measures undertaken
02:18:27 against Cuba. What was announced in May 2022 with regard to visas, remittances and travel
02:18:34 to Cuba does not change the principal measures that enhance the blockade and which have caused
02:18:41 a severe worsening in the living conditions of the Cuban people since 2019 until today.
02:18:48 The speech of the United States is hypocritical and dishonest. The criminal economic, commercial
02:18:55 and financial embargo against the people of Cuba is a cruel violation that has been massive
02:19:02 and has been for a long time and cannot be justified in any way, even with the lies and
02:19:08 the colonies and the legends that the White House and the State Department seeks to use
02:19:16 to justify its measures. For several thousands of children over 18 years, they have been
02:19:24 injured or harmed by measures by the U.S. and there have been several hundred shootings
02:19:33 in schools since 1970. The systemic racism in that country, the police brutality, the
02:19:40 repressive policy against migrants and the repression of the reproduction rights and
02:19:46 extrajudicial executions and the use of torture are just some of the condemned practices committed
02:19:54 in the United States and which are a scandal to the whole world. The United States complicity
02:19:59 with the massive assassination of citizens in Gaza at the hand of the IDF means that
02:20:06 it is participating in a crime against humanity. Mr. President, the U.S. delegation cites inflated
02:20:16 figures with regard to humanitarian aid to our country and it talks about multimillion
02:20:21 funds that the United Agency for International Development is sending for subversion in Cuba
02:20:29 and which are used for Cuban immigrants and the beneficiaries. This is all just making
02:20:40 many obstacles to the delivery of support from NGOs. It's totally false that the United
02:20:46 States is providing medicine to Cuba. There is irrefutable proof that the blockade prevented
02:20:54 the official channels for sending aid to the country, including from third countries. In
02:21:00 the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the restrictions for the export of medicines to
02:21:06 Cuba are explicitly covered by laws, and this is an arm of aggression, a weapon of aggression
02:21:14 against our country. The U.S. advocates individual freedoms and supports the private sector in
02:21:19 Cuba, but it has not lifted restrictions that damage the interests of Cuban businessmen.
02:21:28 If the U.S. is really interested in the well-being of the human rights and the self-determination
02:21:33 of the Cuban people, they could lift the blockade. They would work together in us, in cooperation
02:21:38 internationally, rather than discrediting us and remove us from the list of so-called
02:21:45 state sponsors of terrorism. Cuba should never have been on this list.
02:21:52 We expressed our position several weeks ago. This was expressed by our Cuban president,
02:21:59 and he said, "Cuba will continue to defend its democracy and its socialist model, which
02:22:05 has, over decades, demonstrated what a developing country can do, a small country and with small
02:22:11 natural resources. We will continue our transformative efforts to find a way out from the embargo
02:22:19 in place by U.S. imperialism and means to achieve prosperity with justice, social justice,
02:22:27 that our people deserve." Thank you very much.
02:22:30 I thank the representative of Cuba. May I take it that it is the wish of the Assembly
02:22:40 to conclude its consideration of the agenda item 38. It is so decided. The meeting is
02:22:51 adjourned.
02:22:52 (Applause.)
02:23:01 (END)
02:23:28 You were watching live the plenary session of the UN General Assembly, which has just
02:23:33 adjourned after the vote on the need to lift the embargo on Cuba, where an overwhelming
02:23:41 majority of the nations represented at the organism have voted in favor of the resolution
02:23:48 to end the unilateral embargo imposed on the island nation, which has been unfairly imposed
02:23:54 for over 60 years, hindering Cuba's possibility to develop its full potential and especially
02:23:59 harming the well-being of its people. Specifically, 187 countries voted in favor of the resolution
02:24:06 to lift the embargo, while only two, the United States and Israel, voted against it and Ukraine
02:24:12 abstained. Earlier today and yesterday, representatives from worldwide nations expressed their rejection
02:24:18 of unilateral measures against Cuba and the Cuban people deemed arbitrary and hypocritical.
02:24:24 Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Ferreira introduced a draft resolution presented by
02:24:30 Cuba to the international community year after year to lift the blockade and highlighted
02:24:35 the way in which the embargo hinders the Cuban government's efforts to provide the most
02:24:40 basic products for its people, a situation for which the country calls to the international
02:24:44 community to raise its voice against such measures. We will be following closely any
02:24:51 updates related to this topic and any related issues, so stay tuned for upcoming news briefs.
02:24:57 [BLANK_AUDIO]
