Illegal entry? China ‘overhyping’ incident in Bajo de Masinloc, says Año

  • last year
The Philippines’ National Security Adviser Eduardo Año says Beijing is ‘overhyping’ an incident between a Chinese and Filipino ship after an encounter off Bajo de Masinloc.

Full story:


00:00 The Philippines' national security advisor Eduardo Año says Beijing is overhyping an
00:05 incident between a Chinese and Filipino ship after an encounter of Bajo de Masinlo.
00:10 Southern Theater Command spokesperson Colonel Tian Junli claims the Philippine frigate Conrado
00:15 Yap "trespassed into the waters off the shoal."
00:19 In a statement, Año says, under international law, the Philippines has every right to patrol
00:23 the area since it is "well within the country's exclusive economic zone."
00:28 Año confirms PS-39 or the BRP Conrado Yap was conducting routine patrols in the area
00:34 of Bajo de Masinlo without any untoward incident.
00:37 He adds, "We urge China to act responsibly, respect UNCLOS, adhere to the 2016 arbitral
00:42 ruling, promote the rules-based international order, and stop its aggressive and illegal
00:47 actions in Philippine waters."
00:49 The Philippines, China, and Taiwan claim Scarborough Shoal, known in the Philippines as Bajo de
00:53 Masinlo or Panatag Shoal.
