Pieces of Me by Alexandria Rizik

  • last year
Author, Alexandria Rizik, is a writer, filmmaker, and winemaker, who takes readers through a journey of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery, in her book of poems, Pieces of Me. To learn more visit alexandriarizik.com
00:00 - This is really cool because we know this young lady
00:05 who started her own wine company, Poetry in a Bottle,
00:08 Alexandra Rizek, but also your dad,
00:10 who is a two-time Emmy Award winning
00:13 with a procedure here. - Yes.
00:14 - And it seems like it's trickling down.
00:16 And now you have your new book out called Pieces of Me,
00:20 which is a lot of poetry in this.
00:22 - Yes.
00:23 - But also a lot of meaning behind each one of these.
00:26 But I didn't know this, I knew about the wine.
00:29 - Yeah.
00:29 - I knew that you were working on this,
00:31 but I didn't know you had other children,
00:32 you had a children book and another book too
00:34 that you've done. - Yeah.
00:34 Yeah, I have another book of poems,
00:36 Words Written in the Dark.
00:37 I have a young adult novel I wrote and a kids book.
00:40 - So I love it.
00:41 Let's talk about this one,
00:42 'cause this one really is important to you
00:45 and meaningful to you. - Yes.
00:46 - 'Cause it's taken a long time to do this.
00:47 How long did it take for you to put this all together?
00:50 - Well, I didn't know I was gonna write this book.
00:51 I didn't know I was gonna put it all together.
00:54 These were written over the course of 10 years or so
00:57 about multiple muses, right?
00:59 So one day I just decided to put it all together.
01:03 There we are.
01:03 - There it is. - There it is.
01:04 - And it goes perfectly with the wine.
01:06 - It does.
01:07 - And that's where Poetry in the Bottle comes from.
01:09 - Yes.
01:10 - With your different poetry that you've done and stuff.
01:12 So let's talk about some of the pieces in here,
01:14 'cause this is a lot to put out there.
01:16 It's almost like you're putting yourself out to the world.
01:18 - It is, it makes me cringe a little too.
01:20 It does, it makes me cringe.
01:21 But one of them is actually on the back of the bottle,
01:25 one of the poems in the book.
01:26 - Yeah, and so in that one, it's your favorite one there.
01:29 So how did it go making this?
01:31 I mean, the process, people are out there
01:33 probably thinking of poetry, writing their own one.
01:36 What was the process of you doing all this?
01:38 - You know, it wasn't like I had this structure
01:42 and I wrote every day.
01:43 It's just, you should see the Notes app in my phone.
01:46 It's all poetry.
01:47 It's all poetry, and I kind of just compiled it together
01:50 one day, and pieces of me came about.
01:53 - And I know there's different pieces in here,
01:54 but is there one of your favorite ones in here?
01:56 Is there one that you can read to us?
01:58 Do you wanna grab it there and see?
02:01 - There's so many.
02:02 - There are, and I've been looking through this,
02:03 and it's actually a great little read,
02:05 but I like that if someone each day
02:08 just took one of these poems and just read it
02:10 as their morning affirmation or something like that,
02:13 I think it would go a long way,
02:14 'cause they do have meanings behind them
02:16 that make you understand love a little bit more,
02:18 and also their selves, right?
02:19 - Yeah, and I'd say they're from all different phases
02:22 of my life, right?
02:23 Different moments of my life kind of fossilized into words,
02:26 but I think it's love, heartbreak, self-discovery,
02:31 and even if you've gone through any sort of grief or loss,
02:35 you'll relate to this.
02:36 - Okay, and so when we were talking about poetry,
02:37 is poetry supposed to rhyme?
02:39 I mean, a lot of these don't rhyme in a way.
02:41 They kind of-- - Some of them rhyme.
02:42 Some of them don't.
02:44 It's all about the iambic pentameter,
02:45 you know what I mean? - Yeah.
02:46 - How you read it. - How you read it and stuff.
02:48 All right, so did you find one to read?
02:49 'Cause I found one.
02:50 - Oh, you did?
02:51 Are you gonna read it?
02:53 Maybe you read it.
02:54 I'll snap for you. - I better not read that one
02:54 'cause that one's very interesting.
02:56 There's some very, let me, has your parents read this?
02:59 - No, should they not?
03:00 - Yeah, they've not read it.
03:02 - Well, maybe they've little,
03:03 maybe my mom a couple of them.
03:05 - Yeah, I don't think dad needs to read this.
03:06 - You don't think? - No, because there's a lot
03:07 in here that explains your ups and downs
03:11 of relationships and of yourself
03:13 that might shock dad a little bit.
03:15 - Yeah, maybe we'll keep him out of this.
03:16 We'll let him deal with the hearts, right?
03:18 - Yeah, that's a good right there.
03:19 So, all right, I have one here.
03:21 You tell me about this one.
03:22 I thought I knew love, which taught me pain.
03:25 I thought I knew you, but didn't, which drove me insane.
03:29 How could a complete stranger have known my name?
03:32 Now I'm left with memories that dance around my brain.
03:36 - Look how you read that.
03:37 - Thank you, thank you.
03:38 I got some snaps there. - That's so rad.
03:39 - Thank you. - I love it.
03:40 - Tell me very, what was that one?
03:41 - Okay, so I'm gonna be honest.
03:44 I don't remember who I even wrote that about.
03:46 - Really? - I don't remember.
03:47 I have it in my phone.
03:48 I'll write their initials so I can remember,
03:49 but I don't remember.
03:50 - Wow, so these are a lot about relationships
03:53 and people that pretty much have passed through your life
03:56 and everything, huh?
03:56 - Yeah. - So, wow.
03:57 This is amazing. - Thank you.
03:58 - Where can people find "Pieces of Me,"
04:00 and how can they get ahold of it?
04:01 - They can find it on my website, Worldwide Shipping,
04:04 and also they can find it online on Amazon,
04:06 Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart.
04:08 - So, and I highly recommend,
04:10 after watching "The Golden Bachelor,"
04:12 or any of those bachelorettes TV shows,
04:15 you grab a bottle of wine, grab "Pieces of Me,"
04:17 and just enjoy. - It's a good combo.
04:19 - And get some ice cream, too.
04:20 - Thank you. - Thank you, Brad.
04:21 - Thanks for coming. - Thank you.
04:22 - Bye, guys.
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