• il y a 2 ans
00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:06 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:09 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:14 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:19 - "Bert Reynolds, l'électricité qui tourne sur le plus
00:22 dérageux équipage de football, la machine dégueulasse,
00:26 superchargée et puissance de conduite à la plus longue de la plage.
00:31 (sirène)
00:34 - "Bert Reynolds, le quarterback qui gagne tout."
00:38 (sirène)
00:39 - Tu as une licence de conduite?
00:40 - Oui, regarde ce que j'ai ici, un véhicule miniature.
00:42 (rires)
00:43 (sirène)
00:45 - "Le superstar."
00:47 - Je me sens tellement bien.
00:49 - Sors de moi!
00:50 - "Le stud."
00:51 (sirène)
00:54 - "Le tout-Américain."
00:56 (sirène)
00:57 - "Le tout-incroyable."
00:59 - "Un joker de joc qui a rien rire à la prison."
01:04 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:05 - "Paul Krug, le Krug qui dégage."
01:09 - "Quelqu'un qui est un joueur de football pro,
01:11 qui a un truc spécial."
01:13 - Tu veux que je te le fasse en se posant?
01:15 - All right, let's move it.
01:16 - "Un héros si spécial, il a un traitement spécial."
01:21 - Ils te mettent dans l'oven.
01:23 (coups de feu)
01:25 - Rise and shine.
01:27 - Oh!
01:28 - It's room service.
01:29 (rires)
01:31 - How do you like the amalgam?
01:33 - Superstar!
01:36 - Shaving points off of a football game,
01:37 that's un Américain.
01:39 - Football faggot.
01:41 (rires)
01:46 - I'm gonna get you 24 hours in the hot box, boy.
01:49 - I quit.
01:50 (rires)
01:52 - My God, what the hell is that?
01:55 - That's a member of the Warden football team.
01:58 - And I run a football team.
02:00 - What football team?
02:01 - My football team.
02:03 - Oh.
02:04 - He assembled the meanest, dirtiest team in history.
02:07 - Uh, we're getting up a football game against the guards.
02:10 - Wait for guards?
02:12 - Yeah, I wanna play.
02:14 - I'm gonna play football.
02:15 (coups de feu)
02:16 - And taught them how to be meaner.
02:19 - The one thing that you're gonna have to remember
02:22 is to protect your quarterback, mean.
02:25 - Go!
02:26 (coups de feu)
02:29 - And dirtier.
02:31 - I think he broke his (beep) neck.
02:33 - I think he broke his (beep) neck.
02:35 - I told you I broke his (beep) neck.
02:37 (coups de feu)
02:40 - Before this game is over,
02:42 I want every prisoner in this institution
02:45 to know what I mean by power.
02:47 (coups de feu)
02:50 And who controls it.
02:52 (coups de feu)
02:54 - The prison guards against the prisoners they guarded.
02:58 The game that broke all the rules,
03:01 all the records,
03:03 all the bones.
03:05 The most incredible ever played.
03:07 On the field and off.
03:10 - You're gonna lose the game,
03:12 and I want a 21-point spread.
03:16 (coups de feu)
03:19 - We've come too far together to stop now.
03:23 Let's do it.
03:25 (musique de l'action)
03:28 - From the producer of "The Godfather".
03:31 From the director of "The Dirty Dozen".
03:35 From the first second to the last,
03:38 the mean machine means it.
03:41 Burt Reynolds.
03:43 Eddie Albert.
03:45 In the wildest yet.
03:48 (coups de feu)
03:51 The Longest Yard.
03:57 (musique de l'action)
04:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
04:02 Merci.